Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 423 [Three Lightning Tribulations] Part 3

"Thunder Tribulation!"

Seeing the cloud that suddenly condensed, I screamed out.

This thundercloud that suddenly condenses is exactly the thunder calamity experienced by the bone of the true devil to evolve into a demon form. Zi Luo mentioned to me a long time ago that there are three levels of thunder tribulation, and one is more powerful than the other.

Now it will take a certain amount of time for the True Demon Bone to dissipate the power of the black Gu saint insect in the body, so I will use the first two waves of power for the True Demon Bone, and leave the last wave for the True Demon Bone to cross by itself.

"Everyone leave here, the thunder calamity affects a wide area!"

Ning Qingyang was the fastest, hugged Huiyang, and went to the Jumin building in a hurry.

"Zhong Yuan, are you sure you want to survive the tribulation here? This Huangtian Pavilion will not be destroyed, right?"

The cousin glanced at the range of the black cloud in the void, and said with lingering fear.

"The only way is to go to Taihu Lake. Taihu Lake is very vast, and there are creatures in the water, which may be able to check and balance the power of this thunder disaster."

I went straight to the bone of the real devil, summoned Baiyun, he followed me closely, escaped from the emperor sky, and went straight to Taihu Lake, while we were flying away, the thunder cloud He followed closely.

This time, I flew away with all my strength, and in less than a few minutes, I arrived on the Taihu Lake. The black thundercloud followed us closely. I had just arrived, and when I raised my head, the thundercloud reached our heads.

Taking a closer look at the thundercloud, it is actually several acres wide, and the clouds are surrounded by electric arcs, which is even extraordinary.

The bone of the real devil has sat cross-legged on the white clouds, and the devilish energy on the surface of his body is tumbling, becoming more and more intense, as if it will affect the cloud of thunder and calamity in the sky at any time.

Throwing the demon-subduing sword in my hand around, emerald light emerged, and the demon-subduing sword turned into twelve handles to protect my body, and began to rotate. Every time it rotated, the power of the sword array would increase a lot. The fourth rune array is a sword array, and it is also a wood-type array. It is endlessly alive. I hope it can resist the first wave of thunder.

In addition, I opened my mouth and sprayed, and the real clock of Heigang flashed out from the sun, and stood on top of the two of us, laying layers of defenses. It is not damaged, it is a pure defensive high-grade magic weapon, unlike the Black Flame Demon Tower, which can be attacked and defended. In this way, the two are balanced, and the rest are much weaker.

The True Demon Bone suddenly opened its eyes and stood behind me, several times bigger than me. Then, its huge body jumped towards me, and instantly submerged into my body. Immediately, I felt my strength doubled, and I went to this place again. Hei Gang's real clock spewed out, and billowing devilish energy spewed out.

The real clock of Heigang flickered slightly, and the sixth layer of defense was deployed.

I was a little startled. I felt that my ghost hunting power hadn't been lost too much, so I was relieved. With my strength, I could indeed activate six or even seven defenses, but in this way, the ghost hunting power would be exhausted. Almost, what ability is there to stop the thunder disaster?

If you reach the strength of the seven rings of faith, you can capture the power of heaven and earth. At that time, you can try to completely activate the rune array on the real clock of Heigang. In addition, the same is true for the demon sword. Even Vulcan Ring.


There was lightning and thunder in the sky, and a huge thunder sounded. Suddenly, a pair of big eyes seemed to open in the huge thundercloud, looking down, extremely majestic. Seeing these majestic eyes, I felt a little timid in my heart, This divine power cannot be desecrated.

The giant eyes slowly disappeared, and then the black thunderclouds spun up and turned into a huge vortex. The vortex was full of blue, full of the power of thunder.

The blue thunder force suddenly erupted wildly, and the electric arc as thick as a bucket rushed down. If you look carefully, there are hundreds of electric arcs, which seem to be densely packed, and the electric arc has already taken shape, like a dragon, opening its mouth With a dull roar, within a short time, these electric dragons had already flown halfway down, and the scene was very shocking.

Is this the first wave of thunder calamity? Seeing this wave of thunder calamity, I feel a lot more relaxed. After all, I am now possessed by the bone of a real demon, and my strength has more than doubled. I must successfully condense the demon form. Only by condensing the demonic form can it compete with other real demons.

Taking a deep breath, I clasped my hands together, and more than a dozen Fumo swords around me shot out. I kept pinching the Fa Jue, and the emerald light on the body of the Fumo sword rose wildly. , the sword body will rise to a few points.


With a loud roar, these demon-subduing swords criss-crossed and transformed into a gigantic sword net to win. These bucket-thick electric dragons stuck on it, immediately burst open, and turned into blue arcs to swim away.

However, the sword net only persisted for a moment before it fell apart and wobbled, looking as if it had suffered a great loss.

The hundreds of electric dragons were only half smashed, and the other half fell towards me. I was terrified, and I didn't care about any finale. The Fumo Sword was radiant, strangling the electric dragons again.

In the end, there were more than ten electric dragons flying towards me. I clenched my fists with both hands, took a deep breath, and let out a loud roar. I felt that my roar had increased my aura a lot, and I punched fiercely into the air. Hit away.

The dense black fist shadows exploded on these electric dragons, and the electric dragons also roared. Finally, their bodies shattered little by little, turning into slender arcs and falling down. Several arcs bombarded the protective cover. The protective cover of my body shattered immediately, and I was shocked, it was like paper.

What amazes me is still to come. The first wave of thunderstorms has not really ended yet, and the second wave has begun to flow. Pale golden thunder emerges from the vortex, and there is a huge pressure in the air, as if the golden The power of thunder can knock me into powder.

I waved my hand immediately, and many demon-subduing swords had turned into one handle, and fell to my hand. The demon-subduing sword was damaged a lot, and I will use my ghost-hunting power to repair it in the future.

Glancing at the water of Taihu Lake below me, I gritted my teeth, removed the white clouds, fell into the water, and soon sank into the lake, and condensed the Huiyuan Battle Armor.

Looking up to the surface of the water, the lake water is quite clear, and I can barely see the void outside, especially the stronger and stronger golden thunder power. Water blades, these water blades are continuously compressed, and the color changes from light blue to dark blue.


The second wave of Thunder Tribulation has already erupted from the vortex, and the golden electric dragons are flying down. Compared with the previous wave, the number of golden electric dragons is reduced by half, but they are even more powerful, because these electric dragons seem to be The entity has already appeared, and the scales on the body are somewhat blurred.

"go with!"

With a wave of my hand, hundreds of water blades around me shot out from the lake and slashed into the air. Each of the dark blue water blades was as large as ten feet, and contained extraordinary water elements. The power, hoping to be able to compete.


These water blades were defeated one by one, and there were still more than [-] golden electric dragons left, which got into the bottom of the lake, and a scene that shocked me appeared, these golden electric dragons did not disperse in the lake, but went directly to me Flutter and bite.

Originally I dived into the water, thinking that the power of thunder would conduct electricity after falling into the water, so that it would be able to disperse the power and deal with it better. How did I know that the opponent not only did not disperse, but became more and more brave.

I was startled and shouted in a low voice, "Tong Mo Fist!"

Bombarding these electric dragons with one punch, more than 20 golden electric dragons were bombarded and killed more than ten by Tongmoquan, and the other ten golden electric dragons bit the defensive cover under the black gang real clock.

The five layers of defense were shattered one after another, but the speed was changing more and more. I stretched out my hands and smashed these golden electric dragons fiercely. When the last black steel defense was actually shattered, I had already grabbed the last electric dragon with both hands. , this electric dragon is obviously much stronger than the other golden electric dragons. With a twist of its body, it entangled me, and the golden arc kept bombarding my body.

These electric arcs are the power of the most rigid and yang. I am now protected by the body of the real devil, and the devilish energy on my body is naturally at a disadvantage. Although it is much stronger than before, it is not enough to fight against this kind of space between heaven and earth. Born of power.

After a few more punches, the last electric dragon dispersed. I felt that I was injured by the electric arc more than once, and I didn't have time to think too much. I swam out of the water, staring at the void and blaming myself. The last thunderstorm.

The last thunder tribulation was only black and white, the black cloud had turned into Tai Chi at some point, and black and white yin and yang fish were spinning in the air.

I slowly stretched out my palm, and all the power of hunting ghosts gathered in my palm. My arm began to split, spreading from my arm to my whole body. There were more than [-] lines in my palm. At this moment, I felt that I was stronger than ever .

As if aware of the surge in my strength, the Taiji diagram in the air rotated even more violently, and finally the entire Jieyun turned into a Taiji diagram and fell from the sky, pressing down on me.

No, is this trying to kill me completely?

How could it be possible to transform into a Tai Chi Yin-Yang array?Didn't mother say that the most powerful triple thunder calamity is just the thunder of the Nine Firmaments? How could it turn into Tai Chi?

Although I don't understand what's going on, I learned a lot from my cousin. Tai Chi is all-encompassing, and it is best at sealing. The Tai Chi Bagua Formation in the bottom of Taihu Lake can seal two This shows how powerful this Tai Chi is.

What is falling now is the Taiji array formed by all the robbery clouds. If I fall into it, wouldn't it be...

The Dao pattern in my hand has not yet condensed and formed, these Taiji diagrams have completely fallen, my eyes blurred, and I have already entered another dimension, the whole person seems to be in the universe, surrounded by starry sky, and I can't see the exit Where is it? It would be great if my cousin was here.

Just as I was about to move, I found that my feet seemed to be nailed to the ground and I couldn’t move. A Taiji diagram appeared faintly, and the surrounding starry sky began to change. The stars became bigger and bigger, and finally fell like meteorites. I come lasing.

(Starting tomorrow, one update every day, I finally have to take a good rest.)

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