Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 382 [Arrested]

On the branch, I didn't dare to really enter the state of meditation, and I didn't dare to release the bones of the real devil, or the ring spirit Zhu Rong, if they were discovered, they would not be able to get out.

I also thought about using the ability of the little devil to escape here, but his ability is still very shallow. After communicating with him, I realized that the small space he created could not move too far at all, and it was very depleting of his Yin. Qi, so I can only give up and recover on this tree with peace of mind.

After recovering a few rings of faith, I opened my eyes, but the surroundings have become extremely quiet since I don't know when.

Even in the secluded forest, there are often dark winds blowing, and there are some powerful ghost beasts and some ferocious ghosts hidden in the depths of the secluded forest, but now there is no movement at all, which is really strange, plus the ghost world originally It's a dark world, and my hairs stand on end.

We didn’t seem to encounter other ghosts except for the green-haired ghost monkey before. In fact, it was all due to Yin Si. Although he can transform into a human form, his body is listening, which acts as a deterrent to these ghosts. Hou also had no choice but to fight back because he didn't want Zhi Luoguo to be taken away by us. Otherwise, he would have fled long ago when he saw Yin Si.

It's different now, Yin Si is not by my side, so these ghosts are naturally nothing to be afraid of.

I carefully pushed aside the leaves and looked down.

Seeing the scene below, he almost fell from the tree. There were ghosts and beasts standing under the big tree, and these ghosts and beasts should be transformed from wolves after death, they were ghost wolves.

However, they did not make a sound, but stood motionless under the tree. These ghost wolves were very large, like calves, and their fur was dark. Their eyes were not faint green eyes, but strange ones. Red, there are fifty or sixty ghost wolves, and I don't know how long they stood there.

Each of these ghost wolves is roughly equivalent to a fifth-grade ghost messenger. I don't even know when they came over, and they have already surrounded the big tree where I was staying. Obviously, they have noticed my existence, but they have not rashly. attack.

Seeing this scene, my heart naturally became extremely gloomy, and then I looked around. There was a white-haired monkey standing on a big tree not far away. Hairy ghost monkey, but its current condition is not very good, the white hair on its body has decreased a lot, and there are traces of being burned by thunder and fire in some places. It is looking around, waiting for someone.

Immediately, I made up my mind and planned to use the technique of soaring the clouds to escape, but just at this moment, there was a "croak" sound from the void above my head, and then the sound of flapping wings. After a closer look, it turned out to be those strange birds , These strange birds have been killed by me before, but the number is still very impressive, especially their combat effectiveness in the air.

Oops, I guess the ghost king already knows my whereabouts, and now these ghosts and beasts should all be subordinates of the ghost king in the depths of this secluded forest.

No, even if I return Zhiluoguo back now, the other party may not let me go, I can only force my way out, and the white-haired ghost monkey has been injured, so it should still be able to get rid of it.

"The universe in the palm, the evolution of the Dao pattern, no shadow, no trace, the magic travels thousands of miles, the magic travel talisman, condense!"

I lowered my voice as much as possible, and condensed a higher-level divine movement talisman than the thousand-mile talisman. The cyan talisman appeared on the palm of my hand, flickering with this faint light. I clasped my hands together, clamped the talisman, and then separated, the two palms A magic amulet appeared between them, and then he slapped his feet.

The cyan amulet turned into a faint cyan light and penetrated into the foot, looked at a direction, tapped lightly, and left the branch directly, turning into a series of faint cyan afterimages, and swept towards the extremely far place at an extremely fast speed. Seeing that these ghost wolves and white-haired ghost monkeys didn't react at all, I was immediately happy.

But just after running more than ten feet away, I hit my head on a solid wall, and the huge recoil force knocked me away, my head was dizzy.

Because of the fast speed of the amulet, I didn't expect a nearly transparent wall to appear out of thin air. The place where I hit shimmered with light, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. I shook my head and resisted dizziness. , trying to struggle to stand up, but at this moment, a giant plush foot stepped on my chest.

I raised my palm, wanting to use the Dao pattern in my palm to get out of this predicament, but suddenly a figure appeared in front of me. This person stretched out his palm, with a yellow talisman between his fingers, and gently pressed on the center of my eyebrow.

My whole body suddenly felt extremely stiff, and I tried to communicate with the source of my belief, but found that my mind had been sealed.

Forbidden talisman? !

I was startled, and immediately began to communicate with Dantian Qihai. What made me feel more at ease was that Dantian was not sealed.

Just as he was about to summon the Zijin Demon Fire to burn the forbidden spirit talisman, a familiar voice sounded.

"Hahaha... I really didn't expect it. This kid actually bumped into the enchantment you set up, and he was stunned at once. This time we saved a lot of effort."

Xue Hai walked over, reached out and patted the man in the green robe beside him.

"Old Blood Patriarch, I never thought you would hide in the depths of this secluded forest. Now your regeneration blood pool is under the control of Zhong Kui. Let's see what you can do to return to Fengdu Ghost City!"

I opened my mouth coldly. Although the spirit-forbidden talisman sealed my mind and imprisoned the source of my belief, I was still able to speak.

"You kid, you are stubborn. I never said that I would return to the underworld."

Blood Patriarch grinned, walked up to me, grabbed my neck with one hand, stretched out his head, and sucked in the air towards my mouth. Immediately, I felt my essence energy loosen, and a trace began to flow slowly towards me. in his mouth.

If I lose this essence, I will be like a useless person, or in other words, die directly. I heard that some evil spirits can absorb all the essence of a person without leaving a trace, and that person will be sucked into a mummified corpse.

He loosened his hand, turned to the man in green robe and said:

"Fan Yi, after you put the forbidden spirit talisman on, it's hard to suck out the energy. I think we should just..."

"No, you promised me, all right, now let's go back to the vine house in the valley, this matter has to be done slowly, Bai Mao, carry him back to my vine house."

This green-robed man named Fan Yi spoke coldly. I stared at him, feeling a little familiar, but I couldn’t remember for a while. I definitely don’t know this ghost king. I guess Huang Tian should know him, otherwise it’s impossible not to so familiar.

Facing Fan Yi, the Blood Patriarch didn't say much. At this time, the white-haired ghost monkey grabbed me, put it on his shoulder, and ran towards the deep valley.

Along the way, I saw a lot of powerful ghosts and beasts, and even some wandering evils, but when these guys saw the white-haired ghost monkey, they all retreated to the side, not daring to make a sound. We soon reached this deep valley.

There are black plants all around, but there is a small path in the middle, which leads to the small rattan house unimpeded. The green light inside the rattan house is like a lighthouse compared with the surroundings.

The rattan house is woven with rattan as thick as an arm. There is no smell of rancidity in the secluded forest, but the faint fragrance of the valley. The white-haired ghost monkey put me next to it, and did not bring me directly into the rattan house. , but waited respectfully by the side.

I took a look around myself, and found that there were several unusually tall trees in the valley. Seeing these strange trees, I had a feeling of familiarity. The next second, these big trees suddenly opened their red eyes. Glancing at me, he closed it slowly again.

No wonder, I didn't expect this kind of strange tree to exist in this deep valley, and it's no wonder that they caught my trace, it turned out that these strange trees tipped off the news.

"Well, senior Baimao, can you let me go? I'm willing to give you all those Zhiluo fruits."

I rolled my eyes, stared at the white-haired ghost monkey next to me and spoke.

"Little baby, don't make any crooked ideas in front of me. Once you reach the deep valley, you can't escape no matter what. It's not just me here. Do you see the ghost trees around you? There are also ghost trees hidden in the deep valley. The rest of the ghosts and beasts, although they are weaker than me, but not much weaker, I persuaded you at the beginning, and asked you to leave early, but you just didn't believe me."

Baimao walked up to me, opened his mouth and looked at me, his eyes full of curiosity.

Hearing his words, my heart became even more gloomy. I guess with my current strength, it would be difficult for me to escape from the secluded forest. With a thought, I spoke again:

"Where's the boy with me, didn't you go after him?"

The white-haired ghost monkey snorted coldly, and said: "Huh, I asked the question clearly, he is the listening god beast that came out of the Nether Blood Sea. Although it is still effective now, the power of the god beast still exists, and even I was suppressed, let alone the ghost beast." The rest of the ghosts in the forest were naturally escaped by him."

I breathed a sigh of relief, Yin Si finally escaped.

"Do you know what they're going to do with me?"

I asked again.

"I don't know, but you are a living person going to the underworld, so you must suck up your Jingyuan Qi, and Mr. Xue is injured and needs Jingyuan Qi to make up for it. I think you will be very bad, but don't worry. Your soul should not be dispelled, but refined into a ghost puppet, I see that you are still a little capable, I will let Lord Fan reward you to me, my monkey cubs are too weak."

A smile hung on the white-haired ghost monkey's face.

I was speechless for a while, and I was faintly afraid. If I die here, wouldn't I die in another land?

When I was considering whether to summon the bone of the real devil to kill, two winds blew from the valley, and a blood-red figure and a light green figure slowly walked towards me in the distance, and they just blinked. Then it came to me.

"You can leave."

Fan Yi turned around and gave instructions to the white-haired ghost monkey.

The white-haired ghost monkey hesitated, and did not leave immediately, but clasped his fists together and said, "Lord Fan, I want to ask you one thing. If he dies, please give me his soul. This kid is very capable. Qiang, I want to accept him, please allow me."

Fan Yi frowned when he heard this, and said:

"Who said he was going to die? We just absorbed some of his essence and solidified our own soul."

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