Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 363 [You Yue Zhong Kui]

Fengdu ghost town, the most famous ghost town in the underworld.

Most of the ghosts live here. In addition, there are some ghosts who do not want to be reincarnated. The buildings here are by no means modern, but ancient buildings. They are roughly three colors, black, white, and gray. The building seems to have existed for a long time, but nothing has changed, only the dead souls inside have changed.

There is a main street here that runs through the east and west gates of the entire Fengdu Ghost City, and in the center of Fengdu Ghost City is a temple-like hall. Weird small building, the small building inside is also guarded by many ghosts.

In one of the buildings, a young and handsome red-robed man with an angry face was sitting on a grand teacher's chair. He was holding a paper fan in his hand and a sword at his waist. He kept patting his thigh with the paper fan, making a rhythmic sound of "crack, crack, crack!"

At this time, a man wearing a crescent moon robe suddenly appeared outside the door. His hair was combed back, two braids thick as thumbs were braided on each side, and the hair on both sides of the ears hung down to the shoulders. There is a word-like imprint on it, like a bright flame.

"What are you thinking, something big happened."

As soon as You Yue came in, she sat on the other side of the blood-robed man and spoke carelessly.

"I just came back from the sea of ​​blood, what can happen?"

The man in the blood robe opened his eyes and stared at You Yue with a vicious expression on his face, a sinister aura shrouded his handsome features.

Seeing the blood-robed man's expression, You Yue was slightly taken aback and said, "Zhong Kui, are you still going to the sea of ​​blood? How many times have you been running during this time? Don't you care about the affairs of the underworld? I heard that something happened on Huangquan Road. There is a living person who came to the underworld, and even used your Mingyin Pendant, I think you should know who it is."

"What is that stinky brat doing in Hell? Don't bother me with such trivial matters. I'm going to go to the sea of ​​blood again later. That kid Qingming is so stubborn, so what if I get on with Wuchang?"

Zhong Kui squeezed the paper fan in his hand, stood up abruptly, his eyes glowed fiercely.

"You...you haven't forgotten it until now. He is the reincarnation of Gu Lun and Xiao. The news of Zhong Yuan's arrival in the underworld is probably known to the blood patriarch. This time he will definitely do it. I have solved a lot of ghosts who went to trouble Zhong Yuan, but the blood ancestor has never given up. Now that Zhong Yuan has arrived in the underworld, what do you think the blood ancestor will do? You are the ancestor of the Zhong family."

You Yue shrugged, staring at Zhong Kui helplessly.

Now You Yue has advanced from the third-grade ghost to the second-grade ghost. Even so, he is still a few levels lower than Zhong Kui, but Zhong Kui is not like the other Yin gods who put on airs, as long as it suits his appetite, he can chat Come, so he has no scruples.

"Old ancestor? If you really want to count, he is the reincarnation of the emperor. I don't have the ability to be his old ancestor."

Zhong Kui frowned, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he snorted coldly.

"So what about Huangtian's reincarnation? He is Zhong Yuan after all, and now he will call you ancestor when he sees you. Do you want the Zhong family to be exterminated? Are you still planning to go to the sea of ​​blood?"

You Yue stared at Zhong Kui with an uncertain expression, and asked.

Zhong Kui nodded, opened his long and narrow eyes slightly, and said, "Naturally, I'm going to the sea of ​​blood. I will never give up this opportunity to cultivate my relationship. That kid Qingming actually took my blood lotus demon body in the human world. Cooked and eaten, hum, how can I give up? Zhong Yuan will trouble you to make a trip, by the way, call Zhong Ziyun, although he is only a fourth-rank ghost, but his strength is not weaker than you, Furthermore, call Ge Yu, now she is a first-grade ghost agent, with the three of you joining forces, even if the blood ancestor really shows up, I will be a little bit afraid, if the blood ancestor does something, the first-grade ghost agent will make a mistake, Yan Jun will come forward in person."

You Yue hesitated for a while, and finally said to Zhong Kui:

"By the way, Mingyinpei can only be in charge of the ghost messengers under your banner, but the blood ancestor's ghost messengers are not under the control of Mingyinpei. Zhong Yuan probably doesn't know about this matter, should I tell him?"

"Well, it's okay to tell him, lest he really thinks that he can command the ghost messengers in the whole underworld by relying on the underworld pendant, you go, the source of this kid's belief has been broken and reunited, and I can only do it now." I can sense the power of his blood, but I can't know his specific strength."

Zhong Kui opened the paper fan and shook it gently.

"Well, that's good. I'll go and inform Ge Yu and Zhong Ziyun first. By the way, I advise you not to go to the sea of ​​blood, so as not to start a fight with Lord Dizang."

After You Yue finished speaking, she left in a hurry.

"Go less? Why less? When he was not in the sea of ​​blood, didn't I take more care of the two Divine Beasts sitting under him? Now that he is back, I should go less?"

Zhong Kui muttered to himself, then snorted coldly, turned into a red light and pierced through the air.


I poked my head out of the Wangchuan River, Granny Chuan glanced at me, and stretched out her hand to grab the top of my head. The red-yellow flood dragon let out a low growl, and turned into a crutch with the head of a dragon again and landed in his hand. Without the protection of this flood dragon, the vicious undead around me swam towards me again.

Seeing the sly smile on Granny Chuan's face, I gave her a contemptuous look. This old woman is trying to trouble me.

However, these undead want to hurt me, but they don't have the ability.

Now that the body of water virtue has just formed, just relying on this point alone, I will not let these undead come close to me. Covering one's breath, this dark yin pendant can't control these vicious undead.

I stretched out my palm and slapped it forward, and a force gushed out. The water in the Wangchuan River is very heavy. I guess the density is higher than ordinary water. I can also take this opportunity to use this force to go Float away by the river.

I slashed out with one palm, set off a wave that was about ten feet high, directly rolled up these ferocious undead, flew them, and then fell into the river far away. After a few slashes, I had already reached the shore, and my hand had already touched the shore With a little effort, he climbed up the rock, and looked at the stunned Chuan Po on the Naihe Bridge with a smile.

"You...you came up like this?"

Granny Chuan smacked her mouth. Originally, she was expecting me to have a fierce fight with the undead in the Wangchuan River, but now that I come up, she has nothing to show for it.

"Mrs. Chuan, if I still have something to do, I will take a step first, and I will come to see you next time when I return to Yangjian."

I smiled and went to the distance. The world here is a bit brighter than the original place. I can see a dark city wall far away. Needless to say, this is the ghost city of Fengdu.

But there is a large dark forest across the center. Seeing this forest, I frowned.

Although there are not many ghosts in this forest, there are definitely not few. Thinking of the ghost weeds encountered at the beginning, the danger in this forest is definitely no less than that of the roadside of Huangquan.

After a little hesitation, I patted the Vulcan ring.

A dark red vortex emerged, a ray of white mist gushed out first, followed by a ray of crimson light and black light, the little ghost head, the ring spirit Zhu Rong, and Heishan who reshaped the demon body.

Compared with normal people, Heishan's figure is almost the same. The last time he collected the hundred ghosts in the hands of the powerful Fanguo Yamazuo Ichiro at the Kuzhu Temple on Putuo Island, his and Zhu Rong's strength increased greatly.

Now that he has practiced magic skills again and condensed his soul body, he only needs to go to the magic pool once to restore his true strength.

Zhu Rong is still the same, but this is the first time I saw him exuding a flame-like aura. He is a yin body, and a yin body can exude a flame-like aura, which is absolutely extraordinary, even in the underworld. It is not necessarily possible for a first-grade ghost to be able to do it, because Yin souls cannot be transformed into pure Yang, only when they reach a certain level.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, earth immortals, such as city gods, land gods, mountain gods, etc., they have duties and godheads, so they will be different, but Zhu Rong does not, it is just in the Vulcan Ring Been there for many years.

Could it be that this guy has been in the Vulcan ring for so long, did he have any adventures?Could it be that this Vulcan ring is really a legacy of Vulcan?This guy is definitely a character who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger, and he has never shown his true strength in front of me. Before dealing with a few demon envoys, he made a move, but he used the true blue fire cauldron.

Seeing me staring at him like this, Zhu Rong stroked his gray beard and grinned at me silly, making it more and more difficult for me to understand.

"Have you passed the Naihe Bridge? Where is it now?"

The little ghost glanced around, then said with a slightly changed expression.

"You Lin, the secluded forest outside Fengdu Ghost City, there are bloody ghosts in the depths of the dense forest, the terrain is very complicated, and the range is extremely wide. It is said that there seems to be a ghost king here, but it can't be found, because of the terrain, even Fengdu Those strong men in the ghost city can't completely wipe out this secluded forest, master, let's take the main road, there will be no evil spirits in the secluded forest around the main road to attack, and there are not only human ghosts in this secluded forest."

Zhu Rong frowned and noticed this at a glance.

Hei Shan's slender eyes blinked, a trace of disdain appeared on his face, and he said:

"Could it be that with the strength of the few of us, we can't safely reach the ghost city of Fengdu? Zhu Rong, I know how powerful you are. Are there any mutated ghosts in this secluded forest?"

"You brat, how did you talk to senior? Can you question me? Speak well. Of course, there are many powerful ghosts in this secluded forest, some beasts, and ghosts of birds are also among them. The special plants in the underworld in this dense forest are extremely difficult to deal with, and this time the owner has revealed his identity, it is estimated that we will be hunted down soon."

Zhu Rong looked coldly at the head of the Black Mountain Demon, and stared at a certain dark tree not far away. This big tree was tall, with luxuriant branches and dark green leaves, and continued:

"I'm afraid they've been targeted."

"Should we deal with it, or go first? The other party hasn't appeared yet, and he definitely doesn't want to make a move easily. Now that you come out, the guy lurking in the dark is afraid to come out even more."

In fact, I wanted to leave more. The guy lurking in the dark is not weak. After Zhu Rong reminded me, I realized that there were three ghosts hiding there, although the breath was very weak.

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