Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 360 [Lian Brothers and Sisters]

"Little girl, you are quite courageous. You dare to snatch this Wanghun Soup in front of me. If there is another time, don't blame the old woman. I will throw you into the Wangchuan River!"

Grandma Chuan glared at the white-faced woman, and snorted coldly.

Although she looked so harsh, there was a hint of admiration in her eyes. Maybe it was because in so many years, no ghost had dared to snatch this Wangsoul Soup.

The woman glanced behind her in a panic, and the direction she was looking at was Huangquan Road. She turned to Po Chuan and said:

"Mrs. Chuan, please, since you won't let me drink, let me go quickly, or the monster will catch up."


I was slightly startled, there are still monsters who can chase them to the underworld?It seems that this monster is not a kind person, it should be a fierce and profound person, and she is not as vicious as other evil spirits, I have been reminded before.

"Sister Lianxiang, sister Lianxiang!"

A terrified young man's voice sounded anxiously from far away. The woman was stunned for a moment, then her expression changed drastically. She no longer forced to cross the Naihe Bridge, but instead rushed to the place where Huangquan Road was. There were also many ghosts on the bridge. , Immediately shot to block, black chains of ecstasy intertwined into one piece, blocking Lianxiang's way.

Lian Xiang gritted her teeth, and said, "Masters, please step aside, I have something important to do."

"The underworld is where you come and go whenever you want? Has it become your back garden?"

A thin-faced, sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked sixth-rank ghost guard pointed at Lianxiang with the Qinglong Yanyue Knife, and snorted coldly.

"My younger brother chased me down. He is still alive, so he has to leave here. After I escort him away, I will go to Fengdu Ghost City. The ghost trick has also come down. If I don't go, it will be too late!"

Lianxiang's eyes were slightly moist, she pleaded, and she clenched her fists and spoke.

"No, the underworld has the order of the underworld, you can't leave."

The ghost messenger spoke again, very severely.

"In this case, don't blame me for being rude!"

Lianxiang's face became extremely firm, her body swayed, and the emerald light on her body turned into afterimages and went straight to Huangquan Road. These ecstasy chains hit her body, and they bounced back. Granny Chuan grinned and said to me: : "Don't you want to go and see, this little girl is quite interesting, you don't think she is really dead, do you?"

"Of course, if she really died, you would have made her drink Wanghun soup, but even if she is not dead, she is probably not far from death. The yang energy in her body is already so weak that even ghosts can't tell the difference." Come out, I'll go and have a look, and come back later."

When I passed the Naihe Bridge, these ghost messengers naturally didn't dare to stop me. After getting off the bridge, they directly used light body skills to chase after Lianxiang. Less, because most of them have missions, and losing a soul can not be exchanged for merit, but also be severely punished.

But this Lianxiang's speed is too fast, even if I use the lightness technique, I will be left far away.

"The dao pattern in the palm, evolves the universe, the journey of a thousand miles, gathers in my body, the dao pattern condenses, the thousand-mile paper talisman, the imperial order!"

The golden light in the Dao pattern in the palm flickered, condensed into a thousand-mile talisman, and sank into my body, I ran forward again, my feet were like the wind, and gradually caught up with Lianxiang, but Lianxiang was standing there, and there was a man in front of her, She is also thin, with a handsome face, somewhat similar to Lianxiang, who looks a year or two younger than me, and was anxious to say something to her, but when she saw me coming, she stopped immediately.

Lianxiang might be too emotional, she turned her back to me, and still said:

"I'm already dead and in the underworld, and he still refuses to let me go? Liansheng, you go back quickly, you are the only one in our Lian family, you must live well."

"Sister, no, you can't die. You are not a real ghost yet. I know that your soul has left your body. After staying in the underworld for a long time, you will really die. Anyway, there are only two of us in our Lian family. We still have ghosts." Hope to fight against this monster, although he has already transformed, but as long as my sister recovers, we still have hope."

Liansheng spoke again, and at the same time gave me a flustered look.

"He is a thousand-year-old monster, and he is an extremely vicious and cruel wolf monster. I was lucky to survive this time, and it was thanks to his apprentice that he spared my life. The treasure on my body has been buried. You must not let him get it. do you know."

Lianxiang ordered her younger brother again.

"Sister, is that ghost behind you your friend, or?"

Liansheng pointed at me and asked softly.

Lian Xiang turned around, seeing me, her expression changed again, and she let out a soft cry, seeing me standing there silently, Lian Xiang said in embarrassment:

"This must be the current Patriarch of the Zhong family. He is able to own the Mingyin Pendant. No wonder those ghost messengers dare not approach. We are also a family of ghost hunters. My name is Lianxiang, and this is my younger brother Liansheng."

"Thank you for reminding me before, otherwise I would fall into the Wangchuan River and be unable to get up. By the way, I heard that the girl was seriously injured by a monster, or a thousand-year-old wolf demon?"

I suddenly remembered that Liu Qing's old enemy was also a thousand-year-old wolf demon. Could it be the same coincidence, but there are many wolf demons of the same level in this world?

"Well, yes, this wolf monster is very ferocious. Our Lian family has been living in seclusion in the imperial capital. Back then, I took a mission and happened to be traveling with the ghost hunter from the alliance headquarters, but I encountered this monster by accident. At that time, our group Out of several people, only me and another alliance elder escaped, and I escaped by relying on the secret technique of our Lian family, but I was also seriously injured, but unexpectedly, this wolf demon has been chasing me closely."

Lianxiang showed anger on her delicate face, gritted her teeth, and continued:

"It's all my fault that I accidentally exposed the secret technique I practiced. This wolf demon was very interested in it and followed me closely. Later, when I was admitted to the hospital, he didn't let him go. I didn't want to be humiliated by him, so I The soul goes out of the body and flees to the underworld."

"Emperor Capital? There is still a wolf demon in the Imperial Capital? It is impossible for the headquarters of the ghost hunter not to help, after all, the other party has also lost a lot of people."

I looked at Lianxiang in surprise, I didn't expect her to come out with the elders of the alliance to carry out the mission, I guess the ring of faith should also have six paths, since it has such a strong strength, even a thousand-year-old wolf demon may not be able to seriously injure her.

"They are too busy to take care of themselves now. How can they have the extra energy to manage these things? There are many demons in the imperial capital, and they have a headache."

Liansheng interjected beside him.

"I think the girl must have concealed a lot of things. You can perform missions with the elders of the alliance, and your strength will not be inferior. Even if you are a thousand-year-old wolf demon, even if you lose, it is more than enough to save your life. Since Lianxiang The girl refuses to tell the truth, and I won't ask too many questions. There are so many demons in the imperial capital that even the Ghost Hunters Alliance can't resist? This is important news."

My heart sank slightly. Now even the Ghost Hunter Alliance can't compete. How many demons have appeared this time?

After listening to my words, Lianxiang showed a trace of shame on her face, she calmed down, as if she had made a lot of determination, and said again: "I didn't intend to hide it, it's just that this matter is related to our Lian family. Yangjian is also very remarkable, if I guessed correctly, you should be the current Patriarch Zhong Yuan, right, if you can save my brother from being killed by this wolf demon, I can sacrifice my family's treasure."

Liansheng's face changed, and he almost exclaimed: "Sister, we managed to keep it, how can we dedicate it to others?"

"Life is gone, so why talk about treasures? Besides, this thing is no longer of much use to the people of our Lian family. Even if you hide it, if you are caught, the demon wolf will definitely persecute you. You Can bear the torture of that monster wolf? Isn't my sister a good example."

Lianxiang glared at her younger brother, then stared at me with fiery eyes.

I nodded and asked: "What? How do you know it will be useful to me? I can promise you, but I have important business in the underworld right now, so I can't return to the human world, but you can go to Huangtian in Jiuhuang City Pavilion, as long as I, Zhong Yuan, arranged to come here, it will be fine."

If it is really Ning Qingyang's enemy, if you lure this wolf monster over, maybe Ning Qingyang can still take revenge, so why not do it.

"I don't know if it's good for you, and I don't know if you can practice it. This is the secret technique of our Lian family. It is related to our body. Although I am a ghost body now, I can also show it to you. of."

Lian Xiang took a few steps forward, smiled slightly, and was enveloped by a layer of faint green light. This green light looked faint and inconspicuous, but I could feel that there was a powerful vitality in it, no more than Jiang He The force of nature is weak.

Just when I was surprised, these green rays of light gathered on Lianxiang's body, turning into emerald-colored spirit lines, although very faint, falling on her body was also very weak, besides, she A emerald green mark also appeared above the eyebrows.

"The body of wood virtue, you are actually the body of wood virtue."

I was surprised, this lotus fragrance turned out to be the body of Mude.

"Patriarch Zhong Yuan is indeed well-informed. Except for those of us who are innately wood-virtuous, it is almost impossible for others to cultivate, unless it is the five-element holy body, but my treasure is related to this. As long as we rely on this Treasures, even if they are not the Five Elements Saint Body, can also be cultivated into the body of Wood Virtue, but they can only be regarded as the body of fake Wood Virtue. Even so, these are also of great help to powerful ghost hunters, because powerful ghost hunters cast Powerful secret arts rely on the physical body as a medium, if the physical body is not strong, the result can be imagined."

Lianxiang began to explain.

"Sister, come with me quickly. When I came down to look for you, this monster wolf had already found my trail, and it is estimated that it has already come to the underworld to chase us."

Liansheng's face has already begun to show anxiety.

"This is the Golden Skeleton Hand. As long as you input the power of hunting ghosts, you can cut through the space and block the enemy. It can be regarded as my token. When the time comes, you can hand it to the people in Huangtian Pavilion. Don't worry, I will hold back this demon wolf." You guys, wait for him to come, I will fight him, and you wait for the opportunity to escape, Miss Lianxiang, you must live well."

I took out the golden bone hand from the Vulcan ring and handed it to Lianxiang.

The golden bone hand is considered a magical weapon, so even if she is a soul now, she can pick it up as long as she uses some means. Just when Lianxiang put away the golden bone hand, there was a wolf howling in the distant sky, the sound was like Menlei, rolling in.

Liansheng trembled all over after hearing the howling of the wolf, and leaned towards where I was standing.

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