Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 358 [Chuan Po and Si Huang]

I can clearly sense the power contained in these scratches, which emerged around us like scriptures, and turned into four silver light curtains to protect us. The little devil closed his arms and reached out to hold his own lips.

Although these ecstasy chains are close at hand, I believe in his ability, and he also stands still. One end of these dark chains, like a spirit snake, is submerged in the light curtain, but the other end appears outside the light curtain behind us , ignoring our space.

The dense chains of ecstasy pass through the light curtain, and at the other end are more than a dozen ecstasy ghost agents. These ghost agents also pass through the light curtain and gradually go to the distance.

After these ghosts disappeared completely, the little devil finally breathed a sigh of relief, pursed his lips, and stretched out his hands to point at the four light curtains around him. These light curtains collapsed and turned into dots of silver light and disappeared. He glanced around and spoke. Said: "These ghost messengers have gone far, let's hurry to Naihe Bridge."

I nodded, and once again used the technique of lightness, I was speeding all the way beside Huangquan Road, while the little devil's eyes were frequently scanning Huangquan Road, as if checking for traces of my ancestors, but until I heard the sound of the river, he Only then looked back in disappointment.

"The River of Forgetfulness has arrived. If you want to cross it, you have to pass through the Naihe Bridge. The Naihe Bridge is not difficult to cross. The ghost guards are the sixth-grade ghost guards. The difficulty is that you have to drink Wanghun soup. If you drink Wanghun soup, you will lose your weight." Many things, including many memories, you are going to hell in the flesh, I think it should be fine, but I am different."

The little devil rubbed his chin and frowned.

"What's so difficult about it? You just enter my Vulcan ring space, and I'll let you out after it's over."

I stretched out the Vulcan Ring and said with a smile.

"Well, I forgot that you have this treasure, but you have to be careful when you pass by. If you show any flaws, don't jump into the Wangchuan River. Although I don't know how to jump with a mortal body, but a yin body like us The ghosts will fall, and there will be no escape."

The little ghost stared at the Vulcan ring on my finger, and spoke with a slight smile.

"Don't worry, even if I fall into the River of Forgetfulness, I will still have the seal of the City God to protect me, so nothing will happen. Okay, let's go in quickly."

Stretching out his hand to pat the Vulcan ring, a crimson vortex emerged from the ring. This vortex was like a funnel, and the pointed part below spread out from the Vulcan ring. The little ghost glanced at the vortex, and his body With a twist, it turned into a trace of white mist and got in.

When I arrived at the Naihe Bridge, I also saw the Wangchuan River. After listening to the warning from the little devil, I didn't dare to get too close.

The color of the Wangchuan River is earthy yellow and extremely turbid. Although the river does not look wide, it is full of rough waves. There are many souls floating in pain. They desperately stretch out their hands to grab it, but it is in vain. Knowing the characteristics, clinging to these painful dead souls.

Why, why does it seem so familiar?

Seeing the water, I couldn't help being stunned, and walked forward step by step.

Suddenly, a wave rolled towards me, and I woke up suddenly.


A terrified female voice came from behind me. I looked up, and there was a haggard old woman in the waves. She stretched out her palm and grabbed me with a hideous face. Her face was wrinkled, her nose was hooked, and her eyes Time is vicious, the outstretched arm is wrinkled like old bark, but the nails are black and several inches long. When opening the mouth, the scarlet tongue flicks from side to side, with a sharp tip, it is simply not human.

Hearing this voice behind me, many ghost messengers and ghosts looked towards me.

Among them was a sixth-rank ghost guard guarding the side of Naihe Bridge. This ghost guard was tall and bearded, and held a green dragon Yanyue knife in his hand. He looked mighty and pale, and said to himself:

"Mrs. Chuan is here to seduce someone again, hey."

I stepped back, stretched out my palm, and the purple-gold magic fire was shining in my palm. Granny Chuan's palm hit my palm, and most of my body was submerged in the waves, and the dead tree-like arm was immediately burned by the magic fire stand up.

"Damn it, how can an ordinary ghost have such a weird flame!"

A sharp and piercing voice came from the ghost woman's mouth. She smiled ferociously, and the earthy Wangchuan water around her body immediately covered her entire arm, instantly extinguishing the magic fire.

I was slightly taken aback, I know very well that the Purple Gold Demon Fire is very powerful, and it is also very effective in dealing with ghosts, but now it has been extinguished by the water of the Wangchuan River, how is it possible?

"Are you the ghost of a ghost hunter?"

After Granny Chuan extinguished the magic fire on her arm, she didn't attack again, and the Wangchuan river water on her body began to subside gradually. In the end, she stepped on a huge splash of water, which reminded me of the one I met next to Yonghe City in the past. The carp demon Qingshui, he was also like that at that time, standing on the spray of water and attacking me, is this ghost woman a monster?

"Isn't it, what does it have to do with you? Why did you attack me? And who are you? Is it you who are causing the soul in the Wangchuan River deep in the river? I really can't imagine that there are monsters appearing in the Wangchuan River in the underworld. "

I took a cold look at this ferocious old woman, and spoke up bluntly. When he attacked me just now, he must have wanted to drag me into the Wangchuan River.

"Of course it has something to do with me. Not all ghosts can easily cross the bridge of Naihe. These souls have too much karma, and they must wash off part of their sins before they can escape. You brat, how dare you call me Chuanpo a monster? Don't I thought that your magic fire is very powerful, I can drive the whole Wangchuan River, and I am also conceived by this river, if you want to cross the bridge, you have to ask my old woman if she agrees."

Grandma Chuan glared at me and snorted coldly.

"If I have to live."

I stared at Grandma Chuan, now that things have developed to this point, there is no need to back down.

"If you want to cross it, you are going against the whole river, let's see what you are capable of!"

Grandma Chuan smiled grimly, and grabbed the Wangchuan River with her palm, the muddy water turned into a crutch with a dragon's head, and the surrounding Wangchuan River churned even more fiercely.

"Grandma Chuan, what happened?"

Suddenly, a female voice like a silver bell came from the bridge. The voice was melodious, but it looked very weak, and it was somewhat familiar. When a girl in a white dress and long hair was standing on the bridge, she was facing me. At that moment, there was a buzzing sound in my mind, as if it was about to explode, and I said in shock:

"Shui'er?! Shui'er, why did you come to the underworld?!"

The girl in white has the same face as Luo Shui'er, but her face is even paler. She is holding an emerald green bowl and staring at me blankly. When she hears my words, there is a trace of doubt in her eyes. , recovered immediately, and said:

"Shui'er? I think you have misunderstood the person. I am just a wandering soul on the Naihe Bridge who is in charge of making Wanghun Soup."

"You lied to me, who killed you and let you do this errand?! Where is your sister, senior Luo Duohan and grandma Lan? What happened in the snowy land? "

I glanced at Luo Shui'er in surprise, did she lose her memory when she said such words?

"You boy, you are so courageous. Miss Sihuang was on this Naihe bridge when the underworld was first built, even older than me. How can you know someone? You are indeed the soul of a ghost hunter." , why don’t you report to be a ghost messenger, what are you doing here? Mrs. Chuan has a lot of adults, so I will spare you this time, and apologize to Miss Sihuang quickly, otherwise I will pull you down and let you bear the severity of the Wangchuan River , do you know why these waters have such a muddy color, because these rivers are all sins."

Grandma Chuan's stern voice interrupted me.

But I didn't want to listen, and went straight to Naihe Bridge, I wanted to see what happened to Luo Shui'er.

Could it be that the blood patriarch did the evil?

Just a few steps away, Granny Chuan's voice came again: "Boy, what are you going to do!"

I turned my head, glanced at Granny Chuan, and said, "As you wish, go and apologize to that girl!"

At this time, on the other side of Huangquan Road, more than a dozen ghost messengers flew over, and the ecstasy lock in one of them flew out, and at the same time, a loud voice came over:

"Stop him, he's human!"

Boom, the surroundings suddenly exploded. This damned ninth-rank ecstasy ghost agent actually chased me here, and recognized me at the first time. Luo Shui'er's face on the bridge changed slightly. Grandma Chuan in the Wangchuan River was also stunned.

"Want to stop me? I'm afraid you don't have the ability!"

I stretched out my hand and pulled the shawl on my shoulder, black light shone, and the cloak turned into a small handkerchief again, which was put into the Vulcan ring by me, and I also removed the covering technique on my body, revealing my original figure.

"Ah... a living person, you are really a living person! I wonder, how could this flame, a ghost, be displayed? You can still break through here, why don't you dare to show your true face?"

Granny Chuan spoke loudly.

"Your face is injured, so you have to wear a mask, Mrs. Chuan, living people can't go to the underworld? Who made the rule? If others don't come down, they have no ability. If I have the ability, I will come down, and no one can stop me."

I drew out the Fumo Sword, and when I saw the ecstasy chains flying over, I gave a sneer. In order to frighten the ghosts around me, I directly activated the third rune circle, and the red sword dragon rushed out, and the sword dragon twisted in the air Stretching his body, he opened his bloody mouth and sprayed down, dense sword lights shot out, and the ecstasy chain was turned into dust in the rain of swords, and it no longer existed.

"Mrs. Chuan, drag him down the Wangchuan River!"

Another ghost messenger spoke loudly. Although most of the ghost messengers gathered around, as well as the seduced souls, no one made a move easily.

I suddenly turned around, stared at Grandma Chuan coldly, raised my palm, the golden Dao pattern in the palm was shining, and I said:

"Mrs. Chuan, I advise you not to act rashly. Although you were conceived by Wang Chuanhe, you are also a monster. My Dao pattern can be condensed into a monster-slaying talisman. If you want to try it, you can try it!"

"Palm Dao pattern!"

Chuan Po's sharp voice and Luo Shui'er's silvery voice on the bridge sounded at the same time, Chuan Po's expression was terrified and awed, while Luo Shui'er's expression was joyful, complicated and unpredictable. Glancing at Luo Shui'er who had mixed feelings, he smiled inwardly.

Sure enough, you are Luo Shui'er, because Luo Shui'er knows that I have the Dao pattern in the palm.

(Wu Ti wishes everyone a happy New Year.)

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