Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 349 [Emperor Pavilion]

Li Nianbai's words directly hit the point, so many eminent monks of Kuzhu Temple who knew the inside story became very ugly. After all, the disciples of this kind of thing are not clear. What do you think?

Tian Neng took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Is it up to you to be a turtle or not? The Kuzhu Temple has existed for so long, so there is a reason for it. The poor monk knows that the primitive world is in chaos. If the monks of the Kuzhu Temple People come out in full force, and the foundation will be destroyed. The poor monk doesn’t want to be this sinner, you guys should leave Putuo Island as soon as possible.”

He actually started to issue an order to chase away guests. I pointed to Huiyang and said in a deep voice, "Let's go? We haven't broken through the [-] arhat formation yet."

The corner of Tian Neng's mouth twitched slightly, and he said with a self-deprecating smile: "Hehe, I didn't expect Master Zhong to have such a powerful strength, I don't want the one hundred and eight disciples under my sect to become like Junior Brother Tianyuan So, let's go, there is no need to break through this Arhat formation."

"You don't regret it."

Li Nianbai reminded him from the side, while staring at Su Ming, who was smiling but not smiling, he knew very well that no matter how arrogant he was in this Kuzhu Temple, he would still have Su Ming's backing, so he didn't have to be afraid of anything. What a disaster, this uncle will also support him.

"Of course I won't regret it, just take good care of Huiyang."

After Tianneng finished speaking, he ordered people to lift up Tianyuan and head towards the direction of Kuzhu Temple.

"Let's go. I don't mind staying here any longer. Let's go back to Nanhai City. I have a house in the city center there. I've been eating vegetarian for the past two days. I'm going to throw up. Go back and eat delicious food."

Chen Shaoyang patted the dirt on his body, raised his head, and raised his mouth.

"That's good, let's go, but Zhong Yuan's appearance is a bit miserable, don't we have to fly back?"

As soon as Li Nianbai heard about the food, the majesty and arrogance he had accumulated with great difficulty disappeared completely, and now his eyes are shining and his mouth is drooling.

"Let the poor monk take you back."

A familiar voice came from not far away, Su Ming and the extraverted monk Wukong walked towards us, the rest of the Kuzhu Temple monks had already returned to the temple, and it was the extraverted monk Wukong who spoke.

"Thank you Master Wukong."

I nodded and thanked, if there is no time to help, it will be much more convenient for us to leave here.

"Uncle Ming, we are leaving, and you are still here? Why don't you come back to Jiuhuang City with us? We plan to rebuild Jiuhuang City. We must support you in this regard."

Li Nianbai turned his eyes slightly, ran to Su Ming's side, and spoke with a smile.

Jiuhuang City may be an important basis for us. It can be seen from Jiuhuang City that it has been invaded by demons, and Nanhai City is no exception. The devil of He Da World took control.

"Uncle still has some things to do. You can't leave Kuzhu Temple now. Don't worry, I will help you when you encounter difficulties."

Su Ming patted Li Nianbai's shoulder and said.

"Well, well, remember to come and see us."

Li Nianbai stared at Su Ming rather reluctantly, Su Ming let go of his hand and smiled slightly, then turned and left.

We went back to the pier again, and took the small boat there to return to Putuo Port. Because the island guard array had been damaged, we could still see the coastline from here.

The wound on the arm, Jiang He helped me hastily bandage it on the boat. Fortunately, the wound on the arm is just some skin trauma, and it will recover soon. , although through this opportunity to reach the sixth level of Condensed True Realm, but the bone of the real devil destroyed an arm.

In the sea of ​​dantian qi, the bone plate of the real devil sits on the lavender astrolabe, the destroyed arm has been wrapped by the devil qi, and a faint arm emerges from the purple gold devil qi, and it is slowly recovering Then, seeing this scene, I breathed a sigh of relief. The real devil's bone was originally a monster, and the monster can use its own magic energy to repair the damaged place.

"Zhong Yuan, why did you and Chen Shaoyang go to such a remote place? Why did you fight Tianyuan? Didn't your ghost hunting power never recover? When did you become so reckless?"

My cousin sat next to me, made a pot of tea, pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and opened his mouth. Now his eyes can be controlled, but wearing glasses has become a habit.

I thought about it for a while, and felt that there was nothing to hide about this matter, so I said, "Chen Shaoyang is the body of Tude, you probably don't know it, he said that I am the holy body of the five elements, and I can forge the five elements through acquired cultivation." Body, as long as the cultivation is great, the body alone can compete with the top ten true demons in the Maha world. I have already cultivated the body of fire virtue, so I will not let this opportunity go. I see."

"Buddha Palm? You can actually condense into the magic talisman of Buddha Palm? It's unbelievable, Zhong Yuan, I'm not talking about you. If you continue to use the Dao pattern secret technique that exceeds the limit of your body, your body will collapse sooner or later."

Li Nianbai pursed his lips, and spoke with a serious look.

"This time, although it's a little risky, it is certain that Zhong Yuan is the Holy Body of the Five Elements. It's no wonder that Styx, even though he is still in the seal, ordered the ten real demons to come and hunt him down. By the way, although Nanhai City seems to be Calm has been restored, and the powerhouses of the Fan Kingdom have been wiped out, but the devil is not dead yet. I was able to summon the remaining disciples of the Ghost Hunter Alliance, but their strength has been greatly damaged. Zhong Yuan, can you leave one person to assist me? Well, just wait for this side to stabilize."

Chen Shaoyang poured a cup of tea for me with a smile, handed it to me, and said.

"Who do you want to stay?"

I nodded. What he said made sense. Nanhai City was finally regained. This time, it must not be lost again, and it cannot be reduced to a deserted city like Nine Desolation City.

"Li Nianbai, I think it is very suitable for him to stay here, because Master Su Ming will not leave Kuzhu Temple for a short time, and if he encounters a demon attack, he can also send reinforcements."

Chen Shaoyang grinned at Li Nianbai with a flattering expression on his face.

"I have no intention of staying in Nanhai City."

Before Li Nianbai waited for me to speak, he stared at Chen Shaoyang with displeasure.

"Zhong Yuan, please tell me, we are all in the same group anyway, you help me to help yourself, at this time, I will naturally not go to the headquarters of the Ghost Hunters Alliance for help, I plan to find another way The form, similar to the form of the Ghost Hunters Alliance, is based in Nanhai City, and the name is up to you."

Chen Shaoyang stared at me with a smile and said.

"Then this kind of organization has the same nature as the Ghost Hunters Alliance?"

Jiang Heda who was next to him spoke with interest.

"I remember that many years ago, my father worked in the Monster Hunting Company in Yonghe City. I don't know if you are clear. In fact, the Monster Hunting School evolved from the Monster Hunting Company. Zhong Yuan, do you know that Jiulongzhai is also similar to This kind of existence is only based on news."

Li Nianbai stared at me, his eyes sparkled, and he looked eager to try.

"Well, I know, well, anyway, we have a lot of people, it is impossible to follow around, and the cost is not small, so it is time to establish it, but let's think about the name together."

I nodded, feeling a little excited. Is this a sign of starting a business?

"We definitely can't use the name of Monster Hunting Company. We must be stronger than Monster Hunting Company. Hehe, are you confident? At least the name must be aggressive enough to impress my father!"

Li Nianbai talked more and more vigorously, finally he clenched his fists with excitement and looked at me.

"Zhong Yuan is the reincarnation of Huang Tian, ​​how about naming it after Huang Tian?"

The cousin stroked his chin and said.

"No, these two words are too monotonous."

Kong Huahua shook his head, vetoed, rolled his eyes, and touched his chin like his cousin.

"How about Huangtian Pavilion? It won't be too monotonous."

After thinking about it, I opened my mouth and said.

"Yes, I agree, I can be a receptionist."

Kong Huahua nodded and stared at me with a smile.

Li Nianbai nodded and said: "Huangtian Pavilion is domineering enough, so it's decided."

"The main task of the Huangtian Pavilion is to take on the task of hunting ghosts, because most of them are ghost hunters, and the second is the monsters. Because the monsters are relatively powerful, there must be powerful people. The headquarters of the Huangtian Pavilion is set up in Jiuhuang City. And the Huangtian Pavilion in Nanhai City can be regarded as a branch, Nianbai, you sit in it and return to Jiuhuang City after helping Shaoyang tidy up."

I took a sip of tea and looked at Li Nianbai who looked displeased again. Li Nianbai looked at me helplessly and said, "Okay."

"Come, come, drink tea, drink tea."

Chen Shaoyang smiled all over his face and stared at Li Nianbai cheerfully. Although he didn't know the general strength of Li Nianbai, but with Su Ming as his backer, he didn't have to worry about anything.

We returned to Putuo Port again, it was getting late, and after having a sumptuous seafood dinner at the port, we drove to Nanhai City.

Chen Shaoyang owns a big house in the center of Nanhai City. We are already planning to return to Jiuhuang City tomorrow morning, and take this opportunity to change the gauze on my body. Most of the burns on my face have recovered, and it will take another week. Can really restore the original appearance, no longer need to wear a mask to cover up.

"Nianbai, I might go to the underworld once."

Sitting on the soft sofa, I spoke.

"Hell? Is it about the traitor in the underworld?"

Li Nianbai was slightly startled and said.

"Well, yes, I have to go to the underworld to help my ancestor. This character is as famous as the ancestor in the underworld, and he also has a regeneration blood pool. He has attracted a large number of ghost messengers, which is very unfavorable to the ancestor."

I nodded, this Lord Blood must be dealt with, and the Mingyin Pendant has an incredible power to restrain ghosts, so it should be of great help to the ancestors.

"Then why don't you ask me to come with you? Although I am a sword cultivator, my Qinglian Yuanying is not weak. Your Yuanshen is not strong, right? Yincao Difu is a place full of ghosts."

Li Nianbai reached out and grabbed a banana, peeled off the skin, and said.

"I don't intend to leave my body to go to the underworld. If I go this way, it will definitely be extremely dangerous. I plan to go to the underworld like this. In this way, I can use the Dao pattern in my palm and the real magic and facial skills."

I smiled and said what I planned in my heart. Only when I get down physically can I rest assured. God knows how long I will stay in the underworld.

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