Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 387 [Acquaintances Gather]

The sky is getting brighter, and the east has already revealed a touch of white fish scales.

My ghost hunting power has almost recovered, and after a brief tidying up, I headed towards the direction of Jiuhuang City.

This place is not far from Jiuhuang City. When I stayed here the night before, I searched the entire ruined branch. There were indeed signs of recent activities. I even used some undamaged ingredients inside. I made breakfast, but these people should have disappeared for a few days. It should be those people from the power department of the human government who are guarding again, but they left here for some unknown reason.

It seems that the government has completely abandoned Jiuhuang City, but it has not adopted another method to completely destroy Jiuhuang City. This is enough to prove that the ghosts in Jiuhuang City have not come out to do evil.

When entering Jiuhuang City, there are several huge prayer flags standing at the entrance, fluttering in the wind, and when the wind blows, the prayer flags will make a whistling sound.

Although the scriptures on the prayer flags are crookedly written, they give me the feeling that they are very correct and a little childish. They should be the scriptures of repression written by Huiyang.

Huiyang and the others have settled down, otherwise they would not have done such a thing.

Because the black clouds were lingering in Jiuhuang City, and the Yin energy was condensed and did not disperse. After I walked in, I was a little dazed, thinking that I had entered the ghost world again.

The plants on both sides of the street have withered, and it is already summer, but the inside of Jiuhuang City is still like winter, the temperature inside is very low, and it looks lifeless. If my cousin and the others have arrived here, I think the only stronghold should be It's the neighborhood near the city center.

Walking on the street, I always feel that there is something staring at me in the buildings on both sides, with malicious eyes, some even resentment!

These vicious spirits are really courageous, and it is still daytime anyway.

After spending two hours, I finally reached the city center. It was originally the most prosperous place, but it has become extremely desolate at the moment. Taking a deep breath, I can ask about the breath of death in the surrounding air, and A smell of rancidity.

I was walking towards the community, when a dark wind rolled from the other side of the street, I immediately grabbed the black handkerchief my father gave me, the power of hunting ghosts poured into it, and immediately turned into a black cloak, I put it on my shoulders, hiding into a shop.

Green lights flickered in the dark wind, and a large number of wandering spirits came from the opposite side. Judging from their clothes, these wandering spirits and wild ghosts were all citizens of Jiuhuang City.

The reason why these citizens died was because of the Black Mountain devil. In order to restore his strength, he slaughtered wantonly in the city. In addition to the deaths of many innocent citizens, there were also many ghost hunters. The ghosts of these ghost hunters To be stronger and unwilling to be reincarnated, if it weren't for the ghosts of these ghost hunters, the ghosts of these ordinary citizens would have been detained by ghost messengers to the underworld.

Suddenly, I saw a familiar figure in this ghost, a girl with two braids, her face was no longer smiling, she was extremely pale, there was a wound on her neck, and blood was spilled on the clothes in front of her superior.

Wu Ru!This little girl is also dead. Back then, most of the ghost hunters were imprisoned in the corpse place. At that time, we rescued many ghost hunters, but there were still many ghost hunters who died. What Montenegro needs is not just ordinary people. Blood, and the blood essence of the ghost hunter.

She once told me that she was the only one left in their Wu family, and I also told her to tell her to live a good life, but now...

I sighed, and suddenly she seemed to have noticed something, turned her head slightly, looked at me, and stopped, but the ghosts behind her were still moving forward, and after a while, only She is alone.

Immediately afterwards, she floated over to where the shop was located, stood outside the door, and said softly:

"Brother Zhong Yuan, is that you?"

I was taken aback, how did this girl know it was me?When I walked out, Wu Rucai smiled again, but when she came to me and felt the ghostly aura on my body, she said dumbfounded:

"Brother Zhong Yuan, you...you are dead too? You have not been able to leave Jiuhuang City? How did I see you?"

"I didn't die, but you, why are you still here? Why don't you go to the underworld?"

I shook my head, stretched out my hand and pulled the cloak on my shoulders, and the ghostly aura dissipated immediately.

When Wu Ru heard my words, her eyes immediately dimmed. After a while, she slowly said, "It's not that I don't want to reincarnate, but I can't do it now. I'm trapped here and I can't leave."

"Trapped? Who has that ability? After all, you are also a ghost hunter, and the Black Mountain devil who killed you has long since left here."

I was taken aback for a moment, and asked in a deep voice.

"It's them, the ghost hunters of the Qi family. Do you still remember Qi Jianfeng and Qi Shitou? They are both dead, but they are very powerful. Now almost all the ghosts in Jiuhuang City obey the orders of their Qi family. Brother Zhong Yuan, You must not show up, the Qi family hates you very much, if you come out and they find out, they will definitely not let you go."

Wu Ru struggled a bit, then warned in a low voice.

"Oh? That's right, even if I become a ghost, I won't let you go. By the way, where do you guys want to go here?"

I stared at the location where the group of ghosts dissipated, and asked again.

"Go to the Blood Soul Sect to settle the score. At the beginning, most of us were killed by the Blood Soul Sect's people, but these disciples of the Blood Soul Sect are different from before, and they are all very powerful. They set up a magic circle on the mountain. , we can't break in, by the way, Brother Zhong Yuan, you'd better get out of here quickly, besides us ghosts, there are some monsters in Jiuhuang City, every once in a while, they will fight a battle, at that time , that is, we all have to avoid it.”

Wu Ru stared into the distance, and spoke worriedly. Judging by her current appearance, she no longer looks like a little girl, but a big girl. After so many things, she has calmed down a lot.

"What monster?"

I followed her gaze, and suddenly, the surrounding temperature seemed to drop a lot again. When the wind blew, it was bitingly cold. This wind was not a cloudy wind, but a real cold wind.

"It's started, it's started... Brother Zhong Yuan, they are going to fight again, I have to go first."

Wu Ru seemed very apprehensive, before I could speak, she twisted her body and dissipated into a gust of dark wind.

At this moment, heavy snow suddenly fell in the air, and it was extremely cold.

A loud and clear cry suddenly came from the distant sky, piercing through the dreary deserted city, as if a ray of life had been injected into it, and then a giant silver-white bird about ten feet in size flew up, circling in mid-air.

This direction is clearly where my cousin's neighborhood is located, and why is this giant silver-white bird so familiar?Taking a closer look, I suddenly felt a little helpless. This is Wu Huang'er's body, and I've seen it before.

It seems that the younger generation of disciples of the Monster Catch Sect have found Jiuhuang City and met with their cousins, but what is Wu Huanger going to do?

Just when I felt a little strange, the Ice Phoenix had already turned into a figure, stood in mid-air, and said loudly:

"Luo Yueer, come out, don't think I don't know you are here, let's fight again, whoever wins, Zhongli will be his!"

The voice is very sturdy, and it spreads far.

"Hmph, do you think I'm afraid of you?"

Another deserted voice sounded not far from me, I was taken aback, Luo Yue'er? !Did they rush back from the Snowy Land?

When I thought of Luo Shui'er's appearance, I felt a twinge of pain in my heart again. I squeezed my fist and ran forward with big strides. I couldn't care less about the other ghosts on this street. Now I only have one thought, that He just wanted to see Luo Shui'er in person.

Luo Yue'er flew in mid-air, with snowflakes flying around, but the ground below them was covered with living people, Luo Shui'er, Jiang He, Zhong Xiaoman, Ning Qingyang, who was holding Huiyang, were still free. Huahua, Su Xiaoxiao from the Demon Catch Sect, Jin Linglong, etc.,

"Sister, stop it."

Luo Shui'er's voice sounded like a silver bell, and beside her stood a girl who looked very similar to her, except that this girl's eyes were green, and her mouth was slightly opened, revealing two sharp canine teeth.

"Stop? Why should I stop? Do you really think I'm afraid of her?"

Luo Yue'er glared at her younger sister, then stared at Wu Huang'er without showing any sign of weakness, her heart was originally cold, this girl named Wu Huang'er would ask her name as soon as she met her, and then ask her Whether she knew Zhongli or not, she would naturally not deny it, how could she know that this girl would fight without saying a word, today is the third time they have fought, and the strength of the two of them is evenly matched.

"We still need to preserve our strength to deal with the devil who came out of Taihu Lake. How can we fight alone? Have you forgotten what my grandma told us?"

Luo Shui'er's voice came over unhurriedly.

"Well, go and call Zhongli out. Although this girl is pretty, I don't think Zhongli will choose her."

Luo Yue'er spoke coldly.

"I'm savage too? Hmph, I still don't believe that Zhongli would choose a snow mountain girl."

Wu Huang'er put her hands on her hips, pouted her small mouth, and stared at Luo Yue'er fiercely.

"What's the matter with Snow Mountain Girl? At least I won't bother Zhongli. You see, he's hiding now. He must be afraid of you. As soon as you appeared, he hid in Jiuhuang City. There are many ghosts, and There is also the devil who came out of the seal, something happened to him, what should we do?"

Luo Yue'er smiled coldly, and swiped forward with one arm, the snowflakes fluttering around quickly condensed and turned into a foot-long ice blade.

Wu Huang'er also sneered, and unceremoniously pointing one hand in front of her, mouthfuls of crystal clear ice blades condensed out.

As the children parted, these ice blades shot towards each other, and there was a series of explosions in the air, and ice slag fell from the sky.

"Uncle Qingyang, are they all fighting for Brother Zhongli? Why do I feel so scary?"

Huiyang flinched in Ning Qingyang's arms, watching the second daughter fighting in the air, her voice became much softer.

"This is the fate of their Zhong family. It's nothing. Do you still remember the little sister Xiaoqing who came two days ago? She was fierce when she fought with Luo Shui'er. Don't read it here. Uncle will take you back Go home and cook something delicious."

Ning Qingyang hugged Huiyang and walked into the residential building.

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