Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 350 [Change in Huai Village]

When Li Nianbai heard this, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he said:

"Since this is the case, it is not so easy to find the entrance to the underworld, and the underworld is very dark, which will affect us to some extent. However, you have the bodyguard of the underworld, so it must not be a big problem, but Jiang He They don't have that much luck."

I smiled, it seems that he thought I was going to bring them down together, so he was worried, and said: "This time I will go alone, they will stay in Jiuhuang City."

"No, it's too dangerous. I'm also the blood of the Zhong family. Of course I can go. I can't do anything with that little yin energy. You must not enter the underworld alone. Even if your ancestors are there, the underworld is very vast. You may not If you go there, you will be able to meet your ancestors."

My cousin's face darkened, and he looked at me coldly, frowning slightly.

"How did I say that I would go alone? Isn't it okay for the little ghost? He is a Yin body, and he doesn't need to hide in the soul-raising cauldron when he goes to the underworld, and the ability of the little ghost is very helpful to me, cousin, You can't leave, because the Huangtian Pavilion still needs you to preside over it, although the Blood Soul Sect has been disbanded, but the current situation is different from the previous one, and it is not ruled out that there will be demons breaking into the Nine Desolation City."

I thought about it, and told my cousin my worries, hoping he would understand.

The cousin grabbed an apple and took a bite. The surroundings were extremely quiet, and no one spoke again. Huiyang snuggled into Ning Qingyang's arms, seemingly asleep.

"Okay, I agree, but do you know the entrance to the underworld?"

The cousin finally compromised, stared at me, and asked.

It stands to reason that only the ghosts of the underworld can enter the underworld, but in fact the underworld is another world, and there are channels to enter this world.

"Of course, it's enough to call a messenger to lead the way. Well, it's not now anyway. I have to go back to my hometown and ask Zi Luo about some things. Let's leave early tomorrow. Shaoyang, can you help us buy train tickets?"

I stared at Chen Shaoyang and said.

"Of course I bought it. Let's not play for a few more days? Nanhai City is also good. We can also go to the beach. There are many beach beauties there."

Chen Shaoyang looked at me with a smile.

"No, if I hadn't condensed the Buddha-killing Palm Spirit Talisman and consumed all my ghost-hunting power, I would have returned to Jiuhuang City with the technique of soaring clouds. Nianbai, you will help me tonight. I don't know what I will encounter along the way." There is no danger, so I will try my best to restore my ring of faith."

I patted Li Nianbai on the shoulder and stood up. Although Ning Qingyang was with me, there was also Huiyang who needed to be taken care of.


Early the next morning, under the watchful eyes of Chen Shaoyang and Li Nianbai, we left Nanhai City, and the train traveled all the way north.

After one night, my power of faith has recovered quite a bit. Even in the carriage, I still keep my eyes closed and meditate. The train cannot go directly to Jiuhuang City, but I can get off at the adjacent city. There is nothing special about this journey. things.

After the third day, we got on the minibus again and went to Hongli Town. Halfway through, Huiyang was already vomiting. This little guy rarely rides in the car, and his condition is very bad. Qingyang was very distressed and looked at it with some resentment. With a glance at me, my strength has recovered. Apart from the skin trauma on my body, I am still in good spirits. There is still a golden mask on my face, but it is covered up with a concealment technique.

After getting off the car, Huiyang's cheeks were swollen, he found a ditch, and threw up desperately.

But I looked at the familiar things around me, and I only left for a month, as if it had been several years, and I couldn't help sighing.

"Zhong Yuan, go buy a bottle of water."

Ning Qingyang patted Huiyang's back, and spoke anxiously. Huiyang couldn't stand still. This little guy who is proficient in Buddhist secret arts is so serious.

I found a small shop nearby, bought a few bottles of water, and then Ning Qingyang unscrewed the cap to feed Huiyang to drink. Seeing his caring appearance, being a full-time nanny is good.

It's not far from my hometown, and with our current footsteps, it won't take long to get there.

In the past, it took half a day to get there even by bicycle, but this time, we deliberately used some means, so it took less than an hour to get there.

The village is still the same as before, very quiet. At the entrance of the village, I saw the familiar Er Niu brother. Er Niu brother was going to work in the field, and next to him was Xuewei. A basket, smiling and walking side by side with Er Niu.

When I arrived at the door of the house, I saw Zhong Xiaoman was cultivating hard, with a very serious expression on his face, punching and kicking in an orderly manner.

"Brother Zhongli, Brother Jiang He, you are finally back."

Seeing us appearing, Zhong Xiaoman ran over immediately, but his eyes swept away and fell on me and Ning Qingyang. His eyes were full of doubts, and he was even more surprised when he saw Kong Huahua. Maybe he was as amazing as Kong Huahua. It was the first time he had seen a beautiful woman.

"Little guy, Brother Zhong Yuan doesn't even recognize him?"

I knocked on Xiaoman's head and said with a smile.

"Brother Zhong Yuan, why has your appearance changed? But judging from your voice and body shape, it matches well."

Zhong Xiaoman stared at me thoughtfully.

"Where did your father and your uncle go? Why didn't sister Xiaoqing see it?"

I touched his head and asked, we came in and made such a big noise, they should have come out logically, but there is no one now.

"Grandpa Man has an accident, sister Xiaoqing has returned to Jiuhuang City, and I am looking after the house."

Zhong Xiaoman pursed his lips, frowning.

"What's wrong with Master Man? What's the matter?"

In my heart, the appearance of Man Ye immediately appeared in my mind, a thin old man with wrinkles on his face, he likes to smoke, he treats me very well, as long as I go, I can eat delicious scallion pancakes, although He is not my real man, but I never treat him as an outsider.

"I don't know either. My father told me to stay here obediently. If after three days, they haven't returned, they should tell me to flee to Jiuhuang City and wait for you to go home. Today is already the second day." , Brother Zhong Yuan, will something happen to them?"

Zhong Xiaoman said worriedly.

"Just take a look and see, Qingyang, you leave Huiyang here and go with us, Jiang He and little fox, you two stay here, okay?"

I opened my mouth and said.

Ning Qingyang nodded, and then Jiang He hugged Huiyang from his back.

It's already early summer, and the weather has started to get a little hot, but the precious clothes on me are warm in winter and cool in summer, and can maintain my body temperature well. My cousin has already changed into a thin one in the car. He wore a black jacket, skinny jeans, and a pair of cool toad glasses on the bridge of his nose. These equipment were purchased in Nanhai City.

Ning Qingyang has changed a bit. He is dressed in a blue suit, with many silver marks on his shoulders, which looks like a clan-style totem, and a hat on his head, which just covers his coiled long hair. Hair, so it looks less weird.

According to Huiyang, the cyan robe on Ning Qingyang was transformed from his scale armor, which can automatically change shape, and it can be regarded as a precious garment.

And the treasure clothes on me can also change the shape, but I need to use my own ghost hunting power to maintain the shape. In order not to be too weird, I directly changed into a pair of gray skinny jeans, and the upper body was a white shirt. Coupled with the thin suit and vest, the Vulcan ring in his hand is not particularly covered.

The place where Man Ye was located was Huai Village. After entering the woods, he came to the familiar deserted tomb. Even in the daytime, it was extremely gloomy here. Huai Village was not far away, but my cousin stopped, with an expression on his face With no expression on his face, he suddenly tore off the copper coin from his chest, clasped his palms together, and with a pull, a seven-star sword about a foot long appeared in his hand.

"Jong Yuan, be careful."

Hearing my cousin's warning, I nodded. The atmosphere here is indeed a bit weird, and I can't even hear the chirping of birds and cicadas.

This is unusual. Usually at this time, there are many birds in this forest, and there are also cicadas singing. I have caught cicadas here before.

"The breath here is unusual. Have you noticed that, apart from us, there is no one in this forest, and when we come in, there are mana fluctuations."

Ning Qingyang suddenly stared at a certain place, then raised his head and glanced at the sky, his face suddenly darkened.


I began to quicken my pace, and walked for a long time, but I still couldn't find the way to Huai Village. It seemed that Huai Village had disappeared, and there was no village at all.

"You don't have to go, Huai Village has been covered by people, and I can only feel the huge power, but I can't find the entrance."

Ning Qingyang clenched his fists and frowned.

Even he couldn't find the entrance, so what kind of force blocked Huai Village?

"Let me come, all things are in the universe, yin and yang are infinite, and the eyes of magic are opened!"

Cousin took off his sunglasses, his eyes flickered, and after a while, they turned into black and white pupils, which slowly rotated. He glanced around, and finally fixed on a certain place, the eyes were full of light, and the pupils Black and white rays of light were shot out of it, and the two rays of light were intertwined into one place, disappearing into the void.

It was at this time that his pupils returned to normal color, and the void where the light had entered began to ripple, and a nearly transparent light curtain emerged, which was the entrance of Huai Village. I reached out and grabbed a stone to go When I threw it there, I thought the stone would bounce off, but unexpectedly the stone passed through.

I took a few steps forward, stretched out my hand to press on the light curtain, but my arm couldn't go through it, it was extremely weird.

"What a powerful magic circle. It seems that only dead objects can pass through this magic circle. We living people can't do it at all. Zhong Li has already made this magic circle appear. It seems that we have to hide our breath and become like dead people. , to be able to enter this magic circle."

Ning Qingyang said.

"Can't we forcibly destroy this magic circle?"

The cousin said from the side, now that the magic circle has been exposed, it is only a little troublesome to destroy it, but it will be successful in the end.

"It can't be destroyed. This magic circle is very likely arranged by my father or Zi Luo. From the perspective of the magic circle, it should be trying to trap something inside. If we break it rashly, the things inside will come out."

I opened my mouth slowly.

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