Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 392 [Elder Gold and Silver]

After the black gang real clock was swept by this huge force, it lost contact with me. However, the clock was not destroyed in the explosion. Instead, the clock was surrounded by silver runes, and it opened the rune circle to resist the attack. Seeing the self-activated power of the Heigang real clock, I was a little envious. The original pitch-black real clock turned into a piece of silver at this moment.

The power of the explosion is still there. After destroying the five layers of shields on my body, it came straight to my back. After resisting for a while, the three layers of armor on the body broke apart one after another. Finally, the purple gold bones all over my body Armor blocked the attack.

I raised my head and stared at the opposite side. Ning Qingyuan's body muscles swelled, and his demonic aura was soaring to the sky. In this destructive force, his protective demonic aura unexpectedly resisted, but even so, the protective demonic aura soon appeared. In an unsupported state, and after the thunderball burst, there were still many crazy attacks from the arc.

Ning Qingyuan let out a roar, showing sharp fangs in his mouth, his eyes became extremely emerald green, light gray hairs appeared on his face, and his ears elongated a little bit, the whole person became extremely strange, In the end, he threw his hands forward, his body was completely covered by the monster energy, and turned into a giant brown-haired wolf. After a loud roar, the monster energy on his body almost turned into substance, firmly protecting him.

Looking at the place where my cousin is, he has already been entangled by several black shadows, and he can't care about me at all. Those few black shadows are obviously stronger than these ghosts, and the rest of the ghosts are all dealt with by Cang Lang alone.

Although this process may seem long, it is actually very short.

I feel that the armor transformed by the bones of the real devil is broken a little bit, and my heart is already extremely gloomy, but at this time there is only the aftermath of the explosion, and the real power has dissipated. The entire track and field, especially where I am, most of the ground Collapse, mud and rocks splashing, no, all these earth and rocks were turned into powder under this destructive power.


The bone of the real devil can't be maintained at all. Anyway, I still have the treasure clothes to protect my body, so I should be able to survive the remaining prestige.

The purple-gold bone armor disappeared, and the seven-color glow flowed on the treasure clothes. This force began to resist the power of the explosion, but how could five Thunder Orbs be compared to one Thunder Orb?The power of the explosion alone was five times that of the original. What's more, the area was filled with thunder and electric arcs, which was also an extremely deadly attack.

The aftermath of the explosion was gradually passing away, and when I was about to breathe a sigh of relief, a black shadow suddenly broke into this area, and I saw this black shadow raise a huge sickle, wave it at my back, and The bloody sickle shadow shot towards me, and the surrounding arcs were defeated by the sickle shadow in one fell swoop.

I hugged Huiyang and didn't dare to move around, otherwise Huiyang would be injured by the surrounding electric arc. I only hope that the protective clothing can withstand this attack. As long as I survive this attack, I can fight back and see who is behind it. Attack from behind.


As if I were hit hard behind me, my back seemed to be torn apart. An astonishing pain caused me to lean forward and press on Huiyang's body. Huiyang sensed my strangeness and panicked. cried out:

"Brother Zhong Yuan, what's wrong with you? Brother Zhong Yuan!"

After launching this attack, the black figure stopped attacking, let out a sharp roar, and disappeared together with the other men in black.

I was a little horrified, the precious clothes were ruined just now, the remaining danger gradually dissipated, and my cousin and Cang Lang came straight to us.


Cang Lang's exclamation sounded, and I looked up to the opposite side. Ning Qingyuan has returned to human form, but his body is full of scars, and many places are scorched. Vitality, he was slowly lifted up by the waves, staring into the distance, and said:

"Take me out of here quickly, my enemy is coming, I have to hide."

Cang Lang nodded, immediately picked up Ning Qingyuan on his back, and ran away into the distance, and soon disappeared.

"Zhong Yuan!"

My cousin reached out and grabbed my shoulder, and lifted me up. I suddenly found that I couldn't stand still, and my head was very dizzy. I bit the tip of my tongue to wake myself up.

"It's the devil who attacked us. Oops, this wound is unusual. You were injured by a magic weapon, and this magic weapon is not a simple magic weapon."

My cousin glanced at the wound on my back, his face was extremely gloomy, and his brows were even more furrowed.

The treasure garment on the back has been torn open, and there is a deep wound from the center of my shoulder blade. The blood soaks the treasure garment, and the wound is surrounded by black mist. With my current strong physical body, let alone healing the wound, it is still necessary to stop the bleeding. Could, but didn't.

"Is it with those ghosts?"

I gritted my teeth and asked, this magic weapon not only destroyed the treasure clothes, but also made my body weak.

"I don't know, it's very possible. After those demons disappeared, these ghosts no longer wanted to fight, and they all left. Don't talk, I will take you back quickly and see if Jiang He can be cured."

My cousin walked up to me, held me on his back, and took Huiyang with the other hand, and went to the school gate.

My mind is getting more and more dizzy, and I feel that the energy in my body is starting to drain.

Although the evil spirit in Huiyang's body was pulled out, he was terribly frightened, and his face was even paler. He was obviously frightened. If I hadn't protected him just now, Huiyang would have been blown to pieces by the Wuji Yin Thunder Bead .

"Cousin, can you see the origin of this demon? Only the top ten real demons can refine the Wuji Yin Thunder Orb. The person who came here must not be a real demon, at least a person of the level of a demon envoy. In addition to mastering these dark thunders, In addition to the pearl, there is actually such a high level of magic energy, it is almost comparable to the Black Flame Demon Tower."

In order to keep my consciousness fresh, I had to take the initiative to speak.

"What is the Black Flame Demon Tower? I can't see the origin. They all wear cloaks and veils, but I know that one of them has a deep resentment towards you. Before they were all gone, they rushed into it and attacked you, it seems that the other party wants to put you to death."

The cousin's voice was a little hoarse, and he said unhurriedly.

"The Black Flame Demon Tower is a demonic weapon. I met it in the underworld. Speaking of enmity, I really provoked many people. Could it be that this demon is Jin Mo, one of the five great demons? In the last battle, Only he escaped, and he is the devil's emissary under the devil, and I have a grudge with the devil's soul, the nine evil spirits, it is probably really possible, ouch!"

Not only did the wound on my back not heal, but it seemed to split a lot at once, which made me grin my teeth in pain.

As soon as we walked out of the school gate, two figures flew towards us in the distance, followed by many disciples wearing cloaks, my cousin's face darkened, and he raised the Seven Star Soul Suppressing Sword in his hand.

"Don't do anything, we are the gold and silver elders of the Blood Soul Sect, hereby come to check what happened here, huh? You are Zhongli from the Huangtian Pavilion!"

Among them, the young man in the golden robe stopped five meters away from us. It was the man in the golden robe who was talking. I looked up at the two of them weakly, and found that they looked exactly the same, and there was a very dangerous feeling on their bodies. , it seems that these two are the emissaries of the mother.

"Young master?!"

After the other man in the silver robe found me, he let out an exclamation from his mouth. After looking at the man in the gold robe, he immediately came to my side. The man in the silver robe saw the wound behind me at a glance, and opened his mouth and said:

"Wounded by a magic weapon! And this kind of magic energy can only be possessed by real demons, such as Lord Shanmo's Liangyi Needle. Although the wound of the young master is not deep, it must be handled properly."

"What kind of magic weapon was my cousin injured by?"

Cousin’s expression froze. He had been in contact with Wei Xiaoqing before and knew how powerful these two instrument needles were. Before, she only had one needle. Now before Zi Luo left, the other needle was also given to Wei Xiaoqing. This magic weapon was originally It's just one set. If used alone, the power is not strong, but if used in one set, the power will definitely be doubled.

"The devil's sickle, this kind of magic weapon is very vicious. If a mortal is hit by a sickle, his whole body will immediately turn into blood. The demonic energy in the body can also misunderstand the soul of a person, and it is very difficult to cure it."

Elder Yin withdrew his gaze, and his tone was very gloomy.

"A Yin, how do you know so much?"

Elder Jin glanced at his twin brother strangely.

"As a demon envoy under Lord Good Demon, you still need to know a little bit about the methods of other real demons."

Elder Yin gave his elder brother a blank look.

"I just feel unwell, and it doesn't seem to be as serious as you said."

I looked at Elder Yin weakly, and I said.

"That's because the young master's body is different from that of ordinary people, and he is protected by the aura of a real devil. The magic skills you cultivated can only be cultivated by a real devil."

Elder Yin opened his mouth to explain, and then continued:

"However, even so, it is still necessary to expel the poisonous devilish energy in the wound as soon as possible. The young master has successfully condensed into a real devil's bone, so you can use the power of the real devil's bone to slowly dispel this devilish energy."

I nodded, but when I checked my dantian and saw the appearance of the real devil's bone, my heart sank completely.

The body of the True Demon Bone is already covered with dense cracks, as if it will collapse at any time. The light of the magic origin bead in the center of the True Demon Bone's brow is extremely dim. It seems that in order to protect me, he suffered a very serious injury .


Two coquettish shouts came from the void, it was the two daughters Wu Huang'er and Luo Yue'er, I obviously felt my cousin's body tremble slightly, if he hadn't been carrying me behind his back, he probably would have run away.

Apart from them, there was a sudden fluctuation in the void not far from me, and then a blue crack opened, and two charming girls came out from it, they were two sisters, Kong Huahua and Kong Linger, just as Elder Yin was about to When I opened my mouth, a palm-sized butterfly flew over from a distance. The butterfly landed not far from me, and turned into a girl in a silver-red robe, and ran towards me with its feet spread.

"Yuan Qing?!"

Feeling the familiar breath of the other party, I was slightly startled.

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