Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 345 [Casting Body and Heaven]

"Chen Shaoyang, I have already started to petrify, what should I do!"

The arm fell down heavily, no matter how hard it was to lift it up, I called out to Chen Shaoyang anxiously, and just blurted out the words, I was startled, my voice became extremely hoarse, I guess I won’t even be able to speak out in a while Bar.

Chen Shaoyang stretched out his hand to pinch you on my arm, but I didn't feel it at all, even the tactile sensation disappeared. His face changed slightly and he said:

"Aren't you the Five Elements Eucharist?"

"How do I know if I am the Holy Body of the Five Elements? Didn't you say that apart from those who possess this body innately, all who can cultivate the Holy Body of the Five Elements the day after tomorrow are the Five Elements Holy Body?"

I felt my body petrified a little bit, and my voice became weaker. I almost yelled. This feeling of petrification was uncomfortable, and the breath of life disappeared little by little with the petrification.

"This... you should quickly run the exercises I taught you, condense the earth element spirit pattern, don't give up, if you give up, you will really turn into a stone sculpture."

Chen Shaoyang stood up, walked behind me, and slapped my palm behind me, a force poured into my body, the layer of lime that had been condensed on my body surface was immediately shaken away, I recovered a little power of movement, and immediately stopped Dare to hesitate, he clasped his right hand forward, grasped the ground with five fingers, and began to murmur:

"Earth, the lord of the earth, the center of the Wutu, the virtues of the earth, the five elements of the earth, condense my body... The earth element gathers the spirit, and the spirit pattern is derived!"

The yellow-brown skin on the arm began to transform, and faint earthy-yellow spirit patterns emerged, covering the entire arm, and began to absorb the power of the earth element in the ground.

"Yes, that's it. You have condensed the earth element spirit pattern, keep it going, and transform all the earth element energy on your body!"

Chen Shaoyang let go of his palm, and said loudly, his originally tense face relaxed.

I nodded, the spell sounded a little bit, and the other hand was also grabbed out, and it was slammed on the ground, and the faint earthy air flow began to be sucked up from the palm, and sank into the body along the arm.

The earth element spirit pattern on the body began to increase little by little, and finally covered the whole body. At this moment, I can even feel the power of the earth element contained in the entire mountain peak being absorbed by me quickly. Starting from the outside, a spider web-like crack appeared, crackling and spreading from bottom to top.

When the earth element spirit pattern on my body formed a rune circle and automatically turned around, I stood up, and without restraint, I immediately cast the cloud soaring technique, white clouds rolled under my feet, grabbed Chen Shaoyang with one hand, and just jumped to the ground. On the white clouds, the mountain below him shattered.

The 50-meter-high mountain shattered like this, turning into countless particles and dispersing, as if it had been punched into powder by someone, which was extremely spectacular.

Chen Shaoyang patted his chest, and said in a frightened voice:

"Fortunately, your reaction speed is relatively fast, otherwise, we will fall into serious injuries, but now we have made such a big noise, the monks in Kuzhu Temple will definitely come to investigate, you first hide the body of Tude , I will help you how to control in a moment."

I glanced at the direction of the Kuzhu Temple, and there were already several monks flying over there, very fast.

This kind of movement technique is similar to the lightness technique, but it is much more advanced than the lightness technique. It should belong to the wind control technique, which is at the same level as the soaring cloud technique. The two secret techniques are not the same. Carry extra people, but relatively speaking, for short-distance flying, the speed is faster than the cloud-soaring technique, and of course, the consumption is a little more.

Cloud Soaring Technique depends on the strength of the caster to determine the size of the cloud layer, and the cloud layer has a certain carrying capacity. If I think about it, if I want to fly easily on the cloud and carry people, it should be about four, six It's the limit, and the speed of Soaring Clouds is not satisfied, but the short-range distance can't compare with Yufengshu, but for a long time, it is to compete with each other's strength.

The earthy yellow spirit pattern on the body began to sink into the body, and the body returned to its normal appearance.

There were three monks who came, and among them was Hui Yi who was familiar with me. Hui Yi was obviously startled when he saw me.

"Two benefactors, the movement just now was made by the two of you?"

The chunky monk in the middle narrowed his eyes slightly and spoke in a cold voice.

"Yes, we deliberately chose a remote place at the mountain gate of Kuzhu Temple to practice some exercises here, which alarmed the master and offended the master."

Chen Shaoyang gave a salute, and spoke neither humble nor overbearing. He looked calm and composed, and looked at the short and fat monk with a slight smile.

"What kind of exercises are you practicing? You actually let an entire mountain disappear like this out of thin air. The entire Putuo Island is within the sphere of influence of the Kuzhu Temple. Donor Chen Shaoyang, it is wrong for you to do this. You need to give us an explanation."

The chunky monk looked displeased, but when he glanced at me, he seemed to be afraid of something, and didn't dare to really reprimand me.

"Master Tianyuan, it's inconvenient to disclose what kind of exercises we practice. Anyway, it's not some evil technique. Now that the entire mountain has been turned into ashes, how can we restore it? What else do we have to say?"

Chen Shaoyang spoke angrily, and at the same time said softly to me:

"This master Tianyuan is the younger brother of the abbot of Tianneng. He has a bad personality and doesn't like us. Moreover, during this battle, many of their disciples died in battle, and they all counted on our heads. The reason why they didn't drive us away , it's entirely for the sake of Abbot Tianneng and Master Su Ming, now that he has caught him, I'm afraid..."

"Benefactor Chen, don't whisper in front of me. Kuzhu Temple doesn't welcome you. The disaster we have suffered this time is not enough? Now that a mountain peak has disappeared out of thin air, you make such a movement, we need to go back and give the abbot a warning." Tell me, you two, come with us for a while."

Tian Yuan stared at us expressionlessly and said aloud.

"Master, these are not very good. After all, they are honored guests of Kuzhu Temple, and Master Zhong Yuan is kind to us. Master Su Ming, like him, is from the Demon Catch Sect. Let us report the situation here to Tian Neng Uncle is."

Hui Yi spoke softly beside him.

Tian Yuan turned around and glared at Hui Yi, and said, "Are you the master or am I the master? I do things, and I still need you to tell me what to do? Several of your juniors died in this war. If it weren't for them, how many of you How could the junior brother die?"

Hui Yi glanced at me with a complex expression, and was about to say something, but seeing Tian Yuan's furious look, she immediately shut up.

"Master Tianyuan, I respect you as a senior, what are you going to do? Do you still want to surround and kill us?"

The other party insists on this, so I don't need to be afraid. With Su Ming as a big backer, I have some confidence in my heart. Even if I fight with this Tianyuan master now, I will not be afraid of anything.

"Siege? Hehe, little benefactor, we are disciples of Buddhism, and the poor monk just has a resentment in his heart that cannot be appeased. If you two can take my three tricks and nothing happens, I will pretend that nothing happened. how?"

Tian Yuan brushed the monk's robe and smiled stiffly.

"Three tricks? Master Tianyuan, you are too young for us."

The corners of Chen Shaoyang's mouth twitched slightly, and he snorted coldly. Now that the source of his faith has been re-condensed, coupled with the body of Tude, it is inevitable that he is a little arrogant, because the body of Tude pays the most attention to defense among the five elements, and he It is also the body of innate earth virtue.

"Chen Benefactor, the poor monk knows a little bit about your situation. Do you think I don't know your current situation? Although your pulse sealing needle has been lifted, you will not be my opponent. The person who takes my three tricks, then Let the benefactor Zhong Yuan come."

Tianyuan looked at me calmly.

"Master, this is not good. Donor Zhong Yuan was seriously injured. Have you forgotten that Benefactor Jiang He is still decocting medicine for him?"

Huiyi seemed to understand my situation better, and when he saw that his master Tianyuan wanted to compete with me by name, he became anxious.

"It doesn't matter, three tricks are three tricks, as long as the master relieves his hatred."

I winked at Chen Shaoyang, indicating that he doesn't have to worry about me.

"Zhong Yuan, can you do it now? I see that the monk has bad intentions, so maybe he will hit hard."

Chen Shaoyang ignored my gaze directly, and did not lower his voice at all, as if he was deliberately speaking to Master Tianyuan.

Hearing this, Tianyuan's face swelled into a pig's liver color, and he stared at Chen Shaoyang angrily and said:

"Chen Benefactor, you underestimate the poor monk. The status of the poor monk in Kuzhu Temple is second only to Senior Brother Tianneng. The affairs of the Kuzhu Temple are all managed by the poor monk. Three tricks are three tricks, of course you won't do it hard, but a little lesson is inevitable."

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

I stretched out my hand and waved at Chen Shaoyang, and I spoke calmly.

"Well, okay, be careful, this monk's strength is weaker than Tianneng in Kuzhu Temple, but he is not so easy to fool."

Chen Shaoyang nodded.

We fell from the mid-air, because the power of the earth element of this mountain was absorbed by me, so it turned into particles and fell on the surrounding trees. The original verdant trees were covered by dust and became like stone sculptures. There was even a thick layer of brown limestone on the ground, and when we landed, a large cloud of dust was raised.

"Benefactor Chen, it's better to stay away. If he accidentally injures Benefactor Chen later, then Benefactor Chen will blame the poor monk for being ruthless."

Tianyuan glanced at Chen Shaoyang, and said coldly, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a bit of sarcasm.

Chen Shaoyang frowned, and left here with a face full of anger, he didn't stop until he was ten feet away from me, and made a cheering gesture to me.

Huiyi and another monk beside Tianyuan also left Master Tianyuan's side one after another and stood aside to watch the battle.

"The body of Tude!"

With a pinch of both hands, the whole body was flickering with yellow light, and densely packed earth element spirit patterns appeared on the whole body, and there seemed to be an endless stream of power pouring into my body under my feet.

Tianyuan's pupils shrank slightly, but he was not in a hurry to act, and grinned at the corner of his mouth and said:

"Are you a martial artist?"

(Today is Wu Ti's birthday, so, well, add a new chapter, it should be around twelve o'clock, everyone remember to vote on the computer.)

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