Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 374 [Zhu Rong's Identity]

"A Bao? Who is A Bao? Could it be Bai Han?"

At the beginning, Zi Luo said that in the Temple of Good Demons, there was a strong man named Bai Han who caught the demon sect.

Bai Wuchang nodded solemnly, holding a piece of grass cake in his hand, and said with a big frown: "Yes, it is him, I am very worried about him now, although he is very powerful, but in the great world of Maha There are nine true demons, if they join forces to deal with Ah Bao, he will definitely not be an opponent."

"Although these real demons are very powerful, they will not act rashly. My mother has already personally traveled to the Great World of Maha. Since she is a good demon and has been in power for so many years, she must have something special. There, nothing will happen."

After thinking about it, although Zi Luo took the risk of cultivating the nine-turn reincarnation technique and left the Maha World for a long time, after so many years, she has been living in peace. Even if Jiu Sha can really rush back to the Maha World, she should have backup means.

"That's the only way, we can't leave the Nether Blood Sea now, I hope your mother can have enough means to stabilize the Good Demon Temple."

Bai Wuchang stuffed the grass cake in his mouth and chewed it hard a few times.

"How should the blood patriarch deal with it? He should have fled to Fengdu Ghost City by now, and he might lead his subordinates to rebel."

I know that the blood patriarch has escaped into the sea of ​​blood, and he must have escaped here by some means. Now that Zhong Kui has caught him, he might return to Fengdu ghost town to lead the ghosts to fight back and eradicate the power of Styx. If Styx To return to the Nether Blood Sea, the ghosts of the underworld are definitely a big threat.

"I told Ge Yu and the others to get ready. As long as he appears in the ghost town, my people will arrest him personally. His regeneration blood pool is very good, and I will take over it."

Zhong Kui folded his hands on his shoulders, and raised the corners of his mouth, as if he had planned this for a long time.

Seeing the ancestors was in a good mood, so I said:

"Well, I will go to Fengdu with my ancestors. I have a small condition. I don't know if my ancestors will agree. I want some merits."

Seeing Zhong Kui's smile gradually stiffen, I was a little stunned. Could it be that this merit is really so difficult to obtain?

The surrounding atmosphere was a bit stagnant, no one spoke again, only Bai Wuchang was eating in a very disfigured way, looking at his appearance, he actually resembled Li Nianbai somewhat, no, it was Li Nianbai who resembled him, and immediately felt a burst of shame.

"You are reluctant to give up mere meritorious deeds? Zhong Yuan, you don't look like you are lacking in longevity, and you have never practiced the secret technique of meritorious deeds. How can you want meritorious deeds?"

Qing Ming reached out and shook the wine glass in his hand, and asked.

"An elder in the family was possessed by the nine evil spirits, his vitality was severely injured, and his oil was exhausted. I want to use the fruit of merit to make up for his lost essence."

I didn't hide anything about Man Ye, so I said, since Qing Ming opened his mouth, there is room for the matter.

"It's easy to handle. Our Monster Catch Sect has always had a cooperative relationship with the underworld, so you can get the merits from me."

Bai Wuchang raised his head and grinned, seeing Bai Wuchang speak, Zhong Kui could only roll his eyes.

"There is one more thing. I would like to ask the two seniors. I wonder if the seniors have been to the Mountain and Sea Realm?"

The little ghost stared at Qingming, and asked.

"Mountain and Sea Realm? This interface was stripped from the original world a long time ago, and now the entrance can't be found. Why do you little guy ask about Mountain and Sea Realm?"

Qingming stared at the little ghost in a little surprise, I was taken aback, and suddenly understood something in my heart, it must be what Zhu Rong and the little ghost said, even I don't know the mountain and sea boundary, how can the little ghost know?Zhu Rong must have told him.

"I heard that there is a Wushen mountain in the mountain and sea world. In the mountain, there are five-color mud left by the ancestors and witches, which can be squeezed out of the flesh."

The little devil spoke quietly, but he held his hands inadvertently, and his eyes shone with hope.

Bai Wuchang was stunned for a moment, and said, "There used to be five-color mud in the Nuwa Hall, but it has been used up. There is also five-color mud in this mountain and sea world? Is the news reliable?"

"It's better to ask the person concerned to come out and talk about it."

I chuckled and patted the Vulcan ring. After communicating with Zhu Rong, a red vortex suddenly appeared above the ring, and Zhu Rong got out of it.

On the other hand, Qing Ming stared at the Vulcan Ring in my hand, his pupils shrank slightly.

Zhu Rong appeared next to me, still holding the real blue fire cauldron in his hand, with a faint smile on his face, he said, "What's the matter with calling me out? Could it be to torture my old man?"

"The mountain-sea interface you told this little guy is serious? Is there five-color mud in Wushen Mountain? Who are you?"

Zhong Kui stared at Zhu Rong with slightly narrowed eyes, and said in a cold voice.

"He is a witch, a real witch. Although his appearance has changed a lot now, he is much stronger than the rest of the witches. Who is Zhu Rong, one of the twelve ancestor witches? Zhong Yuan may not know. The origin of this ring, but you don’t know it.”

Qingming pointed to the Vulcan ring in my hand, then stared at Zhu Rong, with the corners of his mouth curled up, revealing a faint smile.

The smile on Zhu Rong's face suddenly froze, and he looked at Qing Ming very vigilantly. The true blue fire cauldron in his hand suddenly burst into flames about a foot high, and his body flew back suddenly.

"The war has been over for so many years, so you don't have to be nervous. Even if you do it now, how can you be our opponent without the protection of your physical body?"

Qing Ming stood up, swayed, and came to Zhu Rong's side.

"How...how did you know!"

Zhu Rong's face was startled, he gritted his teeth, glanced at me who was stunned, and stared at Qingming who was close at hand again.

"The Vulcan ring in Zhong Yuan's hand contains the aura of the ancestral witch, and you are the ring spirit inside, so it's hard not to be suspicious."

Qingming hummed lightly, and sat down beside Bai Wuchang again.

"You... you old man, are you the god of fire, Zhu Rong? How is it possible?"

I stood up, squeezed my fists, and looked at this old guy with a hippie smile.

"I didn't mean to hide it from you. You should be very clear that the body of the Wu clan is very strong, but the soul is very weak. At the last moment of the war, when Zhu Rong fell, he condensed the Vulcan ring, and his broken body The soul enters the space, and I know that Houtu Meizi and Nuwa have a deep friendship and got the five-color mud, so I want to use the five-color mud to restore my powerful physical body."

Zhu Rong didn't hide anything, and the flames in the true blue fire cauldron gradually disappeared, which also meant that he completely let go of his offensive methods.

"Why are you lying to me? What good will it do you to stay by my side? Are you sure that I will go to the mountain and sea world?"

This guy definitely didn't come to me that easily, even though it seemed so coincidental.

"It's really a coincidence that you hold the Vulcan ring, so I didn't tell you the truth at the time, but later I knew that you were the reincarnation of Huangtian and that you were an old acquaintance with Houtu girl, so I was naturally happy to stay here. Of course, I I have no intention of harming you, and I will teach you to forge a body of fire virtue, and help you fight against powerful enemies. The most important thing is that you can see the reincarnation of Houtu girl again. I felt very fond of her in the snowy plain before. Familiar, but I have never been sure, but since you met Sihuang, I am more sure, Zhong Yuan, don't you want to help your brother return Yang?"

Zhu Rong shrugged his shoulders and looked at me helplessly, with some strange brilliance in his eyes.

I turned around and stared at the little ghost, he died to save me, if it can return the sun?What can I say?

The little ghost pursed his lips, I nodded at him, and then continued to ask:

"Since you can come out from there, you should also be able to know the entrance to the Mountain Sea Realm, is there a mistake?"

"Well, of course I know the entrance, but it's still very dangerous for you to go in now, not to mention the Wu Clan people on Wushen Mountain, even the strange beasts in the mountain and sea world are definitely not easy to provoke. Although the Wu Clan people don't know any secret arts, But their physical bodies are very strong, even like ghost hunters, they are born with strange abilities, and their blood is very pure, which cannot be compared with the current ancient Miao clan, or in other words, there is a world of difference, the most important point, The sorcerer can control beasts, and with the help of these strange beasts, it will be even more powerful."

Zhu Rong sighed and said quietly.

"You said it yourself, you are the remnant soul of the Vulcan God Zhu Rong. Those Wu people must believe in you when they see you. We only need to overcome the difficulties in the mountains and seas, and we will be safe and sound when we reach the Wushen Mountain. what?"

I'm a little puzzled, even though he is living with another identity, he is still the remnant soul of Vulcan Zhu Rong, so it's no wonder he has the breath of flames on his body, it's not difficult to explain.

"Witch people are not like you. Our race is all respected by strength and has never changed. Even though I was one of the twelve ancestor witches back then, I am just a remnant soul now, and I will not be respected by them at all. It's all about fists."

Zhu Ru walked up to me, the light in his eyes gradually faded, and helplessness was revealed on his old face.

What a powerful person he used to be, but now he has fallen into this appearance, with incomplete memory, lost the most powerful support, and survived with only a remnant soul.

"If you reshape your physical body, what chance do you have of restoring Zuwu's strength?"

My heart lit up, if there is an ancestor witch by my side, it must be someone stronger than Teng Qing, and it should not be a problem to deal with real demons, or even Styx.

Zhu Rong showed a thoughtful look on his face, and after a while, he answered:

"Great witch, after all, I am a remnant soul now, and even if the five-color mud is cast into a flesh body, it will not restore the strength of my ancestral witch. Our flesh body is transformed by the turbid energy of Pangu Great God. Now, there is no possibility of any replacement. In addition, my soul is very weak, and it has returned to the level of a big witch. It is not so easy to succeed after buying the five-color mud, and you need a lot of things, the most important ones are Nuwa's blood essence, the ancient soul-evocation lamp, and the glass water from the South China Sea..."

"The summoning lamp is easy to handle, but Nuwa's blood essence is very troublesome."

The soul calling lamp was owned by Li Mubai, so it was easy to get it, but it was not so easy to get Nuwa's blood essence.

"Don't worry about this, you only need to get the five-color mud, and then the glazed water from the East China Sea Underground Palace, and I will take care of the rest."

Bai Wuchang grinned, stared at me and said.

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