Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 353 [Old Ancestral Hall]

My cousin took the Seven Star Soul Suppressing Sword and walked towards us, with a smile on his face, he said, "Auntie, do you know the master?"

Zi Luo nodded, her eyes fell into the distance, her expression suddenly turned cold, and she said anxiously:

"Yuan'er, your father has been caught in the clutches of this devil's soul. I'll go and have a look first, and I'll leave it to you, your grandpa Man."

Before I could agree, a gust of fragrant wind blew by, and the figure jumped out at an extremely fast speed, almost in the blink of an eye, it arrived at my father's side.

Man Ye fell to the ground, his black clothes were covered with mud and grass, and he was unconscious. He returned to his original emaciated appearance, his face was wrinkled, and his face was extremely pale. Grandpa Man, injected a little ghost-hunting power into his body, he blinked his eyelids a few times, and then slowly opened his eyes. When he saw me wearing a mask, his face changed. He thought it was a demon, and was about to run away. Hold him down and say:

"Master Man, I'm Zhong Yuan, and the devil has left now."

Man Ye looked at me suspiciously, and then glanced around again, seeing Zhong Li, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said slowly: "Old man, I almost died here, but the dozens of people in Huai Village all died. ..."

After he finished speaking, he burst into tears and couldn't make a sound. Grandpa Man has lived here for decades. Even if he is not from here, he has developed feelings for this village. Now that all these people have died tragically, he is naturally very sad.

"Then what should we do? Leave it to human forces to solve it, or should we solve it ourselves? After all, these corpses have been attacked by demonic energy. Although they are exorcised now, they will inevitably not change into corpses. Moreover, if a village is destroyed, dozens of people will also die. It's not so easy to hide."

Looking at the corpses all over the ground, the corpse aura on these corpses has become more and more intense. Although the formation has been removed, Huai Village is still full of ghostly aura, and the surroundings are abnormally cold.

"Contain these corpses first, and then I will take responsibility. The old man still knows some people in this mortal world, but these corpses need your help. Now I am seriously injured, and it is difficult for me to walk."

Man Ye stood up staggeringly, his voice was extremely weak, he coughed a few times, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"Cousin, you send Man Ye back to heal his injuries first, and Qing Yang and I can deal with it here."

After seeing the corpses all over the floor, I sighed and said slowly.

"You human beings are troublesome, this corpse will change at any time, and the Fengshui of Huai Village is extremely bad. For me, it’s better to just burn it with a big fire, lest these evil spirits cause harm to the world.”

Ning Qingyang glanced at the corpses all over the ground, and said coldly.

"Cousin, hurry up."

I ignored Ning Qingyang and found the old ancestral hall in Huai Village. It is said that the old ancestral hall in Huai Village has a history of hundreds of years. In the past, there were often villagers gathered in the ancestral hall, so it is said that there is a lot of space. It's also appropriate, and it won't expose these villagers to the wilderness.

Ning Qingyang followed me, and I told him to find a lot of straw mats in the nearby farmhouses. It is already summer, so every household will have them, which can be used to wrap corpses.

I knew quite a few villagers in Huai Village, and all of them are dead now. I can’t help but sigh in my heart that the world is impermanent, and even a hidden place like Huai Village cannot escape this catastrophe.

After spending a little time, we finally moved the corpses into the ancestral hall, because of the weather, and Master Man didn't say how to deal with these corpses, but the security is here. I used the Dao pattern in my palm to condense a frozen charm, so that The lower temperature here will not allow these corpses to rot in advance.

The age of this ancestral hall is very old. Although it has been renovated many times and its appearance has changed greatly, the altar table, tablets, pillars and other things in the ancestral hall can still tell the age of this ancestral hall.

There are several supporting logs in the old ancestral hall. These logs are very smooth and of good texture. After so many years, they have not been damaged at all.

There are several protruding long wooden boards on the top of the altar, and there are many black spirit tablets on them. Most of these tokens are the tablets of the village chief of Huai Village. If you look closely, there are already more than ten tablets, but what is a little strange is that , these tablets were actually tied with red strings, and in front of these tablets there was a porcelain pot with a yellow talisman seal on the surface of the pot.

Under these spirit tablets, there are rows of corpses. These corpses are wrapped in straw mats, showing feet of different sizes, and the whole body is wrapped. In addition, it is almost night, and they look a little gloomy. These villagers The death was too sudden, and the resentment was difficult to calm down, so the soul would naturally not return to the underworld easily.

There is no electric light in the ancestral hall, so I found a few big white candles and lit them. Just as I was about to take a breath, two figures, one big and one small, walked towards the entrance of the village, not fast.

I was slightly surprised. How could someone come at this time?

"Don't worry, it's Qingcheng and your Grandpa Man."

Seeing my serious face, and even holding the demon-subduing sword in my hand, Ning Qingyang spoke with a slight smile.

When someone walked in, it really was them, but it was Huiyang who was supporting Master Man and holding a food box in his hand. Suddenly, I rubbed my stomach, I hadn't eaten for a long time, and I was a little hungry.

"Master Man, you are here again, didn't you say that you want to heal your wounds, and Huiyang, why are you here?"

Ning Qingyang and I went out to stop them. Ning Qingyang was worried that the corpses inside would scare Huiyang, because these villagers died terribly, their facial features were distorted, and their death was extremely terrifying.

Huiyang blinked his big bright eyes, peeked at the ancestral hall, frowned and said: "I heard that many people died here, and there was a lot of resentment, and I am the only monk, I want to save them."

"No, you came out with us this time, and you are returning to vulgarity. Where are you still a monk?"

Ning Qingyang smoothed his brows and spoke calmly.

"Even if I return to the vulgar, the Dharma is still there. Besides, I don't want to return to the vulgar now. The master said that if I return to the vulgar, I will have something to do with women. In this way, we will not be able to continue to practice the Da Ri Fu Mo Sutra, and may even go off the rails." Huiyang doesn't want to be enchanted, anyway, I won't touch women, but I can consider eating meat, Master Su Ming said, wine and meat pass through the intestines, and the Buddha will keep it in his heart."

As soon as the meat was mentioned, Huiyang's eyes became brighter, and the strange atmosphere around him was diluted by his words. Even Man Ye laughed, touched his little bald head and said:

"You little glutton, why don't you take out your food? The two of them are going to starve to death."

Huiyang nodded repeatedly, and pulled me out.

Man Ye stepped into the temple, glanced at the corpses in the ancestral hall, his face was filled with sorrow and grief, and then he walked slowly to the altar, took out a large stack of money papers, twisted them open, and placed them in the brazier Lit, in addition to lighting joss sticks on the altar.

"When we finish eating, you go back. You know, there are dozens of people here, and the grievances they have melted are not trivial. You can't solve them. It's better to ask Zhong Yuan to recruit ghosts and take them all back to the underworld. What is the effort to surpass it?"

Ning Qingyang put down his chopsticks, squeezed Huiyang's cheek, and spoke softly.

"I don't want to. It is impossible for these ghost messengers to resolve their grievances. They will only use torture to make them submit. If reincarnated with resentment, the reincarnated body will be affected. If the resentment is not eliminated, the next life will become a big villain , even Wanghun Soup can’t get rid of this resentment, don’t you think so, Brother Zhong Yuan.”

Huiyang stared at me with a serious face, like a little adult.

"That's right, that's true, Qingyang, since you're worried, then you just stay by Huiyang's side, and these wronged souls can't hurt you, so if you do this, it's good deeds."

After tidying up the bowls and chopsticks, I stood up, Huiyang understood very well.

Stepping into the ancestral hall again, the yin energy inside has dissipated a lot, and paper ash is scattered in the air. These money papers that were burned to ashes have been hovering in midair. The reason why they did not fall down is because these money papers It was all burned to these villagers, and they died unjustly, so they would not accept these money papers.

Huiyang found a place in front of the altar and sat cross-legged, clasped his hands together, and started chanting, the faint sound of scriptures came out, making the surroundings a little gentler.

"Master Man, you can just leave it to us here. Your vitality hasn't recovered yet. Ask Jiang He to prescribe some medicine to take care of your body."

Seeing Man Ye's stooped body, I couldn't bear him to continue to work hard.

"Hehe, I don't have a long lifespan. I'm going to leave this world sooner or later. It's not a problem for me. They died too suddenly. The ghosts of the underworld really want to investigate. I don't know when it will be." Yue, so wait until their resentment disappears, and then you summon ghost messengers to come."

Holding the money paper in his hand, Man Ye chuckled, then pulled out the cigarette rod from his pocket, lit it, and smoked it up and down.


A strange meow came in from outside the ancestral hall. I glanced at the door, only to see a black cat with a whole body that was pitch black and without any hairs appearing at the ancestral hall door. There were corpses all over the ground, and a strange cry came out of his mouth again.

Huiyang was startled by the meowing, stopped chanting, and stared at the black cat dumbfounded.

After the sound of scriptures stopped, the ancestral hall was filled with cloudy air, coupled with the ashes of money and paper that could not fall down for a long time, the cloudy wind made it impossible for us to open our eyes.

"Don't let the cat in."

Man Ye grabbed the stone pillar beside him and spoke loudly.

Ning Qingyang waved his hand, his body swayed slightly, and he went straight to the door. Seeing this, the black cat let out a sharp cry, retracted its legs, and ran away into the distance, and soon disappeared.

Seeing the black cat disappear, Man Ye breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly there was a ferocious ghost cry from inside the ancestral hall, which was so ear-piercing that it faintly suppressed the sound of Huiyang's scriptures, Huiyang covered his ears, The little face was full of pain.

"Don't give me a little more peace, be careful that I will beat you out of your wits."

Ning Qingyang's face was gloomy, and his tone was a little cold.

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