Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 352 [Split Soul]

Ning Qingyang was a little speechless. It would be much easier to destroy these demonic puppets directly. It would be a lot of trouble to break up the demonic energy. This is a technical job, and you need to use your own demonic energy to store these in your body The evil spirit is expelled.

The more he ran forward, the stronger the demonic energy here, which was shocking. These demonic puppets moved slowly, and the seven-star step and light body technique quickly bypassed them.

"Come with me!"

I reached out and grabbed my father's shoulder, thinking of taking him out of here.

"Who are you?!"

Although my father was injured, he avoided my hand on one side of his body, and was holding my uncle with the other hand. He looked at me vigilantly, but behind him was surrounded by demon puppets. One of them was a middle-aged uncle with eyes The black light flickered in the middle, and the devil's sickle in his hand was lifted up and slashed directly at the father's neck. As soon as the strong devilish energy dispersed, it was about to hit the father's neck.

I didn't have time to explain, I raised the demon-subduing sword in my hand and stabbed it hard, it just stabbed on the sickle. Although the demonic sickle was made of condensed demonic energy, it was not as easy to deal with as I imagined. Collapse, just shake the puppet back.

"Fu Mo Jian, you are Yuan'er, how did you become like this?"

When my father saw the demon-subduing sword in my hand, his expression softened, he stared at my face for a while, and was shocked again, because this face was not my original face, and Zi Luo in the distance also cast a strange look. Inquiring eyes flickered in her beautiful eyes.

"I don't have time to say so much now, I'll move you to a safer place first, Ning Qingyang, cousin, these demonic puppets will be handed over to you, remember, just dispel the demonic energy on them."

I held my uncle's arm on the other side, swung my sword to cut a path, and headed towards the entrance of the village. With my help, my father saved a lot of effort.

At this time, my cousin had already entered the demon puppets holding the Seven-Star Soul-Suppressing Sword, and he was also good at the Seven-Star Soul-Suppressing Sword. With the Seven-Star Soul-Suppressing Sword in his hand, these demon puppets couldn't get close at all, and they didn't know that the Seven-Star Soul-Suppressing Sword What power does it have? Although the whole body is made of copper coins, it is extremely sharp. There is a faint golden radiance flowing on the surface, and within the radiance there are hair-like small electric arcs dancing.

As long as it is hit on this devil's sickle, it can be defeated in one fell swoop, and it will turn into devilish energy and escape. The sickle transformed from devilish energy cannot resist the Seven Star Soul Suppressing Sword at all.

At the same time, my cousin is still holding a copper coin in his hand. This copper coin looks twice as big as an ordinary copper coin. The outer circle is in the middle, and the four small seal scripts of heaven and earth are engraved on one side of the copper coin. On the other side, Dao pattern was engraved. He held the Seven Star Soul Suppressing Sword in one hand, and held the copper coin in the other hand. His slender fingers held the copper coin tightly, and a faint golden brilliance shone on the copper coin.

When he defeated a demonic sickle, he threw the other hand, and the copper coin flipped out, and landed on the villager's forehead, as if it was covered with glue. The copper coin shone brightly, and the villager trembled all over. When I got up, I couldn't control my body at all, and then I raised my head and opened my mouth, eyes, nose, and ear mouth to overflow with dense magic energy. After the magic energy overflowed, my cousin stretched out his hand and caught the copper coin in his hand again, and the villager It fell directly to the ground.

Ning Qingyang is more straightforward than the family. He is full of evil spirits. He holds a snake-shaped long sword in one hand, and the other palm is shining with blue light. He moves very quickly. On his forehead, he directly used a domineering method to force out the demonic energy in the villagers' bodies, and the speed was a bit faster than that of his cousin.

After a while, more than a dozen villagers fell on the ground, and the demon possessing Grandpa Man's body was taken aback for a moment, and his face became even more gloomy.

With the obstruction of the two of them, I easily brought my father and uncle to the entrance of the village. I checked the situation in my father's body. seriously injured.

"Yuan'er, didn't you go to the spirit world and come back so soon? And your appearance, how did you become another person?"

My father touched the blood on the corner of his mouth. He didn't care about his injuries. Instead, he asked about my situation rather worriedly.

I removed the secret technique on my body that covered my face, and revealed my golden mask. I lifted off the mask and said with a flushed face, "When I was in the spirit world, I met an envoy of the five demons. , the whole body was seriously injured, and the face was also injured, but it is about to recover."

"Injured by Yin Leizhu?!"

Father's complexion changed drastically. After carefully watching my face getting better, he breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"In addition to being extremely lethal, the Yin Thunder Orb is also very vicious. I heard Zi Luo said before that it cannot be used unless it is a last resort. You came here, it seems that the dialogue between your mother and the devil's soul You have almost heard it. She is one of the top ten true demons, a good demon. Many years ago, she came to the primitive world because of some advanced magic skills. When I first saw her, her strength had become very weak. Very weak, your mother is a true demon, you don't mind."

After finishing speaking, he looked at me cautiously, for fear that I might get angry.

"What do you mind? Could it be that you still have to kill her? Then what kind of skill is she practicing? She even wants to come to this primitive world."

Seeing my father like this, I can't help feeling funny. I just couldn't accept this fact before, but now that I think about it, I can accept it. Furthermore, having a real devil as my mother is also of great benefit to me. Now the rest of the true demons have not come to the primitive world to chase me down. I think she has done a lot of things to be able to hide it until now.

However, I began to be curious about Zi Luo's cultivation method. After all, she said that as long as her cultivation method is successful, even the other nine true demons can't do anything to her. Seeing his father's hesitation, I think he might I don't know either.

"The technique of nine turns of reincarnation, every time one reincarnation is practiced, the strength will double, but the technique of reincarnation has a big disadvantage, that is, when it comes to a new reincarnation, the strength will be frighteningly low, even as Just like a newborn baby, after I separated from her, we didn’t see each other for a long time, that means her nine-turn reincarnation technique has entered another reincarnation, so I can only retreat.”

Father thought for a moment, then spoke.

I nodded. I never thought that there is such a secret technique in this world. It doesn't seem to be a magic skill, but it is very effective, but this disadvantage is also very troublesome. If there is no one to guard it, it will become very dangerous. Glancing at Man Ye who was trapped by the magic circle, he said:

"When I came back today, I heard Xiaoman say that something happened to Master Man, and there was a demon ghost here. What's going on? The devil is one of the top ten true demons. How could his soul be here? Man Ye's body."

Hearing this, the father sighed and said:

"Because the seal is loose, the demon's soul can pass through. He should have contacted the envoy of the five demons, so he knows our whereabouts. Originally, he wanted to control the villagers of Huai Village and attack us, but your grandpa Man He also has some abilities, let us know, but this demon is one of the top ten true demons, even if he is a split soul, he is much stronger than the five demon messengers. , and your mother rushed over, she was responsible for setting up the magic circle, and when your uncle and I resisted the demon's soul, we couldn't resist, so we were injured."

"I understand, you rest here, and I will meet this ghost."

At this time, dozens of demon puppets have been almost eliminated. I walked to Zi Luo, stared at the demon soul trapped by the magic circle, and said:

"Tell me, how can I let Grandpa Man go."

The demon's split soul glanced at me, and said with a grin: "Naturally let me go, remove the magic circle, and I will come out of him."

"Yuan'er, don't believe his words, even if he comes out, he won't keep his promise."

When Zi Luo heard this, she stared at me anxiously.

"I know, but Grandpa Man's life is more important, so please remove the magic circle."

I took a deep breath and turned to stare at Zi Luo.

After hearing what I said, Zi Luo immediately showed a struggling expression, nodded after a long time and said: "Okay, I will listen to you."

After finishing speaking, he squeezed the magic arts with both hands, and the surroundings buzzed. The light curtains around Huai Village collapsed one after another, and purple lights rushed from all directions, and finally they all fell into the magic circle under the feet of the demon soul. Sheng, dimmed in an instant, and finally disappeared.

The demon split his soul and walked around in place, staring at me with a smile and said: "It seems that you are the reincarnation of the emperor, that is Zhong Yuan, we will meet again in the future, Zi Luo, don't worry, I will not return to Maha University now. World, so you don’t have to worry about me telling the truth, this old man’s body will be a burden if I take it, so let’s leave first.”

After finishing speaking, a black light spewed out from Man Ye's mouth, and the black light rushed towards the sky, and disappeared in an instant.

"Yuan'er, I managed to trap him. It seems that I have to rush back to the Temple of Goodness and Demons in the Great World of Maha. Even though that kid Bai Han is powerful, his appearance and aura don't match mine. If the rest If the real devil came to the door, it might be easy to see through."

Zi Luo sighed after seeing the demon's soul split away.

This part of the soul is a part of the main body. It has independent consciousness, but it is under the control of the main body. As long as this part of the soul returns to the main body, then the main body will know everything that the sealed soul has experienced. The reason why Zi Luo is so worried, I think It is for this reason.

"Bai Han? Who is Bai Han? Could it be the person who is taking your place now? Is this person from the spirit world?"

There was a flash in my mind, as if I had heard the name before, so I asked.

Zi Luo nodded, not hiding anything, and said: "That's right, Bai Han is a disciple of the Demon Catch Sect in the spirit world, and his practice is very advanced. He is temporarily replacing me, but I will still go back to Moroccan every once in a while." He Dajie, explain some things."

"Oh I got it."

I nodded, and then I remembered that Li Mubai told me back then that there were several giants who had been to the Maha World, and some people stayed there, it should be Bai Han.

"Yuan'er, why are you wearing a mask? Also, when did you meet a big monster? The magic weapon in your cousin's hand is similar to the Seven Star Soul Suppressing Sword in Bai Wuchang's hand. Could it be that he took it away and closed the door?" Disciple."

Zi Luo had noticed Ning Qingyang a long time ago, and Ning Qingyang didn't hide the evil spirit on his body at all. His eyes turned and fell on the Seven Star Soul Suppressing Sword in his cousin's hand again, and he spoke with a look of surprise on his face.

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