Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 355 [Seal and plan]

"It seems that the current occasion is not suitable for me to stay here."

Grinning, looking at my father's gloomy face, I'd better run away.

"Did you ever think about me when you were talking? Forget it, since you are leaving, then you should go. Anyway, sooner or later, you will still want me here, leaving me alone forever."

My father lay motionless on the bed, with his head turned to the side. I couldn't see the expression on his face clearly, but I think he must be very sad at the moment. He already knows the art of nine-turn reincarnation, so he also knows what Zi Luo is practicing now. Progress, as long as the cultivation reaches the seventh level, it will be difficult to return to the original world, which really means that they have to separate.

"I'm so old, why are you still angry with children? I told you a long time ago, I'm not from this world, and I'm going to leave sooner or later."

Zi Luolian moved lightly to the side of the bed, and spoke softly, also with a helpless face.

"Then teach me true magic skills, and I can also go to the Great World of Maha, and then we can be together."

Father supported the bed with both hands, sat up with a determined face.

"No, you are different from Yuan'er. He has half of my blood in his body, and he can get twice the result with half the effort, but you are different. You have pure Zhong family blood in your body, but don't worry, we will meet again sooner or later. At that time, Yuan'er probably recovered the mystery of the womb. During the time I was away, you went to Jiuhuang City to help Qing'er manage the disciples of the Blood Soul Sect. I have asked her to call these disciples again. There are also other hall masters of the Wufen Hall, who together fight against the demons from the Maha Great World. They have all practiced the real magic skills I passed down, and they are very powerful. They have been working hard for so many years, and they are no better than The rest of the true demon messengers are worse."

Zi Luo stared at her father, a trace of worry still appeared on her beautiful face.

"She's right. The Great World of Maha is extremely dangerous. We would have been regarded as aliens in the past. Besides, you don't have a pendant or other things on you, huh? Xiaoqing went to Nine Desolation City to reconvene blood souls." Zongmen people?"

I was slightly taken aback, and asked.

Zi Luo nodded, and said: "The seal between the Maha Great World and the original world is getting weaker and weaker, and it will disintegrate at any time, and the seal between the two worlds is not only on the Snowy Plain, but also on the Snowy Plain. The seal on the original is just a big seal, and there are other places where ordinary devils have no ability to break through the seal, and now we have to deal with only the emissaries of other true devils."

"Oh, I understand, but I don't understand why you established the Blood Soul Sect near Jiuhuang City in the first place. Could it be that you have already pinpointed that these devil envoys will appear here? Is there a seal that connects to the Great World of Maha?"

The Huaxia Kingdom is so big, why did she build the Maha World near Jiuhuang City?Wouldn't it be better to build on the snowy plain?

Zi Luo glanced at me with some surprise, and said: "That's right, there is another secret passageway in the big lake near Jiuhuang City. Because the seal is at the bottom of the lake, few people know about it. I guess this devil It is from this passage that your soul is divided."

"Okay, Luo Er, when do you plan to leave here?"

Father held Zi Luo's hand tightly and asked.

"The sooner the better, I can't guarantee when this demon's soul will return to the Great World of Maha, but what I have to do is to return one step ahead of him, and kill this soul from there."

There was evil spirit in Zi Luo's eyes, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, showing no anger and prestige.

"Okay, I'll go to the underworld to help you delay the demon's soul distraction. In the next two days, you will go to the Great World of Maha. Although Bai Han is very powerful, if the other nine true demons attack you at the same time, I guess you will also die." You can't resist, so, unless you have to, don't confront them head-on."

I nodded and expressed my concerns at the same time.

"Are you worried about me?"

With a smile on Zi Luo's face, she stared at me with fiery eyes.

"If you think so, then it is so. I have to go and see my uncle."

I left here quickly, and my uncle was also injured, more seriously than my father.

When I got to my uncle's room, Jiang He was sitting by the bed, while my uncle was lying unconscious on the bed, his neatly combed hair was messed up, his face was as pale as a corpse, Jiang He stretched out his hands Pressing on the uncle's chest, there is a green light between the palms.

It took Jiang He's natural pearl power to heal it. The medicine stone should be ineffective in a short time. Jiang He's face was also ugly, and his body was already wet with sweat. The natural pearl between his eyebrows flickered and was extremely unstable.

Kong Huahua walked in with a bowl of traditional Chinese medicine in her hand, and just as I was about to speak, she stretched out her finger to press my lips, and said softly: "Don't disturb Jiang He, he has been treating your uncle for most of the night , Only then can he barely stabilize his condition, and his strength is limited."

I was taken aback, I knew that Jiang He couldn't compare with us, he was a martial artist after all, the reason why he was able to perform these secret arts was also relying on the pearl of nature.

"Then I'll help him, Spirit Gathering Talisman!"

The golden dao pattern in the palm condensed, and the emerald-colored spirit-gathering talisman emerged, heading straight for the top of Jiang He's head. With the help of the spirit-gathering talisman, Jiang He's natural pearl quickly stabilized, and the emerald radiance between the palms became even stronger. Condensed, his face was overjoyed, he stretched out his hand to count on his uncle's chest, and finally touched the center of his eyebrows with his fingertips, then the uncle slowly opened his eyes.

"Quick, medicine!"

Jiang He beckoned at Kong Hua, and then helped his uncle up. The uncle's eyes were a little empty and expressionless. He took the medicine bowl and fed the uncle to drink.

"How did you get hurt so badly? It took so much of your natural energy."

I walked over, and after drinking the potion, my uncle's complexion improved a lot, but he passed out again.

"Uncle's source of faith was almost destroyed, and his body was also seriously injured. It took me most of the night to repair the injured place on my uncle's body. Now, as long as he can heal his wounds, he can recover. How is the matter in Huai Village handled? Like? I heard from Zhongli that dozens of people all died in Huangquan."

After Jiang He settled his uncle, he stood up and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"It has been settled now, and I just wait for the power of the world to deal with it. I will go to the Yincao Difu tonight. There is Xiaoqing in Jiuhuang City. After you build the Huangtian Pavilion, you must keep in touch with Xiaoqing, because in the In the big lake next to Jiuhuang City, there is a passage from the Maha World to the Primordial World, and there will be another true demon messenger appearing at any time, so be careful."

Jiang He is one of his own, and he is more considerate in his work. With him around, Huangtian Pavilion can continue to operate well.

"Zhong Yuan, are you kidding me? Jiuhuang City is next to this big lake. If there is a passage, wouldn't it be bad? Let's leave tonight? This is too soon, you are ready? Do you want me to give Are you going to prepare some medicines for nourishing yang? Can you get rid of the yin energy in your body? I have tried to make Yuanyang powder into powder. After you go to the underworld, take a pack of it every day. Of course, this powder also has many side effects..."

Jiang He rubbed his hands together, looking eager to try.

"Okay, with my current body of Huo De and Tu De, I can completely dispel these Yin Qi. I don't want to use your experimental products on me. I will trouble you about my uncle, don't worry , there is still Zi Luo's Blood Soul Sect in Jiuhuang City, the current Blood Soul Sect is not what it used to be, and our Huangtian Pavilion will be safe and sound, I will go find the little devil first."

I haven't looked for him since I came back, and this time I will take him with me when I go to the underworld.

The Soul Cultivating Cauldron was on the altar, but the Ghost Suppressing Talisman had disappeared. As soon as he walked in, he heard the voice of the little ghost snorting from inside:

"My dear brother, is he finally willing to come to see me?"

"Didn't you come here just now? Why, are you angry? I brought you something good from the spirit world."

I stared at the Soul Cultivation Cauldron with a smile, and took out three pure heart incense from the Vulcan Ring and lit them. A faint fragrance wafted in the air. Go up, take a big breath, and the white mist is poured into the mouth one after another.

"Can you come out during the day?"

It's daytime now, and it's still in the morning. When I saw him appear, I was stunned. He is not a ghost messenger from the underworld. He can appear in the daytime. Doesn't it mean that he is about to reach the realm of the ghost king?

The little ghost smiled and said, "You still think I'm an ordinary wandering ghost now? Yes, your incense is very powerful? How much more? Don't use that ordinary sandalwood in the future, this kind is fine gone."

"Of course, but I want you to do me a favor. I'm going to the underworld tonight. Although you have already hidden your ghost hunting ability, I guessed it. You can create your own space. The reason why I survived , that is, you use your abilities, so why don't you protect grandpa and mother well?"

Seeing the joy of the little ghost smoking, I couldn't help asking.

"My ability back then couldn't create too much space, and I was killed by a water ghost back then, and my ability was also cursed. To be able to save you, I have already tried my best to go to hell? Well, because of my identity , there is no ghost chasing after me, and my current strength should not be weaker than fourth-grade ghost chasing, if I have a good ghost weapon, it should not be bad."

The little ghost clapped his hands, his whole body was much more compact than before, and now he looks like an ordinary person, and most of the ghost energy on his body has dissipated, completely restrained.

"Well, when I go to the underworld this time, I'll help you find a good ghost device, and I'm leaving tonight, so you have to be ready."

I nodded. Now that the demon's soul has gone to the underworld, it wants to get the blood water of the Nether Blood Sea from the Blood Patriarch. Bai Wuchang will also rush there. Blood Patriarch wants to obtain blood water, which is more difficult than ascending to the sky. If he can't get blood water, then he will return to the Great World of Maha very soon. I want to kill this soul, so I still have to go down as soon as possible.

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