Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 342 [Heavenly Absolute Old Monk]

The expressions of the two were very calm, and even a smile appeared on Jiang He's face.

Kong Huahua didn't know much about this, since her expression was so peaceful, she should have woken up long ago, why was she still so sleepy?

"Wait, you protect the law for us, I will restore my ghost-hunting power first, and then I will find a way to enter Jiang He's dream."

Although all the powerhouses of the Fan Kingdom have been wiped out now, one must be careful.

After sitting down next to him, he began to meditate and adjust his breath, recovering his ring of faith. Except for the first ring of faith, which was still full, the power of hunting ghosts in the other five rings of faith had been exhausted. Erjing, only the model of the ring of faith is left, and now the power of the second ring of faith is slowly recovering.

When I opened my eyes, my cousin and Jiang He were gone, but Huiyang and Kong Huahua were sleeping on the next bed. It may be that I was so focused on my cultivation that I ignored the surrounding situation.

The wind was blowing outside the house, and the east side was already pale. I went to the yard, and there were many ghosts thrown here. The monk had disappeared, but Li Nianbai and his cousin stood there instead.

Seeing me coming out, Li Nianbai immediately waved and shouted:

"Hurry up and take all these ghosts away."

I nodded, and used the space of the Vulcan ring to collect all these ghosts. Zhu Rong screamed excitedly. I was not worried that he would not be able to deal with these ghosts, because Zhu Rong is a ring spirit. Besides me, it is the second one who can manipulate the space flames, and most of these ghosts have been suppressed in the Vulcan ring space.

"Master Zhong Yuan, we have cleaned up all the ghosts around us, and it is almost dawn now, we must return to the underworld."

Bai Sha stood up, gave a salute, and spoke respectfully.

"Well, well, this time you are lucky."

I nodded and waved my hand at them, and the ghost marks on the foreheads of the ghost messengers disappeared one after another. After returning to normal, these ghost messengers turned into ghostly winds and disappeared.

"Huh? Cousin, you came out of Jiang He's dream? Then where did Jiang He go?"

I asked curiously.

My cousin glanced at me, but he didn't hide anything, and said slowly: "Of course I will continue to boil the medicine. You have to take traditional Chinese medicine for the next few days. You won't forget it, right?"

"It's getting bright now. We've been busy for most of the night, helping Kuzhu Temple eliminate many invading enemies. Now we're going to rest. I haven't been so tired for a long time."

Li Nianbai stretched his waist, grinned, and then quickly went to another guest room.

Ning Qingyang came back after a while, looking a little tired. Seeing that Huiyang was asleep, he didn't bother him. He found a place not far from the bed to close his eyes and rest. I wasn't too sleepy. I recovered a lot of energy during meditation, but even so, the ring of faith only recovered two ways. Taking advantage of the time when Jiang He boiled the medicine for me, I started to recover again.

After less than half an hour, Jiang He hurried over with the medicine jar, with a depressed expression on his face.

"what happened?"

I opened my eyes and asked.

"Those monks blamed us for entering Kuzhu Temple, destroying the island guard array, putting Kuzhu Temple in danger, and killing and injuring many Buddhist disciples. I was almost kicked out of the kitchen by them."

After Jiang He filled the medicine, he was very angry.

"This is reasonable. It would be strange if they didn't blame us. Don't worry, it's just their angry words. Even if we don't come in, they will find a way to enter Kuzhu Temple. It's just a matter of time." Don't worry too much about the problem."

I smiled, the powerful Fan Guo and the demons of the Maha World have been planning to deal with Kuzhu Temple for a long time. We are just the fuse. If we wait until the later stage, Kuzhu Temple will be more dangerous, because there are only two demons after all. Cooperating with Yamasa Ichiro's attack, it may be possible in the later stage. The demons that appeared at that time were not comparable to what they are now, because now there are only five demon messengers under the devil's subordinates, and the rest of the real demons also have five demon messengers.

"I know, otherwise I would have beaten them all over the floor, drink it quickly, while it's hot."

Jiang He handed over the bowl, still a little unhappy. Looking carefully, I found that Jiang He's cheeks were red and swollen. I frowned and asked, "Jiang He, did you fight with those monks?"

He was brewing medicine in the kitchen, so it shouldn't be the monk in the kitchen. Would Jiang He be injured if he wasn't a monk?I'm a little surprised.

Jiang He coughed a few times, then nodded solemnly, and said: "I fought against an old monk who sweeps the floor. This old monk looks to be at least eighty years old, with wrinkles on his face, but his strength is really good. No bragging, I can't even touch the corner of his clothes. This Kuzhu Temple is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Originally, I thought that the abbot and Master Su Ming were already powerful figures in this Kuzhu Temple, but unexpectedly There is such a strange monk, I am unlucky."

"Brother Jiang He, you should be talking about the Supreme Elder Tianjue of our Kuzhu Temple. He is very mischievous and likes to tease people the most, and many people want to fight him, but the Supreme Elder Tianjue will not be easy to deal with. Someone makes a shot, unless he is looking for someone."

Hui Yang got up on the bed, seemed to have been awake for a while, and stared at Jiang He with a smile.

Jiang He rolled his eyes, rubbed his cheeks, and said sullenly, "I don't want to be seen by him."

Huiyang jumped off the bed, walked in front of Jiang He, rubbed his face for him, and continued: "Not only the brothers in Kuzhu Temple want to get advice from the Supreme Elder of Tianjue, but even the uncles and uncles want to get advice. Your little injury is nothing, if he didn't provoke you with those words, you would fight with an old monk who can't even walk? Not necessarily."

"That's right, there are really many powerful people in your Kuzhu Temple. This time, I didn't see the Elder Tianjue Taishang make a move."

Jiang He stroked Huiyang's bald head and said.

"There is no need for the poor monk to take action on such a trivial matter."

An unusually loud voice came in from outside, and then an old monk with hunched back and patched clothes appeared in our sight. He was whitish, and wore a battered hat on his head.

"Grandpa Tianjue!"

Huiyang's eyes lit up, and he ran towards the old monk, wrapping his hands around Tianjue's neck, hanging from it.

"Oh, my little ancestor, my old bones are about to fall apart, please forgive me."

Tianjue smiled and patted Huiyang's little head. Although he spoke like this, his eyes were full of love.

Ning Qingyang had already stood up, his eyes narrowed slightly, forming a thin slit, carefully looking at the old monk Tianjue, who also stared at Ning Qingyang, smiling without saying a word.

Huiyang let go of his hand in embarrassment, then kissed the old monk hard on the cheek, and stared at him with a smile.

The old monk Tianjue walked up to Jiang He, suddenly reached out and grabbed Jiang He's wrist, and said, "Little benefactor, why don't you stay and become a monk, or how about being a lay disciple of Kuzhu Temple? Your roots are very good." , suitable for martial arts."

"A ghost came to become a monk. We will take Huiyang away this time. How thin does he look?"

Jiang He struggled a few times and found that he couldn't break free from the old monk Tianjue, so he gave up and spoke.

The old monk Tianjue was not too surprised by this, and continued to comfort him: "Little benefactor, I know this, and at the beginning, Huiyang was only allowed to live here temporarily, and the six sense organs have not been exhausted, so how can he really become a monk? Furthermore, lay disciples are different, they can grow their hair."

"I don't care!"

Jiang He spoke word by word.

The old monk Tianjue was a little ugly, and looked at Jiang He reluctantly.

At this time, Su Ming and Abbot Tianneng walked in. Su Ming had returned to his original appearance, the ruler in his hand was golden, and he was staring at us with a smile. After a slight turn of his gaze, he landed on Ning Qingyang.

"Abbot Tianneng, apart from Chen Shaoyang discussing with you to deal with these Fan Guo powerhouses and devils when you come to Kuzhu Temple this time, there is also one thing to do is to take Huiyang away."

I thought about it, and spoke directly without beating around the bush.

Tian Neng's face darkened, he turned his head slightly to look at Ning Qingyang, frowned slightly and said, "I'm afraid this won't work. Although this snake monster has more than 200 years of Taoism, it is still a monster. Besides, the outsiders The enemy has not been dealt with yet, if Huiyang follows him, it will definitely bring disaster to his life."

Ning Qingyang stood up, snorted coldly and said: "Little bald donkey, with my current skills and your Da Ri Fu Mo Sutra, you may not be my opponent. You said it at the beginning, and you want me to do it for you!" One thing, I have already done it, and now I want to go back on my word?"

Tian Neng still frowned, and said: "I'm not going back on what I said, I'm just telling the truth. The cold and evil energy in Huiyang's body has not been completely eliminated, and it may flare up at any time. With his current skill, It can only be suppressed reluctantly."

"I don't care, if you can't take Qingcheng away today, then your Kuzhu Temple will be submerged by sea water!"

After Ning Qingyang finished speaking, his whole body was overflowing with evil spirit, which made the green robe on his body flutter, and the hair behind him danced in the air.

Seeing Ning Qingyang's attack, the old monk Tianjue laughed and said: "What boy Tianneng said is unreasonable, have you thought about how to deal with it? If these situations happen, how do you deal with them? If it is in Kuzhu Temple, what the poor monk thinks he can do."

"Seniors, don't worry too much. Qingyang and Huiyang will be with us. The Monster Catch Sect can guarantee it. Moreover, Jiang He's medical skills are superb. He can completely eradicate the cold and evil energy in Huiyang's body, even if he can't After a while, the Monster Catch Sect will send elite disciples to help us, among them are strong men with the blood of mountain ghosts, using the power of nature, of course they can completely eradicate Huiyang's old troubles, as for the enemy Not to mention the millennium wolf demon, I am somewhat sure that Ning Qingyang can beat him."

I'm not bragging. When I recover the ring of belief in the six realms, I can directly use the ancient demon-slaying talisman, and the ten-direction destruction in the demon-subduing sword. A thousand-year-old wolf demon can be dealt with. Hearing what I said, Ning Qing Yang suppressed the evil spirit on his body, and stared at me with a hint of gratitude.

"Okay, since there is a guarantee of catching the demon sect, there is no problem. Of course, in order to prove your strength, you must break through the one hundred and eight arhat formation before you can leave this place, how about it?"

Tianneng grinned at the corner of his mouth and smiled slyly.

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