Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 406 [Brothers Fight Demons]

A long time ago, my cousin used the peach wood puppet to defend against the enemy, and his peach wood puppet was a relatively high-level puppet, because there was a peach spirit living in it, basically he didn't need to control it himself, this puppet could attack the enemy actively.

The puppets of this Buddha Demon Envoy are very different. They were originally palm-sized puppets, but at this moment they turned into the height of an ordinary person. As he stretched out his hand and shook them, these five puppets in black clothes and black trousers, with expressionless faces, moved very Quickly ran towards Zhongli.

In the other direction, those magic crows that were originally powerless to attack, after the mouth of the Buddha Demon Envoy uttered a strange cry, the eyes of these magic crows instantly turned red, flapped their wings, and flew towards Zhong Xiaoman. There were so many that it turned into a black cloud, covering the top of his head.

Zhong Xiaoman's face was pale, and he clasped his hands immediately, his arms were wrapped in silver arcs, he raised his right hand suddenly, and slashed hard at the crows above his head.


The arc was shot, and several magic crows were hit in an instant, turning into magic mist and splitting apart. These few magic crows were just the tip of the iceberg. Even though they were destroyed, more magic crows had already enveloped them, completely covering them. Hold onto Zhong Xiaoman's body.

Zhong Xiaoman let out an exclamation, Zhong Li's face became extremely gloomy, he immediately turned his head, and ran towards Zhong Xiaoman, the five puppets behind him suddenly grinned at the same time, their mouths opened at an incredible angle, and the muscles on their faces But it didn't tear apart, instead it opened and closed like a machine.

After these puppets opened their mouths, magic light emerged from their mouths, and a fist-sized dark light surged out, and shot out at the same time, heading straight to Zhongli's back. Back, Zhong Li's body suddenly fell short, and these magic balls passed by his back and landed on the ground in front of him.


Explosions sounded one after another, mud and rocks splashed in front of Zhongli, and dust dispersed.

When it dissipated, there was a crackling sound from the front, and the arc around Zhong Xiaoman's body was lingering. As long as these magic crows approached, they would be smashed to pieces by the arc. He rushed forward, and after a while, he lost nearly half of it.

A strange cry sounded again, and these magic crows no longer approached, but more than a dozen of them gathered together and began to fuse.

Seeing that his younger brother was fine, Zhong Li turned around and looked at the five puppets solemnly. These puppets had some dark black magic knives in their hands at some point. Under the command of Zhongli, he slashed towards Zhongli again, and when he danced, there was a flash of sword light. The five puppets, the sword light produced by the magic knife in each puppet's hand, joined together and slashed towards Zhongli with incomparable power. Zhong Li glanced at the side, tapped his toes, and quickly climbed up a big tree.

These puppet sword lights touched these big trees, and the big trees were cut into several pieces almost instantly.

Zhong Li jumped up and went to another tree. At the same time, he erected the Seven Star Soul Suppressing Sword with one hand, and pinched the sword formula with the fingers of the other hand, and kept swiping it in the void, with a solemn look on his face.

On the other side, three huge demonic crows had appeared around Zhong Xiaoman. These three demonic crows spread out their wings about ten feet long and were extremely ferocious. One of them flapped its wings and flew down.

Zhong Xiaoman chuckled, his power of thunder and lightning is hard to come across even thousands of ghost hunters, this kind of power of lightning attack is very powerful, especially against those dark and evil things, the power of thunder is far away Beyond the rest of the abilities, such as fire, wind, earth, wood and other abilities, the power of thunder can be regarded as a mutant ability among the ghost hunter's abilities.

He put one hand flat, muttering words, the silver arcs on the palm intertwined, and began to condense rapidly, these silver arcs became stupid and only as thick as a thumb, and hundreds of thousands of arcs intertwined, only became two fingers It's only wide, but the silver arc has turned into pale gold, and faintly condensed into a lightning-like appearance. He stretched out his hand to grab the materialized lightning and was caught in his hand at once. Looking at the magic crow that jumped down, Gritting his teeth, he jumped up with a touch of his toes.

The electric arc in his hand blinked fiercely on the body of the magic crow, scoff!With a soft sound, most of the arc submerged into the body of the magic crow, and with a point guarding the center, countless gold and silver lightning scattered in all directions. Before the dark magic crow could make a cry, it disappeared completely, even the magic crow The fog also disappeared cleanly.

After Zhong Xiaoman stepped on the ground with both feet, his complexion was much paler than before. Obviously, the condensation of this electric arc consumed a lot of his power to hunt ghosts. Now there are only two devil crows left. Zhong Xiaoman saw Glancing at the elder brother who was hiding in the tree and chanting mantras, the corners of his mouth grinned slightly, revealing a trace of cunning, and then he followed the gourd and drew a dipper, and climbed the tree as well.

Because the size of this magic crow is too huge, it cannot be deployed in the forest, and soon another magic crow was destroyed.

On Zhongli's side, the surrounding trees were almost completely cut down by the five demon puppets, and Futu did not use other methods, but concentrated on controlling the puppets to attack Zhongli, but only one puppet really attacked Zhongli, and the other The puppet cut down all the surrounding trees, so that Zhongli had no room to jump, but with the smile on his lips, it seemed that there was no need to run away.

The Seven Star Soul Suppressing Sword in his hand has been reduced to a length of two feet, the stars are shining on the copper coin, and electric arcs are lingering on it.

"Everything is in the universe, the seven stars are soul-suppressing, the stars are thundering, and they are as urgent as laws!"

Zhong Li suddenly raised the Seven Star Soul Suppressing Sword, and the Star God Thunder on the sword shone brightly. He suddenly slashed in the direction of the Buddha.

A series of star thunders were thrown from the sword body. These thunders were the size of a fist, and the light of the stars flowed. Futu shrank his eyes and shook a finger without hesitation. One of the puppets shot backwards at an incredible speed. Back, stand in front of him.


There were dense explosions, and the puppet was still waving the magic knives in its hands expressionlessly. It's a pity that these magic knives exploded as soon as they touched the divine thunder, and many divine thunders fell on the puppet and exploded. .

But it's a pity that the Star God Thunder just shattered the puppet's black coat, revealing the dark body inside. When the God Thunder landed on it, it was just an arc of electric arcs, leaving pitted marks and real damage.

The envoy of the Buddha Demon poked his head out from behind the puppet, and said with a smile:

"No matter how powerful your lightning technique is, you can't hurt my black devil puppets. I forged them with the black magic iron of the Maha Great World. From the moment I condensed the magic body, I have been cultivating them continuously. Although I can't Find a suitable spiritual body to store in it, but with my manipulation, you can't do anything to me at all.

This black magic iron is extremely difficult to destroy, because black magic iron is the top material in the Maha Great World, and I just added a little to this puppet. Even the black flame magic tower is also formed by casting black magic iron. If you haven't cultivated the dharma image that communicates the power of heaven and earth, and you still obediently catch him without a fight, maybe I will show mercy and spare your soul. "

Zhong Li's face was a little gloomy, and he stretched out his hand to slash the other four puppets, dense lightning flew out, but these puppets were the same as the previous one, apart from destroying their clothes, they couldn't really hurt them at all.

The yin and yang fish in his eyes started to move, and he wanted to see through the weakness of these puppets with the help of his magic eyes. Unfortunately, the only weakness of these puppets was the filaments connecting the puppets and Buddha's fingers. Thunder bombed these filaments, but it also ended in failure. The only possibility is that these filaments are also made of black magic iron.

Thinking of this, he suddenly became a little frowning. With these five puppets protecting him, he couldn't get close to these puppets at all, and even himself fell into danger.

On the other side, Zhong Xiaoman has completely dealt with the remaining Demon Crow. Thinking of this, Zhong Li was relieved a lot. His younger brother has grown a lot. He said:

"Zhong Xiaoman, go back to Jiuhuang City for help!"

"Brother, no, how can I let you stay here alone?"

Zhong Xiaoman originally had a smug look on his face, but when he saw that his brother's Star God Thunder was unable to harm these puppets, his face suddenly changed. He is a practitioner of Thunder Art, so he is very aware of the power of Star God Thunder , although these gods and thunders are fighting for each other based on their strong ghost hunting power, my brother has been practicing secretly, and he has successfully condensed the sixth ring of faith not long ago, and his strength must not be underestimated. he go?

"Are you disobedient? You can't resist this demon envoy at all. Don't worry, even if I lose, there is no problem in escaping."

Zhong Li glared at his younger brother, then turned his head to look at the Buddha Envoy.

The Buddha Demon Envoy grinned and said:

"He doesn't have to run away. You two are brothers, so let's die together."

After speaking, he drove the other four demon envoys to go straight to Zhong Xiaoman. I don't know how long the filament is, but these puppets have already rushed ten feet away and are still in motion.

Seeing these puppets heading towards him, Zhong Xiaoman gritted his teeth, and threw the arc in his hand towards one of the puppets that was close to the big tree, and grabbed it fiercely. It was like being paralyzed, unable to move immediately.

Zhong Xiaoman's expression brightened, and he was about to condense the second bolt of lightning, but the puppet moved, and with a wave of the magic knife in his hand, the big tree collapsed, and the three puppets combined to chop off at the top of Zhong Xiaoman's head at an extremely fast speed. , Zhong Xiaoman's heart was beating wildly, he was so frightened that he forgot to move for a moment.

"Dharma Eye Formation, set!"

Zhongli's angry voice resounded, and Taiji diagrams appeared under the feet of the four black devil puppets, and their bodies were also frozen for this reason.

"Don't let me go?!"

The yin and yang fish in Zhongli's eyes were spinning wildly, almost turning into chaos.

"Brother, take care, you must come back alive!"

Zhong Xiaoman's eyes were red, he touched his tears, got up and walked towards the direction where Jiuhuang City was sitting.

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