Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 375 [Wangxiang Terrace]

After discussing with several seniors, we made a decision. Qingming and Bai Wuchang still stayed in the Nether Blood Sea, but this time we took the initiative to attack, in order to completely destroy the plan of the Styx to return to the Blood Sea, the Nether Blood Sea The suppressed monsters must be cleaned up one by one, instead of waiting for them to hone and reform.

I don't think they can go on the right path anymore. It can be seen from the monsters released by the blood patriarch. After so many years, they want to fight and kill when they come out. They are extremely cruel. How can they have any remorse?

How to clean it up is to break the seals in the sea of ​​blood, release these monsters, and then destroy their Dao foundation and return to their original form.

Although it was a bit cruel, it was better than Styx returning to the sea of ​​blood and summoning his subordinates. At that time, it was the real headache.

There are also many vicious undead in the sea of ​​blood. These undead are even more vicious than those in the Wangchuan River. In the sea of ​​blood, they will never be able to escape unless the Ksitigarbha King uses the Supreme Buddha Dharma to save them. However, this blood The range of the sea is already beyond imagination, even if Qing Ming returns to his previous strength, it will not be so easy to surpass.

Fortunately, these blood sea undead cannot leave the blood sea, even if there is a threat in the future, they will not be able to escape the blood sea.

Knowing that I would go to the Great World of Maha, where there are many strange beasts, Qing Ming specially allowed Xiao Di Ting to come with us.

As far as I know, there was originally only one Di Ting beast in the underworld, but this beast had an affair with the Zijin Shenlong and gave birth to the little Di Ting.

This Xiaodi Ting is related to Longhu Kongkong'er, because their fathers are both Zijin Shenlong, and they are the same one. Zijin Shenlong is relatively rare even in ancient times. A seven or eight-year-old boy with pale skin and handsome features, but his eyes are like emeralds. He is dressed in black and looks very weak.

Yin Si followed behind me, while Zhu Rong and Xiao Guitou returned to the Vulcan ring space, and the three of us went all the way to Fengdu Ghost City.

In less than half a day, I arrived near Fengdu ghost town unimpeded. This place is like a plain, but there are many buildings on this black land, and the style of the buildings is very extreme. There are ancient buildings and modern western-style buildings. It is very luxurious, and these buildings are densely packed, spreading towards the secluded forest.

Seeing these western-style buildings, I can't help but think of the paper buildings my grandfather burned when I was a child. From the appearance, there are some similarities, and I can also see the superb craftsmanship of the paper-making people from these.

Before passing a magnificent western-style building, I found two yellow dragons circling above the western-style building. These two yellow dragons were squinting their eyes and wagging their tails on the roof. I could feel the ghost aura on my body, but not the aura of a divine beast, but even so, I was still taken aback and screamed out.

Zhong Kui glanced at the Huanglong hovering above the foreign building, and said with a smile:

"This is not a real yellow dragon, but a grass dragon. This grass dragon looks mighty and extraordinary, but in fact, it can't even match the strength of a ninth-grade ghost. Their ability is equivalent to that of ordinary evil spirits. Could it be your grandpa? Didn’t I tell you? These grass dragons are dragons made of straw in the world. It seems that an elderly woman lives in this building.”

I was slightly taken aback, and asked with some doubts, "Why is it a woman? Or an elderly woman?"

Zhong Kui didn't think I was bothering me, and explained: "Because an old and weak woman is easily bullied after turning into a ghost, her descendants will weave these grass dragons to protect the Lord. Burn some servants and guards, look at the door."

I looked in the direction his finger was pointing at, and I saw a few powerful men in black robes and round caps walking around the door of the western-style building, but these people were very strange and their steps were very strange. Stiff, and his face was abnormally pale, and he was walking around mechanically.

At this moment, a gray-haired old lady came out from the western-style building. The old lady was gray-haired and looked to be over 80 years old. When she saw us, she smiled slightly.

We walked forward again, and after a while, this strange golden light flickered in the distant sky, I was startled, and drew out the Demon Demon Sword.

"Don't worry, it's not some ghost attacking, it's something coming from Wangxiangtai. The descendants above burn things. As long as the descendants have sincerity and the relatives below have not been reincarnated, they will go to Wangxiangtai to get them in person. Of course, if these relatives are reincarnated, these things will become ownerless and will be looted by those downcast ghosts who have no one to worship."

Zhong Kui explained again.

I put away the Fumo Sword in embarrassment, and saw that the old lady in the western-style building had already left for Wangxiang Terrace in a car. At the same time, people from many buildings came out, most of them It is to drive in the direction of Wangxiangtai by car.

In this regard, I am more interested. This time it is rare to go to the underworld, so I can go and have a look at the Wangxiang Terrace.

Zhong Kui smiled slightly, opened the door in his hand, and swaggered towards Wangxiang Terrace. Yin Si who was next to him seemed to be quite interested, and his green eyes were staring at the direction of Wangxiang Terrace. Seeing me staring at him, he immediately Withdrawing his gaze, he gave me a shy smile, and followed me obediently.

The Wangxiang Terrace is actually a place similar to an altar. This altar is circular, with a diameter of a hundred meters and a height of several meters. There are stone steps around the Wangxiang Terrace. These ghosts climb up the stone steps. A hundred meters above the huge Wangxiangtai, there is a round of huge mirrors, which are also round, echoing the Wangxiangtai below.

There are many stone pillars around the Wangxiang Tower. These stone pillars are carved with dense runes, which just surround the Wangxiang Tower in a circular manner. The stone pillars are only about ten meters away from the Wangxiang Tower, like a barrier. The ghosts are all standing outside the stone pillar.

When we arrived near the Wangxiang Terrace, we found a lot of ghosts gathered around, some were well-dressed, some were dilapidated, unkempt, sallow and emaciated, but all these ghosts had one characteristic, that is, their eyes glowed, and they looked extremely excited , but despite this, he dared not pass through the stone pillar and went straight to Wangxiangtai.

There are several ghost messengers standing on the lookout platform, each holding a thick blue booklet and a pen in his hand.

These ghost messengers are dressed very elegantly, but have a ghostly air. They start to call some people's names, and then many small pieces will be divided in the huge mirror [-] meters above, showing the scenes of the world.

"It's actually dusk now!"

I saw in a certain picture, several middle-aged women and men were throwing some money paper and paper bags into the fire.

These paper bags are sealed, and most of them are filled with ordinary money paper, and the other is ghost coins. Although money paper is the currency of the underworld, the value of ghost coins is higher. The covers of these paper bags The name of the deceased is written on it, and then who sent it.

I know, because when I was a child, I saw my grandfather write this kind of thing to my great-grandfather, but I never thought that I could see it with my own eyes now.

These paper packages were reduced to ashes in the flames. At this moment, an incredible scene appeared in front of me.

The ashes of the paper bags fell through the lens intact, and then the ghosts standing on the lookout platform waved their hands, and the things fell into their hands, and fell from the screen. The western-style building below, the guard car and other objects also passed through the mirror one after another, and fell from mid-air.

When it fell, it was only the size of a palm, and the surface was covered by a layer of faint golden light, and there was a faint seal on the golden mask.

Although these things are many and densely packed, they can always fall into the hands of the right ghosts.

"Huh? That's strange. It's so small, how can people live in it? The original paper house of this coin is much smaller."

Seeing this small and exquisite house, I was curious and asked again.

"Have you seen the golden light on the surface of these things? There is a small seal on it. As long as the seal is lifted, it can be turned into a normal size. The Wangxiang mirror automatically blesses these items. Otherwise, wouldn't this Wangxiangtai Have you been overwhelmed by these vulgar things?"

Zhong Kui said with a chuckle.

Seeing things falling down, these ghosts on the Wangxiangtai were very happy, but there were also many disappointed, and one of them was an old man.

The old man looks energetic, and the clothes on his body are not dull black, but there are many holes in the clothes and trousers. The old man stared angrily at the incomplete money paper and ghost coins in the void. In the picture, there was a middle-aged man who kept flipping the paper bags in the fire with a penny. Poke it directly, so the falling things will become incomplete.

It’s no wonder that when burning these things, it’s best to put them in order first. Once the fire burns, the relatives will collect these things, and the things to be burned must be burned thoroughly, otherwise they will become incomplete. The man in the picture Although there was such a meaning, it was too careless, so the things the old man received were all tattered.

After watching for a long time, the smooth surface of the mirror turned slightly and became smooth. At this time, these ghosts came down from the Wangxiang Terrace one after another, and the ghost messenger read the names of the next group of people again.

Zhong Kui finally started to urge me, and Yin Si and I left this place quickly.

Suddenly, the ghost's voice on the Wangxiang Terrace sounded coldly:

"Zhong Yuan!"

As soon as I stopped, I almost fell, and I was stunned on the spot. What's going on?How come there is my name?I am not dead!

"Zhong Yuan, who is Zhong Yuan?! Why don't you come up to me?"

The ghost messenger was a little impatient, and his voice was louder again. I glanced at Zhong Kui, and Zhong Kui pointed to the Xiangxiang mirror. I looked up, and there was another picture in it. When I saw the picture inside, I immediately felt a burst of speechlessness and deep contempt.

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