Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 389 [Entanglement and Awakening]

"As expected, you still lied to me. I know that things will not be so simple. I guess Huiyang's previous life was not your benefactor."

Looking at Ning Qingyang, I said in a cold voice, how could this thousand-year-old monster tell the truth?

But Jiang is still old and hot. When he said this, Chen Shaoyang and I believed it. Now that I think about it, he has lived for thousands of years!

Ning Qingyang grinned. Hearing my questioning tone, he didn't get angry. Instead, he walked up to me, reached out and patted my shoulder to express his apology, and then said:

"Yes, I really lied to you at the beginning, otherwise why would you take me to Kuzhu Temple? In fact, Huiyang is my junior brother from the same sect, and he is a disciple whom the master loves very much. His talent is also higher than ours. Qing Yuan fell."

"Why do you think I still trust you now?"

I frowned and said.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you. If you really want to give a reason, I have already joined the Huangtian Pavilion."

Ning Qingyang smiled slightly, a little evil, and there was a faint light in his eyes.

"Why do I think that the reason you want to kill the demon wolf is not only because of Huiyang, but what you said is very cryptic. In Huiyang's previous life, he fell because of Ning Qingyuan, not because he killed Huiyang in his previous life. Jiang He , you check Huiyang's body, whether he still has that yin-chilling aura."

I turned around and spoke to Jiang He who was chatting with Jin Linglong not far away.

Jiang He froze for a moment, turned around and walked in front of me, hesitated for a while, then nodded slowly: "There is that aura, but this aura is not as terrible as he said, and it will not really harm people's lives. The breath seems to be suppressing something."

"Suppress what? Is there anything in Huiyang's body that needs to be suppressed?"

I stared at Ning Qingyang and asked.

"There's no need to explain this point, it's for his own good anyway, otherwise Abbot Tianneng wouldn't have taught Huiyang Great Sun's Sutra of Subduing Demons back then, am I right? The hatred between me and Ning Qingyuan can't be resolved overnight , now that he has come to Jiuhuang City, I will go find him personally."

After Ning Qingyang finished speaking, he turned and left.

"Jiang He, can everyone present be settled?"

I asked again.

Jiang He nodded and continued: "It's all arranged, and they are all in this residential building. We have been waiting for you to come back and take charge of the overall situation, because Wei Xiaoqing said that many ghosts in Jiuhuang City were hunters in their lifetime. Ghost master, it's not good for us to intervene."

"I know this. The main reason is that there is a huge family of ghost hunters controlling them. As long as the ghosts of this family of ghost hunters are eliminated, they can be dismissed. By the way, it seems that Kong Huahua is no longer in Jiuhuang City. I can sense her Nearby, what are you doing?"

I glanced around, but didn't find her whereabouts.

"She and Ling'er are patrolling Taihu Lake, looking for the specific location of the seal, because the two sisters are proficient in the art of space, even if they are found, they can escape."

Jiang He opened his mouth to explain.

"So that's it. I understand. You guys do what you have to do. In short, don't act rashly. I'll go and see Shui'er first."

After coughing a few times, I walked into the room, gently opened the door, Luo Yue'er was gone, but Luo Shui'er was lying on the bed with a thin quilt covering her body, she seemed to be As if asleep, very peaceful, I walked over to her, pulled a chair and sat down.

There was an unspeakable sense of familiarity in her face, and I couldn't help but grab her little hand, which was cold and soft.

Suddenly, her eyelids trembled, her brows furrowed slightly, her delicate red lips parted slightly, and she made a strange sound, but there was no sign of waking up. I got up and sat on the side of the bed, stretched out my hand to touch her forehead, and there was a trace of it. cold sweat.

"Shui'er, wake up, Shui'er."

I touched her cheek lightly and called out.

But she was still trembling, and even frowned, my heart sank, and I said again: "Houtu, Houtu!"

After her eyelids twitched a few times, she opened them suddenly, and her eyeballs had turned into a yellowish brown color with a trace of confusion.

"Huangtian, we... didn't we reincarnate together?"

Her voice was weak, as if recovering from a serious illness.

My heart skipped a beat, I looked at her in disbelief, and continued to ask, "Are you Luo Shui'er or Houtu?"

She stretched out her other hand, rubbed her forehead, raised her head to stare at me, and said:

"I seem to have had a very long dream. I was in another identity or, no, didn't my physical body dissipate, what?"

In the middle of speaking, she woke up suddenly, squeezed her cheek, then broke free from my hand, and stood up.

"Ah... this is not a dream!"

Luo Shui'er let out an exclamation, with surprise and joy on his face.

"Well, you are not dreaming. You have completely recovered your memory. It seems that your memory has been merged. The memory of Houtu is the main one. I will call you Houtu from now on."

I suddenly felt an indescribable panic in my heart. After I completely solved the mystery of the womb, would I be like her?Thought it was all a dream?

Houtu nodded, smiled gently, and said to me:

"Well, I want to sort out my current memory and check my body. It may take a while. Although it seems to be a dream, this dream is very real. I can't accept some things. For example, your name is now Zhong. Yuan, and I am Luo Shui'er."

I was a little stunned, nodded, then closed the door and left the room.

"How is my sister?"

Luo Yue'er has been waiting outside the door, seeing me coming out, she immediately asked questions.

"Her memory has been fused with Houtu, and it is being sorted out now. I guess if it appears in the future, it should be Houtu."

I didn't hide this fact, Luo Yue'er's face was still dark, and after a while, she said slowly:

"I know, my sister's experience in this life is in her memory, and she will undergo certain changes."

I nodded and walked to the sofa in the living room. After Yin Si entered Jiuhuang City with me, he wanted to act alone and separate from me. safe.

"Zhong Yuan, didn't you see what Zhongli and I gave you?"

Seeing me sit down, Jiang He brought me a cup of hot tea and handed it to me, then sat beside me and asked.

I gave him a blank look, and said: "What do you think, if I hadn't happened to pass by Wangxiang Terrace at the beginning, those things probably wouldn't have been seen, and the Zhiluo fruit inside is really hard to find, I only got this in the depths of the forest As a result, although the trip to the Underworld did not succeed in stopping the Nine Demons, at any rate, apart from the Blood River, it can be regarded as a balance. If the Blood River does not die, then the Underworld is really in jeopardy when it joins forces with the Styx River."

After finishing speaking, I took out the materials on the list from the Vulcan ring space. Jiang He was overjoyed when he saw this.

"These materials are only available in the ghost world, and thanks to you, Linglong, for helping me move these materials into the room."

Jiang He picked up a bundle of materials and at the same time spoke to Jin Linglong who was beside her. Jin Linglong nodded and came over to help.

When it came to Huiyang, after eating a bowl of noodles, he ran up to me and dawdled, then he lay beside my head and said softly:

"Brother Zhong Yuan, I know where Brother Zhongli is, I'll take you there."

"Little guy, my cousin told you."

I touched his little bald head, said with a smile, and then took him out. This time Ning Qingyang didn't go out with us, but was bored in the room, not knowing what he was doing.

"Huiyang, you made the prayer flags at the entrance of Jiuhuang City? It's amazing."

I took his little hand and said.

"Brother Zhongli prepared the material for me. The scriptures on it were written by me, but the writing is ugly. Brother Zhong Yuan, please don't laugh at me."

Huiyang blushed and stuck out her tongue, but after hearing the compliment, there was still a lot of complacency on her face.

"By the way, what have you been doing in Jiuhuang City these days?"

When I asked, my cousin was hiding in a hotel near the central square, so it would take us a while to walk there. Here, I also asked about their current situation by the way.

Huiyang smacked his mouth, as if he was thinking seriously, and then said slowly:

"The ghosts of these citizens are collected everywhere. You don't know. When we first came in, the streets and alleys here were full of ghosts, and it was the same during the day. At night, Jiuhuang City is even more weird."

"How weird?"

I asked curiously.

Hui Yang smiled mysteriously, and said: "After nightfall, you will know, we are almost there, and in front of you is the hotel where Brother Zhongli is hiding. I really don't understand why Brother Zhongli hides from Sister Yue'er and Sister Huang'er. Both are good to me."

"You don't understand things about adults, but when you grow up, you will understand."

Huiyang looked at me helplessly, and said old-fashionedly:

"I'll be eight years old soon. I'm not young. Do you think you don't know what those two sisters want to do? They all like Brother Zhongli and want to kiss Brother Zhongli. Sister Linglong often kisses Brother Jiang He. I I've seen it all."

Jiang He, Jiang He!You are committing a crime!Look at what an eight-year-old, originally pure little monk has become now?

I knelt down, coughed a few times and said, "Huiyang, when Brother Jiang He wants to kiss you, don't look at it."

Huiyang pursed his lips, and asked a little puzzled, "Why can't you watch it? In the past, we at Kuzhu Temple had senior brothers kissing us."

I immediately felt extremely ashamed. I couldn't understand what was in this little head. I sighed. I should leave this matter to Ning Qingyang directly.

I was about to go to the hotel, when suddenly on another street, I felt a powerful evil spirit approaching our location, so I quickly hid with Huiyang.

After a while, two figures stood at the door of the hotel.

"Master, is it appropriate for us to do such a thing?"

The voice is very familiar, and this young man seems to have trouble with his legs and feet when he walks. When the young man turned his head slightly, I realized that he is Cang Lang. Then, the tall man next to him fought me in the underworld. The demon wolf, that is, Ning Qingyuan, the junior brother of the same school that Qingyang said.

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