Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 359 [Later Earth Divides Soul]

Before reaching the bridge, there were sixth-grade ghost guards and the surrounding haunted ghost guards surrounded him. The surrounding area was extremely noisy. Those locked ghosts wanted to take advantage of this to escape, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

"Mingyin is here, you wait for the ghost to retreat quickly!"

Now that we have reached the Naihe Bridge, as long as we cross the Naihe Bridge, we will be in the ghost city of Fengdu. At this point, I will naturally not give up. I had some scruples before, so I didn’t use the dark pendant to deter these ghosts from using the ghost. Now Different, should be decisive, must be decisive.

The imprint of the Mingyin pendant appeared on the chest. Seeing the imprint of the jade pendant, these ghost messengers were startled and did not dare to stop them.

"Shui'er, what happened to you! Why are you here?"

Walking up the Naihe Bridge, I stared at Luo Shui'er and opened my mouth, but when I saw a big nest next to her, a green liquid was constantly bubbling in the big pot, I was a little stunned for a moment.

"I don't know Shui'er, my name is Sihuang, I'm just a ghost."

She stared at me, showing her snow-white teeth, and opened her mouth in a smile.

"Impossible, you are Shui'er, otherwise it would be impossible to recognize the Dao pattern in the palm."

I stared at her quietly, and glanced around. The highest here is only the sixth-grade ghost. Could it be that someone is secretly threatening her?

"It's not just me who recognized the Dao pattern in the palm, Granny Chuan also knows, you really forgot me? But seeing you appear here again, I feel relieved."

Sihuang was holding the emerald bowl in his hand, standing there quietly, his white skirt fluttering, and the light in his eyes was shining.

"You... are you... Houtu?!"

Memories rolled in his mind, and he stared at her in surprise. If she was Houtu, then could Luo Shui'er be the reincarnation of Houtu?No wonder she is so familiar, but why is she called Sihuang now?Why is it so weak?

She nodded slightly, and said slowly:

"Actually, I'm a Houtu, but I'm not a Houtu. In other words, the six reincarnations of the entire underworld are me, and I'm not myself. My soul has been reincarnated, I only retain a trace of memory, and after tens of thousands of years, these memories have been blurred, but every day I remind myself that only the emperor will never forget, the golden face, the Tao pattern in the palm, here It's not a place to talk, come with me."

Sihuang put down the emerald bowl in his hand, walked to the bridge again, and said to Grandma Chuan in the Wangchuan River:

"Grandma Chuan, please do it for me. You also know the recipe of Wanghun Soup, and now I'm in charge of it."

Granny Chuan tipped her toes, and the Wangchuan river supported her. When she reached the bridge, she frowned slightly and said, "Sihuang, you have never left the Naihe Bridge for so many years. Do you still want to have any entanglements with him? If it weren't for him , how did you end up like this?"

"Mrs. Chuan, don't blame him, it's me. Originally, I made a great wish to become the Six Realms of Reincarnation. He gave me the opportunity. If I don't create the Six Realms of Reincarnation, then he will really die."

Sihuang smiled lightly, and said lightly.

"Sihuang, your body is one of the twelve ancestral witches. Even if you live for hundreds of millions of years, it will not be a problem. Moreover, it was not because he fought with the Styx that his body was destroyed and his soul collapsed. Being forced to incarnate in the six realms of reincarnation, if it weren't for such a huge power of merit and good fortune, you wouldn't even be able to keep your primordial spirit. Those who drank the Wanghun Soup did not solve the mystery of the womb, and would not remember you at all, so you have done so much, are you worth it?"

There was a hint of tenderness on Grandma Chuan's ferocious face, and her tone was much softer.

Sihuang stared at Granny Chuan and said softly:

"Mrs. Chuan, I have forgotten what you said. You were born of Wangchuan. The Naihe bridge is on Wangchuan. From now on, you will take my place. You also know how to make Wanghun soup. Everything, please."

"what are you going to do?"

Grandma Chuan frowned, and pointed at me with a crutch in her hand, and said in a cold voice, "Is it because of him?"

"Although I don't quite understand the conversation between you, I still have important things to do, so I will take a step first."

He bypassed the two of them sideways and went straight to the other side of the Naihe Bridge.

Now that there is such a big commotion, it is estimated that the ghost messenger belonging to the blood ancestor will go to report the news. Of course, this is not a bad thing, and there is another advantage, that is, there will also be a ghost messenger who will go to inform the ancestor Zhong Kui .

If the Blood Patriarch is another trace of Styx's soul, he will definitely settle accounts with me. He hates me, and he must hate him as much as I do.


Sihuang's voice drifted over from behind me, and a white figure appeared in front of me immediately after.

"Since you are not Shui'er, we have nothing to say, Miss Sihuang, I advise you to stay on the Naihe Bridge."

I stared at her, feeling a bad premonition in my heart, she had been on this bridge for many years, and now she left suddenly, there must be something important to tell me, but it would be related to her life, so I I don't want her to pester me, or rather, I don't want her distraction to dissipate.

"Even if you are reincarnated, you are still like this. Everything has its own cause and effect. My existence is originally because of you. Now that you have appeared, there is no need for me to stay. I will disappear, so you have to listen to me. At the beginning Houtu incarnates in reincarnation, and the soul remains. He knows that Styx has not been eliminated and will pose a great threat to you. In order to help you solve the mystery in the womb, he has prepared something. As long as you restore the mystery in the womb, Strength can also be recovered quickly."

With a wave of Sihuangsu's hand, two small porcelain bottles appeared in his hand, then he handed them over to me, and said again:

"These two bottles of real water are the ones you take, and the other bottle is what I left for my body. She has also reincarnated, and you are still familiar with her, so please give it to him."

I was baffled, but it turned out that it was really water, and just after taking it, Sihuang's body began to become hazy.


His soul body is already extremely unstable, as if it will escape at any time.

"Don't worry, my existence was originally waiting for you. After waiting for you, I also completed my mission. The physical body of the Wu clan is very powerful, but the soul is much worse than that. The original body separated me. I have suffered a lot, and compared with you, it will be more difficult to solve the mystery of the womb by myself, so the real water must be handed over to the main body."

Sihuang smiled, and there was already a faint particle suspended above his body, floating away to high altitude.

"If True Water really allows me to solve the mystery of the womb, will the memories of my previous life completely overwhelm my current one?"

I put one of the bottles of True Water into the Vulcan ring space, and opened the other bottle. The water in it is very pure, and I can't see anything, but the water seems to overflow with a faint sweet smell.

"No, Zhenshui is for you to slowly remember. It will be a bit painful at first, but if you can break into the underworld, it proves that your strength is already very strong. This is nothing, you...you Still wearing a mask?"

Sihuang stared at me, his eyes were full of tenderness.

I froze for a moment, took off the mask on my face, and looked at her, Sihuang smiled again, her body became more and more blurred, her hands stretched out, her dress fluttered, and her body gradually flew back.


I was startled and cried out.

"Huangtian, be careful of Styx, he not only wants to kill you, but also wants to deprive you of the Dao pattern in your palm. You must unite Ksitigarbha and my reincarnated body to completely destroy him."

Sihuang nodded slightly at me, his body became more blurred, and his whole body turned into dots of silver light and disappeared into the night sky.

Looking at the real water in my hand, I didn't hesitate anymore, and drank it all in one gulp. The real water smelled very sweet, but it tasted very bitter. There was a buzzing sound in my head, and countless memories filled my brain.

After a long time, I opened my eyes and went straight to the Wangchuan River.

At the side of the Naihe Bridge, Grandma Chuan has replaced Sifan. The souls who crossed the Naihe Bridge were still very sober a moment ago and wanted to leave the underworld. traction.

"Old lady, you don't mind if I go to Wangchuan River."

Staring at this old woman, I laughed. The water virtue among the five virtues, I have to use the Wangchuan River to forge. This Wangchuan River existed very early. I told her that it was because she was conceived by the Wangchuan River, so she was naturally able to take charge and condense the body of water virtue. I don't want to be disturbed by these resentful spirits in the river.

"Where did Sihuang go?"

Grandma Chuan glanced at me, then looked behind me, but she didn't find Sihuang, she asked with a serious face.

"The soul is gone, she has completed her mission."

I didn't hide anything, I answered truthfully.

Grandma Chuan snorted coldly, and stopped speaking, her face was gloomy and terrifying, until a pretty female ghost beside her urged her:

"Grandma, give me a bowl of forget soul soup."

I was slightly taken aback, the voice was so familiar, after careful consideration, I realized that this female ghost was the one who reminded me to be careful, but why did she take the initiative to drink Wanghun Soup?Thinking of this, I walked up the Naihe Bridge, arrived at Granny Chuan's side, and began to look at her.

She has a melon-seeded face, black eyebrows, scattered hair, and is wearing a hospital gown. She is very thin.

Although Grandma Chuan just took over this important task, she lived in the water before and could often see these passing ghosts. None of these ghosts were willing to drink this soup.

"Little baby, do you want to forget a lot of things? Do you know that after drinking this forgetting soul soup, you will never be able to recall the past again."

Grandma Chuan spoke with her unique voice.

"Well, I know, I just don't want to remember what happened before, that's why I am determined to drink the Wanghun Soup."

The woman laughed at herself, tears glistened in her eyes, she looked extremely pitiful.

"But you don't seem to be an ordinary soul. Your soul is very powerful. Are you a ghost hunter? If it is the soul of a ghost hunter, you must serve as a ghost messenger in the underworld, and you will go alone to escort you What the hell is wrong?"

Grandma Chuan lowered the emerald bowl and stared at the woman sharply.

I took a closer look at this woman, and his soul is indeed much stronger than ordinary souls, almost real, while the ghost behind him is almost nothingness, only those who have undergone cultivation can have strong souls.

The woman picked up Mrs. Chuan and refused, and was a little anxious. She actually grabbed the emerald bowl directly. The speed was very fast, but Mrs. Chuan was even faster. She picked up the crutch in her hand and directly blocked the woman's arm.

I was taken aback for a moment, this old woman is quite powerful, and she moved so fast.

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