Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 390 [Ning Qingyuan]

"This person must be a member of the Huangtian Pavilion. Apart from my senior brother, there are many strong people in the Huangtian Pavilion. We simply cannot fight, but if we face it alone, I am sure. As long as this person is used as a threat, we will surely Can succeed, and this person is only a mortal."

Ning Qingyuan stared at the entrance of the hotel, with a slight smile on his lips.

"But master, can you not hurt this person, this person is my friend's cousin, if it wasn't for my friend back then, I would never have been able to fit in with my current physical body."

Cang Lang's voice was much softer, not as tough as before.


Ning Qingyuan raised his hand, slapped Cang Lang's cheek fiercely, and sent Cang Lang flying with a slap. He said with a slightly ferocious face:

"Are you questioning me? I need you to teach me what I do?"

"The disciple dare not."

Cang Lang put his hands on the ground and didn't dare to lift his head. I could see his slightly trembling body. He was very frightened, but he didn't dare to resist. He was completely convinced by Ning Qingyuan's deterrence. This is the Millennium Demon Wolf It's different from the century-old demon wolf.

The longer the monster lives, the more profound the Taoism will be, and they can live for thousands of years. They are all old monsters who have survived the thunder and punishment. Which one is not resolute and thoughtful?

"Don't dare? There are things you dare not do? How did the brothers and sisters of the Lian family escape here? Do you think I really don't know? If it wasn't for our master-student friendship, I would have beaten you to death with one palm. "

Ning Qingyuan bent down, stretched out his strong arm, put his five fingers together, pinched Cang Lang's chin, and opened his mouth fiercely. Because of his anger, all the muscles in his body seemed to be shaking.

"Master, please forgive me, this disciple will never dare again, really dare not."

Cang Lang only felt that his jaw was about to be wrenched off, and begged for mercy in great pain.

Ning Qingyuan let go of his chin, stretched out his hand to grab him, pulled him up, and said:

"If I hadn't spared your life, you would have died a long time ago. We are of the same race, so we naturally want our own race to flourish. Moreover, you have developed your spiritual wisdom and have a century-old practice. How could you die so easily? Without me You can’t die either! Don’t do those things behind my back in the future, you can’t hide it from me!”

"Yes, Master."

Cang Lang broke out in a cold sweat, then stared in the direction of the hotel.

This hotel is a large hotel chain, the glass door of the main entrance is stained with blood, and the signboard above has fallen down. The entire hotel lobby looks extraordinarily gloomy, and just at this moment, there is a thin figure standing inside at some point .

"It seems that we don't need to go in and search. He came out by himself, which saves a lot of trouble."

Ning Qingyun smiled coldly, staring at his cousin who walked out of the hotel. The cousin wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and his hair was combed back like his uncle's. He looked very energetic. Wearing a white shirt on the upper body and denim leggings, the whole person looks very white and has a scholarly atmosphere, but his face is cold, holding an apple in his hand, and pushing open the glass door with the other hand.

"What are you looking for? Demon wolf!"

The cousin stretched out his hand and pushed the glasses, the light in his eyes flickered, turning black and white, but he recovered quickly.

"Can you see through my body?!"

Ning Qingyuan stared at his cousin with some surprise, obviously with a look of disbelief, staring at his cousin with a pair of green eyes.

"No matter how deeply you hide your evil spirit, you can't hide it from my eyes. Why, are you here now to deal with me?"

The cousin took a bite of the apple, his face was still cold, without the slightest fear, he reached out to touch the copper coin on his chest, and the corner of his mouth twitched, showing a sneer.

"No, I just want you to do me a favor. Help me call out my little junior brother. I have something to say to him. Of course, you have no choice in this matter. Even if you disagree, I will use force." of."

Ning Qingyuan didn't act immediately, but asked his cousin to help him with this matter.

"That's going to have to be a fight."

After the cousin took a few bites of the apple, he threw the core aside, stretched out his hand and tore off the copper coin from his chest, and muttered something.

"Forget it, if I don't teach you a lesson today, you really think that you are such a great ghost hunter, that you dare to challenge the thousand-year-old demon."

Ning Qingyuan snorted coldly, his whole body's monster energy surged, and the green monster energy wrapped around his body, rising several feet high.

Hui Yang tugged at my sleeve, and said in a low voice, "Brother Zhong Yuan, should we go out and help?"

Although the voice was very small, the demon wolf heard it all at once, turned around, stared at the direction where we were hiding, and shouted coldly: "Who is sneaking and hiding there, and if you don't come out again, don't blame my ruthless subordinates!"

It seemed that I couldn't hide anymore, so I took Huiyang's hand, walked out, smiled and waved at my cousin, who was obviously taken aback when he saw me appear, but this Ning Qingyuan, seeing me When I showed up, I was a little dumbfounded.

"Farewell to the underworld, we will meet so soon."

I said coldly, then turned my gaze to Cang Lang, and frowned, his face was bruised and purple, when he saw me, he turned his back suddenly, as if he didn't want me to see him in a mess.

"Oh it's you!"

Ning Qingyuan snorted coldly, his face was extremely gloomy, but his eyes fell on Huiyang, the gloomyness was swept away, he put on a smile, and said:

"The little brother is here too. Originally, the brother wanted to find you in the past, but now it saves you the trouble."

"Oh? You still think you didn't kill him? I don't need my cousin to do anything, I can let you taste my demon-slaying talisman!"

I stretched out my palm, and the golden dao pattern lingered in my palm.

Ning Qingyuan's complexion changed suddenly, he stepped back a little, gritted his teeth and said:

"Zhong Yuan, who told you that I was going to kill Junior Brother? It was Ning Qingyang, huh, we were originally from the same sect, and Junior Brother died accidentally because of me. I found him in this life and wanted to make up for it. How could I know that he was acting as a hindrance? Originally, I kept my evil spirit on my junior brother, and Ning Qingyang would send him to me in fear of his life. How could I have expected that this guy would send my junior brother to the temple! "

Seeing Ning Qingyuan's ferocious face, Huiyang shrank behind me, showing half of his face, and looked at him carefully, for fear that he would pounce on him.

Because Huiyang met Ning Qingyuan when he was a baby, and now he is almost eight years old, so naturally he doesn't have any impression.

"I don't care what Huiyang was in his previous life, but this life is a human being, a living person, and it is impossible to be with you. No matter what your purpose is, Huiyang is so big, and he has room for his own choice. Therefore, Huiyang Yang, would you like to stay with us, or go with this evil uncle?"

I patted Huiyang on the head and asked.

"Zhong Yuan, you..."

Ning Qingyuan suddenly became a little speechless, seeing that Huiyang was silent and grabbed me tightly, why should he speak?

His face gradually returned to calm, staring at Huiyang and said: "I actually just want to untie the things I planted in his body, and only then can I untie them."

"Okay, no problem, then untie it here."

I spoke expressionlessly.

"Here? Are you kidding? Don't you know the situation in Jiuhuang City better than me? And when the time comes, Huiyang will need someone to assist him. This evil spirit is already deeply rooted. Even if I want to guide it out, it will be very troublesome. Here , if there is a ghost attack, we will all be seriously injured, can you shoulder this responsibility?"

Ning Qingyuan stared at me expressionlessly.

"Okay then, you go back to the Huangtian Pavilion with us, let's go to the head office."

I stared at him amusedly, at this time my cousin had already walked to my side, smiled slightly, and then stretched out his arms to hug Huiyang.

"Huangtian Pavilion? Don't think about it. You think I don't know. If I go to Huangtian with you, that is a trap. Ning Qingyang and I are at odds. If I want to kill him, he also wants to kill me!"

Ning Qingyuan shook his head with a sneer and refused decisively.

"Then where exactly do you want to be?"

If it is really possible to eradicate the evil spirit in Huiyang's body, this is a good way. Maybe after eradicating, Huiyang will not need to use the Great Sun Fumo Sutra to suppress it, and he will be able to return to vulgarity and live a normal life.

"follow me!"

Ning Qingyuan turned and walked to another street, Cang Lang limped behind him, I hurried over to support him, and asked with a frown:

"How did you find this guy?"

Cang Lang looked confused, glanced at Ning Qingyuan who was walking in front, shook his head at me and said: "This is voluntary, no one forced it, and he is of the same race as me. Although he is usually stricter, some methods Leave the cultivation skills to me without reservation."

"You don't plan to go with me? You should know my current strength from Lianxiang and the others."

I sighed and felt a little sigh in my heart.

"Stay with him for now."

Cang Lang pursed his lips, looked straight ahead, and stopped talking.

I know he definitely doesn't think that way in his heart. Although we have only spent a short time together, there must be something important now, and it's inconvenient to say it.

After walking for about ten minutes, we arrived at a school. This school has a very well-organized structure. I have seen it from a Feng Shui master. It is full of righteousness and can restrain evil spirits. But now the building is empty and it looks very bleak.

Ning Qingyuan took us directly to the track and field, and then looked up at the cloudy sky.

"Ordinary ghosts in this school dare not come in. It is much safer than outside. I will cast a spell later to break the ghost cloud and let the sun shine. Then I will be responsible for dispelling the evil spirit in his body, and you will be responsible for guiding it out." , you can’t give up halfway during this process, Cang Lang, help us protect the law.”

Ning Qingyang frowned and said.

"As ordered!"

Cang Lang nodded, I glanced at my cousin, he indicated that there is no problem, I feel more at ease with my cousin here.

"Okay, let's get started!"

After sitting cross-legged on the ground, Ning Qingyuan suddenly raised his head and opened his mouth to squirt, a burst of cyan light spewed out from his mouth, like a horse training, and went straight to the void.

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