Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 415 [Pavilion Master]

Shui Yingluo suddenly stretched out her hand to grab at her waist, a strange radiance flickered around her waist, and at some point there was an extra scroll in her hand. With a dignified look on her face, she slowly pulled her hands down, glanced at the scroll, He looked at me carefully again, his eyes were shining brightly.

"You are actually the reincarnation of this mighty man? Yes, it must be so, otherwise no one will be able to mend the gossip seal!"

She threw the picture scroll into the air, and the picture scroll stopped in mid-air, and the contents of the scroll appeared one by one.

In the picture is a man wearing a brocade robe. Seeing the impression of this man, I am sure that this is Huang Tian.

"You said you were the seal guardian, what is going on?"

She mentioned before that she guards the gossip seal by herself, so she should know a lot of things.

Seeing my question, Shui Yingluo didn't hesitate at all. She reached out and grabbed the scroll, and said slowly, "Our water snake clan has been guarding Taihu Lake many years ago and was ordered to guard the gossip seal. , After my grandmother passed away, I will guard you, you fell on the seal before, I thought you wanted to break the seal, so I shot you."

"You mean, someone broke the seal before? Do you know who the other party is?"

I was slightly startled, and asked.

Shui Yingluo shook her head, and the long hair behind her swayed:

"I don't know who the other party is, but the other party seriously injured my grandmother, but my grandmother also defeated the other party. Unfortunately, the other party still destroyed part of the seal. Grandma said that the gossip seal is all-encompassing. A small part can also operate freely, as long as it is well guarded in the future, there will be no major problems. The other party obviously does not want the grandmother to know his true identity, and has not met with his true face.

These are not important, the opponent is also desperately trying to destroy the gossip seal. Originally, the strength of the grandmother is almost the same as the opponent, but the power of the gossip can restrain both sides. Use the secret technique of self-injury eight hundred and one thousand enemies to kill this beast. "

Speaking of this, a trace of mist appeared in Shui Yingluo's eyes. The water snake clan was originally very prosperous, but there were very few people who had truly enlightened their spiritual wisdom, and these enlightened spiritual wisdom had to shoulder such a heavy responsibility. It is pitifully small, she has cultivated for more than 1000 years, and has the blood of the ancient Xuanshui Black Snake in her body, so she is much stronger than other water snakes.

Her grandmother was an ordinary water snake, but she worked very hard and practiced profoundly. She was invincible in Taihu Lake. If she hadn't met the person who broke the seal, she would never have fallen.

"I have successfully repaired the seal, but this seal is still in Taihu Lake, so you still need to guard it. By the way, you have seen the monsters in Jiuhuang City? Most of Jiuhuang City is surrounded by Taihu Lake. You should know How much."

Thinking of the monsters in Jiuhuang City, I still can't let go of them. If these monsters have never dispersed in Jiuhuang City, it is inevitable that there will be no problems.

Not all monsters will be able to restrain themselves well like Ning Qingyang and Shui Yingluo. Some monsters that have not long transformed can hardly change their habits, and in their eyes, human beings are just like food. Same.

Shui Yingluo glanced at the direction of Jiuhuang City, frowned slightly, and after a while, she spoke:

"There is a green snake inside that is almost as good as mine. I don't know about the rest of the monsters, because I am only in charge of this area. The other side of Jiuhuang City faces the mountains. If there are other monsters entering Jiuhuang City, it should be over there."

"No wonder Ning Qingyang is hard to find these days. It turned out that I came to look for you in Taihu Lake. Since you are the guardian of the gossip seal, let's forget about it."

The green lotus under Li Nianbai disappeared slowly, and landed steadily on my white cloud.

"Is this water area under your control?"

If this water area is under her control, it will be of great help to me.

When Shui Yingluo heard this, she had some doubts in her eyes, she shook her head and said, "This water area is under the control of the City God, and I'm just a water snake demon."

"Well, if you devote yourself to cultivating, remember not to want to kill rashly. If the sky is punished by thunder, you can go to Jiuhuang City to find our Huangtian Pavilion for protection."

I said calmly, since the water snake clan was ordered by the emperor to guard the seal here many years ago, then I should also protect them and let them survive.

"Yingluo knows that now that the seal has been completely repaired, if there are no accidents, Yingluo can relax for a while."

Shui Yingluo pursed her lips and said with a smile.

"Okay, we have been out for a while, so we will return to Jiuhuang City first."

I pinched Fajue and went straight to the shore. When I got to the woods, I saw the two sisters, Konghuahua and Huahua, chatting. Then I used my spatial power to return to the Huangtian Pavilion.

The current appearance of Huangtian Pavilion has changed drastically, and it has become a great spectacle in Jiuhuang City. During the day, the vines spreading on the walls retract, and at night, these vines will grow again, and Jin Linglong used the mountain ghost stick to The transformed giant tree absorbs the aura of nature, surrounded by clusters of flowers and plants, it is also a summer resort in the hot summer.

The surrounding communities had already become ownerless, but after the intervention of human government forces, they began to operate and develop. Of course, these things must be approved by us, and they gradually know about the Huangtian Pavilion. sharp.

If there was no Huangtian Pavilion, there would be no Jiuhuang City as it is now. As soon as I returned to the Huangtian Pavilion, I saw a fat, middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes standing downstairs. This middle-aged man, in such a hot summer, He was still wearing a suit jacket, his leather shoes were polished shiny, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses were on the bridge of his nose. Behind him stood two powerful men in sunglasses.

Seeing me and Li Nianbai coming, the fat white man immediately greeted us with a smile.

"Pavilion Master, you are finally here."

He smiled and stared at me and Li Nianbai, the man in sunglasses behind him was still carrying a lot of things.

"Mayor Qiu, isn't my cousin Zhongli taking care of everything in Huangtian Pavilion? How could he find me?"

I glanced at this white and fat man, strode upstairs, he followed me closely, and said at the same time:

"I have some important matters to discuss with the pavilion master. Now I, Qiu Hai, is also the mayor of Jiuhuang City. According to the above, the department that manages supernatural forces has always been intervened by the Ghost Hunters Alliance. Every city will have a branch. However, there are many problems in the branches of many cities. It is said that some ghost hunters disappeared for no reason, and some died inexplicably. Our Jiuhuang City is much luckier than them, except for the new ghost hunters. In addition to the re-entry of the Ghost Hunter Division, there is also such a powerful force as your Huangtian Pavilion."

"If you have something to say, just say it, you bastard, don't blame me for throwing you down!"

Stopping in front of the door, Li Nianbai put his hands on his hips, and opened his mouth pretending to be fierce.

"Let's go in and talk."

I twisted open the door and walked in. The seal issue was finally resolved today. In a few days, I will be able to go to the mountain and sea realm. Of course, the prerequisite for entering the mountain and sea realm is that I break through the sixth belief ring and reach the seventh belief The ring, in this way, will be more sure, so I will not deal with these trivial matters, but concentrate on cultivation.

However, I was in a good mood today, so I looked at the medicine sold in Mayor Qiu's gourd, and came here in person, and brought such a generous gift.

"Hua Hua, make tea!"

Looking at the two sisters, Konghuahua and Huahua, who followed behind me, I said, after all, Qiu Hai is the mayor of Jiuhuang City, and our Huangtian Pavilion is also in Jiuhuang City, so we still have to give this thin noodles.

Some time ago, the Ghost Hunter Alliance unexpectedly sent Wu Tianxing and many ghost hunter disciples back to Jiuhuang City, and stationed in the original Ghost Hunter Alliance branch.

Wu Tianxing is my good friend, and it is very likely that he is Wu Huang'er's half-brother. If we have any misunderstandings about the alliance, we will not really take action against the Ghost Hunter Alliance branch, but Wu Huang'er Girl, my cousin is very busy now, so I went to meet my half-brother at the Ghost Hunters Alliance branch. It can be said that because of Wu Tianxing, my cousin is a lot more relaxed for the time being.

Luo Yue'er is not like Wu Huang'er, she is more calm than Wu Huang'er, and in summer, she can hardly get out of closed doors, in such a scorching day, if she appears outside more, it will consume a bit of her ice power She tried her best, but she persisted, she just didn't turn back to the original place of the snowy land.

After the wolf was injured, the relationship between Little Silver and him got closer, and he didn't seem to want to go back to Snowy Land.

Mayor Qiu Hai sat down on the sofa not far from me, and the two bodyguards behind him followed him, one left and one right. Seeing this scene, I couldn't help laughing.

He looked at me inexplicably, stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and asked puzzledly:

"Why is the Pavilion Master laughing?"

"You two bodyguards do have some martial arts background, but in our Huangtian Pavilion, do you think that if we really want to hurt you, your two bodyguards will be able to work?"

I grabbed a fragrant pear from the coffee table, took a bite, and said softly.

Seeing me asking such a question, Qiu Haishi's face became more solemn. After looking around, his voice became much softer: "Pavilion Master, you misunderstood. Power is not very useful, but it is still okay to deal with some ordinary people. Now I want to tell you about the branch of the Ghost Hunters Alliance. I know that the relationship between Huangtian Pavilion and the Ghost Hunters Alliance is very bad, but A ghost hunter has already had an accident in Jiuhuang City, so I can't get involved, the person who can assassinate a ghost hunter is definitely not an ordinary character, and I can only find you."

"Something happened to the Ghost Hunters Alliance, Wu Tianxing didn't come to find us, but he entrusted you to do so? It's a joke."

Li Nianbai said with a cold snort, but Mayor Qiu Hai showed embarrassment, pursed his lips, and continued:

"Elder Wu Tianxing also doesn't want to embarrass the Pavilion Master..."

"You can tell the truth, if you don't tell the truth, you can go."

I glanced at Mayor Qiu Hai coldly, and said in a deep voice.

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