Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 388 [Women]

Luo Shui'er saw ice blades shooting down from time to time in the air, turned his eyes slightly, and said to the surrounding people:

"The fight between the two of them cannot be ended in a short while. In order to avoid being accidentally injured by them, everyone please go back first."

The rest of the people nodded one after another, and then walked into the residential building in an orderly manner. Seeing this movement, they seemed to be accustomed to it.

When I rushed over, Luo Shui'er was the only one left in the community. She stood there, looked up at the void from time to time, then stretched out her palms, counting.

Suddenly, her expression was startled, she turned around and looked at me, after seeing me, her face brightened with joy, and she said loudly:

"Zhong Yuan!"

My heart felt a little hot, I trotted all the way, stretched out my hand and pulled off the cloak on my shoulders, and when I arrived in front of her, there was still a familiar fragrance on her body. Seeing me staring at her without speaking, she pursed her mouth slightly, and said: "Zhong Yuan, Stop them both."

"Well, okay, I brought you something, you drink it first, by the way, when did you and your sister come to Jiuhuang City?"

I took out the real water from the Vulcan ring and handed it to her.

"We arrived in Jiuhuang City a week ago, right, this is?"

Luo Shui'er took the small porcelain bottle, looked at it curiously, and looked serious.

"It's really water. Since you are proficient in the technique of prediction, I think you should do some research on your true identity. This thing can help you. Drink it, and you will be able to solve the mystery of the fetus."

I smiled, and at the same time looked at the two girls who were fighting fiercely in the void, and frowned. The strength of the two of them was very strong. torso.

"Okay, let me try. Although I am proficient in forecasting, I can only count that the two of us are involved, but I can't decipher the specifics."

Luo Shui'er smiled slightly, a small pear dimple formed at the corner of her mouth, then raised the porcelain bottle and drank up the real water inside.

She smacked her mouth, her expression suddenly changed, she covered her head with her hands, and her body trembled violently. I hurriedly supported her and asked anxiously:

"Shui'er, what's the matter? Do you have too many awakened memories that you can't bear?"

Luo Shui'er nodded, her beautiful face was full of pain, seeing her in pain, my heart seemed to be pulled, I immediately stretched out my palm, and began to murmur:

"The universe in the palm of your hand, the evolution of the Dao pattern, the pure heart and the mind, the meditation talisman, the edict!"

The golden tao talisman was condensed into shape, and I carefully pressed it on the center of her eyebrows, and the pained look on her face gradually calmed down, her eyes were closed, as if she was asleep.

"Zhong Yuan!"

A familiar voice came from afar, and a petite purple figure came straight to me. I was stunned when I saw the familiar voice.

"Xiaoqing, you've lost weight."

After I regained my composure, I stared at the person and called out. Qianying stopped in front of me. It was Wei Xiaoqing. I hadn't seen her for a long time. She seemed to be thinner than before, with a tired face.

The current Blood Soul Sect is completely controlled by Wei Xiaoqing, because her mother has returned to the Great World of Maha, and Wei Xiaoqing is her favorite disciple. In addition to fighting against the ghosts in Jiuhuang City, they also have to deal with the ghosts from Taihu Lake. The devil who appeared, so the pressure is much heavier than other people, no wonder he lost a lot of weight.

"Hmph, do you still know me?"

Wei Xiaoqing glared at me, but laughed and cursed, but looked at me supporting Luo Shui'er, and said coldly: "What kind of moth is this little demon girl doing? She pretended to be dizzy, and she also used such indecent methods ?”

"She wants to remember what she should remember, and she is digesting the memory now, why are you here?"

I opened my mouth to explain.

"Why, you don't want me to come? Of course, I knew you would come here, so I rushed here. Unexpectedly, the little demon girl's divination skills are quite accurate. She said that you will arrive in Jiuhuang City this morning, so I will come here Try your luck, I didn't expect you to come here, Zhong Yuan, don't you want me to be in charge of the Blood Soul Sect alone? This is your mother's foundation, and you know that I lost weight, isn't it because of you? I mean You can't sleep because of thinking about it, so you lost weight, if you mind, I will eat more and try to gain weight."

Wei Xiaoqing stared at me sullenly, then walked to my side, reached out to support Luo Shui'er, pushed me away, and continued to me:

"What are you doing here in a daze? You really don't want to stop the fights above? Now Jiuhuang City is in chaos."

Looking at the heavy snow falling all over the sky, I pinched the magic weapon in my hand, and cast the cloud-soaring technique to fly away into the air.

"Two sisters, please stop!"

I stopped in the middle of them, but at this time there were still dense ice blades flying over, and I had to use the Demon Subduing Sword to smash these ice blades.

"Zhong Yuan! That's great. I really want to find you. Who does your cousin like? You tell this snow mountain girl, what happened in the spirit world, this snow mountain girl doesn't believe it, you are there, you explain."

Seeing me, Wu Huang'er flew over full of surprises, stood on top of my clouds, with her hands on her hips, and spoke fiercely at Luo Yue'er.

Luo Yueer tipped her toes, and a gust of cold wind blew in her face. Standing beside me, she said with a blank expression:

"Brother-in-law, you're really here today. I didn't believe it when Shui'er said you'd be here this morning."

"Brother-in-law?! Hmph, do you want to have a relationship with the Zhong family? Zhong Yuan is a disciple of the Demon Catch Sect, he is my younger brother. If you do this again, don't blame me for being rude!"

Wu Huang'er waved her fist and said coldly.

"Can the two aunts go down first, where is my cousin?"

I stared at the two helplessly, one was strong and had a big temper, and the other was equally strong and looked calmer, but there was a spirit of not admitting defeat in his bones.

"I don't know. He hasn't shown up since we fought each other. Maybe something happened. After all, there are two demon wolves in Jiuhuang City, and I heard from Sister Lianxiang that these demon wolves have a thousand years of power. It is Ning Qingyang's sworn enemy."

Luo Yue'er's face was gloomy, and she began to look around, the worry on her face was obvious.

"You are underestimating Zhongli. Now his abilities have greatly increased. In addition to the Seven-Star Soul Suppressing Sword, he also has the most precious Tai Chi Diagram of the Monster Sect to suppress luck. As for the seal, even if he is no match for the thousand-year-old demon wolf, he will still be able to retreat completely."

Wu Huang'er said coldly.

"Okay, don't talk any more. I will find my cousin. You two shouldn't fight as soon as you meet. If it wasn't like this, why would my cousin hide? Go back to the Huangtian Pavilion."

The white cloud sank under my feet, and brought the two of them to the ground. The women were making a lot of noise, which was really a headache. No wonder my cousin wanted to run away.

Seeing her sister unconscious, Luo Yue'er walked over with a big frown, then turned her head and stared at me, full of doubts.

"Shui'er is the reincarnation of Houtu. I gave her Zhenzhen water. She is recovering the memory of her previous life. Sister Yue'er, take her to rest first."

I touched my head, but I didn't hide it, and said directly.


Wei Xiaoqing was taken aback for a moment, and exclaimed, then his face became extremely serious, and finally he laughed at himself and said:

"No wonder, Empress Dowager, I think you two met each other in the previous life, no wonder you protect her so much, Zhong Yuan, then what am I? You want to get rid of me? I don't care if you are the reincarnation of Huang Tian, ​​you are now Zhong Yuan!"

Wei Xiaoqing narrowed his eyes and became extremely calm.

My heart trembled, and I felt a little uncomfortable. Houtu's feelings cannot be hidden, but I also have an inseparable feeling for Xiaoqing.

"Xiaoqing, that's not what I meant. Let's talk about it later, okay?"

I shook my head and put away the Demon Demon Sword.

"Okay, but let me declare first that I will not give up on you, you are mine, and I hope you remember that if all your memories are restored by then, I will rush ahead and take your body away. "

After finishing speaking, she smiled evilly, twisted her body slightly, and turned into a purple afterimage and went into the distance.

When I arrived at my cousin's house, there were already many people there. I saw Lian Xiang and Lian Sheng, but I didn't seem to notice Cang Lang. At the beginning, I clearly ordered Lian Sheng to call Lian Sheng and his siblings people came together.

"Miss Lianxiang, did Canglang come with you?"

I walked over, Lian Xiang was wearing a floral dress, her face was still a little pale, Lian Sheng was still as thin as before.

Lianxiang shook her head and said: "No, he asked me to thank you for your kindness, but he has more important things to do. The thousand-year-old demon wolf has already cultivated the inner alchemy, and Cang Lang wants to practice with him, so he has no such plan , It is thanks to him, otherwise even if we have a golden bone hand, we may not be able to escape, it is he who helped us cover."

"Demon pill? It's not easy? Let's kill that demon wolf together and take his inner pill directly?"

Ning Qingyang brought out a bowl of plain noodles and put it in front of Huiyang, touched his head, then walked to me, and said with a smile.

"Is this also possible? Can Cang Lang take these seizing demon pills and keep them for himself?"

I was slightly taken aback, isn't this similar to seizing a house, but it is very dangerous, and there must be the will of the demon wolf in this demon pill.

"Of course, I heard from Little Lianxiang that Canglang is also a demon wolf, and Ning Qingyuan is also a demon wolf. They are both of the same race. I will erase Ning Qingyuan's breath on the demon core, and that will be fine."

Ning Qingyang said with a thank you smile.

"Ning Qingyuan? Why is it so similar to your name?"

Lianxiang next to him spoke curiously, and at the same time Liansheng handed over the golden bone hand I gave him before, and then stood beside his sister.

"Because he is my fellow apprentice, and the name was chosen by the master at the beginning, so naturally it is the same."

The smile on Ning Qingyang's face did not change, but there was an unspeakable resentment.

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