Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 403 [Juhua and Kunyuan]

"Zhong Yuan, here we come!"

Wu Huang'er and the others also came out of the residential building, and Luo Yue'er was beside her. Luo Yue'er's face was still extremely gloomy, but she didn't fight Wu Huang'er fiercely. At this time, the two of them were regarded as the same Qi Lianzhi, unanimously face the foreign enemy.

"Leave it to me and Su Xiaoxiao here. There are many evil spirits outside, and there may be demon envoys. Four Dingjia God General Talismans have been activated now. Go and solve them quickly!"

Perhaps the situation outside is even more dire than what we are facing now. If the barriers were not under a powerful attack, these Dingjia gods would not appear.

Wu Huang'er glanced around coldly, and went straight to the gate of the community. She was already wearing a silver battle armor on top of her body, and a battle skirt woven with feathers was under her waist, and there was a large section behind the battle skirt The white veil spilled out, making her legs extremely slender.

At this time, the bull-headed demon had completely turned into a bull-headed troll, as tall as a three-story building, and the mace in his hand also became extremely huge.

I punched the ground hard again, the bull-headed troll's feet were covered with earthy yellow halos, and several huge stone thorns emerged. I thought they could pierce him, but the bull-headed troll twisted his body from side to side. He moved and avoided these stone thorns. Although the stone thorns were also very big, they only reached his waist at the moment, and now he was locked in the stone thorns.

Just as he was about to raise the Demon Subduing Sword, intending to activate the fourth rune formation, and when the Demon Subduing Sword Formation was used to deal with this demon, he unexpectedly grabbed the stone thorn next to him with one hand, squeezed it hard, and the entire stone thorn turned into stone chips and splashed Open, the mace in the other hand knocked on the other stone thorns beside me one after another, with a few loud noises, these stone thorns were all shattered, the red eyes swept towards me, and suddenly raised the mace with both hands With a giant stick, I ran a few steps forward and let out a huge roar, and the mace hit me hard.

Before I hit it, I already felt a huge danger enveloped my heart. I didn't have time to think about it, and I jumped to the side. Just as I flew away, the mace smashed right where I was originally. I fell into a large pit several meters deep, and there were a lot of mud and rocks flying around. Two of the stones hit my arm, and I almost couldn't hold the demon sword in my hand.

Although the body of the bull-headed troll looks huge, its movements are very agile, which is simply beyond my imagination. When the first stick was thrown out, it was immediately retracted. The second stick swept across, and the movement was smooth and not muddy. Shocked, he stomped on the ground with one foot, and flew up using the technique of lightness. The red light of the subduing demon sword in his hand flowed, and the sword aimed at his head.

The crimson light soared, and a red sword flooded out, opened its bloody mouth, and bit the huge bull's head.

Seeing that his second shot was in vain, the bull-headed troll with big eyes like copper bells was waiting for the sword dragon in front of him, and suddenly he snorted, and the nose ring flashed a strange golden glow, and flew out, hitting the red dragon fiercely. above, and directly smashed the sword dragon, the power of the copper ring remained undiminished, and it came straight to me. When I struck the copper ring with the Fumo sword, my arm felt a sharp pain, and I only heard a "choke!" The demon-subduing sword inside was swung away, and the copper ring came straight to my chest.

The speed was so fast that I didn't allow me to think too much, I immediately opened my mouth and sprayed, the black gang real clock collided with the copper ring, and a bell sounded, and then the copper ring was repelled!

magic weapon!This copper ring is definitely a piece of demon energy. The real clock of Heigang rolled back and stood on top of my head, and the five defensive shields immediately covered me.

"Heigang True Clock, it seems that Lu Ji Demon Envoy was also killed by you! This Heigang True Clock is a high-grade magic weapon."

The bull-headed troll opened his mouth, and the sound of the urn sounded like a muffled thunder. Seeing me fall on the ground, he said again:

"It's a pity that this treasure falls into your hands, why not give it to me!"

"Then let's see if you have the ability!"

Smiling coldly, I squatted down, pressed my five fingers to the ground, and the spirit pattern on the entire arm shone.

Now that I am standing on the ground, I can continuously absorb the power of the earth element, and I can use this power to deal with the enemy. Surrounded by light, it turned into a huge fist several feet in a short while.

Just at this time, the giant mace in the hand of the bull-headed troll had already been smashed down, and I drove this huge fist and hit it hard.

Of course, I didn't think that the fist condensed by the gravel could defeat this demon. The other hand put down the Demon Subduing Sword, and pressed it on the ground with the same hand. When I came out, I let out a low growl:

"Kun Yuan, the real spirit of distributing Qi, commander Kun Yuan, the hand of the earth!"

Kun in Kunyuan refers to the earth, and Yuan is the root element. I want to use the power of the earth to contend with it. It’s just this method. With my current Tude body, I can’t last long at all. Now the bone of the real devil is damaged , also unable to perform the technique of possessing the body; from the several attacks of the bull-headed troll, it can be seen that he is very powerful, and it is impossible to counter him without the help of the bone of the real demon.

After the huge rock fist collided with the mace, the mace flicked back and was released from the hands of the bull-headed troll, and the rock fist was shattered, but in the next second, a person appeared under him. In the huge magic circle, yellow awns flowed, and there were six groups of shining light in it, and six big hands suddenly stretched out from the light.

These big hands were shining with a lot of earth element spirit patterns, and they looked vigorous and powerful. They grabbed the body of the bull-headed troll fiercely with lightning speed, and all their palms sank into the body of the bull-headed troll.


With a loud roar, the bull-headed troll opened its mouth and roared angrily.

Persist, and persist!

Both arms have begun to swell, as if they are about to split at any moment, this is an overload of the power of the earth element.

The six giant hands pulled hard, blood and flesh splattered everywhere, and even the internal organs of the bull-headed troll were scattered all over the ground. The thick smell of blood permeated the air, and there was some blood. I let go of my hands and stood up again. Due to the consumption of energy, the huge arm transformed by force began to dim, and finally disappeared little by little.

After walking a few steps forward, I stopped. The huge bull's head blinked, but it didn't die. When I turned my head, the black mist swirled around and floated away again. Although he lost his body, his current body was completely controlled by the demon. Fog replaced.

"How dare you destroy my demon body?! But you can't use this ability many times!"

The bull-headed troll snorted coldly, opened its mouth and sprayed at me, a white hazy breath came straight to me, mixed with a little strange green light, although it was wrapped in this layer of white mist-like breath, when it got close Only then did I discover what a touch of green light is.

"Demon Pill!"

I was slightly startled. I had seen Wu Huanger display similar abilities before, and the power of the demon pill was not weak; However, the demon pill inside did not split apart, but hit the Fumo sword. good opportunity.

Those white breaths hit the defensive cover on my surface, bounced off one after another, and disappeared.

And I took this opportunity, pointed my toes, jumped to remember, and the Dao pattern in my hand was condensed.

"The universe in the palm, the evolution of the Dao pattern, the ancient monster-slaying talisman, condense!"

The golden talisman in my hand slashed down fiercely. The talisman sank into the head of the bull-headed troll and exploded instantly. The surrounding light dazzled me so much that I couldn't open my eyes. A nose ring, though bloodstained.

I reached out and picked it up, and threw it directly into the Vulcan ring space.

The nose ring of the Tauren Demon Envoy should be a medium-grade magic weapon. When I solved the demon head, Su Xiaoxiao also ended the battle. These demon guards were summoned by the Tauren Demon Envoy. Not far away There is also a magic banner fluttering in the wind.

After destroying the magic banner, I went to the gate of the community. It was a world of ice and snow outside. The Dingjia god general was mighty, and the golden long knife in his hand danced with golden lights. The evil spirits killed by these golden lights retreated steadily .

Two snake-shaped long swords appeared in Ning Qingyang's hands, and his movements were elegant and natural. Those who besieged him were some ghost hunter ghosts, and many ghost hunter ghosts could still use their previous abilities, but these were not Ning Qingyang's opponents. , the long sword in his hand is flexible and powerful, as long as he is cut, his soul will be dissipated immediately; except for the ghosts of ghost hunters who dare to approach, those evil ghosts transformed by ordinary citizens, although they have deep resentment, dare not Closer.

In addition to Ning Qingyang's extraordinary performance, Lianxiang was next. Lianxiang's smooth and tender skin was already covered with emerald green marks. She stretched out her palm and pointed her fingertips towards the void in front of her. Emerald green talismans flashed out one after another, and all of these talismans were withdrawn as if they were coming out.

Realize!She actually manifested these talismans so easily. Looking carefully at these talismans, they were all ghost-killing talismans.

The ghost-killing talisman can deal with the most basic evil spirits, and the means are more extreme, dispelling the resentment and soul of the evil spirits.

Liansheng has been guarding his sister's side all the time. Although he is also a wood-virtuous body, he is much weaker than Lianxiang. He holds a wooden stick as long as one person in his hand, and the emerald talisman is printed on the roll. Wen, it looks like it should be a magic weapon.

All these evil spirits who approached Lianxiang were hit by the long green stick in Liansheng's hand. The evil spirits only had time to scream, but they were powerless to fight back.

Compared with these few people, the only thing Luo Yue'er and Wu Huang'er can do is to use the power of ice to slow down the movements of these evil spirits. Mo Wei was trembling.

What surprised me was that Little Silver also turned into a giant silver wolf. Facing Little Silver far away was a monster whose stature was almost the same as that of the previous bull-headed troll. The head of this demon envoy was a horse's head. His eyes were red, and he kept waving the mace in his hand and threw it at Xiaoyin. Xiaoyin could only dodge, but did not dare to get close.

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