Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 407 [Return to the White Chapter]

The four black devil puppets were fixed there motionless, the Taiji diagram under his feet was slowly rotating, Futu looked at Zhongli in some surprise, and drove the puppet in front of him again, there were five puppets in total, and four puppets had already been immobilized , the only thing that can be driven is his body-protecting black puppet. He wants to gamble that Zhongli will not be able to hold this body-protecting puppet anymore.

The speed of this puppet was also extremely fast, and under the control of the filament, it went straight to the big tree under the cousin, waved its fists, and the magic energy on the iron fist rolled, and smashed towards the big tree.

Zhongli pointed at the sword, and a Taiji diagram appeared again under the black puppet's feet, immobilizing the devil.

His eyes had completely turned into chaos, and a trace of blood flowed out from his nostrils, which flowed down the flow path above his lips, immobilizing five powerful puppets at once, causing him to overdraw a lot.

A fierce light flashed in the Buddha Demon Envoy's eyes, and he pulled back fiercely with his right hand. Originally, he wanted to pull back his five black devil puppets, but all failed. The Dharma Eye Formation is firmly established.

"You can actually hold all my puppets, but the consumption is huge, so I don't know if you still have the power to fight back."

The Buddha Demon Envoy's voice was a little higher, and there was a hint of complacency, it seemed that there was another trick.

The corner of Zhongli's mouth curled up, and he said with a cold smile, "You can try it."

Futu's red eyeballs turned, and his five fingers moved again. The puppets were still nailed to the Dharma Eye Formation and could not move. He suddenly moved, walked down from the altar, and walked towards Zhongli's place step by step. where to go.

With one hand, Zhong Li pinched the seal formula to maintain the magic eye array, while with the other hand, the light of the stars flowed, and he slashed at the Buddha envoy, a string of star thunder roared towards him, and the Buddha envoy suddenly struck again. He pulled out his chest and flung it out suddenly, a ball of black light flew out. These divine thunders fell into the black light and disappeared one after another. When he took a closer look, this ball of black light turned out to be a puppet.

"Haha, this puppet is made of all black magic iron, and the two small swords in the puppet's hand are also black magic iron. Do you think it can be destroyed? You just wait to die!"

The Buddha Demon Envoy held a thin thread in his left hand, controlled this extremely ingenious little puppet, and flew towards Zhongli.

"Dharma Eye Formation, set!"

Zhong Lijian pointed a little, and a Taiji diagram appeared faintly under the body of the little puppet. Before the Taiji diagram was condensed, the Futu Demon Envoy let out a low shout, and the speed of the little puppet increased sharply again, turning into an afterimage Normally, Zhongli was so shocked that he couldn't trap the little puppet even a few times, and was about to use a more powerful method in a hurry, when suddenly a hearty laugh came, and before the laughter fell, a golden The sword light shot from afar, and cut horizontally between the Buddha Envoy and the little puppet.


The extremely hard filament was easily cut off by the sword light, and the little puppet that was about to reach Zhongli's side suddenly froze, and immediately fell down.

"Who is it, stealthily hiding in the dark and attacking!"

Seeing that the silk thread connecting the puppet was cut off, the Buddha Demon Envoy was startled and a little appalled, not to mention that the thread was almost transparent, and if one didn't get close, one wouldn't be able to detect it at all. It was formed, and now it is easily destroyed by someone, which also means that the strength of the visitor is enough to destroy his own black devil puppet.

And Zhongli was slightly happy when he heard this voice.

"Sneak attack? I just haven't arrived yet, but I'm here now!"

In the distant sky, a figure stepped on a sword and flew with the sword. The speed was unbelievable. He arrived at the fighting area almost in an instant. This person was Li Nianbai who was going to Jiuhuang City. On the way, he met After Zhong Xiaoman asked, he realized that Zhongli was in crisis, so he hurried over.

Li Nianbai was still wearing a denim jacket, his hair had been cut very short close to his scalp, his brows were sharp and staring, the corners of his mouth were raised upwards, and there was a hint of evil in his eyes.

He tipped his toes, stretched out his hand to hold the ebony sword in his hand, the small simple sword-shaped imprint reappeared between his brows, his whole body was completely enveloped by the golden flames, and it intersected with the ebony sword in his hand. One piece, it turned into a huge sword light and shot down from the air, heading straight for the Buddha Demon Envoy.

"Human Sword Unity?!"

The Futu Demon's face changed drastically, and he shook immediately, the black cloak around him exploded, revealing a skeleton skeleton, but the strange thing was that the head was exactly the same as a normal person, these skeletons were all white and emitted a faint fluorescence , his facial features are also correct, but his eyes are red, and when he sees the flying sword light, he stretches out his left hand.

The left hand changed rapidly, and the white bones on the body automatically dispersed, reorganized, and turned into a huge bone sword, stabbing out fiercely.

Zhong Li grabbed the Seven Star Soul Suppressing Sword from the tree branch at the same time, and slammed it in the direction of the Buddha Buddha. The Seven Star Sword split and turned into seven copper coins that covered the Demon Envoy's head, and the light of the stars scattered.


The bone sword collided with the golden sword transformed by Li Nianbai, and immediately turned into bone fragments, and the sword swung upwards, directly decapitating the head of the Futu Demon Envoy.

As soon as the golden sword's light faded, Li Nianbai's body emerged again, his footsteps retreated a little, his face was a little pale, it was obvious that the combination of the sword and the sword had consumed most of his mana.

At the moment when the Buddha Demon Envoy was destroyed, the five black devil puppets rolled with devilish energy, turned into slaps and fell to the ground again.

The five rings of the demon envoy also fell down one after another. The cousin's eyes returned to normal, but they were covered with bloodshot eyes. He stretched out his hand, and the copper coin returned to his hand, and tied it around his neck with a red string.

Li Nianbai raised the ebony sword in his hand, the golden light flowed on the wooden sword, and went straight to these puppets, as if intending to destroy these puppets.

"Wait a minute, if these puppets are used a little bit, they can be regarded as a powerful fighting force. These puppets are mixed with the black magic iron from the Maha World, and can be immune to the power of thunder and lightning. Very good at it.”

Seeing Li Nianbai raising the ebony sword, Zhong Li stopped immediately and explained his intentions.

"It's still possible, but these puppet bodies contain a lot of devilish energy, and the little monk Huiyang needs to get rid of the devilish energy."

Li Nianbai retracted the ebony sword, inserted it into the scabbard behind his back, and said.

"Of course, by the way, how did you come here? This is not by the road leading to Jiuhuang City, how do you know that I am fighting with this demon?"

Zhong Li picked up the puppets on the ground one by one, and asked.

Li Nianbai raised his head and said proudly: "Who am I? I knew you were in danger by pinching my fingers, so I came to rescue you, but you..."

"elder brother!"

Zhong Xiaoman's voice suddenly came from a distance, he ran over sweating profusely, panting and said: "Great, brother Nianbai finally arrived."

"You kid, tear me down!"

Li Nianbai blushed in embarrassment, and glared at Zhong Xiaoman. Zhong Xiaoman felt a little puzzled, but he was relieved to see that his brother was safe and well.

"It turns out that Xiaoman met you, and you came here."

There was a rare smile on Zhong Li's cold face.

Li Nianbai clasped his hands on his shoulders, coughed a few times, and said: "Zhongli, this demon envoy is only as good as these puppets. Didn't you improve a lot in the spirit world? How did you end up in such a mess?"

"Worried? Who said I was embarrassed? His puppets are not afraid of the stars and thunders at all. Of course, even if you don't take action, I can kill this demon. You should know that I have the real Taiji diagram. Trapped, even true demons cannot escape!"

Zhong Li snorted coldly.

"Tai Chi Diagram is an innate treasure, it can indeed trap real demons, but with your current strength, it is estimated that at most you can trap demon emissaries."

Li Nianbai said with a smile, Zhongli didn't say anything more, after tidying up the silk threads and puppets on the ground, he went to Jiuhuang City together with Li Nianbai and Zhong Xiaoman.


"What? Niu San, Ma Si, the two demon envoys and their demon guards were all wiped out? Qi Rou, are you kidding me?"

In the abandoned factory, Wei Wuya was furious!With a wave of his sleeve, a large crater exploded on the ground.

Qi Rou's face was extremely pale, she nodded, and said, "How could I be joking? I led more than 1000 evil spirits, and many ghost hunter ghosts, all of which were taken away. That kid Zhong Yuan can summon ghosts from the underworld." Second-rank ghost messengers, the strength of this second-rank ghost messengers is not weaker than your demon messengers, and moreover, this barrier has been placed by a strong man in the Huangtian Pavilion with six Ding Liujia divine general talismans."

"Six Ding Liujia Divine General Talisman? Zhong Yuan? Wasn't he injured by my Gorefiend Sickle? Why did he still appear in the Huangtian Pavilion?"

Wei Wuya tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, and asked questions with a ferocious expression on his face.

Qi Rou smiled wryly, and continued: "Huangtian Pavilion has disciples from the lineage of ghost doctors, and there are also mountain ghosts. How can the wounds of the Gorefiend sickle not be cured? The envoy of the three demons of Niu should have been killed by Zhong Yuan, but that Ma Si was killed by a big monster, and what's more serious, Zhong Yuan has already made a declaration of war against us, we guess..."

After finishing speaking, Qi Rou took another look at Wei Wuya, Xin'er next to her, and another demon envoy, and shook her head helplessly.

"No, something happened to the Buddha!"

The other demon suddenly let out a scream, and there was a muffled sound in his chest, as if something was shattered.

"Xuanfeng, what happened to him?"

Xin'er next to her changed her face and spoke.

"It is estimated that he has already fallen. His Primordial Spirit card is shattered in my place. Only when he falls completely will the Primordial Spirit card crack."

Xuanfeng's voice became extremely gloomy.

Wei Wuya stared at Qi Rou with red eyes, and asked, "Don't you get any news from the ghosts you have placed around?"

Qi Rou shook her head, with a look of doubt on her face, and said: "No, no one has come out of the Huangtian Pavilion now, and the accident of the Buddha Demon Envoy must not be related to the Huangtian Pavilion."

After Wei Wuya stood for a long time, he said with a gloomy face: "How is it impossible? Didn't you say before that Zhongli and Li Nianbai did not return to Jiuhuang City, and the Buddha Demon Envoy was probably shot by one of them?" Maybe kill him."

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