Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 340 [Killing the Enemy]

"Although you have practiced True Magic Physiognomy, you are only rough-skinned and thick-skinned. How much of your ring of faith has been recovered now?"

My cousin glanced at me sideways, pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and asked in a deep voice.

These two Fan Guo powerhouses don't seem to be ordinary powerhouses, and their strength is far beyond the powerhouses we have seen before, so my cousin asked this question.

"One way, I can barely perform some small secret techniques, but don't worry, real magic skills are not just rough skin and thick flesh, you go, if you get lost in the dreamland of the enchantment spell for too long, it will be difficult to recover. If I get it back, even if I am invincible, I still have a way to escape."

I grinned and opened my mouth, the demon-subduing sword in my hand shook slightly, light body technique mixed with seven-star step to kill these two strong men, silver light flowed on the sword body, as bright as the nine-day Milky Way, these two strong men The long swords in my hand suddenly crossed together, and I slashed forward with all my strength, the thin cross sword light came straight to me, the speed was fast and accurate, a deep ravine was created by this layer of sword light inside, I He took a deep breath, because the special shape of the cross sword light had sealed the surrounding space, and when the ghost hunting power in the Demon Subduing Sword was withdrawn, the devilish energy surged in.

This is the first time for me to input demonic energy into the Fumojian. I thought it would not work, but unexpectedly, I can still open the first layer of the rune circle, but instead of silver light on the sword body, there is a dense The demonic energy is even stronger than before.

It turns out that this is the reason for the operation of the Demon Demon Sword. The power of hunting ghosts can operate, and now the devil energy can also operate. I think Li Nianbai's mana can also be used. Although we practice different things, the Dao leads to the same goal. In the end, it's the source, and it's the same.

"The third rune circle, the killing spirit is activated!"

Now my demon energy is not damaged in the slightest, and I immediately raised the demon-subduing sword in my hand and slashed forward, a dark red aura emerged from the sword body, and a loud hissing sound resounded, and the dark red sword dragon He flew out, turned slightly in the air, and slammed into the sword light fiercely.

The cousin glanced at it, with a smile on his face, and rushed towards the direction of Kuzhu Temple. After a few flashes, he disappeared into the night sky.

The dark red sword dragon opened its mouth and spewed densely. Although the cross sword light was powerful, it quickly disappeared under so many sword rain attacks. After the dark red sword dragon circled in the air for a few times, it rushed towards These two Fan Guo powerhouses bit and went away.

The sword dragon transformed by this demonic energy is much more ferocious than the sword dragon transformed by the power of hunting ghosts, and it has a bit more power. The two Fan Kingdom powerhouses immediately dispersed in a tacit understanding. Even if the sword dragon wants to attack, It can only attack one person, and the other person can continue to assassinate me.

Jianjiao is not a living being, nor does it have intelligence. It is only transformed by sword energy, and it can act in conjunction with my command. Jiao dived down and bit it away, and at the same time, I let go of my hand and looked coldly at the strong man who was rushing towards me.

This strong man is thin and short, and his speed is unambiguous at all. I can barely see his vague figure, and I can only see his forward trajectory, rushing towards me in a zigzag shape.

"Bone of the True Demon, Possession!"

Since you can't compare speed with the opponent, then compare defense, possessing the bone of the real devil, plus the treasure clothes, I can't do it, he can hurt me.

The body swelled again, the bones were twice as strong as before, and the body was several inches taller. The magic source beads that provided the magic energy between the eyebrows emerged. Zijin Demon Fire, Guan told him to hit him with a sword, and the magic fire burned him immediately.

The surrounding trees began to wither gradually, as long as they were contaminated by this devilish energy, they would immediately lose signs of life.

Seeing him stabbing with his sword, I flicked my wrist, and stabbed forward with the same sword, just above the tip of his sword, but he quickly withdrew his hand, turned his body slightly, and stabbed towards my neck, unexpectedly Ignore my chest directly. You must know that the heart is a fatal weakness. As long as you are stabbed, you will definitely die. If you just stab your throat, you will at most pierce your trachea and bleed profusely. However, practitioners like us naturally have a way Handle.

Of course, I wouldn’t be foolish enough to let him stab me. I tilted my head and narrowly avoided this clever blow. Dodging, this deadly attack made me terrified, I didn't have time to think about it, and without hesitation, I opened my mouth and sprayed it immediately.


A crisp sound sounded, and the black gang real clock stood in front of me. The body of the clock was spinning around. After being cut, it immediately hung above my head.

"Heigang True Bell, the first and second rune circles are on!"

Now my remaining ghost hunting power can only open two layers of shields, but it is equivalent to their relatively primitive attacks, which should not be able to break through. Their assassination skills are very powerful, but their attack power is not very good. As long as you defend properly, you will be invincible.

Two layers of silver protective masks appeared on my body one after another, and the color of the sword dragon not far away was much dimmer. Every time I spit out the sword light, it will consume a lot of sword energy. If the sword light is all spit out, then The entire sword dragon also disappeared, so I had to kill the strong man in front of me.

I remember that the godmother Na Sheng handed me a magic book, which contained a little secret technique called painting the ground as a prison. I saw Li Nianbai perform it before. The power is not bad, and it can easily trap existences lower than myself.

"Drawing the ground as a prison, sleepy!"

Stretching out my hand towards the front, a faint golden light appeared around the magic source bead in the center of my eyebrows. This light flashed slightly and condensed into a golden talisman at my fingertips. This was directly manifested by the power of faith. It burst out directly in front of me, turning into a golden light and sinking under the opponent's feet, a golden halo emerged, trapping him in the golden circle.

The strong man's eyes were full of fierce light, he raised his foot and stepped out, the golden light under his feet was bright, this foot, no matter what, he couldn't step on it.

"Although I really don't want to kill people, but if I don't kill you, you will kill me. In order to prevent future troubles, I will kill you today."

Walking two meters away from the golden circle, he pierced with the demon-subduing sword in his hand. The sword directly sank into the opponent's chest, and the purple-gold demon fire began to burn blazingly. for a pile of ashes.

The sword dragon had already dispersed, and the strong man seemed to be injured, instead of attacking me, he limped and fled to the other side.

Want to go?

I raised my sword and fought out, and now the opponent was injured, his thigh was scratched by the sword light, a shocking wound, the flesh and blood were opened on both sides, and the pungent smell of blood dissipated, except for the leg being scratched by the sword light, His arms and back were also injured to varying degrees. The wound on his back was the most serious, with bones visible. This strong man's willpower was really strong, and he could still persist for such a long time. The bleeding alone was enough to make him unconscious. , but it doesn't.

Seeing me chasing him, this strong man suddenly ran to a big tree, threw his body towards the big tree, and disappeared.

"Mu Dun?"

I was a little surprised. After suffering such a serious injury, I was able to use the wood escape technique. However, he couldn't run very far with the help of wood escape. These wooden escapes use the power of the trees to escape, so the next moment, this strong man should appear in another tree, as long as you observe carefully, you can find the clues.

There are many trees around, if the other party is not injured, it may be easy to leave my sight, but now, I glanced at the surrounding trees, and a slightly raised figure appeared on a certain tree, flashing a faint green light, The green light is very weak, almost invisible, but I still caught it. I smiled and chased after it, but just before I got to this big tree, the green light disappeared strangely not see.

After escaping again, I swept around and found traces of this strong man on a certain big tree several feet away, and chased after him again.

After chasing all the way, I wanted to see how long this strong man could last, and after a while, I went from the back mountain to the front mountain gate. This strong man could no longer hold on behind a big tree. Exercising the technique of wood escape, the whole person was enclosed in the big tree like this, and when I rushed over, I was already dead.

I definitely didn't do it on purpose, and I also know that it is an honor for these powerful people of the Fan Kingdom to die. They must die on the battlefield, and it is definitely not my intention to be smothered to death by a big tree now.

Just when I was about to leave, there was an astonishing crackling sound from the distant sky, and brilliant brilliance exploded in mid-air. Those fighting in the distance must be masters, otherwise it would not affect my side. Take a closer look .

It turned out to be Master Su Ming. Master Su Ming stood in the void, holding a golden ruler in his hand. Opposite him was a short and powerful man from Fan Kingdom, holding a sword in one hand and a fan in the other, looking at him coldly. Su Ming, there are two huge monsters behind this powerful Fanguo. From the bodies of these monsters, one can feel an astonishing monster aura. These monster auras are almost comparable to Kong Huahua, but they do not have the ability to change form .

These two monsters are both about ten feet tall. One is in the form of a dog, but has a long beard. It is white all over. It is standing on flames under its four feet, and it is looking at Su Ming with bared teeth. The other monster has the head of an eagle. Human body, with two huge gray wings on the back, and bird claws under the feet, which is extremely weird.

"Mountain and sea beasts, these two monsters are beasts in the world of mountains and seas!"

The ring spirit Zhu Rong's voice came from my ring, the voice was unusually hoarse, filled with unspeakable resentment.

Suddenly I remembered that at the beginning Zhu Rong seemed to have met a strange man who controlled beasts from the world of mountains and seas, so his body was destroyed. No wonder when he saw these monsters in the world of mountains and seas, his heart was filled with depression and hatred.

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