Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 364 [Ghost fog in the forest]

"I think let's go on the main road first. These three hidden ones should be ghost messengers. If they were ordinary ghosts, they would have attacked us a long time ago and would not hide at all. If we walk on the main road, then they will Not to mention taking action lightly, after all, ghosts in Fengdu ghost city are free to enter, and it is not ruled out that there are other ghosts passing by on this main road, do you have enemies in the underworld?"

Zhu Rong, the ring spirit, held the true blue fire cauldron in his hand, and asked with a turn of his gaze.

"Of course, the blood patriarch is the enemy, only this makes sense, according to what you said, we are now near the main road, and even if there are ghosts in the secluded forest, they will not easily appear nearby , What happened to me on Huangquan Road and Naihe Bridge at that time was witnessed by many ghost messengers, and there must be ghost messengers from the opposing force of the blood patriarch."

I didn't hide this point. After thinking about it, the few of us walked towards the main road.

The ground of this main road is paved with black stone bricks, stepping on it, revealing a little shady feeling, this road has been spreading to the distance, about five or six feet wide, surrounded by strange-shaped black big Tree.

Originally, this underworld was dark with sun and moon, only faint stars, but now passing through the secluded forest, it was even darker, and there were bursts of ghost howls in the distant forest, which were very abrupt and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Although I always felt that there was something staring at me from behind, but when I looked back, there was nothing, only the shadows of trees behind me, and endless black mist rising in the secluded forest, as if it followed me all the way.

"What the hell is this?"

I pointed to the rising black mist, and started to ask Zhu Rong. He has a lot of knowledge, and he must have been to the underworld before his death. My previous life memory is slowly recovering, and I don't seem to have any memory of this secluded forest.

"Ghost fog in the ghost forest. Originally, these ghost fogs are nothing to ghosts, but to humans, they will erode your physical body, deplete your yang energy, and cannot contaminate the Tao. According to legend, for many years, the passage between the underworld and the human world is connected, at that time many living people broke into the underworld, and even wanted to occupy the underworld, the ghost fog in the secluded forest played a big role."

Zhu Rong took a look and explained with a grin.

"Grandpa Zhu Rong, is this Youlin Ghost Fog manipulated by the ghosts in Fengdu Ghost City, or is it naturally produced by Youlin?"

The little devil seemed to be particularly interested in these ghosts in the forest, so he couldn't help asking.

"Naturally, this kind of ghost mist will overflow every once in a while, but there will be ghost messengers in the ghost city of Fengdu who will come out to collect this ghost mist, because if the enemy comes, there is no guarantee that these ghosts will appear at any time. Let's use the collected ghost fog to fight against the enemy."

Zhu Rong looked at the little ghost head with a smile, reached out and touched his head, as if he liked the little ghost head very much.

We walked forward for a while, and the surrounding yin was getting thicker and thicker, and the ghosts in the forest began to gradually escape towards the main road. After a while, there were a few strange calls from a distance.

"Oops, the ghost fog in the forest this time, I'm afraid it was those three guys who made the trick!"

Looking at the ghost fog coming from all directions, my face darkened instantly. Why is it the ghost fog in the forest at this time?The secluded forest is so big that it even surrounds the ghost town of Fengdu, why is it coming in my direction?Could it be that my character is too bad?

I walked to the tumbling ghost fog not far away, stretched out my hand into the ghost fog, half of my hand was submerged in it, and suddenly my hand felt cold, and these ghosts began to sink into my arms, it only took a few breaths , I felt like my arms were frozen.

With a cold snort, the purple-gold magic fire on his arm began to scatter fiercely, and the fire element spirit pattern appeared all over his body, and the freezing feeling on his arm gradually dissipated.

"Everyone, be careful. It won't be long before those three guys are about to make a move."

I stood still and let the ghost fog be my body, but now the ghost fog can't hurt me, the body of fire virtue protects me, so I'm afraid that the ghost fog in the ghost forest will not work?

There was a flash of light in the little devil's eyes, and suddenly he floated to my side, leaned into my ear and whispered:

"Zhong Yuan, otherwise, I will use a small space to come out, and then the three of us will hide in, and use you as a bait to lure out these three guys who are secretly hiding. As soon as they appear, we will disperse them with thunder." their souls."

"That's good, but I don't think they will make a move on their own so easily. They have to see those three guys before they can make a move. If there are other changes around you, you can't easily expose yourself."

I nodded and agreed with what the little devil said.

He walked to the side of Zhu Rong and Heishan, stretched his arms forward, his face became very dignified, he pressed Wang Kongkong with his fingertips, and began to reach stroke by stroke, the silver light on the fingertips flickered, very Soon, a silver light curtain emerged, and the little ghost drew three other silver light curtains according to this method.

When these four light curtains are formed, a small space of more than ten square meters is formed. When this space is formed, it disappears at once, and I can't see them anymore.

The little ghost clapped his hands and looked around quietly, his small face revealed a maturity that did not match his age.

"Haotian, your ability to awaken is very good, and you have a lot of room for development. It's a pity that you can create your own unique space... I wonder if you are interested in reviving your soul?"

Zhu Rong couldn't help but reached out and touched the little ghost's head, his tone was a little dull.

Although his voice was very low, Heishan next to him looked at Zhu Rong in surprise. He had been with Zhu Rong for a while, and in the space of Vulcan Ring, he was also controlled by Zhu Rong, and Zhu Rong had a lot of knowledge. He knew a lot of things, so he was surprised when he said this. Returning Yang is not a trivial matter. Moreover, Zhong Haotian has been dead for nearly 20 years, and his physical body has long since ceased to exist. How can he return Yang?

Is it the resurrection of the dead?

"Grandpa Zhu Rong, do you want me to use the dead body to revive my soul? My father also thought about this method at the beginning, but my grandfather disagreed. This is against the laws of heaven and earth. Even if I succeed, I will not live long."

The little devil's immature face froze for a moment, his eyes were still burning with hope, but when he thought of what grandpa said, his hope was extinguished again.

He is a member of the Zhong family. Whether they are humans or ghosts, no member of the Zhong family can violate the order of the yin and yang realms. If he is discovered, even if Yan Jun will not punish him severely, he will be punished by thunder. When the time comes, his family members will be implicated.

Zhu Rong looked at the little ghost with a smile, nodded, and continued:

"Of course it's not reviving the dead. This old man still knows the seriousness of it. I don't know if you have heard of the mountain and sea boundary. There is a Wushen Mountain in the mountain and sea boundary. According to legend, this mountain and sea boundary was separated from a certain area of ​​​​the Wu tribe in ancient times. , there are all kinds of powerful strange beasts, and witches, these witches are not the current ancient Miao clan, but pure witches, witches with real blood."

"What does this have to do with my recovery?"

The little ghost glanced around, saw that there was no movement, and asked again, it is impossible for him to return to the world and continue to live, saying that he does not look forward to it.

"Could it be that you want to seek the five-color mud in the mountain and sea world? Although I have never been to the mountain and sea world, I heard from the real demon that they have been to the mountain and sea world. There are indeed five-color mud in Wushen Mountain." , this five-color mud was obtained by the Houtu ancestor witch from the great god Nuwa in the past. At that time, Nuwa had not yet created humans. Of course, this is just a legend. Even if it is true, think about it, even real demons can't get it from it. What can we do with this five-color mud?"

Black Mountain pursed his lips and said.

"Of course I have the ability. Among the real demons, who has the ability of Haotian? We can use Haotian's ability to easily enter the Wushen Mountain, and those Wu people have no way to find out. This space is simply another space. In the world, the parading elders of the Wu clan will not find out."

Zhu Rong became more and more excited, and finally blushed with excitement.

"I think you also want to get this five-color mud to recast your body, don't think I don't know."

Heishan looked at Zhu Rong with contempt.

Zhu Rong snorted coldly and stared at Heishan, and said bluntly, "Could it be that you don't want to reshape your body?"

"Of course it doesn't matter to me. What I practice is magic skills. As long as I go to the magic pool, the magic skills will be great, and it's the same."

Heishan also stared back politely.

"Okay, stop arguing, we'll talk about this later, you see, something seems to be coming, but it's not the three ghost messengers."

The little ghost pointed to the secluded forest not far away.

Of course I also noticed the same thing, there are more than a dozen groups of things similar to will-o'-the-wisps floating in the secluded forest not far away, but these blue flames are not some kind of will-o'-the-wisp, watching the blue flames gradually float over, my pores all over my body Open, the hairs stand on end.

This blue flame is as big as a washbasin, but there are strange pale human faces inside. No, it cannot be said to be normal human faces. These human faces are also very large and their eyes are like light bulbs, with green will-o'-the-wisps coming out of them , the mouth almost occupied more than half of the entire face, opened the mouth, revealing the inverted triangle fangs, and the tongue sticking out, about a foot long.

I know that this kind of ghost is a gas-eater, but it is not a gas-eater in human form.

This kind of gas-eating ghost looks more like someone specially trained it. Folk gas-eaters are actually very timid, and they don't dare to suck people's energy when they are active. Of course, ordinary qi-eating ghosts would not even dare to get close to people with stronger yang energy, and they only look for weak people to attack.

The form of the gas-eaters I see now is different from the gas-eaters in the whole picture. They only have a big head. The reason why I can conclude that they are gas-eaters is because of their big mouths, which is a unique symptom of gas-eaters. .

I took out a flame talisman from the Vulcan ring. This flame talisman can burn when it encounters filthy things. It is very effective against this kind of ghost. Raise your hand and throw it, and the flame talisman burst in the air and turned into A ball of fire pierced through the air and slammed into one of the ghost faces.

The fire talisman was blazing, I was relieved at first, the ghost was still afraid of the flame talisman, but the next moment something happened that made me dumbfounded, the gas-eating ghost hit by the fire talisman opened its mouth and took a mouthful. Then he swallowed the blazing fireball.

(Thank you Xinmeier for voting for the monthly ticket, Wu Ti can be ashamed to ask for the monthly ticket, hehe.)

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