Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 362 [Casting body and nine evil spirits]

I have been procrastinating for a while, presumably the Lian siblings have successfully returned to their physical bodies, and if nothing goes wrong, they are now heading to Jiuhuang City.

When I was fighting this monster wolf, there were actually many ghost messengers around watching the battle. When the battle was over, all of them disappeared, and there were no ghost messengers who came to help.

Along Huangquan Road, I arrived at Naihe Bridge again. I watched Mrs. Chuan stirring the pot in front of me with a large white jade spoon in her hand, and thought for a while:

"I want to condense the body of water virtue in the Wangchuan River. I hope these resentful spirits don't disturb me, Mrs. Chuan, you should be able to do this easily."

Grandma Chuan let out a sinister grin, stared at me, slowly put down the spoon in her hand, and said:

"It's easy for me to do it, but why should I help you? It's because of you that Sihuang's soul is gone. If you don't show up, she will be fine."

"Because I am Emperor Heaven, if I want to fight against Styx, I must become stronger. Don't think that I don't know about Wangchuan River. Devouring the Wangchuan River, that time is also the time for you to dissipate, and when Styx returns, the entire underworld will suffer catastrophe, even if Emperor Sihuang is still there, he will agree with me to go down the Wangchuan River and gather the body of water virtue."

I looked up at Grandma Chuan, and said in a cold voice, even if he disagrees, I will find a way.

Grandma Chuan put down the emerald bowl, smiled strangely, her eyes sparkled, she stared at the tumbling Wangchuan River under the bridge, and said with a smile: "You said this, Sihuang has been waiting for you for a long time, I hope you don't let her down Sincerely, I hope that in this life, you must choose the reincarnation of Houtu, go down, I will not let the souls of the dead in the river disturb you."

I nodded and jumped down into the Wangchuan River.

As soon as I jumped down, I felt the water slapping on my body. I held my breath and slowly fell into the bottom of the river. I am not a ghost, so the water in the Wangchuan River has little effect on me, and I can also rely on the imprint of the City God Official in the water. Survive.

I didn't know how to forge the body of water virtue before, but after drinking the real water, some memories came back. At least this body of water virtue must be cast with water from the Wangchuan River.

Relying on the memory in my mind, I started to shake the Fa Jue, and the surrounding water elemental power submerged into my body one after another.

Just when I jumped into the Wangchuan River, the struggling undead began to swim towards me frantically. They were entangled by the Wangchuan River, unable to go ashore, and they didn't know they were floating in the river. After a while, the resentment in my heart became more and more serious, so that it became more and more impossible to escape from Wangchuan River.

Granny Chuan glanced at it, and threw the dragon-headed crutch in her hand into the river. The runes on the crutch flickered and turned into a red-yellow dragon hovering above my head.

"Boy, don't worry, this dragon stick is an incomparably powerful magic weapon, these dead souls dare not approach."

Granny Chuan’s cold voice came into my ears through the muddy river, and I was relieved and began to concentrate on absorbing the pure power of water. Of course, I want to gather the two virtues of fire and earth, because The power of these water elements has not yet formed the body of water virtue and cannot operate on its own. It is absolutely impossible to compete with the other two forces.

I don't know how long it took, but I felt a burning sensation on my back. This feeling came from the imprint of the City God Official. This imprint seemed to be torn apart by some mysterious force. At the same time, my whole body Light blue fire element spirit patterns began to appear up and down.

The prelude to the condensation of the body of water virtue, if the whole body is covered with water element spirit patterns, it means that the body of water virtue has been barely completed, and now I can clearly feel the condensation of these spirit patterns, reaching the back of my back At that time, it seemed that it had encountered the official seal of the city god, and the progress was very slow. These water element spirit patterns seemed to want to completely destroy the official seal of the city god.

Taking a deep breath, I endured the burning sensation coming from my back. Now I can clearly feel that the imprint is being torn apart and disappears bit by bit, and the place where the original imprint was is now covered by the water element spirit pattern. A entrenched.

It may be that the body of water virtue cannot bear the imprint of the city god official, or there may be conflicts, but I am not worried, as long as the imprint of the dark pendant on my chest is still there, it will be fine.

After a few things, the official seal on the back finally disappeared, and the burning sensation also faded away like a tide. The only place that was hindered has been solved, so now it is necessary to let these places condense the water element spirit pattern. The Body of Virtue is considered a success.


There is a secret room in the underworld. There is a large stone plate in the center of this secret room. There are many black spiritual tablets densely placed on it. The spiritual tablets are shining with extremely dim auras. The closer to the center, the more brilliant the brilliance of the spiritual tablets. Take a closer look , you will find that the spirit cards placed on this round stone plate are very regular.

It is basically circular, with a total of nine rings, and the center one is completely covered by spiritual light, making it impossible to read the writing on it clearly.

And there is a blood pool next to the stone plate, and the blood in the blood pool is constantly tumbling.

An old man in a blood-colored robe stood there with his hands behind his back, looking at the man next to him with an uncertain expression.

This man was wearing a black robe, but there was a silver demon totem printed on his chest, and a silver ribbon was tied around his waist. He had regular features, red lips and white teeth, and he looked like a handsome young man.

"Old Blood Patriarch, this time I will be responsible for collecting the blood water, please give it to me quickly, and I will rush back to the Great World of Maha."

The man in black smiled slightly, his eyes flickered with viciousness, and the corners of his mouth curled up, very strangely.

"Jiu Sha, to tell you the truth, this time, I haven't gone to the Nether Blood Sea yet."

The blood patriarch stared at the man in black with a complicated expression and spoke. This man in black is one of the top ten true demons, the demon soul, Nine evil spirits.

Jiu Sha was stunned when he heard the words, and said, "Why? It's not prepared early in the past, why hasn't it been done yet? It must be Zhong Kui who found out."

The blood patriarch snorted coldly, took a strange look at Jiusha, walked a few steps, stared at the tokens on the stone plate and said: "Even if he knows, he doesn't dare to do anything to me without proof, I am Another scruple."

"What scruples do you have? Could it be because of those two beasts? Isn't the sea of ​​blood huge, and they won't find anything if they take some blood."

Jiu Sha stroked his pointed chin and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Ksitigarbha reincarnated and another powerful master returned to the Nether Blood Sea. I am just a fragment of the main body. If they find out, they will not take my current identity into account. After all, the Nether Blood Sea is not under the control of the Underworld. "

The Blood Patriarch clenched his fists, and his face became a little ferocious.

"Then what should I do? Don't you need blood? You need to know that your body needs blood to break through the seal. Now that you have finally gained consciousness and used some secret techniques, if you get some more blood, the seal will be lifted. But here lies the problem, if Styx really breaks the seal, how do you think he will punish you?"

Jiu Sha said with a grin.

Hearing the words, Patriarch Xue's face turned extremely pale. After thinking for a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "Let's look for a chance, the reincarnation of Ksitigarbha will not monitor the sea of ​​blood all the time, and the one who came with him The strong man is not very used to the environment of the Nether Blood Sea, so Dizang will go to his temple to accompany the strong man every once in a while, and we will use this opportunity to seize the water of the blood sea."

"In this way, it's a good idea, haha."

Jiu Sha applauded again and again, and stared at Patriarch Xue with a smile.

"Old Ancestor, the ghost messenger of the Ninth Grade Haunted Soul came to meet you, and something important happened on Huangquan Road."

A faint figure suddenly appeared in a corner of the secret room, and his voice was devoid of emotion.

"What's the matter? Don't you know I have something important!"

The Blood Patriarch flicked his sleeves and stared at the figure with killing intent in his eyes.

"Someone broke into the underworld, and also showed the Zhong family's dark pendant. This person should be the current Patriarch of the Zhong family. I followed him all the way and found that he went to the underworld in the flesh."

The ninth-grade ghost spoke in a moderately humble manner.

"The reincarnated body of Emperor Tian, ​​Zhong Yuan?! Does he know that I have come to the underworld?"

Jiusha's face darkened, and he asked in a cold voice.

"I don't know, and I don't know the intention of this person, but he was fighting with another wolf demon, and this wolf demon should have a thousand years of power, but he was repelled by him, and then he went to Naihe Bridge, and then jumped into the river."

Jiupin Guicha hesitated for a while, and answered Jiusha's question in the most concise way.

"What did he do by jumping off the Wangchuan River? Don't you know that the river is full of vicious dead souls?"

Jiu Sha touched his chin, then raised his head to stare at Patriarch Xue.

"The reincarnated body of Huangtian, hmph, I didn't expect that I would not go looking for you, but you actually found here. This is you looking for death, to solve you, the main body also has one less worry about the future, and I will concentrate on dealing with the reincarnation of Ksitigarbha in the future."

The Blood Patriarch grinned and spoke viciously.

"Old Ancestor, I also saw Zhong Kui's ghost messenger at that time, and Zhong Kui probably knows about it now."

Nine-rank ghost messenger hesitated for a while, then said again.

"Zhong Kui? No, this time I must kill Zhong Yuan ahead of him. Hehe, when the time comes, I can also say that he acted recklessly and broke into the underworld with his body. This is a violation of Yin and Yang. Living people are not allowed to enter the underworld, haha, I see how Zhong Kui can protect it!"

The Blood Patriarch smiled, very happily.

"Old Ancestor, don't you want to get blood? Since you are so determined to kill Zhong Yuan, then I have no choice but to go back first. When the time comes when your body Styx gets angry, I can only report the truth and see if it's the Emperor!" The reincarnated body is more important than his getting out of trouble now."

Jiu Sha put down his hand, then turned around and wanted to leave the secret room.

"Jiu Sha, stop, at worst I'll send a third-grade ghost messenger to kill him, let's go to the Nether Blood Sea, Chi Ying, this is my Blood River Token, take this token to go to the three ghost messengers and call them Be sure to kill Zhong Yuan."

The Blood Ancestor shook his sleeve, and a ray of blood went straight to the ninth-grade ghost guard. The ghost guard stretched out his hand, and the blood light fell into his hand, turning into a blood-red token the size of a palm. The three big white characters of Blood River Order are engraved on the seal body. Besides, the whole body of the token is like blood jade, and there are even many bloodshots inside.

"As ordered!"

Chi Ying saluted with both hands, his body began to fade, and finally disappeared.

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