Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 343 [The Body of Tude]

"One hundred and eight Arhat formations? Why do we have to break through? We are not monks from Kuzhu Temple."

I stared at Abbot Tianneng speechlessly, and actually wanted to use this method to keep Huiyang.

"Well, originally Nianzai Huiyang was still young, since you said so, let Huiyang break into the [-] Arhat formation alone. He is from Kuzhu Temple, so naturally he has to follow the rules."

Abbot Tianneng spoke with a smile on his face.

"Break through, let's get through."

Ning Qingyang glanced angrily at Abbot Tianneng, snorted coldly, and pulled Huiyang over.

Huiyang became anxious when he heard the words, and immediately grabbed Qingyang's sleeves, and hurriedly said: "Uncle Ning, no, the formation of one hundred and eight arhats is extremely powerful. If the monks of Kuzhu Temple want to go down the mountain, they must go down the mountain." With a certain ability, the best test is to break through the big formation, and only after breaking through the big formation and going outside can you have the ability to protect yourself, these are the rules of Kuzhu Temple many years ago."

"No wonder you rarely see monks from Kuzhu Temple outside. It turns out that they are so strict."

Jiang He showed a dazed expression.

"Are you sure you will let us enter the Arhat formation together? There are quite a few of us."

I thought about it, I, little fox, Ning Qingyang, Li Nianbai, Jiang He, cousin, well, plus Chen Shaoyang, Huiyang, at least eight people, I don’t know whether Chen Shaoyang’s source of belief has been Successfully condensed, he has practiced, and he is also a ring of six beliefs. Logically, there is no bottleneck. As long as he is successfully condensed, he will recover quickly.

"As many of you as you want, come to me when you are ready. I know that you have put in a lot of effort this time. You should recover your strength first. There are still some matters in the Poor Monastery that have not been resolved, so let's leave first." .”

Tian Neng nodded, then bowed to the old monk Tianjue before retreating.

"Nianbai is not here, I'll go find him first."

Seeing that Li Nianbai was not in the room, Su Ming also left.

"Haha, you guys, it's too bad, this one hundred and eight arhat formation is not an ordinary formation."

After Su Ming left, the old monk Tianjue smiled and stared at Jiang He.

"Is it very powerful? As long as I transform into my real body, I can naturally break through."

Ning Qingyang said indifferently, it is not a joke that the snake demon of more than 200 years transformed into a real body.

"You're right, but don't forget, it's inside the big formation, not outside it, and the arhat formation has a restraint effect on evil spirits. These monks have been practicing in Kuzhu Temple all year round, and their strength is profound. , if you want to win the fight, you can't do it without someone pointing it out, this real Arhat formation is much stronger than the Buddhist archway that trapped you back then."

The old monk Tianjue said with a smile, he didn't care about Ning Qingyang's rebellious appearance at all, he stared at Jiang He, and said in a soft tone.

"Then how can we crack this one hundred and eight arhat formation?"

Seeing that the old monk Tianjue said it so seriously, it seems true, and this Arhat formation should be similar to the Vajras on the Buddhist memorial tower. I have heard of the Eighteen Bronze Men before, and the hundred and eight Arhats are not a concept at all. , just the number of people is not a level.

"Well, I will only tell this little benefactor, come and hang out with me, and I may tell you when you make me happy, little doll. Of course, if you are willing to tell me the current news about Jiang Zixian, I will I am also happy to tell you all the methods of breaking the formation."

The old monk Tianjue smiled and pulled Jiang He, and involuntarily carried him outside.

Jiang Zixian?who is thisCould it be someone from the ghost doctor lineage, seeing Jiang He staring at the old monk Tianjue dumbfounded, and letting him pull him out, I think the old monk Tianjue and this Jiang Zixian should be old acquaintances, and Jiang He and This Jiang Zixian looked very familiar.

"Is it that troublesome? When the time comes, I'll just use my spatial powers and take you out of the big formation. Just divide it up a few times."

Kong Huahua sat on the edge of the bed, shaking her feet, a little dissatisfied.

Huiyang smiled and said: "Sister Huahua, you are wrong, as long as you fall into the Eighteen Arhats formation, the surrounding space will be blocked, and the formation will form a force, completely oppressive, and it will be very difficult for us to win. "

"It's hard to win, are you still so happy?"

Kong Huahua helplessly touched his little head.

"I believe that Brother Zhong Yuan and the others will be able to break through successfully, so I am not worried at all. In fact, the master is just trying to see if you are capable enough to protect me."

Huiyang raised his head and stared at me with a smile.

"Okay, everyone recovers their own strength first, and when we recover, we will break into the Arhat formation. Let's use our own strength to break through this formation. I will go and see how Chen Shaoyang's source of faith is condensed."

Chen Shaoyang is also in this room, but in another compartment. After expelling the magic talisman in his mind last time, he has been retreating to re-condense the ring of faith. He doesn't know how the situation is now. After all, he He is an elder of the ghost hunter alliance. If our strength recovers, we will break through the Arhat formation, and we will have an extra chance of winning.

When I walked over, the aura on Chen Shaoyang's body fluctuated from strong to weak, very unstable, and the surrounding weather aura seemed to be gathering towards him, but it was very weak.

He was already sweating profusely, and if he didn't wake up, it meant he didn't succeed.

Re-condensing the source of faith requires a huge aura of heaven and earth, and it is not that simple to condense the source of faith, it requires one's own faith.

If you can help him now, then help him.

"The universe in the palm of your hand, the evolution of the Dao pattern, the spirit-gathering talisman, and the edict!"

The golden light in the palm shone, and the golden Dao patterns condensed to form, and soon turned into a emerald-colored spirit-gathering talisman. This spirit-gathering talisman was previously used in the Taiji Cave of the Demon Catch Sect in the Spirit Realm. It is very effective and can gather people around With the help of this spirit-gathering talisman, I think Chen Shaoyang should be a little more sure.

Stretch out your hand and press it on the top of his head, the spirit-gathering talisman floated on it, and the surrounding spiritual energy began to pour in crazily, which was several times more than before. The power of hunting ghosts.

In this way, until noon, when I was hungry, I opened my eyes, and the four rings of faith had been restored.

Chen Shaoyang suddenly opened his eyes, and all the spirit-gathering talismans above his head disappeared into his mind. The light in Chen Shaoyang's eyes flickered. Compared with before, it was completely different. The most special thing was that between his brows, there was a smear of earthy old age. imprint.

Huh?This kind of mark seems to have been seen somewhere before. After the surrounding spiritual energy collapsed, Chen Shaoyang pressed his hands on the ground.

The cyan stone brick under the palm immediately cracked like a spider's web, and the whole skin was covered with dense earthy yellow spirit patterns, which looked a little weird, but it also gave people a very solid feeling.

After the cyan stone bricks shattered, the bare ground was exposed, and the palms were still pressed on the ground. At this time, some strange phenomena happened.

A trace of earthy yellow airflow shot out from the ground, sinking into Chen Shaoyang's body one after another.

"Ah... this... this is the body of Tude?!"

I was slightly startled, and a lot of memories flooded into my mind. No wonder the earthy yellow rune on his forehead looked so familiar. It turned out to be the body of Tude, and it was born with the body of Tude. The body of fire virtue is acquired and not strong enough, but Chen Shaoyang is born with it, because only those who are born with virtue of earth will condense into the spirit pattern of earth virtue in the eyebrows, if my body of fire virtue reaches a certain level in the future , will naturally give birth to this fire spirit pattern.

Chen Shaoyang grinned, the spirit patterns on his body flickered violently, suddenly he let go of his hand, stood up, and the spirit patterns on his body began to gradually disappear into the skin.

"Do you still know the body of Tude?"

He patted the dust off his body, and spoke with a smile on his face. From his eyes, I could see the obvious sense of gratitude.

"Of course, you are the body of innate earth virtue, and I am the body of acquired fire virtue."

My body trembled, and faint reddish-brown spirit patterns flowed from my body. These spirit patterns were like burning flames, but the center of my brows did not condense into fire spirit patterns, so my body was a little weaker than his. .

Chen Shaoyang looked at me in surprise, and said: "It's strange, you can understand it, but I heard from the master that people with the body of the five elements are very rare. If they appear, they are basically any one of the invisible, but there is a kind of A special physique can surpass our five-element body, and this kind of physique can cultivate the five-element body, do you have this kind of physique? Otherwise, no matter how good your chance is, you will not succeed in cultivating the fire-virtuous body."

"There is such a thing? This unheard of, who is your master?"

I was slightly taken aback.

He shook his head and said: "I don't know either. My master is an old man. Even I don't show his true face to others. I really want to thank you just now. You can see my Tude body. I am still very weak, although I have already developed spirit patterns, but compared with you, I am afraid that I am not as good as you. Back then, I was attacked by surprise, the source of faith was destroyed, and the pulse sealing needle hid my Tude body. Excited, if it weren't for you, I might really die like that."

"Then how many rings of faith have you recovered now?"

I nodded and said.

"I have just condensed the source of faith. Fortunately, mine is dedicated to the earth god, and I am the body of earth virtue. Even if the source of faith is broken, it can be condensed. If it were someone else, it would probably only be able to Think of another way. By the way, I remember the master said that that kind of physique is called the Five Elements Holy Body. As long as you cultivate this kind of physique, your physical body will be able to reach the realm of the legendary immortal, and it will be even more powerful, because the Five Elements Holy Body is It grows according to the growth of its own strength."

Chen Shaoyang looked at me quite enviously, regardless of the authenticity of this, he rubbed his hands and said.

If I am really the Holy Body of the Five Elements, and I can cultivate their five-element body, maybe my body can support me to display more dao patterns. At that time, what is there to be afraid of fighting against the real demon?Thinking of this, I stared at Chen Shaoyang and said:

"Although I often say that I don't thank you for my great kindness, but this time, you have to help me. Now I have only cultivated the body of fire virtue among the five elements, and have not yet condensed into a spirit pattern. You are an innate earth virtue, you should There is a way for me to practice."

Chen Shaoyang nodded and said: "Of course, as long as you are the Five Elements Saint Body, you can naturally cultivate the Tude Body, but we have to go to a better place, because to form the Tude Body, you need a huge amount of Tuyuan The power of fire, I think you consumed a lot of power of fire when you condensed into the body of fire virtue."

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