Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 383 [Blood River]

The white-haired ghost monkey was obviously taken aback when he heard Fan Yi's words, but he didn't dare to say anything more. After he nodded, he left the valley rather disappointed.

Suck my essence?Don't you want to kill me?How can it be?Which ghost does not want to absorb the essence of living people to increase its strength?

Even if this Fan Yi didn't intend to kill me, this blood patriarch has no good intentions and will never let me go, so I am still very dangerous here.

I turned my eyes and stared at Patriarch Xue. He looked at Fan Yi with a cloudy expression. There was a fierce glint in his eyes, but it disappeared soon, and a smile appeared on his face again.

Fan Yi grabbed me and went to the rattan house. With a wave of his sleeves, a gust of wind blew out. The wooden door opened, and after he walked in, he put me next to the wall. Immediately, green rattans sprang from the wall one by one. It spread out, and then tightly wrapped around my limbs.

"Old Ghost Fan, Zhong Yuan can't stay. If he continues to grow like this, we will not be rivals in the future, and we must never suffer from future troubles."

The Blood Patriarch sat by the table, knocked on the table, stared at me and said, with a weird smile on his lips.

Fan Yi frowned slightly, turned his head slightly to look at Patriarch Xue, and snorted coldly:

"Blood River, we have agreed before that we just absorb his essence power, but we didn't say that it hurt his life, so it's not us."

"Fan Yi, I have already told you that he is no longer the emperor. Even if you still have lingering thoughts, you must remember clearly that you were demoted to the mortal world because of the emperor. Don't forget Oh, how much suffering did you suffer, in the human world, you lost all your mana and recovered your memory after death, isn’t that miserable? Back then you were the famous Lord of the Seven Luminaries.”

Xuehe tapped the wooden table lightly with his fingers, once, once, as if hitting Fan Yi's heart hard. Hearing these words, Fan Yi's face really showed pain, and there was still that part in his heart. An unbearable memory.

"At the beginning, I made a mistake. Because I was soft-handed, I didn't kill that monster. As a result, my other six brothers were all killed by that monster's brother. The fairy body was destroyed, and the primordial spirit was wiped out. I was the only one who survived, Huang Tian Just demoting me to the mortal world is already a big concession to me. According to the previous punishment, I have already been sent to the Immortal Platform of Punishment and suffered the disaster of wind, thunder and fire. Therefore, you don’t have to say anything wrong about him in front of me. I declare again, this time I am only helping you recover from your injuries, and when you recover, please leave here."

Fan Yi stood up impatiently, glared at Xuehe coldly, then walked to the cabinet next to the bed in the rattan house, stretched out his hand, took out a few green sandalwood sticks from it, and put them in the incense burner on the table middle.

Seeing Fan Yi holding the ghost incense in his hand, Xuehe's eyes were full of greed and joy. He immediately coughed a few times and said with a smile:

"I didn't expect that you still have so much ghost fragrance. Even if I don't absorb his essence, I can almost recover with the ghost fragrance in your hand."

"Since that's the case, don't you hurry up and recover? Baimao said that this time in the secluded forest, apart from Zhong Yuan breaking in, there is also the divine beast of Di Ting from the Nether Blood Sea, but Di Ting escaped, and it probably won't take long. It will spread to Fengdu Ghost City, or even Nether Blood Sea, so I will arrange it outside, and after you recover, leave here as soon as possible. I have been clean for thousands of years, and I don’t want to break the peace here, so do it yourself!”

Fan Yi glanced at Xuehe as a warning, then flung his sleeves and left the room, his body blurred for a while, and then disappeared.

The blood patriarch stared at the ghost incense on the table with a smile, walked to the door, took a look at the movement outside, then went to the cabinet next to the bed and opened it. Seeing the things inside, his eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hand. Grabbing, there were several more ghost incense sticks in his hand, and then he inserted them into the incense burner on the table.

"I didn't expect Tangtang, who is as famous as Zhong Kui, to be known as the ancestor of Xuehe, would also do such a sneaky thing. If it spreads to the ghost world, I think you will become a laughing stock."

I saw this scene in my eyes, and of course I would not let go of the opportunity to laugh at him. In fact, it is more important to let him know the shame and put the ghost incense back to its original place. From his expression, it can be seen that these ghosts Xiang can help him recover from his injuries. If the blood patriarch recovers from his injuries, I think it will be even more difficult for me to deal with.

Hearing the words, Xuehe frowned, and said to me viciously:

"Zhong Yuan, don't be complacent. Although Fan Yi intends to let you go, I don't intend to let you go."

After finishing speaking, he inhaled hard at the sandalwood in the incense burner, and countless black and pure yin qi fell into his nose.

"Oh? That's right, this is Fan Yi's territory."

I said coldly.

"So what if it's his territory? If I hadn't used the regeneration blood pool to save his life, he would have been out of his wits. He dared to use Yan Jun to report to the emperor and return to the fairyland, but he didn't expect that the fairyland would have changed hands long ago." , it is not Huangtian who is in charge of the fairy world, but the Jade Emperor, after hearing the news, the fairy world directly sent down the Nine Heavens God Thunder, and the end can be imagined, the Nine Heavens God Thunder went directly to the underworld."

The corners of Xuehe's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a hint of sarcasm.

"Isn't the ghost world a separate interface? How could it be possible for the Nine Heavens Thunder to descend? You are lying to me, and even the most powerful wandering ghosts will never be spared under the Nine Heavens Thunder."

I was slightly taken aback, and couldn't help but speak.

Xuehe smiled again, and said: "Even if the ghost world exists alone, it is the closest to the original world interface, and the interface separated from the original world is under the control of the fairy world. I don't know, he had reached the realm of a first-grade ghost at the beginning, and the mystery in the womb has almost recovered. He is proficient in many secret arts of the fairy world, and as a ghost, he has merits and virtues. Of course, these are still unable to fight against Jiuxiaoshen Lei, no matter how powerful he was in his previous life, he is just a ghost in this life, if not for my regenerated blood pool, he would still be able to live until now?"

"Blood River, although you are the soul of Styx, you have been separated for many years. You have long been an individual. Don't you know that if Styx wants to restore his strength, he will swallow you up? merged into one?"

I said quietly, I really don't believe that he can accept this matter, because this blood river has long had its own independent consciousness.

Xue He narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a sneer:

"I want you to intervene in this matter? Jiusha has already soaked up enough blood to make him stronger. When you smashed his body, you ignored that they themselves are melted by the sea of ​​blood. As long as there is a trace Bloody water, he will be able to recover, seal the Dao Maha Great World, so what if he stays away from the ghost world? Before you fought, I was separated and lurked secretly, the six reincarnations were established, and the ghost city of Fengdu was formed. It looks like you won, but you didn't."

"Since you are so determined, I have nothing to say. I think Fan Yi has gone far away now!"

I looked at Xuehe coldly and said.

Xue He's eyes lit up, he slapped the table and stood up, saying: "Yes, he has indeed left, and it's time for me to do it."

After finishing speaking, he put his hands on the table, stood up, walked to me with a smile, stretched out his pale hand, and pinched my neck.

"Now you want to absorb my essence? I have been sealed by the forbidden spirit talisman. Unless you take off the talisman, otherwise, when Fan Yi comes back, you probably won't be able to absorb all the energy. Found out, hey, you know."

I looked at the triumphant sea of ​​blood and poured cold water on him.

Xue Hai rolled his eyes, but without letting go of my neck, he said in a serious tone: "Little guy, you want to trick me into uncovering the forbidden spirit talisman for you? My ancestor is not that stupid, so what if you slow down?"

After speaking, I opened my mouth, and my mind immediately became dizzy, and the essence of energy in my body began to flow away little by little, and flowed into Xuehai's mouth.

"Bone of the real devil, show up!"

I sneered, and the bone of the real demon in the sea of ​​Qi in the dantian suddenly opened his eyes, and appeared in front of me, looking at Xuehe with a cold face, before he could react, he hugged him forward with both hands, and tightly hugged him Immediately, a purple-gold magic fire burst out from the body, and began to burn blazingly.


Xuehe roared in horror, his body was filled with blood, and he began to desperately resist the Zijin Demon Fire.

"Zhu Rong, Su Su hasn't shown up yet, do you want me to be trapped here to death?"

I stared at the Vulcan ring and snorted. Although the forbidden spirit talisman had sealed me, it did not seal the Vulcan ring. A crimson vortex emerged, and a fire-colored robe rolled out. Zhu Rong held the real blue fire with a smile. Ding, at the same time reached out and took off the forbidden spirit talisman, and at the same time stretched out his hand to swipe the vines around me, and the vines shattered one after another.

In addition to Zhu Rong, Heishan and Xiaoguitou also came out, but Xiaoguitou's body flickered, and he was outside the rattan house.


Suddenly, the whole body of the True Demon Bone trembled violently, and there were continuous roars. Finally, he had to let go of his hand. Xue He looked at the True Demon Bone in a rather embarrassed state, stretched out his hand and pressed on us, and clusters of blood thunder rushed towards us. Several lasers came.

"Blood Thunder, be careful!"

Zhu Rong's face sank, he stopped laughing, and immediately slapped the real blue fire cauldron forcefully, balls of blue flames rolled out of the fire cauldron, turned into a wave of fire and flew out, and went straight to the blood thunder, blood and tears fell into it Then it exploded, and the blue flames of the explosion splashed everywhere.

Before using the Purple Fire God Thunder Talisman to bless the Demon Demon Sword, there are still two attacks left, which cannot be wasted. These Purple Fire God Thunder Talismans can definitely hit Blood River hard.

A gust of dark wind swept out, the wooden door opened, and Xuehe no longer wanted to fight, and went straight out of the house.

Oops, if this Blood River wants to escape, it might not be an easy task for us to catch him.


I ran out with my sword in hand, and when I saw a silver-white wall of light not far from the entrance, I was relieved.

When the blood river reached the place where the light wall was, he raised his hands, and the dense blood thunder was thrown out, hitting these silver light walls fiercely. After a slight flash, the silver light wall returned to its normal form.

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