Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 361 [Year Demon Wolf]

"This is the voice of a demon wolf. He is still chasing after him. This wolf demon is fierce and cruel. Zhong Yuan, I know you are powerful, but this wolf demon is definitely not easy to mess with. You must be careful."

Lianxiang stared at the gray sky in the distance, with a hint of fear on her face, and said worriedly.

"I know, he is chasing you. When I entangle the demon wolf later, you should return to Yangjian as soon as possible. Liansheng, you must go to the hospital to rescue your sister, and then go all the way south to the Nine Desolation City Huangtian Pavilion, if you can’t find Huangtian Pavilion, it’s the same to go to the Blood Soul Sect in Jiuhuang City to find a person named Wei Xiaoqing, as long as it’s me, she will definitely help you.”

This monster wolf is also a thousand-year-old monster. If it is really Ning Qingyang's enemy, then his strength should be weaker than him. With my strength, I should be able to barely compete.

"Liansheng, you still go to Jiuhuang City alone. The apprentice of the demon wolf is guarding my sister's ward. You can't win the fight. Although he once spared my life, the demon wolf is his master after all, and he will not disobey his master." Fate."

Lian Xiang grabbed her younger brother's hand, put the golden bone hand into his younger brother's hand, and said solemnly.

"Cang Lang is just a little wolf demon who has been around for more than a hundred years. He himself has no ability to transform into a human form. He has seized his human body. Although he has been instructed by this wolf demon, I can only use my body of wood to fight against him. It is definitely not his opponent, and besides, there is still this golden bone hand."

Liansheng shook the golden bone hand in his hand with a firm tone.

"Cang Lang? You say this Cang Lang is the disciple of this monster wolf? Is his leg a little lame?"

I was slightly startled. Back then, I met Cang Lang in Heifengzhai, and we went to the Ghost Hunter Alliance Branch in Jiuhuang City together, but we were attacked by the elders of the Blood Soul Sect at that time, so we had to separate. I thought he had already He was poisoned, but he didn't expect to become the apprentice of this monster wolf. Although he didn't know the reason, Cang Lang's nature was not bad.

"Yes, his legs are a little lame, do you know him?"

Liansheng looked at me in surprise.

"Of course I do. You told Canglang that I am Zhong Yuan, and you persuaded him to go to Jiuhuang City together. Don't worry, I and him are old acquaintances. Based on this alone, he won't hurt you. If you worry about this demon wolf If so, let’s say that the enemy of the demon wolf is in Jiuhuang City, and tell him not to worry.”

I smiled, I never thought that there would be a day when I would meet Cang Lang, hehe, I promised Shui'er before that I would be a matchmaker for her little silver.

When Lianxiang was about to say something, a strong wind blew in the distance, and a giant gray wolf galloped from mid-air. The wolf was huge, with fierce green lights shining in its eyes.

"Hmph, little girl, it's delusional to think of using this method to escape my pursuit. I will never let go of what I want to get easily. Even if you die, I will still get that thing."

The gray light on the wolf's body turned into a sturdy man, wearing gray linen clothes, his hair standing upright like steel needles, his eyes were big, green, square face, with bruises on both sides. With beards, he stared fiercely at Lianxiang and his brother.

"How could the things from the Lian family be handed over to you, a monster? If you have the ability, imprison my soul, and use the art of refining the soul to torture the whereabouts of Chongbao."

Lianxiang looked at the demon wolf coldly, while protecting Liansheng behind her.

"No wonder you dare to say such things to this deity. It turns out that you have found a helper. Haha, even if you have a helper, this deity will not take it seriously."

The wolf demon fell down, snorted coldly, stared at me unkindly, and curled up the corners of his mouth, revealing a trace of sarcasm. In his eyes, I was just a ghost.

"Oh? Really, you have a lot of enemies, and now you are still causing trouble outside. If you don't hide yourself quickly to protect your own life, you are still in the imperial capital to attack the ghost hunter. You are quite courageous."

I stared at the wolf demon and laughed.

The demon wolf narrowed his eyes slightly, and shot out ferociously, his voice was a little louder, and he growled: "Who are you, how do you know that I have many enemies? But these enemies are basically wiped out by me, hmph."

"Oh? Really, Ning Qingyang was also destroyed by you?"

I asked with a smile, and at the same time made a face to the two siblings, and they left my side quietly. Now even if the demon wolf knows that they are going to escape, they will not stop them, because they heard the three words Ning Qingyang , There was a look of horror on his face.

"You kid, what is your relationship with Ning Qingyang? If I obtain the body of wood virtue, Ning Qingyang will still be my opponent? If you don't explain Ning Qingyang's matter clearly today, the deity will not let you leave this place Yes, I have already smelled the smell of fresh meat, and if I eat you, my morals will increase greatly, if you tell me everything about him, maybe I will bypass your soul."

The demon wolf opened its mouth wide, stretched out its tongue and licked its lips, and said with a smile.

"Then we have to see if you have the ability."

I took out the Demon Subduing Sword, held the Demon Subduing Sword in my hand, and the silver light flowed on the sword body.

"Okay, it seems that you won't say anything unless you suffer a lot. I will settle accounts with those two little fellows from the Lian family sooner or later."

The wolf gave a ferocious smile, and rushed towards me, its broad palm went straight to my chest. When the big hand grabbed it, the veins on the back of the hand were raised, the nails were gray, and they were extremely sharp.

His transfigured human form is almost the same as that of a normal human being, which also proves that his strength is profound, and he can also use the strength of his demon wolf at any time. This palm may be able to wear gold and crack stones. If he is caught, he will not know the treasure clothes on his body Can it be resisted.

"The third rune circle is activated, killing spirit!"

I slashed fiercely with the sword, and the red light flowed on the sword body, and a crimson sword dragon coiled out, and went straight to the demon wolf. When he saw the killing sword energy, the evil spirit between his brows increased greatly, and he was covered with evil spirit. Lingering, the palm of his hand was even more enveloped by the demonic aura, he slapped Jian Jiao's head without avoiding it.

The sword dragon opened its mouth and sprayed, and the red sword energy swarmed out like beams of light. Although these sword energy were extremely powerful, the palm of the wolf monster was also no small matter. The sword light that shot on the palm was blocked one by one. Finally, the big hand reached the top of Chijiao's head, pinched it hard, and it exploded directly.

The sword energy scattered around and hurt him in the slightest.

Seeing this scene, my heart sank, this monster wolf is so powerful, its killing aura is almost wiped out in a blink of an eye.

"Earth elemental armor, fire elemental armor condensed!"

Seeing that the opponent destroyed the sword dragon and came straight to me, I didn't think much about it. I directly called out the battle armor to protect my body, and then relied on the seven-star step to fight against the opponent.

His moves are fierce and deadly. If it wasn't for the fact that he had reached the point of perfection with the Seven Star Step, he might have been hit by the opponent's palm. He stabbed in the abdomen.

Now my physical body is already very strong, and my strength has also doubled, which is by no means comparable to before. This sword is fast and accurate, piercing his abdomen like lightning.

The wolf's body suddenly bowed, and its abdomen shrank back, and the whole body suddenly became a curved bow. I stabbed in the air, and the whole body was very close to him. Slap hard.


This palm was fast and ruthless. When I swung it, the air was filled with the sound of explosions. I had to give up temporarily and raise my sword horizontally.


The paw lay on the Fumojian, my mouth numb, and the Fumojian was almost shot down by this claw.

Just when I blocked this claw, his other claw came straight to my chest. The situation was critical, and before I had time to think about it, the other hand struck out, and the purple-gold magic fire shone on the palm.

I just felt a numbness in my palm, and a strong force came rushing in, and I happened to use this force to jump back, and immediately he was within reach.

After receiving my palm, the demon wolf also felt uncomfortable, the palm was wrapped in the magic fire, and it was scorchingly hot.

"Demon Fire! You actually have such a high-level magic fire!"

The demon wolf stared at me in shock and anger, pinched with the other hand, and a green light shot out from between the fingers to envelop the magic fire. The magic fire was immediately suppressed by the demon energy and slowly disappeared.

But I held the Demon Subduing Sword with both hands, and the power of hunting ghosts surged towards it.

"The fifth rune circle is opened, and all ten directions will be destroyed!"

The golden runes on the sword body shone, turning into a piece of golden light that enveloped the sword body.

Just at this time, the purple-gold magic fire on the palm of the wolf demon has disappeared, and he is staring at me in horror and anger. Seeing the change of the demon-subduing sword, the demon wolf also sensed the danger in it, and immediately pinched the spell with both hands, his whole body Surrounded by the green evil spirit, his body became blurred.


The demon-subduing sword in his hand slashed hard at the place where the wolf demon was, and a golden thread shot out, disappearing into the void, and the next second, the place where the wolf demon was located was separated, and it was directly divided by this golden thread. two halves.

However, there was no blood and flesh flying as imagined.

"Stupid Art!"

I was a little startled, this demon wolf actually escaped this catastrophe by using a substitute technique, so where did the original person go?Immediately, I inserted the demon-subduing sword in my hand into the ground in front of me, and the sword body was shrouded in green light, and it immediately turned into twelve demon-subduing swords.

"Sword array?!"

The part on the left side in front of me shone with green light, and the voice of the demon wolf emerged, and I was taken aback.

"That's right, it's a sword formation, let you taste the power of the sword formation!"

Stretching forward a little, twelve demon-subduing swords shot out from around him. In the dark night sky, green light flickered. These demon-subduing swords are powerful. The victory lies in the endless sword array, as long as you have the power to hunt ghosts, you can attack endlessly.

With my current strength of the Six Paths of Faith Ring, I can completely activate the sword array for several hours in a row.

The demon wolf didn't dare to use his palms to really catch these demon-subduing swords. Even if they weren't as powerful as the extremely lethal Shifang Jujian, they were not much weaker.

"I will spare your life today, and I will settle the score in the future."

The demon wolf glared at me viciously, dodged the Fumo Sword in a terrified annoyance, leaped into the air, turned into a gray wolf and ran away into the distance.

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