Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 418 [Black Gu Leafy]

This pattern looks like a bug, very weird, and the marks drawn around it combine to look like weird human faces.

Qiu Hai felt his heart beating non-stop, and his palms were full of sweat. In the end, he slowly let go of his hand, left the drawer, and said with a smile on his face:

"Patriarch Duoye, what kind of grievances do you have with these ghost hunters? You might as well make it clear that everyone is happy to be able to resolve it."

Xue Qiang suddenly smiled, and slowly said: "The soul of a ghost hunter is very powerful, suitable for feeding holy insects, how can ordinary souls compare?"

"You kill ghost masters just to make offerings to this holy insect? This is human life!"

Qiu Hai spoke with a slightly surprised face.

"Hmph, if you hunt and kill ordinary people, I know you will pursue them, but ghost hunters are different. Their identities are very secret and will not be made public, so their death is only a matter of the ghost hunter alliance. The scope of the involvement is not wide. If you want to use the souls of ordinary people to raise them, it is estimated that you will have to kill ten ordinary people to be equivalent to an ordinary ghost hunter. You should turn a blind eye to this matter, or I will kill you. The holy bug inside the box will devour your soul!"

Duoye walked up to Qiu Hai, shook the sandalwood box in his hand, with a gloomy expression on his face.

Qiu Hai struggled a little, paused, and said, "Since this is the case, then it is aimed at ghost hunters. How could you attack the people in Huangtian Pavilion?"

Duoye laughed, put away the sandalwood box in his hand, took the cigarette stick from Xue Qiang's hand, and said, "Because the people in Huangtian Pavilion should die, they actually protect the traitors of our black Miao clan!"

Xue Qiang frowned when he heard this.

"Xue Qiang, how does it feel to kill your sister who is related to you by blood?"

Patriarch Duoye looked at Xue Qiang with a smile, Xue Qiang's eyes were a bit painful, he closed his eyes slowly, clenched his fists tightly, and said, "Patriarch, my sister made a mistake, but you don't have to kill all those ordinary people, right? , and there are several powerful ghost hunters among them, if the people of Huangtian Pavilion find out, they will definitely die endlessly, we have almost no other means to harm them except the holy insects."

"What are you afraid of? It won't be long before the holy insect will evolve, and the souls of the ghost hunters in that village are extremely powerful, so that the holy insect has gradually opened up its spiritual wisdom, and the holy insect sucks human souls. I feel that the other party doesn’t even know he’s dead.”

Duoye smiled coldly, the murderous look in her eyes was full.

Qiu Hai felt his fur all over his body explode, and after a little thought appeared on his face, he looked at Duoye in disbelief, and said, "Village? Which village are you talking about? Could it be the hometown of the owner of the Huangtian Pavilion? By the way, it must be, you killed the people in that village?"

"Of course, is it necessary to lie to you? All the souls of the villagers have been sucked by the holy insects. Now that you know our methods, if you still dare to make any moves, don't worry about us. Let's go, at this time, they are probably too busy to win, so let's break them one by one."

Duoye looked at Xue Qiang with a smile, turned around and left the mayor's office, and walked out. Xue Qiang followed closely behind him. Just as Qiu Hai stood up, he suddenly felt a cramping pain in his abdomen.

"You have been planted with the Three Corpse Insect Gu. If you are obedient, the antidote will be given to you every month."

Duoye's voice gradually faded away, Qiu Hai's mouth was opened wide, his eyes were blank, and then he collapsed on the sofa chair.


When I arrived at Wangfu Street and saw the crowds, I was a little confused. Where is Liansheng?

I turned on Lianxiang's cell phone and dialed the number.

"Is it Sister Lianxiang, come and save Liansheng, he is unconscious, what should I do now?"

The other party was a female voice, and it sounded flustered, but the voice over there was not very noisy. Could it be that it was no longer on Wangfu Street?

"I'm not Lianxiang, where are you now? I can hurry there."

"Not sister Lianxiang? Then you are?"

The other party obviously became vigilant, and his voice became much lower, but the other party seemed to answer very smoothly, as if he had expected it long ago.

"I'm their friend. Don't ask me who I am. Since I can get Lianxiang's phone, it can also prove that our relationship is not trivial. Now tell me where you are."

My voice is a little cold.

If I'm not wrong, this woman should not be simple, or in other words, this is a trap set by her. Originally, Lianxiang was lured into the bait, but now something happened to Lianxiang.

If this incident was done by the same force, then they should have already prepared a countermeasure. Now that Lianxiang has an accident, I don't want to disappoint her, let her brother also have an accident.

"Wangfu Street, Central Alley... Come here quickly, I'm afraid Liansheng won't be able to hold on anymore."

As soon as the voice finished speaking, it hung up.

I smiled, holding the sword barrel of the Fumo Sword in my hand, poured into the crowd, and went straight to the central alley.

There are indeed many boxes around Wangfu Avenue, why is the other party in this central alley?Aren't you afraid of being noticed?When I walked to the central alley, I suddenly understood.

The alley was pitch black, and there was only a dim street lamp at the far end of the alley. The people around had no intention of entering this alley at all.

I lifted my foot and stepped in, and when I turned back, the scene behind had become blurred for a while.

"You are sister Lianxiang's friend? Then, you are also from Huangtian Pavilion."

A female voice came from not far away.

I glanced at the distance, and soon saw a person lying under the street lamp, that person was pale and handsome, who else could it be if it wasn't Liansheng?The girl next to her was wearing a minority costume, with a blood-red scarf wrapped around her forehead. Her facial features were short-sleeved, and her eyes were bright.

I walked up a few steps, and after a few meters away, I listened.

There was a rancid smell around me, and I held my breath immediately. The smell was not strong, and it was hard for ordinary people to detect it, but I was very aware of the smell, and judging from the girl's dress, it was actually similar to blood. Wei, the bloody grandma is somewhat similar.

Just as he was about to say something, there was a buzzing sound from the surroundings. There are really many mosquitoes this summer, but this is the alley where the palace was robbed, and there are cleaning aunts to clean it up on weekdays, so why are there so many mosquitoes?

Suddenly, I felt that I was bitten on the neck, and I slapped it, killing the mosquito, and immediately became a little dizzy.

Horrified, he immediately activated the ghost-hunting power in his body to keep himself awake. This is not an ordinary mosquito, or in other words, it is not a mosquito.

The girl stared at me with a smile on her face. Seeing that I was still standing there, her smile faded slightly, her face became gloomy, and she spoke again:

"It's not bad. After being bitten by a blood mosquito, it's still able to persevere!"

After finishing speaking, there was loud buzzing around, and more blood streaks flew towards me.

"You are a member of the Gu Miao Black Gu branch, what do you want to do?!"

I was furious in my heart, the demonic energy in my dantian was billowing, and I was covered with purple gold demonic fire protection. As soon as these blood streaks fell into the flames, they were immediately burned.

Seeing that her own blood streaks were completely burnt, the girl stood up and said in a cold voice:

"You're quite capable, and you even know that I'm a member of the Black Gu branch, but you can't escape from here today, all of you people in the Huangtian Pavilion will die, and sacrificing your souls to the holy insects is your final destination! "

"Then let's see if you have the ability!"

Stretching out his hand to press the sword barrel of Fumojian, the long sword sticks out, and a layer of faint silver light flows from it.

"Devil Demon Sword? So you are Zhong Yuan, haha, the last three heirs of your Zhong family are in Jiuhuang City. As long as they are extinct, the ghost hunters of the Zhong family will disappear completely. That bitch Xuewei is still alive." I want to hide it, but how can I defeat our means?"

The girl stuck out her tongue, licked her scarlet lips, and said with a smile.

"Three? Xuewei? You went to my hometown?"

I trembled slightly in my heart, feeling a little uneasy, but I couldn't say anything.

The girl nodded, and still said with a smile on her face: "Of course, all the souls of your old family members have been dedicated to the Holy Insect. How can you be an exception? How dare you shelter a traitor from the Black Gu branch!"

"Impossible! My father, uncle and Grandpa Man are all in the village. They are powerful ghost hunters. Nothing will happen, absolutely not!"

I shook my head, clenched my fists tightly, and kept comforting myself that my father and the others are very capable, and nothing will happen to them!

"What if we attack them while they are sleeping? Saint insects are not ordinary things. They are Gu insects that specialize in sucking souls. Moreover, it is impossible for the other party to find out. It is impossible for anyone to escape. Well, the time is up, You will also be reduced to a snack for the holy insects!"

The girl clapped her hands and looked at me who was furious. At this time, there seemed to be a change in the walls on both sides, and dense black shadows rushed towards me. It actually pierced through these black shadows, but couldn't hurt them. Soon, these black shadows pounced on me, directly piercing through the purple gold magic fire.

I couldn't see the appearance of these black shadows clearly, but these black shadows opened their mouths one after another, gnawing at me.

A sharp pain spread from my body, but I couldn't resist it at the moment.

Because these black shadows are not monsters at all, and they are not afraid of flames, neither the magic fire nor the demon sword have any effect.

"The taste of these Shadow Gu is not bad, haha, patriarch Duoye is really good, I can completely deal with this guy by myself, when you come here, I will settle it long ago."

After finishing speaking, he ignored me, but squatted down, looked at Liansheng with a smile, and stretched out his hand to touch Liansheng's face.

I could see Liansheng's slightly rising and falling chest. He was still alive.

But in the next second, it made me extremely angry. The girl actually took out a dagger from her arms, then raised it up like a bravado, shook it at me, and then ruthlessly pierced Liansheng's chest .

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