Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 347 [Aspect and Breakthrough]

The Buddhist seal in Tianyuan's hand pinched faster and faster, and finally turned into an afterimage, and he couldn't see the opponent's palm at all. There was still a smile on his face, and the only two remaining black essence beads in the air suddenly changed.

These two beads trembled violently, the silver traces on the surface of the beads and the surrounding golden glow complemented each other, and finally merged into one, and they shot towards me. , then disappeared into the void strangely.

I was startled, and looked around carefully, but I couldn't find any trace of the beads, as if they had really disappeared, but I don't think so, these two beads must have been hidden in the surrounding void, and they were the most powerful attack on me. s attack.

I didn't dare to relax for a moment, and began to feel the energy fluctuations in the surrounding void. Suddenly, somewhere in the void behind me, something seemed to be torn open, and a huge breath instantly enveloped me and came straight to my back.

The imprint of the dark yin pendant on the chest is slightly hot, warning!

I turned around immediately, and saw one of the beads shooting towards me. The beads made of gold, silver and two flames were almost in front of me in just one breath. I immediately squatted down and hit the ground hard shoot:

"Shield of Earth Element, condense!"

My five fingers dug deep into the ground in front of me, and the earth element spirit pattern emerged in the palm of my hand. The soil in front of me was divided into two, and a wall of earth with yellow glow emerged. I clapped my hands and took a step back. The earth wall is about a foot thick, about ten feet long and wide, and the color is yellow-brown, but there is a faint yellow light shining on the surface.

Now that I can mobilize the power of the earth element, I will naturally not waste it. Although it is only the shield of the earth element that has been condensed in a hurry, it can also block most of the attacks.


The Buddha beads collided with the earth wall, and the yellow glow on the surface of the earth wall flickered sharply, and then cracks opened like spider webs, and then there was a roar, and the Buddha beads hit the fire element on the surface of the body. On the battle armor, a large number of sparks were stirred up.

I punched out with one punch, and directly knocked this Buddhist bead into the air, and the Huoyuan armor on my body collapsed after resisting the remaining power.

"Jong Yuan be careful!"

Chen Shaoyang exclaimed, and another Buddhist bead came through the air from the other side, and the speed was a little faster than this Buddhist bead. At this moment, I had no time to summon the shield of earth element, and the golden bone hand in my hand suddenly moved With a swipe behind him, a golden light tore apart in the air, and this Buddhist bead went straight into the crack and disappeared.

Tianyuan seemed to be stunned, and immediately pinched the Buddha's seal, and there was a violent tremor from the space crack that had been healed, and the black yuan Buddha beads came out of the crack, but it was obviously damaged, The gold and silver two-color brilliance of the whole body is also faintly visible.

"The two moves are over, now Master Tian Yuan is asking for the third move."

I still have a layer of Earth Element Battle Armor on my body, plus treasure clothes. At the last level, I can no longer defend myself, I must take the initiative to counterattack.

"Senior Brother Huiyi, this black element Buddha bead is your master's treasure. Now that you have failed to use this bead, it is estimated that the next move will be to use the ability to press the box."

Another monk stared at Hui Yi who was full of shock, and said slowly.

"Junior brother, why don't you go and inform Abbot Tianneng or Master Su Ming that if the master really uses the ability to press the box, even Abbot Tianneng will stay away and dare not take it hard."

Hui Yi spoke softly to her junior brother.

The monk nodded, his eyes were bright, and he said, "Brother, you must remember that you owe me a favor."

After finishing speaking, the monk tapped his toes and used the technique of controlling the wind to rush towards the direction of Kuzhu Temple, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Benefactor Zhong Yuan is quite capable, which made the poor monk look at him with admiration. If it hadn't been for the fact that Master Zhong Yuan's strength had not recovered, the poor monk might have been defeated. Therefore, the poor monk will do his best in the last move. I hope Master Zhong Yuan will do well. Everything is ready."

Tianyuan stretched out his hand and made a move, and the eighteen black yuan Buddha beads in the air gathered together, turned into a string again, and fell into Tianyuan's hands after a twirl.

"Hmph, restless and kind, if you want to use the strongest attack, why make excuses?"

Chen Shaoyang stared at Tianyuan in shock and anger, and wanted to use his trump card to attack, but now he found an excuse. In name, he was flattering me, but in fact he wanted to use the most powerful means to deal with it. The implication of this sentence is that But if he doesn't use his hole cards, he probably won't be able to beat me, so he can only use his hole cards.

"Chen benefactor is serious. This is not an excuse. Zhong benefactor was able to take my two moves when his strength was damaged. I have to let the poor monk treat it with caution."

Tianyuan put his hands together, chanted a Buddhist name, and smiled again.

"Okay, since Master Tianyuan said so, then I won't hide it any more. Although my strength has not fully recovered now, I can barely display the Dao pattern in my palm."

I waved my hand to interrupt the conversation between the two and spoke.

In fact, my blood has been boiling for a long time. The strength of Master Tianyuan is really not to be underestimated. He can completely compete with the five magic envoys. Fighting against masters is the best training for the growth of one's own strength.

"Well, that's good, the poor monk will make a move. Although the poor monk's Buddhist method is just beginning to get a glimpse of the door, Zhong Yuan benefactor should be careful, as long as he can bear the blow of the poor monk's method."

With a smile on his face, Tian Yuan sat cross-legged, his eyes closed, and the scriptures sounded in his mouth.

Originally the sound of the scriptures was still relatively weak, but in the end it became louder and lingered around, a little golden light burst out from Tianyuan's head, and behind him was like a round of golden flames, slowly burning up, a phantom of a big Buddha Emerging from behind him, at first, it was only transparent, with only an outline, but gradually, the body became more and more solid.

Faxiang? !This is equivalent to the powerhouse of the seventh ring of faith of our ghost hunters. Like Li Nianbai, although the form of the Dharma and the Nascent Soul are different, they all have the purest power. More importantly, this kind of The form can absorb the energy between the heaven and the earth and use it for it. It does not need to be refined at all, and directly mobilizes the power of the heaven and the earth, but the amount of power mobilized depends entirely on the ability of the dharma.

Relax, relax, he has just glimpsed the door of Dharma, and he shouldn't mobilize too much power. If I have practiced True Magic Physiognomy to the sixth level of Condensation, I think I can achieve this effect. After the sixth level, I will be able to achieve this effect. Apparently, it's a pity that I'm still in the fifth level of demonic power. It's not good, but it's okay, because my real demon bone has already been born, and half of my foot has stepped into the solid state. Now, I will use this power to Cooperate with the Dao pattern attack in the palm.

Thinking of this, I took a deep breath, and the bone of the real devil in the dantian suddenly opened his eyes, and appeared behind me in the next second.

The current appearance of the True Demon Bone is almost the same as mine, the only difference is that its body is twice as big as mine, like a small giant, surrounded by purple-gold demon energy, which is in stark contrast to Tianyuan's dharma form .

Seeing me summoning the bone of the real demon, Tianyuan opened his eyes and raised his head, frowned slightly, then closed it again, and the scriptures sounded a little louder.

The dharma statue behind him is about the same size, and its face is strikingly similar to Tian Yuan, also sitting cross-legged, suddenly, the dharma statue moved, the golden palm pinched the Buddhist seal, and faint golden inscriptions appeared all over his body, Faxiang's body also gradually ascended, and the aura of the surrounding heaven and earth gathered towards Faxiang.

He is absorbing the energy between the heaven and the earth to strengthen the prestige of the dharma.

"Zhong Yuan, if you can't do it, just admit defeat. The other party's method is too terrifying, and I can't take it. I guess I have to wait for Tude's body to become great, and summon the clone of Tude God to compete! You are a true demon bone, but you are too powerful. Suppressed by the power of Buddhism."

Chen Shaoyang spoke loudly at me, his expression was not the slightest embarrassment other than anxiety.

"It's not the power of Buddhism that suppresses the magic energy, it's mutual restraint. The power of the Buddha and the devil can restrain the magic energy, and the magic energy can also restrain the power of the Buddhism. It just depends on who is stronger. My true magic skill is about to step into the sixth level. Condensed True Realm, this final blow is my stepping stone."

I smiled, and the True Demon Bone behind me also soared up, and my hands were also pinching the Fajue, and the aura of the surrounding world also gathered towards the True Demon Bone, but the speed was far slower than that of the Faxiang. It can be seen that the two There is a big difference in strength. After thinking about it, I stretched out my palm, and the golden Dao patterns condensed in the palm of my hand, and the ancient Dao patterns began to condense into a gleaming emerald talisman:

"Spirit Gathering Talisman!"

Since the speed is incomparable to the opponent, then use the spirit gathering talisman to gather the aura of the entire Putuo Island, and compare the speed of absorbing aura with me?You can ask about the Dao pattern in my palm.

Stretching out his hand and throwing it, Cui Didi's magic talisman landed on the top of the real devil's bone, and the real devil's bone slapped up expressionlessly, the magic talisman burst open and turned into a green vortex with a diameter of two feet, stirring crazily When he got up, the surrounding spiritual energy, even the spiritual energy absorbed by the method, surged into the vortex, and then poured on the bone of the real devil.

"The ancient spirit-gathering talisman! Did you materialize this talisman? Impossible! You may have obtained the yellow talisman from some hidden cave."

Tianyuan felt the fluctuation of the surrounding breath, and after opening his eyes, he was startled, and immediately lost his mind and screamed.

I ignored him, and directed the True Demon Bone secretly. The purple-gold devil energy around the True Demon Bone was already very solid, flowing slowly around the body like a liquid.

A stern look flashed in Tianyuan's eyes, his body soared into the sky, and his whole body actually merged into the dharma form, and the dharma form, which was not so solid before, became much clearer.

I know that this second form of possession technique can not only bless the power of dharma, but also manipulate it as you like, but it won't last long.

When he flew into the dharma image, the Buddha statue was already surrounded by golden light, which made people unable to open their eyes.

That being the case, then I will try my best, point my toes, and the whole body will also fly towards the bone of the real devil, submerged in the bone of the real devil in an instant, the whole body seems to be wrapped in a layer of armor, and I can feel it. The bone of the true devil is transforming.

The emerald vortex above my head went down one level, and all of them were submerged in the bones of the real demon. I found that my ghost hunting power was growing rapidly. There were still two rings of faith that had not been restored, but now all six rings of faith have been restored.


There was a buzzing in my mind, and the purple-gold magic fire around the True Demon Bone sank into my body, and purple-gold magic lines appeared on the surface of the body.

Breakthrough, the sixth level, Ningzhen!

The golden light was no longer dazzling, I stared forward fiercely, the surrounding demonic energy rolled around, turning into a dense mass of darkness, no match for that dharma!

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