Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 365 [Third Grade Ghost Difference]

This is too much against the sky, how could this ghostly thing swallow the talisman fire?

No matter how mutated it is, it is impossible to do it easily, and it is not a ghost from the underworld.

No, if it's the ghosts raised by these ghosts, maybe they really aren't afraid of these talisman fires, maybe they're not qi-eating ghosts, but other vicious ghosts.

The grimace was so solid that it was about to turn into substance. The fangs in the big open mouth were sharp, and if it was bitten, it might be bitten.

Soon, these grimaces were about ten feet away from me, and they all opened their mouths to bite me. Even though these ghosts are not afraid of the talisman fire, they are always Yin bodies, as long as they are Yin bodies, they can be hurt. The light of subduing demons on the magic sword is the best weapon to restrain ghosts.

I will not be lenient when dealing with these ghosts without intelligence.

Stepping on the seven-star step, a faint brilliance flowed on the blade of the sword, and the sword slashed out, the silver light splashed, and the grimace that rushed over was directly pierced into the mouth by my sword, and I stirred it violently, directly shattering the grimace, The ghost face turned into dots of blue light, floating in the void.

These ghost faces moved very slowly, and within a few breaths, all the dozen or so ghost faces were wiped out by the Subduing Demon Sword.

I didn't breathe a sigh of relief. Although these ghost faces were eliminated, the blue crystals in the void did not dissipate. Now they are suspended in mid-air, like a thick layer of blue clouds.

These crystals suddenly fell down fiercely, enveloping me, the Fumo Sword fiercely lifted upwards, the silver sword light flickered, cut a ravine in the void, and separated from the center of the blue crystals.

But what surprised me was that these blue crystals gathered together again and covered my body at an incredible speed.

The fire spirit pattern on the body was born on the surface of the skin, and now it has appeared on the treasure clothes, like a flame armor.

As soon as these blue crystal grains were touched, they were burned with chirping noises, and burned to ashes by the fire spirit pattern.

These blue crystal grains wrap around my body, swarming into my body crazily, whether it is my body, head, or feet, these crystal grains are pervasive, but I have a body protected by the fire element spirit pattern, even if these There are many crystal grains, and they can't really blend into my body.

It's just that there are too many blue grains, and the fire spirit pattern is only the main defense.

Since you are afraid of flames, then burn it, burn like crazy, Zijin Demon Fire!

The purple-gold magic fire spewed out from the dantian, scattered in all directions around me, completely covered these blue particles, and burned crazily.

After a few breaths, all these things were completely burned, and they no longer existed. Besides these things being burned, most of the Youlin Ghost Fog was also burned.

Just as I put away the purple-gold magic fire around me, the black stone bricks under my feet cracked suddenly, and two arm-thick silver chains spread out from under my feet, locking my feet at such a high speed that it was too late to dodge. I struggled a few times, and my feet were firmly clasped, because the chains only trapped me and did not hurt me, so the Huoyuan Lingwen would not actively attack.

A ghost weapon, this silver chain is a ghost weapon!

Just when I was about to cut off the silver chains on my feet with a wave of my hand, a layer of faint silver light suddenly shone under me. Like a disk, there were many fist-sized silver light clusters on it, which shone slightly. When I raised my arms, silver chains shot out from these silver light clusters, wrapping around my arms and even my whole body.

Zijin Demon Fire!

Now trapped all over my body, I had to summon the magic fire again to burn these silver chains.

"These are the weapons of the underworld. How can your magic fire be so easily burned?"

A short, hunched old man walked out of the ghost fog in the distance. The whole old man was wrinkled and looked a little older than Mrs. Chuan, but his voice sounded very young. What he wore was a paper-like black Chinese tunic suit, with a snow-white complexion, scarlet lips, and a flame-like mark on his forehead, showing strangeness everywhere.

I've seen this kind of mark before. In Jiulongzhai of Yonghe City, there was this kind of mark on the forehead of Youyue, a third-rank ghost messenger in the underworld.

"I have no grievances with you, why trap me?"

I looked at this third-grade ghost messenger coldly, and questioned him aloud. Of course, I wanted to find out if he was sent by the blood ancestor, and I wanted to know whether the blood ancestor was really a threat to the underworld, or , want evidence.

The old man let out a cold snort. Although he looked very old, his figure blurred and he came to me, looked at me carefully, and said:

"The law of yin and yang, living people are not allowed to trespass in the underworld, and anyone who violates it will be arrested and killed immediately."

My heart trembled, and the imprint of the Mingyin pendant on my chest circulated. I wanted to use this jade pendant mark to control the ghost messenger, but after a while, the third-grade ghost messenger still didn't respond at all. :

"You don't need to work hard, this Mingyin pendant will only work on Zhong Kui's subordinates, it's useless to me."

"Oh? Is that so? Since you know the Mingyin pendant, you should know that I am the Zhong family. As long as the Zhong family holds the Mingyin pendant, they can freely enter and leave the underworld. Our Zhong family is originally an agent of the underworld. You want to kill me, this is a violation of the law of yin and yang!"

I sneered, it was recorded in my grandfather's notes that the Zhong family's contemporary trap can freely enter and leave the underworld with the yin pendant.

These are the conditions that the ancestors obtained in exchange for the merits and virtues. From ancient times to the present, our Zhong family has been like this. As long as we have the strength, we can come to the underworld.

The old man's face sank, he grinned and said nothing.

"Why, stop talking? If you report this matter to Yan Jun, even if you are a third-rank ghost messenger, you will be severely punished."

Seeing the old man speechless, I said again.

"Oh? I know, but you seem to have no chance. I won't let you see Lord Yan, not even Zhong Kui."

The old man gave a strange laugh and stared at me, with evil spirit surging in his eyes.

"Since you are trying to get rid of me, then call out the other two ghost agents. Also, you should be the ghost agent from the Blood Patriarch. Do you know what it means? If I die Yes, my ancestor must have noticed it immediately, you will be punished at that time, and the blood ancestor will not be able to escape the crime."

After thinking for a while, I also said with a smile, although I was locked, but the momentum must not be weaker than the opponent.

"Goulian, Zhuihun, you two come out, this person has been captured by me, and he cannot escape."

The old man turned sideways and shouted into the distance.

Soon, two ghost figures rushed out of the dense forest in the distance, and at the same time a woman's voice came over:

"Old man Jiu San, since you trapped him, why didn't you kill him alone? What do you want us to do?"

The figure gradually became clear, and a plump woman appeared in front of Jiu San. This woman was wearing a light yellow gown, her hair was coiled up, and her plump body was faintly visible in the yellow gown, but her face was a little scary. The face seemed to be burnt into charcoal, pitch black, while the right side was extremely fair, and there was a flame-like mark between the eyebrows, which was also a third-grade ghost.

The other figure is a tall and thin man with a flat head, a pointed face, and gloomy eyes, standing beside him without looking at him. There is also a mark on the center of his eyebrows, which should be a third-grade ghost.

Although it has been expected for a long time that the level of the ghost guards who came to hunt and kill me will not be too low, but now there are three ghost guards at once, and they are all third-rank ghost guards. The danger is too much for me.

"This kid has a Mingyin pendant on his body. Let's work together to seize the Mingyin pendant and dedicate it to the blood patriarch. Maybe the ghost messengers in the entire underworld will be ruled by the blood patriarch. The eradication of Zhong Kui is just around the corner."

Jiu San narrowed his eyes slightly, and spoke in an unusually hearty manner.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's do it, Jiu San Lao Er, you have trapped him, and you still can't take away the Ming Yin Pei?"

Gou Lian touched his cheek with one hand, and said with a charming smile.

"He has the protective magic flame. All the evil spirits I raised have been wiped out by him, so only we can take out the Mingyin pendant together. Therefore, you are responsible for dealing with the magic fire, and I will come to fetch the jade pendant, chase the soul, and you will be on guard."

Jiu San ordered.

"The Mingyin Pendant has been broken long ago. Let me see how you got it. This Mingyin Pendant has been turned into a mark and imprinted on my body."

I stared at the three ghost messengers with a cold smile.

With his arms around his shoulders, Chasing Soul put down his hands and pulled out a small dagger from his waist. This dagger was actually made of bone, with double blades. The bone dagger was inlaid with a large wooden skull. It looked extremely strange. His nose With a soft snort, he said:

"Pull off the skin and that's it!"

This ghost is so vicious that he wants to cut my skin.

"That's a good idea, but why use your Bone Ghost Dagger for such a trivial matter? This treasure is a high-level underworld weapon, let the old man do it himself."

Jiusan's eyes flickered with a little brilliance, and he said without haste.

"The three of us are ghost servants under Patriarch Xue. Why are we arguing? Anyway, this mission is for us to complete together, so we are afraid that Patriarch won't know? What are we arguing about now? If Zhong Kui finds out that we killed his back, why don't we fight for it?" Are we desperate? Let's do it."

Goulian licked his lips, stared at my chest, and then opened his scarlet lips again, and a gray flame spewed out from his mouth, heading straight for me.

This flame contained powerful ice power, which turned out to be Lengyan. I immediately activated my purple-gold magic fire to protect my whole body, and at the same time began to burn the chains on my ankles and wrists.

After the ash flame rushed up, it was in a stalemate with the Zijin Demon Fire.

"He's so courageous that he even dared to kill my grandson. Did you ever ask me?!"

A familiar voice came from afar, and my heart shook. I raised my head and looked into the distance. Seeing the appearance of this person, the joy in my heart made me yell loudly:


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