Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 346 [3 Moves]

"Whether it's true or not, it doesn't matter, Master Tianyuan, you can make a move now."

How could I reveal my secret?Started urging him.

"Well, the poor monk has made a move, Vajrapani!"

Tianyuan stretched out his right arm, shook his sleeve slightly, and slashed his broad palm in the air. His feet didn't move, but he stood in a solid horse stance, and pushed out his right hand.

This palm is extremely slow, but every time it is pushed, the pale golden breath on the arm is erratic, the surrounding dust is blown away, and the huge momentum locks on me in an instant. When the arm is straightened, the wide palm It seemed to be coated with a layer of golden brilliance, and it shone abnormally.


A thick and strange sound came from the front, and a huge golden hand pressed towards me. The palm was about ten feet wide, and the golden light flowed through it, as if it was real. It was Tianyuan's Vajrapani. Seeing this scene , Chen Shaoyang in the distance gasped.

This palm contains powerful destructive power, even a boulder may be smashed by one palm.

Receiving three moves from him doesn't mean just being beaten blindly. Naturally, I can fight back. I raised the Demon Subduing Sword in my hand high, the magic light in my hand was shining, the bone of the real demon possessed me, and I whispered:

"The third rune circle, killing spirit, open!"

Slashing forward vigorously, a huge dark red sword dragon flew out, swinging its body, opened its bloody mouth and sprayed on the Vajra Hand, dense dark red sword lights shot out, and the sword light hit the Vajra Hand , Immediately rippling a large piece of golden light, but Vajra Hand remained motionless, still coming straight to me.

I was startled, the sword dragon transformed by this killing aura is no small thing compared to before, especially after possessed by the real devil bone, the demonic aura on his body has increased greatly, this killing aura is already what I can display now The most powerful, but these sword qi were so easily dispelled by the Vajrapani.

By the way, the demonic energy, the opponent is a Buddhist disciple, and what he is using is also a Buddhist method. Of course, it will suppress my killing aura. Clasping with five fingers, he actually pinched Jian Jiao.


The sword dragon completely exploded, and the dark red sword light scattered densely around, and immediately shot out many densely packed big holes, Vajra hand was no exception, the big hand was pierced, but it still shot at me, but the power has already dropped For the most part, I can handle it with my current strength.

Seeing that the power of his Vajra Hand had dropped by half, Tian Yuan looked at me with some surprise.

I punched out with a punch, and the Zijin Demon Fire rose a foot high above the fist, and the fist hit King Kong's hand firmly.


The violent air current rolled towards me, making my treasured clothes rattle, my fist numb slightly, and I took two steps back before regaining my footing. I took a deep breath, suppressed the churning blood in my body, and opened my mouth. road:

"Be clear about the second trick."

"How could it be so easy to take over the vajra hand of the benefactor of Tianyuan? Even the master is not so easy."

Standing next to Hui Yi, another monk in a younger grade was stunned, and after recovering, he opened his mouth to ask Hui Yi.

But Hui Yi was also stunned, he shook his head and said: "I don't know, because the last time I saw him, he didn't have such a strong strength, just wait and see what happens, maybe he can really block the master's three moves." maybe."

Master Tianyuan recovered from the shock, and stared at me with a smile on his face. I felt his smile shuddered a little. If the palm just now was just a test, then next, he must understand the truth.

I can no longer fight with the demon body, and the Buddhist exercises are very restrained. If I continue to be in this state, maybe I will suffer a big loss.

Tianyuan has already grabbed a string of Buddhist beads. This string of Buddhist beads is pitch black with silver marks on the surface. A very powerful Buddhist artifact.

"Zhong Yuan, be careful, these are my master's black pearls, each one has a very powerful attack, there are eighteen in total!"

When Huiyi saw Tianyuan take out this string of beads, he immediately shouted loudly.

When Tian Yuan heard his apprentice's reminder, he didn't take it seriously. He chanted the scriptures and mantras, threw the Buddhist beads in his hands, and began to form dharma seals with his hands.

Seeing the other party make a move, I immediately took away the real devil's bone, restrained the devil energy all over my body, spread out my palms, and the fire spirit pattern emerged, and squeezed hard, two breaths filled my body.

"Benefactor Zhong Yuan, I will only attack you once with the Black Yuan Buddha Bead. As long as you can bear it, you will pass this move. If you can't bear it, then you have to quickly admit defeat. I can't even grasp this Buddhist treasure. Don’t blame me if you miss it at that time.”

Tianyuan formed a seal and said, the voice exploded in my ears like a muffled thunder.

"OK, no problem."

I took a deep breath and began to work hard to maintain the two violent energies in my body.

Now with the body of fire virtue and the body of earth virtue, the defense and attack are greatly strengthened, but the opponent's treasure is not simple, it is a Buddhist treasure.

I didn't think much about it, and directly called out the real black clock. Four layers of protective shields appeared on the body. The real black clock above the head had become about a foot long, and silver runes shone on a small part of the body surface.

"The power of the earth element, gather together, condense the armor!"

"The power of the fire element, gather, condense the armor!"

On the surface of the body, the khaki battle armor and the red battle armor reappeared again. With so many defenses, even though Chen Shaoyang was prepared in his heart, he was still surprised. Tian Yuan, Hui Yi and another monk on the opposite side, naturally Needless to say.

The black element Buddhist beads in Tianyuan's hand suddenly tossed into the air, and the eighteen Buddhist beads were immediately enveloped in golden light, and began to spin around. These golden flames seemed to be burning like golden flames, and the sound of the incantation became louder and louder. As the sound of the incantation gradually became louder, it finally became the size of a fist.


Tianyuan pointed towards the void with a little deep meaning, and the string of Buddhist beads immediately spread out and lined up in a line.

"Tianyuan, you're playing tricks, if you attack each of these beads, then Zhong Yuan will have to withstand eighteen attacks!"

Chen Shaoyang immediately shouted at the top of his voice.

Tianyuan was still smiling, and said: "This is also within the range of one move. I used the black element Buddha beads to attack, and as I said before, I will not attack repeatedly, so how can it be shameless?"

"Master, let's make a move, I can catch it."

I thought about it, now I have the four layers of defense of the real clock of Heigang, plus the body armor transformed by the dual power of fire and earth, and the treasure clothes that Li Mubai once wore today, it should be able to fortify me. Of course, just in case, I quietly grabbed the golden bone hand.

"If that's the case, then I'll take the shot!"

Tianyuan stretched out his hand to point at a certain Buddhist bead in the sky, and then lightly pressed it in the direction where I was. It changed, like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger, plus the golden Buddhist flame burning all over my body, when it reached me, it was already the size of a basketball.


This Buddhist bead hit the outermost layer of protective shield, the silver light and the golden flame intersected, which was very eye-catching. I only felt that I was hit by a strong force all over my body, and I took a step back to stand firm.


This Buddhist bead retreated back, its power undiminished, but it was bounced away by the outermost shield. This black gang real clock is worthy of being an extremely powerful defensive treasure, but the power of this Buddhist bead should not be underestimated either. Jane With a simple single blow, the outermost shield has been cracked, and I think it can only withstand the second blow at most before it collapses.

Tianyuan frowned, looked up at the real black clock on top of my head, and immediately pointed at the two Buddhist beads in the air. With a wave of his sleeve, the two Buddhist beads shot towards me like cannonballs.



The outermost protective cover couldn't withstand the blow of these two Buddhist beads at all, and immediately collapsed, turning into little silver light and disappearing into the ground, and these two Buddhist beads smashed hard on the third protective cover. The three protective shields began to crack again, but fortunately they resisted.


With a blank face, Tianyuan lit three more beads in the air, destroying my third shield.

He spent six prayer beads, destroyed my three layers of protective shields, and consumed one-third of the prayer beads. The attack power of these prayer beads is the same, but my shield is different. The closer to the body, the more powerful the shield more powerful.

Tianyuan's big sleeve was rolled up. This time, a total of six Buddhist beads lined up, like six flaming golden fireballs, slammed into my shield, leaving only the last one of the shield of the real clock layer, and the other party only had the last six beads left.

Seeing this scene, Chen Shaoyang also saw some eyebrows, clapped his hands and shouted: "Zhong Yuan, good job, his black yuan Buddha beads can't break your defense at all."

"Oh, yes, that's not necessarily true,"

Tian Yuan pointed at four of the six beads in the air expressionlessly. The four beads were not the same as before, but stood still. Wen Sheng, these four Buddhist beads began to change. Wrapped in flames, they began to change shape and turned into four bowl-like fists, which slammed towards me fiercely.

These four golden fists streaked across the void, leaving faint golden traces.


The defense of the last layer of Heigang Zhenzhong collapsed, and these four golden fists seemed to consume a lot of energy to restore the size of the beads.

There were the last two Buddhist beads left in the air, and the real black clock above my head hummed, and the silver marks on the clock sank into the body of the clock one after another, and finally turned around and shot people into my mouth, I opened my mouth Swallowing it down, frowning tightly.

Although there are only the last two prayer beads left, I think these two prayer beads are the ones that really threaten me. Therefore, this time I will use the golden bone hand. It's also weak, and I don't know if it will work.

"Benefactor Zhong Yuan, the last two prayer beads must be connected."

Tian Yuan suddenly smiled strangely.

(Three chapters are finished, I am exhausted.)

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