Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 351 [Violet's True Identity]

"Cousin, can you see what happened inside?"

Although we can barely see the hazy scene inside from the light curtain, we can't see the specific things clearly, and this light curtain seems to disappear again.

My cousin shook his head and said: "Of course I can't see the scene inside Huai Village clearly. This is just the entrance to Huai Village. There is nothing there. This magic circle is set up around Huai Village. If you want to see more, you can only go to Huai Village. Rush into the magic circle, Ning Qingyang, I think you've figured out a way to get in."

The light in Ning Qingyang's eyes flickered, and he walked up to the light curtain formed by the magic circle, stretched out his hand and pressed it lightly, and released it after a while, the blue light on his body flickered, and soon the whole person was covered by this strange layer of light. Shrouded in blue light, he raised his foot and stepped forward, passing directly through this layer of light curtain.

When I looked at him from the outside, his figure was distorted, and the image was very blurry, and I could barely see a blue light. After a while, he stepped out with one foot and waved to us both.

When we approached, Ning Qingyang stretched out his hands to point at our foreheads, and a faint blue light appeared on our bodies instantly. I immediately felt a chill in my body and almost lost consciousness. At this moment, Ning Qingyang grabbed Then the two of us tugged and pulled directly into the light curtain.

At this moment, I almost lost consciousness, and my heart seemed to stop beating, but after Ning Qingyang let go, I regained my original consciousness and began to breathe heavily. During this process, the whole person seemed to be hypoxic , I glanced at my cousin next to me, he was the same as me, his chest heaved violently, and he stared at Ning Qingyang in horror.

If Ning Qingyang had really done something just now, it is estimated that the two of us would die.

"Don't stare at me like this. I have no choice but to come in so easily? Well, let's go."

Ning Qingyang turned his head away, stared at the entrance of Huai Village, and said in a deep voice.

From here to Huai Village, it is only about [-] meters away. Before getting close, I feel a very familiar spooky aura. The whole Huai Village is shrouded in a layer of black mist. The sky that was originally clear has now changed. It was extremely dark, like a ghost land.

"Corpse gas, although it is very faint, should be produced by people who have just died, and there are a lot of them."

Ning Qingyang stopped again and spoke lightly.

My cousin and I quickened our pace again. When we arrived at the entrance of Huai Village, the old locust tree at the entrance of the village had already withered. All the vegetation withered, and the whole Huai Village looked lifeless.

In the middle of the village of Huai Village, there is a person sitting cross-legged. This person is Man Ye wearing black clothes. However, Man Ye's appearance has changed drastically. He was originally a skinny old man, but now he has become extremely ferocious. , although his body became tall and straight, and his appearance changed drastically, his eyes were red, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he kept grinning.

But under Man Ye's body, there is a purple magic circle. Man Ye is in the center of the magic circle, and it looks like he can't break through the magic circle. He said ferociously:

"Zi Luo, you can't trap me, your current strength is far worse than before!"

The voice was very hoarse and harsh, it was not Man Ye's voice at all, it seemed to be a different person.

Around Man Ye, a person fell on the ground next to a certain residential house, it was my uncle, who was unconscious, his father was taking care of him, and Zi Luo was standing not far away, pinching the magic bullet with both hands, The purple gauze skirt was fluttering, and she was controlling the magic circle. Seeing Man Ye speak, she sneered:

"You are just a trace of distraction, and your tone is not small. Do you really think I can't deal with you? If you hadn't occupied Uncle Man's body, I would have beaten you to ashes and annihilated long ago."

"Oh? Is that right? I have slaughtered dozens of people in Huai Village. I thought I would do it without anyone noticing, but unexpectedly, this old man still has some skills. He can support you until you come here and ruin my event. It's really unexpected that you are also reincarnated, and you are still in this primitive world. Do you think that you can get rid of Lord Styx by doing this? It's just a delusion. If I already know the news I want to know, just wait until I leave here, your kindness The Demon Temple is just waiting to be destroyed by our nine true demons!"

Man Ye laughed loudly, and suddenly let out a low growl, like a wild beast roaring, countless black threads of light overflowed from his body, and he went straight to the surroundings, disappearing into the surrounding houses in an instant.

"The reincarnated body? The temple of good demons? Could it be... Is Zi Luo really one of the top ten true demons?"

My heart trembled a little. At this time, Man Ye's voice stopped abruptly, and the villagers who were killed around him came out of the house one after another, their movements were extremely stiff, and they looked very strange. Some villagers even had the same hands and feet. The aura of living beings had completely disappeared, and his eyes were pitch black, with a ferocious look on his face, and he ran towards my father and the others.

His father's face turned pale, but there was still a lot of blood left at the corner of his mouth. On closer inspection, he was seriously injured. Most of the shirt on his body was destroyed. Although the wound has scabbed over, it still looks a little shocking.

"Wei Qiang, take Zhong Shan out of here. This is the devil's puppet secret technique. These people have become devil puppets. You are injured now, and you are not their opponent."

Seeing these villagers walking out, Zi Luo spoke with a slightly startled expression.

"Since you know that this is a devil puppet, then you know that he is absolutely unable to escape. Although these carriers are a little weaker, they can still use some basic methods of the devil puppet. Zi Luo, the one in your womb The mystery has not been completely solved yet. I heard that you went to the Great World of Maha once, so you must have gone to the Demon Transformation Pond. Who is in charge of the Temple of Good Demons? If you tell me, maybe I will read it again. For the sake of our tens of thousands of years of love in the past, to conceal your current identity, you must know that the other eight true demons are not as easy to talk to as I am."

The demon ghost possessing Man Ye said with a grinning grin.

"Don't want me to tell you, that person's strength is not much worse than when I was a good devil, and you guessed wrong, I don't have the mystery of the womb at all, I just cultivate After using some kind of secret technique, I will be in this state now. As long as I recover, who among you nine true demons will be my opponent? You are quite courageous, and you actually sent five ambassadors over here, and even killed them. My father-in-law, I will directly charge this account to you. "

Seeing the demon puppets around her, Zi Luo frowned, and her tone became even colder.

"Yo? Father-in-law, it seems that that kid is your good friend in the primitive world. Anyway, I have already got the news, so don't try to lie to me. You should be the biological mother of the reincarnated person in this life, and That kid named Wei Qiang should be his father. As long as I take him away, I'm afraid that Emperor Tian will catch him without letting go? Good devil, what kind of skill did you practice? You disappeared once more than 20 years ago. Could it be that since then? You came to the primitive world? At that time, Master Styx had already regained some consciousness and ordered me to go to the Nether Blood Sea to get the blood water. I remember that you agreed at the beginning, but you couldn’t retreat later. I think that during this time You're in the primordial world, what the hell have you done?"

The devil's soul sneered coldly.

"I can't tell you. I went to the spirit world once and brought in my allies. The demon Styx turned the world of Maha upside down. I am one of the true demons. Do you think I will be like you?"

Zi Luo snorted coldly, but didn't hide anything.

"I see. Those who live in the Temple of Good Demons should be people who have passed from the spirit world. Good Demons, you don't have to go back to the Great World of Maha. As long as Master Styx wakes up, our stripped-out The great world of Maha will come to this world again."

The demon's soul split into haha, and at the same time, the black light in his eyes was shining. The surrounding villagers raised their hands one after another. The demonic energy in their hands was churning, and a pitch-black sickle emerged.

These sickles are all transformed from pure magic energy, and have been transformed into substance.

"Impossible, I have to wait for my son to grow up and completely destroy Styx. The Great World of Maha has been separated for many years. Now returning to the original world will be a catastrophe. Wei Qiang, why don't you leave? These devil puppets can't hurt Me, you have to avoid these demonic scythes, although they are not real magic weapons, they are not very powerful."

Zi Luo spoke loudly to her father, looking anxious.

"It's too late, his ghost-hunting power has been exhausted, and he is seriously injured. Let alone stepping out of the magic circle, it is impossible to break through the encirclement of demon puppets."

The demon ghost sneered. After all, there are dozens of villagers here, all of whom have been reduced to demon puppets. They have completely surrounded them, and we are hiding at the entrance of the village, so they did not find us.

"Zhong Yuan, your mother is actually one of the top ten true demons in the Maha Great World. It's really amazing, and she's still one of the good demons, but this demon possessing Man Ye's body is so amazing that it turned so many villagers into demons. Demon puppets, Zhong Yuan, how do we deal with these puppets?"

The cousin took off his glasses and whispered.

"Death is dead, how can we deal with it? Naturally, it will be completely destroyed."

Ning Qingyang hugged his shoulders and said coldly.

"How else can we deal with it? Although these villagers have been reduced to puppets, and their bodies need to be buried alive, we only need to dispel the demonic energy in their bodies. Also, as you have heard, it is best not to use these demonic scythes. Being rowed, well, they are going to start attacking, let's do the same."

I took out a lot of yellow talismans from the Vulcan Ring, and then I took out my Demon Subduing Sword and rushed out. My cousin and Ning Qingyang followed closely behind me.

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