Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 416 [Tricks]

Kong Huahua brought over a tea tray, which contained my favorite Xue Rui. This kind of tea is a famous tea unique to the Snowy Land. Last time I went to Binghuo Lake, I found this kind of tea tree on the island. I fell in love with it, I didn't expect Luo Shui'er to bring me so many after coming over from there.

After hearing my words, Mayor Qiu Hai's face became extremely serious. After looking around, he said:

"Elder Wu Tianxing of the Ghost Hunter Alliance has already begun to investigate this matter. Although it is being carried out secretly, this person died in Jiuhuang City. As the mayor, I can't ignore it. I have no way to break it. How to explain this case? Besides, this is still a matter of human life."

After Kong Huahua handed me a cup of tea, she said with a smile:

"Then why do you have to find our Huangtian Pavilion? Maybe it was killed by the enemies."

"The problem is this. The ghost hunter who died has no enemies at all. This is the first time he has come to the branch of the Ghost Hunter Alliance in Jiuhuang City, and it is also the first time he has entered the city center of Jiuhuang City. , there is even more weird thing, the soul of this ghost hunter has disappeared completely, you should be very clear, the soul of a ghost hunter is very powerful, even if he dies, he can still serve as a ghost in the underworld, and he can even take the initiative to find hunters People from the Ghost Masters Alliance branch, but none of these."

Qiu Hai touched his chin and said in a low voice.

"Disappeared completely? How is it possible? Could it be that the soul has disappeared? Also, you know a lot about ghost hunters. That kid Wu Tianxing told you everything? How much did you give him? the benefits of?"

Li Nianbai didn't seem to want to see Qiu Hai, and talked back every sentence.

Qiu Hai blushed, coughed a few times, and said:

"Although I'm just an ordinary person, I heard that practicing this kind of secret technique can have the effect of longevity. Elder Wu said that my aptitude is low. Even if he gave me the elixir, it won't improve much, but there can be a slight improvement. Hope, I will not give up, I can be regarded as his closed disciple, and the benefits will naturally give me a lot."

"What a money-minded guy, but it fits his character."

I took a sip of my tea and smiled.

"Now the ghost hunters in the ghost hunter alliance dare not enter Jiuhuang City without authorization. He wants me to remind you, be careful, Pavilion Master, if you agree to intervene in the management of this matter, this land is yours, how can you?" ?”

Qiu Hai gritted his teeth and spoke.

This residential area was originally close to the city center, and most of the people who settled in later, because of the protection of the Huangtian Pavilion, were active in the vicinity and rebuilt. Compared with the center, it is more lively and prosperous, and it is centered on our Huangtian Pavilion , the surrounding low prices only increase but not to mention, even the city government is built next to it.

Now this piece of land is entrusted to me. To be honest, it is very attractive.

"Yes, but you have to tell me the situation in detail."

I nodded and agreed that if this matter is not resolved, the other party will very likely kill us, Your Excellency the Emperor, and we will suffer disaster sooner or later, so it is better to take advantage of the benefits and take action in time.

Mayor Qiu Hai thought for a moment before he sorted out his thoughts, and said slowly:

"The ghost hunter was found on Wangfu Street, and he died in the early morning. His body was intact and there was no sign of a fight. Even his expression was very peaceful. He was lying on the main street of Wangfu Street. I checked Yes, his ghost-hunting tools are all there. Later, I contacted Elder Wu Tianxing and learned the reason why he appeared here. Because a business was haunted, so I came to deal with it. Later, I also went to the business and asked some questions. In this situation, it was the ghost of a businessman who caused the trouble, but because the current businessman occupied his house, he did evil and was subdued..."

"Isn't Wangfu Street a pedestrian street? Are you sure you died on the pedestrian street without any signs of a fight?"

I frowned, what the hell is going on?Could it be that this ghost hunter has some kind of disease?No, if he had some kind of disease, the ghost hunter wouldn't come out to accept the task at all.

Mayor Qiu Hai shook his head and said, "Of course I'm sure. How could I hide such a serious matter?"

"Then besides the death of this ghost hunter, are there any other signs? Or, is there any other death?"

Li Nianbai next to him asked.

"No, except for this ghost hunter, no one died, and the pedestrian street was originally considered peaceful."

Qiu Hai sighed, his complexion was very bad, and he even had dark circles under his eyes. It was obvious that this matter had troubled him for a while, so he suddenly clapped his hands and said excitedly:

"Could people from the Blood Soul Sect do it? Although the Blood Soul Sect has retreated from Jiuhuang City, they have established a sect on the nearby mountain range."

I snorted coldly and said bluntly:

"It can't be the Blood Soul Sect. I know the suzerain of the Blood Soul Sect. Even if their people appear in Jiuhuang City, they are still managing some of the Blood Soul Sect's foundation in Jiuhuang City. Otherwise, what would they eat? No evidence has been found in the future. But don't doubt them."


Seeing how excited I was, Mayor Qiu Hai immediately shut up.

"Well, you go back first, I will handle this matter myself, Wangfu Street, right? I want to see who is behind this, who dares to make a move in the sphere of influence of our Huangtian Pavilion, this is undoubtedly a direct attack like ours. Declare war, mayor, you go back first, I want to hold a meeting on this matter."

I stood up and spoke.

"Well, well, this matter will trouble the Pavilion Master."

Mayor Qiu Hai was overjoyed when he heard this, and left with two bodyguards, but before leaving, he drank up the Xuerui tea in one gulp, as if it was some kind of panacea.

"Nianbai, what do you think?"

I turned around, looked at Li Nianbai who was lying on the sofa thinking, and asked.

He raised his head, and there was some doubt in his eyes, but he still spoke: "According to the situation he described, let me conclude that the one who attacked this ghost hunter should not be an ordinary mortal. Killing, so I ruled it out. The other party may be a very powerful ghost hunter. He killed this ghost hunter directly with secret techniques, but it seems impossible. If this is the case, he will be discovered by Wu Tianxing, but he is not No, could it be some monster hiding in Nine Desolation City?

These monsters are big monsters in human form, and I heard from my father that there is a kind of monster that devours people's souls, called the Soul Eater, which can seduce people's souls without anyone noticing, if this Soul Eater If you have profound knowledge, you can kill this ghost hunter. "

"If there is a soul eater, why no one else died? And only the ghost hunter?"

Kong Huahua next to her twisted her waist, came to the sofa, and sat down.

"I don't know about that. Maybe it's because the ghost hunter's soul is strong enough, and ordinary people don't like the soul eater at all."

Li Nianbai explained somewhat far-fetchedly.

"It can't be a monster, right? If it is a monster, they will not know the existence of the Huangtian Pavilion. These monsters will not challenge the Huangtian Pavilion. If they want to do this kind of thing, they have done it long ago. Why did they wait until now?"

Kong Ling'er next to him spoke.

"Everyone, don't think too much, read Bai, you go and inform everyone that we will hold a meeting after dinner tonight."

I walked towards the room. Recently, I had a very special feeling, as if the model of the seventh ring of faith was faintly condensed, and I had to hurry up and practice.

An afternoon passed quickly.

In the evening, a certain hotel box near the Huangtian Pavilion was full of people sitting around the big round table, and this time basically all the people gathered.

I glanced at the people around me, and said to Lianxiang, "Miss Lianxiang, why didn't you see Lingdi?"

Lian Xiang smiled slightly, and said, "Lian Sheng recently got married to a girl, and is now shopping with her. Don't worry, I will notify him in time if anything happens."

"Shopping? Where do you go shopping?"

I was slightly taken aback, and my heart suddenly tightened, with a vague premonition.

"Of course it's Wangfu Street. That girl is from another city. Liansheng said that she will leave Jiuhuang City soon, so he walked with her."

Seeing my solemn expression, Lianxiang stiffened her smile, and said again:

"Zhong Yuan, what's important? You want us all to gather here?"

"You should inform him first to see if you can contact him. Some time ago, a ghost hunter was inexplicably killed on Wangfu Street, and even his soul did not escape the catastrophe. I guess someone is secretly telling us about it in the Huangtian Pavilion. Declare war, this ghost hunter is just a scapegoat, and it will be our turn next."

I tightly held the teacup in my hand. If there is no soul left, then the other party will be completely lost. Even if there is five-color magic mud, it is impossible to revive.

Lianxiang has already taken out her mobile phone, with an anxious expression on her face, I can see her arms shaking slowly, and even dialed the wrong number several times, just when she took a deep breath, her mobile phone rang suddenly , Seeing the caller ID, Lianxiang breathed a sigh of relief, then raised the phone and showed it to us, I saw it, the caller ID was Liansheng.

She pressed the connect button and put the phone to her ear.

In the next second, Lianxiang's face suddenly darkened, and after a while, she squeezed the phone and exploded. She stood up with a bang, and ran out of the box.

"Everyone, don't act rashly. Nianbai and I follow Lianxiang, no, and Jiang He, you come too. Cousin, you stay here. The enemy just wants to break us down. I will communicate with you if there is anything wrong. Yours, please tell them what Mayor Qiu Hai told me this afternoon, read it, Jiang He, take your medical kit, let's go!"

Now letting Lianxiang run out alone is definitely dangerous, I have to follow her, the other party can kill a ghost hunter without anyone noticing, presumably she must be an extraordinary person.

I only hope that Liansheng will not have an accident, and Jiang He is brought along to be able to treat the wounded.

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