Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 419 [Sister and Brother Catastrophe]

But before the dagger was pierced, the girl suddenly froze, her eyes widened and she stared ahead, her pupils gradually became dilated, and even her breathing began to become restricted. A sharp blood-colored steel needle, with a faint purple glow still shining on the needle, but the needle was not stained with a trace of blood.

When the girl died, the Shadow Gu around me also disappeared at this moment.

With a whoosh, the steel needle was pulled out from behind, and then the girl fell to the ground, motionless.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Waiting for the head of the Hei Miao clan to come in person?"

Wei Xiaoqing put away the Wuji Needle and stared at me with a smile on her face. Although she was smiling, her eyes seemed to be dodging.

"Why are you here? Let's not talk too much. This alley has been tampered with. It is estimated that it will return to its original state soon. This corpse cannot be left here, otherwise it will be another trouble."

I dissipated the demonic flames around me, and walked towards Wei Xiaoqing, she was still wearing a purple shirt and skirt, her skin was as creamy, and a fishy and sweet fragrance wafted from her tender body.

Hearing this, Wei Xiaoqing grinned, revealing her snow-white teeth. With a flick of her fingertips, a wisp of purple flames fell on the girl's tender body. The purple fire ignited and quickly turned into a big fire. There was an explosion sound, as if something had exploded.

"It really needs to be burned. There are still a lot of Gu hidden in this guy. If you don't burn them, these Gu insects will become ownerless things. No one can control them. Instead, they will endanger ordinary people. Now they are completely burned. , Alright, go back quickly, as you heard, the patriarch of the Hemiao clan is going to bring the holy insects, the holy insects can invisibly suck people's souls, and they will not be discovered, it is very dangerous."

Wei Xiaoqing stretched out his hand and waved at the fire under his feet, and the purple fire disappeared.

I reached out to hold Liansheng's chest, my heart was still beating, there was no wound on my body, but my breathing was weak, I immediately stretched out my hand to resist him, and put my back behind my back.

"Come with me, go from here!"

Wei Xiaoqing beckoned from me, then walked deeper into the box, I hesitated, this guy could be a fake.

"Zhong Yuan, in this world, besides the two of us, who can cast Wuji magic fire? And this Wuji Liangyi needle is also fake? Go, this alley is not a dead end."

She smiled mischievously, turned around and went inside again, and her figure quickly merged into the night.

Thinking about it carefully, yes, no one can copy these things, she should be the real Wei Xiaoqing, although I don't understand why she came here.

After leaving Wangfu Street, she found a taxi for me, and then we went back to Huangtian Pavilion together.

I dialed my cousin's mobile phone and learned that Lianxiang had been sent back to Huangtian Pavilion, and all the people had returned. I immediately breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Wei Xiaoqing, and asked, "Why did you come back here?"

Wei Xiaoqing was a little hesitant, not daring to look directly at me, but staring out the window.

This girl definitely has something to hide from me, she has always been straightforward in her actions, why did she become so hesitant this time?

"I went to your hometown to visit your father instead of my master."

Wei Xiaoqing sighed and stared at me.

"In the end, my father, Master Man, my uncle should be fine. Last time I asked my cousin to bring back a few merit fruits. I don't know how my master Man is recovering."

I smiled and looked at her, if Man Ye had taken the merit fruit, his face would be radiant now.

Wei Xiaoqing shook his head, his face was still very solemn, his cherry lips parted slightly and said: "Zhong Yuan, I'm sorry."

"You helped me a lot today, how can you still feel sorry for me?"

I scratched my head and said with a smile.

"Even if it wasn't me, how could those Shadow Gus really do anything to you? When I went to my hometown, they were already... that Black Miao man didn't say a single word."

Wei Xiaoqing forced a smile, and his voice was a little low.

"You mean, all the people in our village were in trouble? Even Man Ye and the others were not spared?"

How could it be false when these words came from Wei Xiaoqing's mouth?She will not lie to me.

Wei Xiaoqing nodded, and said, "Yes, I checked their bodies and stayed in the village for several days, but I didn't see any return of their souls, and I didn't see any messengers from the underworld coming here. It must be the souls of these people. Devoured by the holy insects of the Black Hmong."

"Uncle and the others too? My father is also a strong man in the five rings of faith. How could his soul be swallowed?"

I shook my head and said.

"Zhong Yuan, let's see the facts. I really can't find their souls, and I can't do anything about it. Moreover, according to the investigation of my disciples, the ghost hunter who died before was also killed by them."

Wei Xiaoqing spoke calmly.

"My father, where is my uncle's body buried?"

I felt a little suffocation in my chest, my blood was rushing up, and my brain was buzzing.

"Buried in your yard, Zhong Yuan, I know you are very sad now, but now the head of the Black Miao clan has arrived in Jiuhuang City, and has already started to attack your Huangtian Pavilion. After the accident in my hometown, I will go to Huangtian Pavilion to find you. But your cousin knew that you had already gone to Wangfu Avenue, and with the news from my disciples, I rushed over here. You left before me, but why were you later than me? Also, it wasn’t Li Nianbai, Is Jiang He with you, why are you alone now?"

"On the way to Wangfu Street, Lianxiang's car had an accident. It should be caused by the Black Miao family. I, Zhong Yuan, have no grievances with them. Since I dare to take action against my Zhong family, then the Black Miao family will also do it." Pay the price, have your disciples inquired about the whereabouts of the Hemiao patriarch?"

Although the anger is abnormal now, this potential danger still needs to be resolved.

"No, the people of their Hei Miao clan are very powerful. My people don't dare to follow too closely. They can only follow from a distance. Knowing that he has entered Jiuhuang City, there is another clansman beside him. This female clansman has been killed by me. killed."

Wei Xiaoqing said it lightly, as if killing someone is like crushing an ant.

I didn't speak again, my head was in a mess, I closed my eyes immediately, and suppressed the blood in my body. Now I only have one thought, if I catch this patriarch, I have to smash him to pieces!

When we arrived at the Huangtian Pavilion, the atmosphere was a bit depressing. Jin Linglong and Jiang He were trying their best to rescue Lianxiang. It seemed that Lianxiang had only a broken head, but it was not serious, and only caused a slight vibration; but Lianxiang must have been hit by a Gu poison, otherwise it would be impossible to refuse to wake up.

Just when I carried Liansheng inside and put him on the bed, Liansheng's handsome face suddenly became extremely ferocious. He suddenly opened his eyes, but his eyes were extremely dull, and his hands suddenly pinched towards my neck. How could I? Expected that Liansheng would suddenly attack me?Unable to guard against it, he was strangled by him.

Liansheng's arm was very strong, I didn't break free for a while, he seemed to be a different person, he opened his mouth and bit me.

Wei Xiaoqing stretched out his arm quickly and pinched his chin. I slapped the acupoints on his arm several times, and then I felt his palm loosen, and I immediately backed away, stretching out my foot to press against his abdomen.

Liansheng continued to catch me, Wei Xiaoqing said: "Zhong Yuan, this guy has also been poisoned, if he is not forced out, the consequences will be disastrous."

"But I don't understand...how?"

I broke out in a cold sweat, Liansheng was completely out of control, and became so powerful that the veins on his arms were bulging.

These blue veins seem to be a little different, how can they move?I winked at Xiaoqing, she held the Liangyi needle with one hand, and quickly picked the veins on the arm, a long worm like an earthworm poked out its head, I stretched out my hand to point at the long worm's head Squeeze it, then pull it hard, and it comes out directly.

This long worm is only about half the thickness of my little finger, but it is a foot long. This worm is like a roundworm, but it is more energetic. Among them, the blood-colored long worm kept twisting, and was instantly reduced to ashes in the magic fire.

At this time, Liansheng's arm had already drooped down, and the other arm was also arched and twisted. Besides, it seemed to be on his face, and Wei Xiaoqing and I looked at each other.

"Although the project is a little bit bigger, it's not difficult to pull out these Gu worms on his body. I'm in charge of opening the wound, and you're in charge of catching the worms and destroying them. How about it?"

Wei Xiaoqing stretched out his hand to push Liansheng, then quickly touched Liansheng's chest, and Liansheng remained motionless.

"it is good."

I nodded, stretched out my hand and tore off the clothes on Liansheng's body, and when I saw the densely bulges on his body, my scalp felt numb for a while, how many Gu worms must there be?

The next scene was the two of us pulling out the worms, and the Gu worms were wiped out in my hands. I don't know how long it took before Wei Xiaoqing stopped, while Liansheng's body was bright red, and blood kept flowing from his body down.

"What are you doing?!"

After Jiang He came in, he was startled.

"We have pulled out the Gu worms on his body."

I wiped my sweat and said out of breath.

"Nonsense, can this be useful? These Gu worms reproduce extremely fast. If you pull them out like this, not to mention half of the Gu worm's body is inside, even if it is not, it will bleed to death, let alone there are worms in his body." Eggs, take a look."

Jiang He pointed to Liansheng's chest, and when I looked, I saw his chest bulge slightly again.

"Let me do it, Zhong Yuan, you just need to be responsible for exterminating these Gu worms, Xiaoqing, which iron basin do you want to go to?"

Jiang He rolled up his sleeves and opened his medical box. After hearing the order, Wei Xiaoqing went straight to the iron basin.

"How is Lianxiang?"

I asked with a frown.

After Jiang He's body shook slightly, he slowly said: "I won't be able to wake up in a short time, and I may even become a vegetable. Even if I wake up, my memory will be lost, or my head will become difficult to use. Because this Gu worm is in her brain, although I have expelled it, it is still too late, her brain has been damaged."

(Wu Ti wishes everyone a happy Chinese New Year, a happy family, success and money soon.)

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