Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 405 [Buddha]

Qi Rou left, and all the more than 1000 evil spirits brought with her were wiped out. In addition, the two demon messengers Niu San, Ma Si, and the demon guards under him all fell here.

But our side did not lose a single person, not even injured, and some of them just consumed a little bit of ghost hunting power, like me.

Seeing that the evil spirits dissipated, Ding Jia Shenjiang turned around and walked towards the barrier made of vines. The golden light flowed around him, and soon turned into golden runes and disappeared into the barrier.

"Zhong Yuan, when you talked to that female ghost just now, have you declared war on them?"

Wu Huang'er fell from the sky, came to my side, and spoke slowly.

I nodded and said:

"Yes, this battle is a matter of time, so it's better to frighten them first! Just wait for my cousin and Li Nianbai to come, and we will completely eliminate this trouble! Let Jiuhuang City restore peace!"

"Okay, very good, these evil spirits are really vicious, they don't care about their old love at all, besides that, they also collude with the devil envoys of the Maha Great World, by the way, Zhong Yuan, you said before that Yin Si reported to you, nine A total of six demon envoys came to Huangshi, and now that two have been hunted down, there should be four more."

Luo Yue'er also came up, her face was as cold as before, but the aura of ice and snow on her body had already subsided.

"That's right, Wei Wuya is among the four demon envoys, and another envoy has gone out to contact Jin Mo envoy and Jiusha, but he probably hasn't come back yet, do you think we should make a plan?"

I grinned, this demon envoy dared to leave Jiuhuang City alone, it is too courageous, but this demon envoy will definitely not be too far away from Jiuhuang City, it should be nearby, if we get rid of it, there will be another big one missing enemy.

"I agree with Zhong Yuan's statement. I can't put Qingcheng in danger at any time. If you want to kill the demon messenger outside the city, count me in!"

Ning Qingyang landed on the ground, stretched out his hand and made a move in the air, the two giant cyan pythons flew back and turned into two snake-shaped long swords in his hands again.

"Okay, I'll go with you when I recover my ghost-hunting power. By the way, Kong Huahua, you found the seal gap in Taihu Lake?"

I turned around, stared at Kong Huahua who had already turned into a human form, and asked aloud.

After thinking for a while, Kong Huahua frowned slightly and said: "I can only lock the area, but the seal is under the bottom of the lake, where is it so easy to find? At the beginning, Linger and I sensed the fluctuation of power, and we were about to go down to check , Linger was injured by the demons below, it seems that these demons should be Wei Wuya and his gang."

"After dealing with the matter in Jiuhuang City, let's go there and have a look."

I nodded, and then everyone dispersed. Jiang He went directly to the giant tree to find Jin Linglong. After entering the residential area, Huiyang and Jiang He had already been waiting for me downstairs, especially Huiyang, who had an immature face. He was full of worries, and when he saw us coming in, he let go of his feet and rushed over.

"Brother Zhong Yuan, in fact, I can deal with these evil spirits as well. I don't need to suppress the cold evil energy in my body now, I can completely let go, otherwise I won't be counted in the night patrol team, and I will fight in the future." ,I also want."

Huiyang waved his small fist and spoke very seriously.

I touched his bare head and said with a smile: "Okay, but our situation may be a little different now, we have to deal with not only evil spirits, but also demon messengers, and even monsters in Jiuhuang City .”

"Uncle Qingyang said that these monsters are very obedient, and we have been in Jiuhuang City for so long, and it is not likely that they will attack the Huangtian Pavilion, so what we need to pay attention to is these evil spirits and demon messengers, my Great Sun Fumo The scriptures are also very restrained against these devils."

Huiyang pouted her mouth and spoke.

"It's all right now, let's go in first."

I looked at Ning Qingyang helplessly. Originally, besides curing the cold and evil spirit in his body, I just wanted him to return to vulgarity and integrate into today's society. Looking at Huiyang's performance now, how could he be like this? thought?And now that he has grown up and has his own ideas, we can't control him anymore.


Outside Jiuhuang City, in front of the Daping in front of the abandoned ghost hunter branch, two figures, one tall and one short, appeared. The slightly taller one was a young man wearing glasses, with his hair combed back, and a white shirt. , and next to him was a boy of fourteen or fifteen years old. The boy's hair was also combed back, but it was braided into small braids and gathered back, and then tied up.

These two people are Zhong Li and Zhong Xiaoman.

"Brother, are we really not going directly to Jiuhuang City?"

Zhong Xiaoman pursed his lips, looked at Zhongli who remained motionless and said nothing, his voice was very weak, as if he was a little afraid of his half-brother.

Zhong Li glanced at him coldly, and said coldly:

"Of course, you don't know what we encountered along the way? Why bother?"

Zhong Xiaoman thought for a moment and said: "Those may be crows released by some ghost hunters with secret techniques, and these crows don't seem to have the ability to hurt people, otherwise they would not be destroyed by my arc."

"Impossible, because these crows exude demonic energy. Besides Zhong Yuan, who else has practiced magic skills in today's ghost hunters? These are demonic crows! Therefore, we must investigate clearly, but this time you can't use them." Your thunder and lightning power destroys the magic crow, and in this generation, there are not many of them."

Zhong Li glared at his younger brother, and looked around carefully again.

Originally, they got off the car at a small town near Jiuhuang City, but before reaching the small town, they saw this weird crow. The thoughtful Zhong Li immediately took his younger brother out of the car and searched all the way until it was near here. The magic crows disappeared. While chasing these crows, Zhong Xiaoman used his ability to shoot down some of them.

Zhong Xiaoman didn't dare to say a word because he just wanted to show his ability in front of his brother. Compared with before, he had grown a lot, so he could definitely help him. This time, he came with his brother. In Jiuhuang City, in addition to his own strong request, Zhong Shan also agreed with his youngest son to practice more.

A strange cry suddenly came from the remote forest, and then a black shadow flew across the forest. Zhong Li pushed his glasses and hummed:

"Follow me closely, don't lose them. These demon crows must have been released by the demon boss. There may be a big battle later, you just stay outside and watch."

Zhong Li jumped out, very fast, Zhong Xiaoman gritted his teeth and followed closely behind him.

After entering the woods, the magic crow fluttered its wings and flew in the air very dexterously. While running, Zhong Li avoided the trees in the forest very calmly, without changing his face.

After a while, he has already run several miles away, and Lijiuhuang City is getting closer and closer.

Suddenly Zhongli stopped, and Zhong Xiaoman who was behind couldn't control his strength, bumped into his brother's back, almost fell, and was about to speak, but Zhongli covered his mouth.

I saw a very simple stone altar in the forest not far ahead, on which sat cross-legged a man wearing a black cloak, this man saw the magic crow flying over, he stood up immediately, the magic crow stopped at him On his shoulders, his wings were shaking, and his mouth kept croaking, as if he was saying something.

The man in the black cloak listened very seriously and nodded slightly at the same time. Finally, the strange screams stopped. The man suddenly turned around and looked at Zhongli coldly.

This person only showed a pair of red eyes, which were deep and evil.

"Are you following my magic crow?!"

A cold voice suddenly came out of this person's mouth, and it was extremely cold.

"The two of us just broke into this place by accident, but you, what are you doing?"

Zhong Li withdrew his hand, and Zhong Xiaoman stood obediently beside his brother, looking at the man in black vigilantly, seeing his red eyes, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

"Unintentionally? Do you think you can deceive me, the Demon Envoy of the Buddha?"

The black-robed man withdrew his hand, and the crow flew to the branch next to it, and began to "croak" indiscriminately. At this time, the magic energy on the branches around Zhongli was tumbling, and the crows emerged one after another. Looking carefully, it was enough to Hundred-headed devil crow.

These magic crows were parked all over the branches. It was after five o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun was not as strong as at noon. In addition, this place was near Jiuhuang City, and the sky had begun to turn a little gray.

"The Demon Envoy of the Buddha? It seems that he came from Jiuhuang City. Why, you want to use this method to call your companions? Now you have to worry about your own safety."

Zhong Li tugged at his chest, and the quaint copper coin was pinched together with his hands, and then parted to form a small seven-star soul-suppressing sword. With the other hand, he held his glasses and put it in his trouser pocket middle.

It has been determined that the other party is a magic envoy, and now that they bump into each other, they naturally refuse to let it go.

"Just because you two ghost hunters want to deal with me? It's ridiculous to overestimate your capabilities!"

The Buddha Demon Envoy sneered, and suddenly stretched out his arm. When this arm came out from the cloak, Zhong Xiaoman was startled when he saw this arm, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

The arm can only be regarded as a white bone, with a little black magic mist emitting from it, and there are five strangely shaped rings on the five fingers.

"Xiaoman, you should be able to deal with these devil crows, I'll deal with this Buddha envoy!"

Zhong Li made a light sound, flicked his wrist, and rushed out with his sword, while the Buddha Demon Envoy threw out his other hand, and five weird dolls with strange shapes were thrown out, and the five rings on the other hand shot out five almost Transparent silk threads penetrate the five dolls.

"Puppet art?"

Zhongli sneered when he saw these five dolls.

But in the next second, Zhong Li's face became quite stiff, because the Futu Demon opened his mouth to spray, and a stream of blood spewed out from his mouth, instantly turning into no strands and sinking into these puppet dolls. After being in the body, with a shake of the palm of the other hand, the appearance of the five puppets suddenly changed drastically.

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