Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 404 [Big Defeat]

Dealing with that bull-headed troll has already consumed a lot of my ghost-hunting power, and now that the bones of the real demon have not recovered, it is difficult to kill this demon envoy; another thing that worries me is that Wei Wu Ya!

Wei Wuya has now turned into a demon, and his strength is much stronger than before. Heishan even mentioned that this person, like Xiaoqing, has an innate demon body. Now that he has entered the demon pool, he has transformed, so he should not be underestimated. ; And he has a high-grade magic weapon in his hand, the extremely vicious Blood Demon Scythe, I must beware of his sneak attack.

The bull-head troll must have thought that I was seriously injured by Wei Wuya, and that the Jiuhuang City Hospital had closed down a long time ago, thinking that I would leave Jiuhuang City to seek healing, but he didn't expect that my injury was already healed, and he never left this place at all .

I raised my sword and rushed into the battle circle where Ning Qingyang was, and said to him:

"Qingyang, you go and deal with that horse-headed demon envoy, let me do it here."

Ning Qingyang narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the demon envoy who forced Xiaoyin back steadily, licked his lips, nodded, tapped his toes, and disappeared as an afterimage. When he reappeared, he was already in mid-air among.

Because of Luo Yue'er's restraint, the movements of the horse-headed demon envoy had become sluggish, otherwise Little Silver would have been hit by the huge mace, but even so, Little Silver was in danger.

Ning Qingyang smiled evilly in the air. He is a thousand-year-old demon. Although the demon's aura looks weird, it seems to be mixed with demonic and demonic aura, but the demonic aura is not strong, and he has never even had a real human form. Illusion, how is it his opponent, I saw him throwing both hands, the snake-shaped long sword in his hand shot out, and instantly turned into two blue pythons. The blue light is shining, and the snake's body is more than ten feet long.

Before the giant cyan python approached the demon envoy, they immediately opened their mouths to spray, and the green poisonous mist sprayed out. Seeing Ning Qingyang's attack, Little Silver below quickly threw it away. The poisonous mist enveloped the demon envoy, and his movements Even more sluggish, and even the whole body became shaken.

The giant python took this opportunity to bite on the body of the demon envoy, biting off pieces of flesh and blood.

There are still many ghosts of ghost hunters in front of me. They have completely lost their consciousness and become crazy now. I have seen one or two of them; if this is the case, it would be fine, but these The ghost hunter unambiguously displayed some of his awakened abilities and attacked me frantically.

Touching my chest, feeling the imprint of Mingyin Pei, I summoned You Yue decisively.

You Yue is a second-grade ghost messenger, but these guys are not something that these guys can resist.

The wind was blowing, and it was extremely cold in front of me. You Yue in a white robe appeared in front of me. He even held a flagon in his hand. He looked at me with drunken eyes and said:

"Zhong Yuan, why are you looking for me, I'm drinking in Jiulongzhai!"

"After taking these evil spirits, half of the merits and virtues will be credited to you, and half will be credited to me."

I pointed to the evil ghost in front of me and said.

Hearing the evil spirits, You Yue woke up a little bit, looked around, her face became much paler, she threw the flagon in her hand on the ground, after carefully looking at these evil spirits, she took out a token Jian, said with a smile:

"I am six, you are four, how about it? The number of these evil spirits is huge, it seems that this place is undoubtedly the Nine Desolation City."

"Fifth and fifth is already my maximum limit. You have to be clear. Although this is Jiuhuang City, it is difficult for those ninth-rank ghosts to intervene, but fourth-rank and fifth-grade ghosts are still very happy to come here. Don't think I don't Clearly, only the ninth-rank ecstasy and most of the eighth-rank yin errands will perform tasks in the yang world, and most of the yin errands will stay in the underworld to perform tasks."

I rolled my eyes at You Yue and snorted coldly.

"Okay, okay, I understand, I understand, I will deal with it."

You Yue helplessly held up her badge, and the silver inscription on the badge was released, You Yue muttered something, and strode into the group of evil spirits, most of the surrounding ghosts rushed towards You Yue, It seems that You Yue is a piece of fat that everyone is vying for, this phenomenon is extremely weird, even the ghosts surrounding the vine barriers have left one after another and swooped towards You Yue.

Among the many ghosts, You Yue raised her silver token, but did not use her ghost weapon.

As soon as these ghosts touched You Yue, they were immediately attracted by the silver light above the Lingjian, turning into strands of green mist, and heading towards the Lingjian.

Only then did I know that this Lingjian can take in these ghosts, and it seems that the level is not low. If the level is very low, it will not even take in the ghosts of these ghost hunters. Suddenly, The members of Huangtian Pavilion are much more relaxed.

I don't know what method the horse-headed demon envoy used to forcefully shake off the two giant pythons that were biting him, and waved the mace in his hand to resist the attack of the blue python. Don't worry, just stand in the mid-air very limitedly, looking down at the demon, the corner of his mouth is slightly raised, revealing a sneer.

Turning my gaze again, I found a familiar figure not far away, upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Qi Rou.

She muttered words, and raised a dark token with both hands, as if to summon these ghosts, but the effect was minimal, the token in her hand could not compare with the silver token in You Yue's hand.

Seeing her staring at her, Qi Rou took back the token in a panic, her body flickered, and turned into a cloud of wind and swept towards the distance.

I tiptoed and chased after him. The opponent was very fast. I had to take out a flame talisman from the Vulcan ring space and threw it forward. Above the cloudy wind, the black ghost twisted and rolled, and soon fell down, turning into Qi Rou's figure, but his whole body was wrapped in light blue talisman fire, with a ferocious expression.

At this moment, I had already stopped two meters away from him.

Qi Rou snorted coldly, the yin energy on her body was strong, and the talisman fire was extinguished in one fell swoop.

As we all know, talisman fire is specially designed to restrain yin qi, as long as it encounters yin qi, it will burn continuously, and it will burn more and more intensely; there is only one phenomenon, that is, yin qi completely overwhelms talisman fire, only Enough yin energy can make the talisman fire disappear. It seems that Qi Rou has become a climate.

"Zhong Yuan, long time no see."

Qi Rou didn't run away, but stood where she was, looking at me with a smile on her face.

As the saying goes, you don’t reach out to hit a smiling person, so I said, "It’s been a long time, I don’t understand why you still stay in Jiuhuang City after you die, isn’t it good to be a ghost in the underworld? With merit, you can have a good birth at that time."

"There are some things I can't help myself. I don't decide on my own. Besides, I still have too many concerns that I can't let go of. For example, if you ask him to go to the underworld to accompany me, I'd be happy to leave. , I don’t know if you want it or not.”

Qi Rou sneered and stared at me strangely.

"Are you more than obsessed? It's simply distorted! Yin and Yang are separated, not to mention that my cousin doesn't like you. Even if he likes you, people and ghosts will not have good results. You should be very clear."

I looked at this girl coldly, and I had a good impression at the beginning, but now when I hear her words, I feel a little creepy.

Want my cousin to go to hell to accompany her?Why?

"I know that there will be no good results if people and ghosts go different ways, so I said, as long as he dies, he can live with me."

Qi Rou looked at me with a haha ​​smile, with a slight sarcasm on the corner of her mouth.

"I think you can't do it. You actually use the underworld to control the wandering ghosts in Jiuhuang City and make them lose their minds. Responsible, the judge will definitely punish you. One more thing, your Qi family colluded with the devil in the Maha world. Do you know their dangers? I know that you all have common interests and want to completely occupy the nine worlds. Huangshi, today I will not make things difficult for you, I will tell you to report back, you have to listen carefully."

"As long as the wandering ghosts in Jiuhuang City are harmful, or the devils in the Great World of Maha, I, Zhong Yuan, will drive them away with all my strength, and there will be no future troubles. I will completely seal the seal in Taihu Lake! "

I put away the Fumo Sword and looked at Qi Rou whose face gradually became gloomy.

At this time, the horse-headed demon envoy had crashed to the ground and was completely killed by Ning Qingyang. The thousands of evil spirits had almost dissipated. After Qi Rou stopped controlling the token, most of the ghosts recovered their sanity. Fly around.

Qi Rou gritted her teeth and said:

"Zhong Yuan, Wei Wuya has now achieved a demon body, plus he has a blood demon sickle, as long as he sneaks up on you, you will only have a dead end."

"It depends on whether he has the ability to break through the barrier behind me. To tell you the truth, my Huangtian Pavilion is now a monster with thousands of years of practice, and Qingqiu fox with hundreds of years of practice. Of course, including myself, there are several A powerful ghost hunter with the ring of six beliefs, this is an elder level, you should be clear, these are actually nothing, I have a monk here who has practiced the Great Sun Fumo Sutra, absolutely restrain you these evil spirits Ghost thing, you should know by now that Wei Wuya sneaked up on me yesterday, attacking me with the Thunder Orb and the Gorefiend Scythe, knowing how can I still stand like this?"

I smiled and looked at Qi Rou whose complexion changed drastically, Qi Rou was slightly taken aback, and asked:


"Because there are super disciples from the lineage of ghost doctors in Huangtian Pavilion, and a mountain ghost who summons the power of nature has appeared in the spirit world. What is this small injury? By the way, I haven't told you yet, Huangtian There is still a branch in the pavilion. It won't be long before a superpower who is equivalent to the seven rings of faith will rush to Jiuhuang City. Of course, I will also summon the second-grade ghost messenger from the underworld, which looks like what you saw today Same, moreover, please don't forget the friendly relationship between our Huangtian Pavilion and the Blood Soul Sect, so..."

I looked at Qi Rou's reaction in a closed manner, she was obviously shocked by my words, her mouth moved:

"So what?"

I straightened my chest, cleared my throat, and said loudly:

"So, so we will not be passive, and will counterattack you! Huangtian Pavilion has suffered a lot during this time, so you just wait for our stormy counterattack!"

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