Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 354 [Mother and Son Talk]

"No, these ghosts are villagers, and their souls cannot be scattered!"

Seeing the sullen look on Ning Qingyang's face, I was slightly startled. He is a demon, so how could these undead be his opponents?

It is easy to kill ghosts, but to subdue them, the resentment in Duhua's heart is by no means an easy matter. Ning Qingyang is a demon. Although he cultivated into adulthood very early, it is not just a matter of time to learn to be a real human being. Will realize the truth of life.

Ghost hunter, is it just hunting ghosts?The ghosts that exist in the world must have a cause and effect, otherwise they would have been brought to the underworld by ghost messengers, how could they do evil in the underworld?What we ghost hunters have to do is to hunt down their obsessions and send them to the underworld. This is the real ghost hunter.

Hearing this, Ning Qingyang frowned, his eyes flickered fiercely, and slowly withdrew his outstretched palm, glanced at the void and said coldly again: "It's best for you to accept these money papers, take as much as you can How much, when you go to Fengdu ghost town, no one will burn money paper for you, and you will be driven out by ghost messengers, don't blame me for not reminding you."

After finishing speaking, they came behind Huiyang again, and after being threatened by Ning Qingyang, these undead were indeed much more peaceful.

The cloudy wind gradually weakened, green ghosts appeared on the bodies of these villagers, and they stretched out their palms one after another, and the paper ash floating in the air gathered in their hands one after another. In an instant, These paper ashes condensed into shapes and turned into ghost coins and fell on the palm of the hand.

Seeing that the grievances on these undead were hard to calm down, Huiyang chanted sutras again, his whole body was enveloped by a layer of faint Buddha light, even Ning Qingyang couldn't help but backed away a little, the golden radiance spilled out and diffused in the ancestral hall, The green resentment on the undead began to dissipate little by little.

This green breath was transformed by obsession, and when the Buddha's light was scattered, it began to melt, like spring snow melting.

Man Ye grabbed a lot of money papers, twisted them, threw them into the brazier, and said at the same time: "Bring more, after the old man dies, no one will burn paper money for you, there are no such money papers in Fengdu Ghost City If you get close, you will be kicked out, there are many ghosts in the underworld, although Fengdu Ghost City is not very safe, it is still much more reliable than other places in the underworld."

This situation lasted until about one o'clock in the morning, when the sound of Huiyang's scriptures began to disappear. He stretched his waist, took a breath, and had already spent most of the night chanting mantras, and the obsessions of these villagers had almost dissipated. .

Ning Qingyang gently pinched his shoulder, with a distressed look on his face, just like a nanny and a nanny.

I found a place and sat on the ground, Huiyang glanced around, stared in my direction, smiled mischievously, walked over from the side, sat beside me, rested his head on my lap, and arched his body in a very I fell asleep in a comfortable way, and seeing Ning Qingyang's jealous face, I smiled and said, "Qingyang, you are in charge of the night watch, and we will go to bed first."

"Why me...I want to sleep too, you come to watch the night."

Ning Qingyang walked up to me, opened his eyes and opened his mouth.

"Brother, you are a snake demon. Although the obsessions of these villagers have been transformed, corpse transformation is not ruled out. Besides, you wake me up at three o'clock, so that I can summon ghost messengers to take them away."

After finishing speaking, I ignored him, closed my eyes, and let out a soft snoring sound.

At three o'clock, Ning Qingyang woke me up. I glanced at Man Ye who was still burning money paper, sighed, went outside the ancestral hall, and summoned a large number of ghost messengers to take away the ghosts of these villagers , among them is the Baisha I know, Baisha is very displeased, after all, their rank is much higher than that of the Ninth-Rank Ecstasy Ghost, and it is really humiliating for them to do this kind of thing, but I order them It must be followed, although complaining and complaining, but still took away these ghosts.

Then I slept soundly again, until early in the morning, Zhongli and several people in charge of our village came here, including Brother Erniu and Xuewei. Although Grandpa Man refused to leave, I still forced the He racked up and walked away.

His body is already very weak, but the yin and corpse qi here will damage his body even more, if he stays any longer, his life will not be long.

When he got home, Zhong Xiaoman was diligent and got up early in the morning to practice.

"Xiao Man, where's your uncle?"

They helped my father and uncle back yesterday. I don't know the specific situation, nor how badly they were hurt. I just came to see them now, and I feel a little guilty, after all, it is my father and uncle.

"In the room, they were all seriously injured. Brother Jiang He was busy gathering medicine, and now only Auntie and Sister Huahua are taking care of them."

Zhong Xiaoman pursed his lips, rubbed his stomach, and then looked at the little monk Huiyang who was holding my hand.

"Huiyang, you can play with this brother, I have to go in, Qingyang, don't go too far, take care of the two of them."

Seeing Ning Qingyang following Huiyang closely, I sighed and walked in.

As soon as he entered the house, there was a strong smell of herbs. When he walked into his father's room, he was lying on the bed. The five deep bone wounds on his back were covered with dark green herbs, which had been crushed. , slimy.

Zi Luo dozed off next to her, and when she heard my footsteps, she immediately woke up and stared at me with joy.

"Yuan'er, what are you doing here? You just finished your work at Huai Village, go and rest, I'll take care of you here."

Zi Luo stared at me kindly, although she was pretending to be energetic, she could still see the tiredness on her face, and now she was just pretending to be energetic.

"It's okay, how is your father's injury? It looks serious."

I walked to the bed, uncovered a little herbal medicine, and asked with a frown.

"The demon energy has been forced out, and the wound is healing. I heard from him that you were injured by the Yin Thunder Bead? Let me see."

Zi Luo stood up, stared at the golden mask on my face, stretched out her hand to grab it, and the mask was caught off. After a closer look, she swept my neckline again, revealing a white bandage inside, and her black eyebrows were slightly clustered. road:

"It's all my fault. You shouldn't be allowed to hold the Thunder Orb, otherwise you wouldn't be hurt so badly."

"You don't have to blame yourself. This Yin Thunder Bead has saved me several times. The reason why I was injured was something I didn't expect. It's you, be careful. Now that the devil has escaped, as long as you return to the Great World of Maha, you will be able to When you become one with the main body, you will know that you are in the original world at that time."

I took the mask, put it on again, and said slowly.

Zi Luo's face was a bit complicated, and she glanced at her father lying on the bed, with crystal tears shining in her eyes, and said: "I know, so I will go back to the Maha Great World once during this time, but you, I I heard from your cousin that you are going to the underworld, is it true?"

I nodded.

"Then be careful, because the blood patriarch is very powerful in the underworld, and many ghost messengers are under his orders. Moreover, he took the blood in the Nether Blood Sea. Do you know his true identity?"

Zi Luo stared at me with a complicated face.

"It must be Minghe's subordinates, but it's not under the control of your top ten true demons, is it?"

I thought about it and asked.

Zi Luo shook her head, sighed, and suddenly put her hand on my shoulder, the palm was warm:

"He is actually a part of Styx's soul, possessing independent consciousness, and deceived many people. Now that your strength has grown so fast, you should know this news. You go down, but be careful. This time the devil sent his own soul, probably going to the underworld to get blood to help Styx break through the seal. The reason why he came here may be because he You should be very clear about the envoys of the five demons under you, these envoys of the five demons know a lot about you."

I smiled and said, "The envoys of the five demons? Hehe, Jin Mo is the only envoy left among the envoys of the five demons. The other four envoys are dead. No, there should be three of them, and the envoy of Heishan has been subdued by me."

Hearing this, Zi Luo was startled slightly, with a joyful expression on his face, and said: "That's right, Hei Shan is a man who has become a demon, has lived for many years, and knows many secret histories of the Great World of Maha, if you have him by your side, there will be many things can enlighten you.”

"How many reincarnations have you reached with the nine-turn reincarnation technique now? Can you safely reach the Great World of Maha? Why don't you wait for me to come back from the underworld and go with you again. I now have the six rings of faith, and real magic Physiognomy has already been cultivated to the realm of condensed truth, and the next realm is Faxiang, and the ability of the Dao pattern in my palm must still be able to help you."

In front of her, I didn't hide my strength, maybe, maybe I didn't want her to worry about me.

"I am still at the pinnacle of the sixth round of reincarnation. When I arrive at the Temple of Good Demons, I can practice the seventh round of reincarnation. I can no longer wait to go with you. Don't worry, I am one of the top ten true demons after all." Good devil, even though my current strength is not as good as before, I can still come and go freely in the Great World of Maha, but when I practice the seventh round, it will not be so easy for me to come here again, and then the power of the interface will suppress me , If you want to come here, you can only use your own soul to go to the primitive world like a good demon. If you really want to come to the Great World of Maha, you must not go there in your current appearance, you know."

Zi Luo smiled sadly, with a hint of sadness on her face. I think she was very reluctant to leave here, but she had to go.

"Can't I be in my current state? I know, anyway, my attainments in magic skills are not small, so I will go in the state of a demon."

I grinned and continued:

"If you leave? Do you think Wei Qiang will die or live?"

"You kid, making fun of your old lady?"

Zi Luo was startled slightly, then blushed embarrassingly, and gave me a look, but seeing her smiling happily, I was also happy for some reason.

"Luo Er, take me with you."

Father suddenly opened his mouth, his head tricked over, his face was gloomy, he was not half sleepy, and he didn't know how long he had been awake, I was startled, it seemed that my father had heard my words, and I immediately walked out the door lightly go.

"Yuan'er, stop!"

Father's gloomy voice sounded again.

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