Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 348 [Buddha Extermination Palm]

"Su Ming, if I'm not mistaken, the one in front should be the devil's energy. Could it be that there are still devils left?"

Above Kuzhu Temple, Abbot Tianneng glanced into the distance, was slightly taken aback, and asked Su Ming who was beside him.

"It should be the benefactor of Zhong Yuan. He has practiced magic skills, so he can induce the vision."

The monk who came to report clasped his hands together and spoke softly. At the same time, he glanced at Su Ming who was smiling slightly.

"Benefactor Zhong? His magic power is so profound that it can be compared to the method of the younger brother. Although the younger brother is a condensed method a few months ago, he can mobilize the power of heaven and earth after all. The other party is young. How can there be such a thing?" strength?"

The abbot of Tianneng was surprised, but he still used the technique of controlling the wind and followed Su Ming to fly away, and soon left the Kuzhu Temple.

"Let's go and have a look and we'll find out, Huijue, tell us all the reasons why the two of them fought, and don't hide anything."

Su Ming glanced at Hui Jue and said coldly.

"Well, this disciple will know everything. The matter is like this. The two benefactors Zhong Yuan and Chen Shaoyang are..."

Seeing Su Ming's deep gaze, Huijue's heart trembled, and he didn't dare to have the intention of expiring, and told all the things that happened to him.


"Benefactor Zhong Yuan, you have to be careful."

Tianyuan's slightly excited voice rang in the air, buzzing and vibrating, and wave after wave came towards me.

Even when I used the sound and roar skill, I secretly smiled, raised the magic energy, and shouted in the same way: "Come on!"

The golden Dharma Prime Minister raised his palm and slapped it in the air. A golden seal with the swastika appeared in the golden palm. The golden seal changed from small to large, and finally pressed towards my head like a hill.

"Tongmo Fist!"

With a pinch of five fingers, a fist is thrown upwards fiercely. This Tongmo Fist is the most powerful form of the True Magic Physiognomy. As long as you practice this Zhonggong, you will naturally comprehend some things, and I am no exception. Only Only the Tongmo Fist can resist the golden seal with the swastika.

A huge fist shadow flew out, compressed by the purple-gold magic fire, and the surrounding void was burned and distorted.


An earth-shattering loud noise came from the sky. After the golden seal of the swastika collided with the fist seal formed by the Tongmoquan, it burst open. The violent Buddhist flames and the purple-gold magic fire spread like light waves in all directions, with a radius of hundreds of miles. All the trees were burned, Chen Shaoyang's body appeared a khaki battle armor, barely resisting the light wave's attack, and Huiyi's body appeared a nearly transparent golden bell.

"Tianyuan Bald Donkey, didn't you say that you only hit once, why did you strike again?!"

After this blow, Tianyuan raised his hands up, the golden Buddha fire in his palm was slowly burning, and he was already accumulating energy to launch the second blow, and Chen Shaoyang below immediately roared at the top of his throat.

"Master Tianyuan, do you really want to do it? I can't guarantee that I won't hurt you, because I can't master the power of this secret technique myself."

Tianyuan attacked me again, I naturally saw it, and I was a little angry, after all, the other party agreed that it was only three moves, and I recognized it when he attacked me like the black yuan Buddha bead, but now he still refuses to give up, I don't want to Cause trouble, but if you really want to provoke me, I am naturally not afraid.

"It doesn't matter, benefactor Zhong is here, if he loses today, even if the poor monk's Dharma collapses, he can't blame others."

Tian Yuan looked up at me and snorted coldly.

"That's good, master the universe, evolve the Dao pattern, and use my power to gather the ancient Buddha's palm! Order!"

I suddenly raised my palm, as if my palm was about to be torn open, cracks spread from my arm, and the arm of the real devil bone wrapped around my arm had exploded, exposing my arm, looking Somewhat frightening, huge body, but stretched out a small arm.

The ghost-hunting power of the Six Paths of Faith sank into the palm of my hand, densely packed golden Dao patterns emerged, jumping and gathering in the palm of my hand non-stop, there were more than twenty, it was thirty, no, still growing!

Even I was a little horrified. At the beginning, the sixteen dao patterns in the snowy land almost killed me. Now there are more than 30, and my arm is only slightly cracked. Although there is some pain, it has not spread to the body.

An incomparably attached spirit pattern appeared on my palm, and the spirit pattern exuded a strange luster, and suddenly sank into my palm.

"Da Sun Shen Fist!"

Tianyuan grasped the fist in his hand, and quickly struck out with both arms forward. The dense fist shadows shot towards me, and there was a loud buzzing in the air. There were hundreds of fist shadows, and there were continuous explosions in the air , Resounding throughout the world, the masters in the Kuzhu Temple were naturally alarmed, and they flew towards us one after another, including Li Nianbai and others.

When Chen Shaoyang saw the dense fist shadows, he turned his head and ran away without saying a word. Although the target was not him, the aftermath could still endanger him, after all, he hadn't really recovered his strength yet.

The same is true for Huiyi, with his toes pointing, he used the technique of controlling the wind and went to a distant place. After he ran for a distance, he realized that there were already many disciples of Kuzhu Temple watching, including Huijue, Abbot Tianneng and Su Master Ming.

"What a powerful punch, it can shake the void!"

I squeezed a cold sweat secretly, at this moment, I seem to be a small boat floating in the sea.

But my palm gave me great confidence, and I slapped forward with one palm.


I saw a faint, nearly transparent palm flying out. Seeing this palm, I couldn't help being startled, because I couldn't feel the energy contained in the palm print. In the next scene, my eyeballs almost fell out .

The almost transparent palm collapsed as soon as it touched the dense fist shadow, no, it didn't collapse, but disappeared.

And these great sun fists were also frozen in midair, motionless, and finally hundreds of fist shadows were frozen.

Then, these fist shadows disappeared one after another, as if they had never appeared before.

Tian Yuan, who was possessed by the dharma image, was startled, opened his eyes, showing an extremely terrified expression, twisted his body, turned into a golden rainbow and shot into the distance, but just escaped more than ten feet away, the almost transparent His palm print emerged and lightly imprinted on Fa Xiang's body.


The dharma phase collapsed suddenly, and Tianyuan inside fell down from mid-air. Tianneng was quick-sighted, reached out and pulled the cassock on his body, and threw it forward. The cassock flew out, wrapped Tianyuan, and held it firmly fall to the ground.

Tianyuan groaned, spewed a mouthful of blood on the ground, shocking, then fainted on the ground.

Abbot Tianneng reached out his hand to the tip of Tianyuan's nose, frowned tightly, and said to me: "Benefactor Zhong Yuan, you are too cruel to strike, my junior brother is probably useless, your palm, I can't help but destroy it." Even his foundation has been broken."

I was slightly taken aback, put away the bones of the real demon, and fell from the air. The arm that cast the dao pattern in the palm was like a knife twisting, and the blood fell down the sleeves drop by drop. I opened my mouth and said:

"Master Tianneng, I can't control this palm, and I didn't expect this palm to have such great power."


Tian Neng opened his mouth with a cold snort, and his eyes became a little restless.

In addition to being his younger brother, Master Tianyuan is also one of the best masters in the entire Kuzhu Temple, and he is basically in charge of the Kuzhu Temple. Naturally, he cannot invite the old monk Tianjue, and Su Ming is similar to the elder Keqing. , Sooner or later, he will leave here, so Tianyuan is not only his great help, but also the mainstay of Kuzhu Temple.

"Master Tianneng, you may not have figured out the situation yet. Tianyuan said that Zhong Yuan should take three moves. If Zhong Yuan doesn't use his ability in the last move, then I don't think Zhong Yuan can survive today. Which one of the fights between the great secret arts is not extremely dangerous? Can you guarantee that Zhong Yuan will be safe and sound if the Sun God punches him?"

Chen Shaoyang ran to my side, supported me, and looked at Abbot Tianneng coldly.

At this time, Li Nianbai had come with his sword, besides him, there were Jiang He and his cousin, and Ning Qingyang was walking side by side with them. Okay, long hair fluttering, like a banished fairy.

At this time, the space in front of me fluctuated, and the blue crack disappeared in a flash, and Kong Huahua jumped out.

"It's really shameless. It was obvious that the big bullied the small. Now that he was defeated, he was hurt by Zhong Yuan. It is his blessing that he didn't kill this monk. Why, the atmosphere of Kuzhu Temple has become like this? I think it is still I want someone from Wuliang Temple to discipline and discipline me."

Li Nianbai put away the ebony sword, landed beside me, turned around and spoke to Tianneng.

"Zhong Yuan, how many dao patterns in the palm have you used, the whole arm is cracked."

Jiang He rolled up my sleeves, and when he saw the wound on it, his face suddenly became gloomy, full of scolding.

Tian Neng heard Li Nianbai's tone, his face became a little ugly, he stood up, took a deep breath, and said:

"It's better for Master Li not to intervene in the affairs of the poor temple. Master Zhong Yuan buried a master of our temple alive. How do you explain it? Since this is the case, there is no need for Kuzhu Temple to form an alliance with you. Anyway, these Fan Guoqiangs The perpetrators and demons have been exorcised, and Nanhai City is almost returning to normal."

"What a joke, your Kuzhu Temple is nothing more than that, forming an alliance with you is just looking up to you, you really think we are rare? Do you think I don't know what you are doing when you open the island protection array? You are also an eminent monk, which is clearly to protect yourself. Now the primordial world is in chaos, and monsters are emerging one after another, but you have opened the island protection formation, outsiders are not allowed in, and you cannot be notified, Tian Neng, you really forgot the ancestral precepts of Kuzhu Temple completely. Withdraw the island protection formation, and all the disciples of the temple will leave the island to save the world, subdue demons and eliminate demons, instead of being like turtles!"

I don't know why Li Nianbai was so excited, his face turned red with anger.

But seeing Tianneng's expression getting more and more gloomy, and the faces of some elders of Kuzhu Temple have changed, I think they won't let us off so easily.

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