Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 420 [Black Miao Holy Insect] Part 1

"Brain damaged?"

I was slightly startled, if this is the case, even if Lianxiang recovers, wouldn't it be...

"Yes, even if you recover, your IQ may be affected to a certain extent. To put it bluntly, you will become a fool, and your memory will also be damaged."

Jiang He sighed, a trace of pity appeared on his resolute face, he had tried his best, if he hadn't rescued him, his whole brain would probably have been eaten by that vicious Gu worm, and his life would have been lost at that time.

At this time, the door was pushed open, and Wei Xiaoqing walked in with an iron basin.

With the help of Jiang He, Liansheng finally got through the difficulty. After Jiang He helped him clean his body, Liansheng was already lying on the bed and fell asleep. Too much, some blood loss is excessive, as long as it is repaired, it can still be recovered, but her sister may not be able to.

I went to the living room and sat down in a daze. The living room did not turn on the lights, only the sound of the air conditioner when it was cooling. I glanced at the balcony, which was covered with a layer of silver because of the moonlight.

"It's getting late, why don't you go to see Xiaoqing off when Xiaoqing is gone?"

My cousin's voice suddenly sounded. He was holding half an apple in his hand, and while chewing, he walked towards me.

Seeing my cousin's face, I thought of my uncle. If it wasn't for my uncle, I would probably still be ignorant. I stayed in the small village with Heipang, but now my uncle is dead. Does my cousin know?

"I said what's the matter with you? The blood on your body hasn't been cleaned."

My cousin sat next to my sofa, grabbed the fruit bowl on the coffee table, and got another apple in his hand. He bit it lightly, and the sound of chewing sounded in the night sky, which was a bit ear-piercing.

"Xiaoqing didn't tell you about the village?"

I looked at my cousin slightly sideways. There were silver-rimmed glasses on my cousin's nose, and there was a gleam of light in the lenses. Through the lenses, I saw his black and shiny eyes, and there was a trace of doubt in them.

"The patriarch of the black gu has already been to our village. He originally wanted to settle the score with Xue Wei and Grandma Xue, but the souls of my father, uncle, and Grandpa Man were all swallowed up by the holy insects of the black seedlings..."


The apple in my cousin's hand was crushed by him, and the juice splashed everywhere. He gritted his teeth and said, "Really."

There was a slight tremor in the voice, although I tried my best to hide it, I glanced at my cousin, the veins on my cousin's forehead had protruded, and he looked a little hideous.


I nodded, and then there was silence, endless silence.

After an hour, my cousin spoke again:

"What are you going to do?"

"Naturally find this black gu patriarch to settle accounts! Maybe he is planning now, how to deal with us, we have to be careful tonight, Linglong should be guarding on the giant mountain ghost tree now."

I glanced outside the balcony and asked.

"Well, yes, the green vine barrier has been opened, it should be..."


Suddenly there was a loud noise outside, my cousin and I stood up, went straight to the balcony, looked out from the balcony, the original emerald green barriers outside were withering quickly at this moment, the huge mountain ghost stick that had turned into The tree also disappeared, and there was a figure standing there, it was Jin Linglong who had transformed into a mountain ghost. She was holding the mountain ghost staff and dancing non-stop, but even this could not stop the withering of these barriers.

"It's amazing. The six Ding Liujia runes have been destroyed, and the regeneration power of these vines is very strong, but now they can't stop it. It should be the patriarch himself."

I was slightly startled, and said in a deep voice.

Since this is the case, the opponent is not using ordinary means, at least not the means of spells and ghost control.

In the next second, Jin Linglong suddenly became unsteady, as if she would fall down at any moment.

"Cousin, let's see what's going on!"

I was slightly startled in my heart, I took out the Subduing Demon Sword from the Vulcan ring space, and held it tightly, nothing else would happen to Jin Linglong.

The cousin's eyes turned slightly, and immediately turned into a black and white yin-yang fish. Tai Chi turned, and two rays of light shot out, sinking into the void.

After a while, the cousin said with a gloomy face: "No, that holy insect is sucking her soul, but this holy insect can hide its body shape, and outsiders can't see it. Now I will make this holy insect appear. You Go deal with it!"

After finishing speaking, the cousin's eyes had completely turned into chaos, and above Jin Linglong's head, a golden beetle emerged. This beetle was as big as a piglet, and its whole body was golden.

I tapped my toes, performed a light body technique and jumped down from the upstairs, and at the same time shouted in a low voice: "The third rune circle is activated, killing spirit!"

With a flick of the wrist, the scarlet sword energy went straight towards the golden-armored holy insect, and the scarlet sword energy turned into a giant dragon more than ten feet long in midair. This dragon did not directly spray out the sword rain, but twisted its body I jumped down and bit it, opened my big mouth, and bit the golden beetle fiercely, and I also took this opportunity to go straight to Jin Linglong.

When I got to her side, I found that Jin Linglong's expression was very painful, and her face was extremely pale. If it wasn't for the green glow above her head to protect her, she would have been sucked dry by the scarab long ago.

I stretched out my hand and grabbed her to leave the area, only then did Jin Linglong slowly open her eyes, a sliver of clarity recovered from her bewildered eyes.

"Hurry up and go back to the house, and let me handle it here."

I patted her on the shoulder and said.

At this time, there was a sudden violent explosion sound in the distance, and the sword dragon's bloody mouth bit the golden holy insect fiercely, biting all of them, and exploded, densely packed sword rain lasing on the ground, blasting out different sizes. Huge pit.

"Okay, be careful, the enemy is no small matter, very powerful, it should be using Gu worms to erode my green vine barrier, my regeneration power is simply too late to stop it."

Jin Linglong was extremely haggard, as if she had lost all energy, she even staggered when she walked.

Originally, I thought that the sword dragon could completely devour the scarab, but at the moment it was completely fine, the golden light on the surface was only slightly dimmed, and then it rushed towards me and bit me.

I was startled, and once again raised the Subduing Demon Sword, held it with both hands, poured the power of hunting ghosts into it, and shouted:

"The fifth rune circle is opened, and all ten directions are destroyed."

Slashing fiercely at the scarab with a sword, a pale golden sword thread shot out from the blade of the Fumo Sword. At [-] minutes, with this blow, the space is cut.

To cut open the space, the power of the attack must reach a certain peak, other than that, only the foxes in Qingqiu country, tearing the space is their innate supernatural power.


The back of the golden holy worm was cut open, revealing a half-slap wound. The golden juice overflowed from it, fell to the ground, and disappeared strangely. The amazing thing is that the golden juice had a strange fragrance, and I couldn't help swallowing it. Swallow saliva.

"Damn it, you actually hurt the holy bug!"

A very hoarse voice came from afar, which shocked me. At some point, two figures stood at the gate of the community. One tall and one short, both of them had a red scarf around their foreheads. The scarves should all be from the Black Miao family.

"So what if you are injured? You kill innocent people indiscriminately. What grudge does our Zhong family have against you? Even if we want to settle the score, we will go to Xuewei. What does it have to do with us? You killed everyone in the village?"

I yelled at the two of them.

"So what? Of course I'm not targeting your Zhong family, but because your souls are very strong and suitable for raising this holy insect. You can't blame others for this, but you can only control yourself."

The old man said with a smile.

"In this case, then I will destroy the holy insects of your Hei Miao clan, and see what skills you have!"

I snorted coldly and said, "Bone of the real devil, possess me!"

Originally, in order to protect me, the bone of the real demon was injured a lot, and even the whole body was cracked, but after such a long period of cultivation, it has recovered a long time ago, and it is even stronger than usual. I feel that my blood is boiling, and my strength is boundless. I have a feeling that even if I face a cow now, I can tear it apart with my bare hands. This is the blessing of the power of the real devil's bone.

If you really wait until the real devil's bone has cultivated to the realm of Dharma, then you can turn your hands into clouds and turn your hands into rain. The level of power is definitely not what I can grasp now, but it's a pity that it's one step away.

"Do you really think that the holy insects of our Hei Miao clan will be dropped so easily? How naive, our holy insect defense is one of the best among all Gu insects, even if you hurt it now, It also has the ability to recover, don't believe it, you see! And your soul is very powerful, I think the holy insect will like you very much."

The Hei Miao patriarch said with a smile, he doesn't mind me cutting the golden holy insect at all.

I raised my eyes to look at the holy insect, and saw that the wound that had been severed had started to slowly heal now. After a few breaths passed, the back was abnormally clean, as if it hadn't suffered any injuries.

I was startled, at this time the golden scarab rushed towards me again, a little faster than before.

"Want to hurt my master? Don't ask me!"

Kong Huahua's voice suddenly sounded from my side, and a blue light flashed in between, and her graceful figure appeared.

"What are you doing here? Why don't you leave quickly?"

Seeing Kong Huahua, I was very surprised, how could she be the opponent of the holy insects of the Black Miao clan?

Kong Huahua smiled coquettishly, and said calmly, "What are you afraid of? I have a way to trap it!"

After finishing speaking, Kong Huahua stretched out his hand and slashed towards the void. A big opening suddenly opened around the scarab. Inside the opening was chaos. The beetle's plump body was uncontrollable, and it fell into it. When Kong Huahua put his hands together, the crack began to heal slowly.

In the end, the space became extremely calm, as if nothing had happened.

Just as I was about to say a few words to the patriarch, the space began to tremble again.

(In the new year, Wu Ti wishes everyone a happy new year, wishes come true, and family happiness. Also, there are four changes today, and one change a day starting from February.)

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