Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 344 [Grandma Grandma]

"Say, how did you know my aunt! Who are you!"

Seeing the old monk Tianjue pulling him to the back mountain, Jiang He only waited for the old monk to let go, backed up a little, and spoke in a cold voice.

The lineage of ghost doctors has been almost isolated from the world since ancient times, and few members of the clan go out. This great aunt is the aunt of Grandpa Jiang He, who lives in seclusion. Even when he grows up, he only shows up on his birthday. In his impression, the aunt was unsmiling, and she even said it was strange. She is still alive and is over a hundred years old. This aunt has been like this since he was born, and has never changed. She remembers that anyone in the clan A person's birthday comes out every year.

Perhaps in her eyes, she just wanted to see if her relatives were still alive.

In Jiang He's eyes, grandma and grandma always have snow-white hair, and their appearance stays around 40 years old, with wrinkles at the corners of their eyes, but their skin is well maintained.

But it is not easy for this old monk of Tianjue to be able to live to this age, because the medical skills of ghost doctors are unparalleled in the world, and their lifespan is naturally extremely unusual.

"It turned out to be your great aunt. Since you still know, then she is still alive?"

The old monk Tianjue was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly said: "That's right, you are members of the ghost doctor lineage, and you all have a long lifespan. Even if you don't live long, sometimes you will treat those ghost servants, and you can collect merits and virtues in exchange for longevity. Bar."

"How do you know so many secrets?"

Jiang He was secretly startled, the reward for treating the ghost servants was a meritorious deed, and no one except ghost doctors knew about it, but he actually knew.

"Of course I know, because I have been to the ghost doctor line, not only know your great-aunt, but also your great-grandfather Jiang Zhengchun. At that time, I was not a monk at Kuzhu Temple, but a vicious killer. money, I will go to claim my life."

The old monk Tianjue stared at Jiang He, whose face changed drastically, with a hint of deep meaning.

Jiang He also did not expect that this old monk hiding in Kuzhu Temple turned out to be a vicious killer.

Tianjue smiled, with a little pride on his face, and said: "Although I am vicious, I have principles. I don't kill old and weak women and children, and upright officials don't kill people. Back then, I was chased and killed by disciples from the cultivation world. Doctor Yimai, it was your grandma who rescued me at that time, I have tested your skills before, and the martial arts you cultivated are the martial arts I taught to Ghost Doctor Yimai in the past."

"Impossible, my grandfather said it was passed down from the ancestors, why did it come from you... Impossible!"

Jiang He stared at him in disbelief, his head was like a rattle, he would not believe that even if he was beaten to death, the martial arts of the ghost doctor lineage would come from this old monk.

"Why is it impossible? Haven't you ever thought about why I would easily break your moves? Of course, you are also very powerful. In addition to practicing the Five Elements True Strength Fist, you have also practiced other powerful martial arts, and you have even practiced it. Gang Qi, this is predicted by my power, if you calculate my age, you will know that the Five Elements True Strength Fist was passed down from your ancestors."

The old monk Tianjue smiled and spoke.

"Even so, there are still some things that cannot be explained clearly. The reason why my great aunt lived so long is because she diagnosed and treated ghosts, obtained merits and virtues, and was able to exchange for life. How about you, can you do the same?"

Jiang He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the old monk Tianjue, and said with a cold snort.

The old monk Tianjue glanced at Jiang He quite appreciatively, clapped his hands, and said, "This is a secret. If you want to talk about why I became a monk, of course, part of the reason is that I can't do without your great aunt, or even you. My great-grandfather's death is also related to me, or rather, it is related to my becoming a monk, but it has been so many years, I think Zixian should not blame me anymore, well, how can I be responsible for the grievances of generations? Can you explain it clearly in a few words? If one day you return to the ghost doctor lineage and see your great aunt, you will say, Five Elements True Gang Fist, Putuo Island in the South China Sea, Kuzhu Monk Temple, Tianjue thinks of regret."

"Hehe, you still want to see my great aunt? You're so old, aren't you shy?"

Jiang He rolled his eyes at the old monk Tianjue and snorted.

The old monk Tianjue blushed and stared at Jiang He with a thick neck, faltering and saying:

"Bah, kid, what nonsense are you talking about? Don't think that you are Zixian's descendant, so I won't dare to beat you up."

"I'm not talking nonsense. Since it's broken, let's break it completely. Why bother? It's an uneasy life for both of them! You are still the Supreme Elder of Kuzhu Temple. Looking at it now, you don't have a ring scar on your head." , do you still want to return to vulgarity?"

Jiang He stared at the old monk Tianjue with a grin, and said unceremoniously. Although he couldn't win the old monk Tianjue, he could still win the battle with words.

"You brat, I'm so pissed off, you're just like your great-grandpa, hmph, I won't say more, well, you can go now."

The old monk Tianjue waved his sleeves and said.

Hearing this, Jiang He was stunned for a moment, looked at the old monk Tianjue strangely, and said, "Didn't you want to teach me how to break the formation of one hundred and eight arhats? Why, did you go back on your word?"

The old monk Tianjue blushed again, coughed a few times and said:

"How can it be so easy to crack the Arhat formation? This formation has existed since the establishment of the Kuzhu Temple. Even if I want to break this formation, it will take a lot of effort. The formation is infinitely varied, but fortunately, the strength of these monks varies. It is uneven, and Kuzhu Temple has lost many elite disciples in this disaster, even if the formation of one hundred and eight Arhats can be maintained, it may not be as good as before, although the formation changes a lot, there are always flaws."

"Then how to find these flaws?"

Jiang He stroked his chin, pretending to be thinking.

"The one hundred and eight arhat formation is mainly divided into 36 Tiangang and 72 Disha formations. The Tiangang is the main attack, and the Disha is the main defense. If you think about it, 72 monks are only responsible for defense. You can think about it. How strong the formation is, but even so, the 72 Disha monks are much weaker than the 36 Tiangang monks, so you have to find the life gate from the 72 Dishas, ​​I believe you can break through, by the way, Don’t forget to send the message.”

The old monk Tianjue chuckled, pointed his toes forward, and the worn-out monk's robe flew up, and when Jiang He reacted, it disappeared completely.


"Are you sure it's okay here?"

Looking at Chen Shaoyang's radiant face, and carefully observing the surroundings, one of the few peaks on Putuo Island is very steep and about 50 meters high.

"Of course, this lonely peak is not taken care of at all, and the terrain is steep. Look at the diameter around it, it is less than five meters. Now to gather the body of Tude, you need a lot of power of Tuyuan. Wait for you If it succeeds, this lonely peak will also be destroyed, do you still want to practice in the mountain gate of Kuzhu Temple?"

Chen Shaoyang stared at me with a smile and began to explain.

"That's it, let's start."

I nodded and sat cross-legged on the ground, while Chen Shaoyang sat down opposite me, stared at me and said:

"You have to think about it. Once I plant the power of earth in your body, if you fail to cultivate successfully, your whole body will be transformed into a stone sculpture. I'm not joking. When you really turn into a stone sculpture, I have no way to save you, even if I save you, you will be disabled for the rest of your life."

"I know that when you condense the body of fire virtue, you will be completely reborn, so you can do it."

If it is really like the body of Huode before, I think I can still bear it with my current concentration. He reached out and touched my eyebrows, the fingertips shone with yellow light, and some spirit lines appeared on the fingertips. I closed my eyes. In the upper eye, Chen Shaoyang's voice sounded in my mind.

"Earth, the lord of the earth, the center of the Wutu, the virtues of the earth, the five elements of the earth, condensed on the other body..."

His voice was quite majestic, and the body of fire virtue in my body began to react violently, and the whole body was burned like a flame, and scarlet flames emerged on the surface of my body.

"Zhong Yuan, your fire body is resisting me, relax!"

Chen Shaoyang opened his eyes, fine beads of sweat had already appeared on his forehead, and a red glow bloomed from the part where he touched between his fingers, resisting his fingers.

I took a deep breath and began to adjust the power of fire virtue contained in my body. I stretched out my palms, and these flame patterns began to gather in the center of my palms. , the shoulders, and the spirit patterns on the chest all gathered towards the palm.

The palms became extremely red at the moment, I think that's what a red-hot soldering iron looks like, the astonishingly high temperature caused the surrounding flowers and trees to burn, and the earth element spirit patterns all over Chen Shaoyang's body hummed, rotating on their own, and condensed into a ball all over his body. The pale yellow battle armor tightly protected his body.

"Fire Spirit Rune, gather!"

With a low shout, the temperature in my palm became even higher, and a complicated and ancient scarlet flame spirit pattern appeared in my palm, burning like a flame.

"Quickly seal and get the spirit pattern, I will spread the power of earth element on you."

Chen Shaoyang saw that I had condensed the Huode spirit pattern, his face changed slightly, and he spoke with great joy.

The body of fire virtue, although I don't know it very well, but I know that as long as these fire spirit tattoos emerge in the body, the body will be strong. Now I have condensed the body of fire spirit, that is to say, I can control my body The body of fire virtue controls the power of these fire elements.

Nodding my head, I squeezed my palm, and the Huo De Lingwen disappeared into my palm.

Seeing this, Chen Shaoyang heaved a sigh of relief, closed his eyes again, and a strange force passed through the center of his eyebrows, this force was the incomparably pure power of earth element.

Half an hour passed, Chen Shaoyang let go of his fingers, panted and said to me:

"According to the mantra I taught you, gather the power of the earth element around you, and shape the body of Tude. Hurry up, don't wait for the power of the earth element in your body to drain."

I raised my arm, but found that my arm became extremely heavy. I gritted my teeth and lifted it, but I could only lift it a few inches, as if it was filled with lead. Seeing this scene, my face changed drastically, and I looked at it carefully. Take a look at my arm, the originally fair arm has now turned brownish-yellow, the color is gradually deepening, and the body is getting heavier and heavier.

Oops, it's a sign of soiling.

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