Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 393 [Sneak attack of the devil]

"Master, it's me."

The girl in the silver-red robe stopped in front of us. The demonic aura on her body could not be subdued, revealing an extremely cold feeling.

"That's right, Shui'er must have spent a lot of effort to transform into a successful form."

Seeing that the original little butterfly actually succeeded in transforming into a butterfly, I was a little happy in my heart.

Originally, she had lived for a long time, and she had been stagnant in the state of ice silkworm for a long time, and it was very suitable for her to practice in the snowy plain, so she transformed into a human form so quickly.

"Little master, although you seem to be fine now, the wound will slowly erode your body, and your body will turn into blood in a short time. Now your wound has begun to affect your soul, so you have to Hurry up and use magic power to heal your wounds."

Elder Yin's face changed slightly, and he spoke anxiously. He understood very well that even if I healed the wound, it would not be so easy to fully recover from the damaged soul.

"My True Demon Bone is severely damaged, and I can't drive it at all."

I tried to call the bone of the real devil, but found that his response was very weak, and I couldn't leave the sea of ​​​​qi in the dantian at all. I felt a little shocked in my heart.

"What about my brother? Shall we go to the Great World of Maha and ask Lord Shanmo to help us?"

Elder Jin tugged at Elder Yin and lowered his voice.

"No, even if you look for her, she won't be able to come out easily. It is estimated that she is about to regain her true demon body now."

What Zi Luo practiced was the technique of reincarnation of nine turns. Now that he has arrived in the Great World of Maha, he should start to practice the seventh turn. As long as he practices the technique of reincarnation of the seventh turn, he will not be able to leave the Great World of Maha easily.

"Where did Jiang He go, why hasn't he come?"

The cousin lowered his voice, obviously a little impatient.

Wu Huang'er and Luo Yue'er, who were still staring at each other, suddenly came over together, Luo Yue'er's voice was a little less cold, and said: "He is rushing here, don't worry, I'll take a look Wound."

After speaking, Luo Yue'er came behind me and began to check the wounds on my back.

Wu Huang'er also came over, glanced at it, and said lightly: "Zhong Yuan, I will seal your wound first, stop the injury, and prevent the demonic energy from spreading further."

After finishing speaking, Wu Huang'er's palm turned into a piece of white, and lightly brushed past my wound, and my back felt cold and began to condense into ice.

"Go back to the Huangtian Pavilion first."

Seeing Wu Huang'er sealing the wound with her hands, my cousin was relieved and went to the residential area where he lived.

Before arriving at the community, I saw countless emerald vines dancing in the distance, and several black shadows flitted among the vines.

"Oops, devil! Yuan Qing, the Second Elder Jinyin hurried over to support!"

These phantoms were clearly the ones that attacked me, but I didn't expect that they didn't hide now, but instead attacked Huangtian Pavilion even more aggressively.

At this moment, one of the figures raised a huge sickle in his hand, and swiped around, the vines were cut open in an instant, and the vines withered at an extremely fast speed.

Jiang He carried a medical kit on his shoulders, and was supported by Jin Linglong, whose face changed drastically. Ning Qingyang was fighting with several other demons. These demons were full of magic flames, and Ning Qingyang was The whole body is full of evil spirits, one against three, not at a disadvantage.

Two siblings, Liansheng and Lianxiang, are working together to deal with a demon. Green light is shining on Lianxiang's skin, and emerald spirit lines appear. It seems to be the body of wood virtue. Take a closer look at Liansheng, this young man The Muyuan spirit pattern also appeared on his body, but it was much weaker than his sister Lianxiang.

The demon holding the sickle went straight to Jiang He and Jin Linglong. Jin Linglong touched the hairpin in her hair in shock, opened her mouth and sprayed it at the hairpin. A deadwood scepter half as tall as a man.

With a wave of his arm, the green light flickered on the scepter, the ground around the demon head loosened, and many vines broke out of the ground, winding towards the demon head.

Jin Linglong was shocked and angry, because Jiang He was also injured, a cut was cut on his arm, Jin Linglong held the part where the wound was with the other hand, a green light surged in his palm, Jiang He's face was extremely pale , eyes a little lax.


With a swipe of the sickle in the demon's hand, the surrounding vines were cut to pieces again. The demon raised the sickle and went straight to the two of them.

At this moment, a certain room upstairs was opened, and a pale yellow figure leaped down from above.

The girl's long hair fluttered, and the goose-yellow gauze skirt on her body fluttered slightly. There was a very special aura all over her body. When I saw her, I suddenly realized, Houtu, she is Houtu.

Seeing the devil, Luo Shui'er smiled lightly, pointed her toes, and went straight to the devil. The devil didn't hesitate, and slashed at her head with a sickle. Luo Shui'er came, Luo Shui'er's body swayed, the blood shadow sickle slashed across her body, and bombarded the ground behind her, blasting a big pit, the soil in this big pit corroded quickly, It's like splashing sulfuric acid.

However, this slash did not really attack Luo Shui'er, but hit the afterimage. She easily dodged the blow, and when she reappeared, she had already strangely arrived in front of the devil, and lightly tapped her palm Slap, imprint on the body of the devil, and directly knock the devil away with a palm.


There was a sound of cracking bones, and this seemingly understated blow actually shattered the demon's breastbone.

The devil struggled a few times and got up, already horrified in his heart, he shouted decisively: "Get out!"

After hearing the order, the other phantoms split apart and left the battle, surrounded him, and then turned into a wave of demonic energy and disappeared, but Luo Shui'er didn't intend to chase after him.

Seeing that she is still so strong, I feel a lot more relieved.

Deep in my memory, she also relied on her own strength to save me from many demons, and now she made a move again, instead of using secret techniques, she defeated the demon with the special fighting method of the witch clan.

By the time Elder Jinyin and the others rushed over, the battle was over.

"Emperor... Zhong Yuan!"

Her voice sounded, and she flew towards me quickly, and when she got to my side, her eyes fell behind me, and she frowned and said, "The wound of the blood demon sickle!"

The sound hasn't changed much, it's just a bit more vicissitudes.

"you recognize?"

Although she will gradually recover from the mystery of the womb, she never expected to recover so quickly, and she can guess what kind of magic weapon hurt me by relying on the wound.

"Luo Shui'er" looked back, and said:

"Well, of course, this Gorefiend sickle is a real demon. In addition to having a strong power of rotting corpses, it can also hurt people's souls. It is extremely difficult to heal. My current strength is too weak to help at all. , I learned from Luo Shui'er's memory that you seem to have practiced magic skills, so you can try to get rid of the magic energy in the wound."

She has now called herself Houtu, and it seems that Luo Shui'er's memory has been integrated into Houtu's memory. From now on, there will be no Luo Shui'er, only Houtu.

"No, the little young master's real devil's bone has been damaged and cannot be driven to heal the wound, that's too bad!"

Elder Yin frowned and said.

"Let me see."

Jiang He gritted his teeth, and with Jin Linglong's support, he staggered over. His wound was also shocking. The wound hadn't healed. Although the bleeding was stopped under the green light, it still looked terrifying, because the wound The flesh and blood parted to the two sides, stained with demon energy, if it wasn't for the power of the mountain ghost in Jin Linglong's hand, this arm would have been useless long ago.

"Let me do it. I have also practiced the Promise True Demon Kungfu, and I have also condensed the True Demon Bone, which can drive away the demonic energy of the Blood Demon Scythe for him."

Wei Xiaoqing's voice came from far behind me. Behind her was a woman in a green skirt and many Blood Soul Sect disciples. The woman also looked worried when she saw that I was injured.

"I forgot about Xiaoqing. She is the direct disciple of Master Shanmo, so she must be able to drive away this weird devilish energy."

As soon as Elder Yin clapped his hands, a smile appeared on his originally sad face.

Wei Xiaoqing came to my side, sweat dripped from her smooth forehead, her chest heaved slightly, and seeing that the wound on my back had been sealed with ice, her gaze fell on Houtu again, and she was wearing a light yellow dress, His long hair fluttered, and the disgust in his eyes was undisguised. Apart from disgust, there was also a trace of fear.

Houtu was also looking at Wei Xiaoqing, with a faint smile on his face, even when he saw the disgust on her face, he didn't get angry. Her expression seemed to be seeing a little girl talking to her parents for candy. Like a quarrel.

"Linglong, stabilize Jiang He's injury first, and then help me after Xiaoqing helps me get rid of the evil energy. Elders Jin and Yin, please return to the Blood Soul Sect quickly and take precautions. This devil will never let it go. , Ning Qingyang, Yuan Qing, the vicinity of the Huangtian Pavilion will be handed over to you, Linger seems to be injured, is there any serious problem?"

Glancing at Kong Ling'er who was supported by Kong Huahua, although Kong Ling'er didn't know where she was injured, she didn't seem to have any strength.

Seeing my question, Kong Ling'er replied weakly: "It's nothing serious, just rest for a few days."

"Zhong Yuan, you go in first, I will stay here and never let these demons step in."

Houtu smiled at me.

"Elder Luliu, you lead your disciples back, leave this place to me, don't worry."

Wei Xiaoqing patted Mrs. Luliu on the shoulder, and Luliu breathed a sigh of relief, then called a large group of people to go to the place where the sect is located.

"Qingcheng, come here."

Ning Qingyang suddenly waved at Huiyang, and Huiyang let go of his cousin's hand and walked towards him.

"Tell Uncle, what happened, why are you with Zhong Yuan, where is your injury, tell Uncle!"

Ning Qingyang's face was extremely gloomy, and his tone was a bit harsh. At the same time, he began to look at Huiyang's body. My cousin had already carried me upstairs, and Wu Huang'er and Luo Yue'er stayed here at the same time, especially Luo Yue'er. He looked at his sister worriedly.

Seeing Luo Yue'er's worried eyes, Hou Tu walked towards her, his cherry lips parted slightly, and said:

"If you don't mind, you can still call me sister, and I can also call you sister Yue'er."

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