Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 422 [Madness] Part 3

The dark-skinned young man stood up expressionlessly, staring blankly at the front, he didn't feel the slightest bit of blood flowing from the open wound on his chest.

Upon closer inspection, the black-skinned young man had stopped breathing, and he turned out to be a dead person.

By the way, it must be that Patriarch Duoye sprinkled something into his body just now, which caused this phenomenon to happen, or in other words, he controlled the body of the black-skinned young man and used Gu insects to control it, but even so, How meaningful is it?

This black-skinned young man is always a mortal body, and he can't stop my attack at all. When I think of what they did, I burn with anger.

The sound of incantations from Patriarch Duoye's mouth had stopped, and he didn't intend to fight any more, but turned around and ran towards the gate of the community.

However, several people were already standing at the gate of the community, namely Su Xiaoxiao, Wu Huang'er and Luo Yue'er.

Wu Huang'er held it with one hand, and there was a light blue icicle in the palm of her hand that kept spinning, exuding a cold air; Su Xiaoxiao's fist emitted a silver aura, which was extremely powerful, if I hadn't Remember correctly, the attack of this stellar energy is equivalent to the Yuanying realm, that is, the attack of the strong man in the ring of seven beliefs. I saw Su Xiaoxiao in the Demon Catch Sect before. At that time, he was fighting with Jiang He in the martial arts stage. At that time , his stellar energy is not as strong as this.

Luo Yue'er was surrounded by snowflakes, and the cold air was overwhelming, her long hair fluttered in the wind, and her face was icy cold.

Seeing these three people blocking his way, I breathed a sigh of relief. With a sway of my body, the real devil bone peeled off from my body, and then went straight to the huge golden-armored holy insect. Beneath the giant worm, its knees bent slightly, then it jumped up suddenly, grabbed the holy worm with both hands, and pulled it down.

The magic pattern around the magic origin bead between the eyebrows of the True Demon Bone is deeper than before, and the whole face looks a bit hideous. He wraps the magic fire with his hands, clamps the holy insect with his legs, and punches the holy insect non-stop. The worm's body exploded violently, swinging more than ten punches within a second, even I couldn't see it clearly.

Because the holy insect was bound by Li Nianbai's blue lotus, it couldn't break free. After a while, the hard carapace was blown open, coupled with the burning of the magic fire, golden juice flowed out again, and was roasted by the magic fire. The aroma is stronger than before.

I couldn't help swallowing my saliva again, I could feel the ecstasy of the True Devil's Bone, or in other words, this is myself, it looks a bit weird, there is an instinct that prompts the True Devil's Bone, he suddenly opened his mouth, Unexpectedly, two sharp fangs were exposed, and then the head was stabbed down, and the head was buried in the carapace of the holy insect, and it began to suck crazily.

Seeing this scene, the people watching the battle were stunned. Duoye also forgot to escape, her arms kept shaking, and she let out a hoarse scream:

"Holy insects! The holy insects that my Hei Miao clan has kept in captivity for thousands of years were devoured by you, an evil heretic. I... ah!"

I have already controlled the demon-subduing sword formation, the black-skinned young man was cut into many blood clots, his five internal organs were mixed with blood and flowed all over the ground, and he could not move at all. The patriarch's arm, which still holds the token.

Originally, I wanted to take away this token and then control this extremely powerful holy insect, but now it seems that there is no need for this.

I lowered the white cloud and went straight to Patriarch Duoye. When I got to his side, he was trembling all over.

He is a shriveled, skinny old man with wrinkles on his face and many age spots on his skin, but his eyes are not cloudy, but black and white, but now they have been replaced by fear.

I stretched out my hand to grab his neck, mentioned this person directly, and said coldly:

"Any last words!"

Patriarch Duoye smiled angrily, grinned at me, and said, "Do you want to know what it was like when your father died? His soul was swallowed up bit by bit, his expression was painful, but he couldn't move... "

"To shut up!"

A burst of anger filled my heart, I grabbed his remaining arm with the other arm, roared, and then pulled hard, tearing off the arm forcefully, blood spurted out, my face was warm, I said coldly : "How does it taste?"

"At that time, I was watching from the side. Your father was able to speak, and he was still saying your name, your mother's name..."

"To shut up!"

I grabbed his neck and slammed his whole body to the ground, bang!Patriarch Duoye fell heavily to the ground, with blood continuously overflowing from his mouth.

"You...your uncle...is the same way, seeing their souls...souls being devoured..."


I sat on him and punched his chest one after another, blood spattered, I felt that he was pierced by me, the fist passed through his body, and hit the ground heavily, one punch after another.

Now it feels like the whole world has turned red, and the figure of Patriarch Duoye is all around him. He smiled coldly and said how my father and relatives died so tragically. appearance.

I don't know how long it took, I felt someone slapping my shoulder, I also punched that person on the lower abdomen, I could feel that person was repelled by me, and then fell to the ground.

"Zhong Yuan, you are crazy!"

My cousin suddenly shouted angrily in my ears, and my head cleared up for a while before the vision around me became clear again.

The upper half of the multi-leaf patriarch's body on the ground has turned into minced meat, and the pungent bloody smell penetrates into my nostrils, while the scarab in the distance has turned into the size of a piglet and is being bitten by the bones of the real devil. The body of the Devil's Bone has begun to emit a purple-gold magic light, as if something is changing.

Looking around again, except for the Lian sisters and brothers, everyone from the Huangtian Pavilion came out, and they all stared at me dumbfounded.

Li Nianbai was covering his lower abdomen, his brows were furrowed, and a trace of blood was overflowing from the corner of his mouth, Jiang He walked over with his support.

The fierce punch I just hit him, filled me with endless self-blame, I hugged my head and shouted at him: "Why don't you hide! What if I accidentally kill you?"

Li Nianbai's frowning brows stretched out, he forced a smile, coughed up a lot of blood, and said in a hoarse voice:

"Why? You won't kill me. Besides, you were a completely different person just now. I just wanted to hide, but it was too late."

I shook my head, my mind was still in confusion, no one dared to speak anymore, they witnessed me killing the Duoye patriarch with their own eyes, including Zhong Xiaoman and the young Huiyang, Huiyang was still killed by Ning Qingyang Hugging, seeing that I was awake, I immediately ran to my side, reached out and wiped the blood on my face, and said:

"Brother Zhong Yuan, what you did is right. You are not wrong. This kind of person should be killed. This is called eliminating evil, you know."

His immature childish voice rang out, hitting my heart directly, and I burst into tears uncontrollably, hugging Huiyang and crying bitterly.

I thought of my father. I thought they could live in their hometown with peace of mind, but why did this kind of disaster happen?I can not be reconciled?I am really not reconciled!

"Zhong Yuan, the strength of your punch is really great. My dantian was almost crushed by you. There are a lot of my essence hidden in the dantian. If it is broken, although I can save my life, I will not be able to have children in the future. You are responsible."

Li Nianbai wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and a joke eased the awkward atmosphere around him.

My cousin scratched his head, stretched out his hand and patted my shoulder lightly, and didn't know what to say to comfort me, so he took out an apple from his pocket and stuffed it into my mouth, I was suddenly speechless.

"This corpse is going to be burned. They don't know how many Gu worms they have on them. If these Gu worms find their hosts, it will be a lot of trouble."

Jiang He pointed to the corpse on the ground and said.

Seeing this, Zhu Rong, who had entered the Vulcan ring space, stretched out his hand to grab the real blue cauldron, and there was a ball of flames in his hand, and he threw them on the corpse, and they started to burn blazingly.

"Zhong Yuan, after venting, you still have to cheer up. Of course, I want to remind you that in the future, you should pay attention to the surrounding situation. If children see it, they will inevitably have nightmares."

Ning Qingyang looked at Huiyang quite speechlessly, with worry on his face.

"I don't care about these, as long as brother Zhong Yuan treats me well, even if he becomes a big devil one day, as long as he still treats me, it will not change my opinion of him."

Huiyang hugged my neck tightly and said to Ning Qingyang.

Ning Qingyang was slightly taken aback, and said: "Didn't he give you gloves at the Icefield Inn that day, treat you to dinner, and take you to find your senior brother? If it was me, I would do the same."

"You won't go to the Plain of Snow Region. Even if you have thousands of years of practice, you still have to hibernate in the Plain of Snow Region."

Huiyang stuck out her tongue mischievously.

"Jiang He, help me take a good look at Nian Bai's wound. I can't estimate this punch clearly. I didn't expect him to approach me at all."

I blamed myself, and at the same time looked at Li Nianbai who was grinning with regret. When I left the spirit world to catch the demon sect, I promised my godmother to take good care of him, but now I hurt him.

"It's okay, I can adjust my breath overnight, but you look at your real devil's bone, are you about to start advancing? To be honest, the blood of this holy insect is so fragrant, I really want to drink it A few bites, but the bone of the real devil won't let me get close at all, you don't care, this holy insect will be eaten up by the bone of the real devil."

Li Nianbai was a little unwilling, pointed at the bone of the real devil, and said sadly, while smacking his mouth, in addition to the blood, there seemed to be saliva flowing out of his mouth.

When I was about to speak, suddenly the purple astrolabe in the sea of ​​Qi in the dantian changed drastically. Besides, my body was even more uncontrollable. I immediately left Huiyang, flew back, and my whole body was burning like a raging fire.

At this time, the bone of the real devil has already devoured the whole scarab. This black seedling holy insect has been fed by the ancient seedling black Gu lineage for thousands of years, but generally it will not allow the holy insect to have too much wisdom. Otherwise, once the strength becomes stronger, I am afraid it will be uncontrollable.

The real devil's bone devoured the holy insect and began to transform, and it transformed into a devil.

I was just happy when suddenly the sky, which was still bright with moonlight, became densely covered with dark clouds. A group of extremely sticky clouds stopped above the Huangtian Pavilion, and there were traces of electric arcs flashing out of it.

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