Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 427 [Styx Escape]

"Jiu Sha, concentrate on casting spells, I will deal with this man!"

When He Lao saw his Huanglong colliding with the shadow of his fist, they burst open one after another, his eyes were filled with evil spirits, but he didn't show any signs of panic.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you. This person is strong and powerful. Although you are also a true demon, you must be careful not to be careless."

Jiu Sha nodded, and pinched Fa Jue with the other hand, the blood light of the yellow leather gourd in his hand was diffused, and after a while, endless blood swept away to the ice crystal seal again, and sank into the crack, seeping in. , Styx opened his mouth slightly, and these bloody gaps poured into his mouth one after another. After receiving the nourishment of this blood, Styx's spirit was greatly lifted, and he suddenly pressed his palm on the ice crystal barrier in front of him, and was hit by this palm. , the fissure-like crack widened again, and more blood poured in.

The situation below was naturally seen by Luo Yuan'er, and she became extremely anxious when she saw Minghe using blood to destroy the seal bit by bit. In the outcome, although many of the top ten true demons died, the remaining true demons are also outstanding.

Although Luo Yuan'er is known as the God of Ice, she has been in the Great World of Maha for a long time, her strength has been suppressed, and she has been ambushed and injured in the fight against the devil. The powerful ability can't be used. Seeing that the blood has been submerged into the ice crystal one by one, and the degree of damage to the seal is getting bigger and bigger, she also becomes more and more anxious, because the sound of the ice crystal breaking is getting louder and louder. If the river escapes, it will be a catastrophe.

Thinking of this, Luo Yuan'er's cuffs shook, and silver beams of light shot out from between the cuffs. The speed of these white lights was extremely fast, and when the sword light from the long sword in the fairy's hand touched these white lights, people flocked backwards.

"36 Tiangang Ice Yuan God Pillar, sleepy!"

These white lights fell around the water pool, the light converged, and turned into 36 icicles, which rose in the wind and turned into a height of more than ten feet in an instant.

"Xianxian, if you don't use your housekeeping skills, you won't be able to resist this guy. At this time, what do you have left behind? You try to entangle her as much as possible, and I will cooperate with Lord Jiusha to completely destroy this seal!"

The yellow-skinned gourd in Jiu Sha's hand suddenly exploded, and the blood inside was completely splashed on the ice crystal barrier. out of the valley.

At the same time, Jiusha opened his mouth and sprayed, and the black wind in his mouth was stronger than before, completely covering the entire area, making it impossible to see the ice crystal barrier or the 36 Tiangang Ice Origin Divine Pillar clearly.

Teng Qing and He Lao were equally tied. When Xianxian saw Luo Yuan'er laying down the Ice Origin Divine Pillar, she was furious immediately. Her delicate body jumped into the air and turned into a snow-white white flood dragon. The white flood dragon had already given birth. The unicorn, more than a hundred feet long, is entrenched above the valley, with its bloody mouth wide open, white light balls falling towards Luo Yuan'er in its mouth.

Luo Yueer raised her eyebrows, dense ice blades appeared around her body, and she went straight to these white light spheres.

There was a dense explosion sound, and the stones in the air were blown into pieces. Suddenly, a column of blood reaching the sky shot out from the ice crystal, heading straight for the sky.

A bloody palm about ten feet in size quietly appeared behind Luo Yuan'er, and then struck out. When Luo Yuan'er realized it, her body had already been hit, like a kite with a broken string, falling on the ground halfway On the mountainside, the whole person was blasted into the valley.

The surrounding 36 Tiangang Ice Origin Divine Pillars also flew out at this instant, sinking into the mountainside in the distance.

Seeing this, Teng Qing, who was fighting with He Lao, ignored him, tiptoed, and went straight to the middle of the mountain, and soon disappeared into the cave.

On the other hand, Xian Xian and He Lao did not pursue, but stayed by Jiu Sha's side. Now that it was a critical moment, in order to guard against sneak attacks, they did not dare to relax for a moment until Ming He completely left the seal.

A figure appeared indistinctly in the bloody light that pierced the sky, and this figure gradually became clear as the beam of light converged.

As soon as Jiusha closed his mouth, the black wind around him disappeared, and the valley returned to its original appearance, but the ice crystal-like hill was covered with cracks of various sizes, especially at the top of the seal, which had been broken. Opened a hole that was one person wide, and standing above Styx, his blood robe was rolling, and he glanced at the ice crystals below him with a calm expression. Suddenly he lifted his foot and stomped down fiercely. The ice crystals below completely shattered and sank into the pool. in the water.

"Congratulations to Lord Styx for breaking the seal!"

The three devils clasped their fists at the same time, and made a big salute to Styx, especially the demon Jiusha, whose face showed an indescribable ecstasy. As long as Styx came out, they would be able to leave here.

Originally, the Maha Great World was stripped from the original world. At that time, almost all the demons were forced to this area, and then exiled together.

The real purpose of the existence of this area is to suppress Styx. Now that Styx has successfully broken the seal, it is naturally impossible to trap them. At that time, as long as Styx opens a channel himself, they will be able to leave here.

Styx nodded, and in a flash, he came to the side of the three demons, glanced at the surroundings lightly, with a long-lost sigh on his face, and said: "Although I have broken the seal now, my strength has dropped to a level that I can't even accept. To this extent, the current state, even compared with you, is only a little bit stronger, and you must return to the Nether Blood Sea to fully grasp the power."

Hearing the words, Jiu Sha showed a little disappointment on Junxiu's face, but he quickly returned to normal, saying: "Since this is the case, when will Master Minghe plan to return to the Nether Blood Sea? It is impossible for us in this great world of Maha to directly To reach the Nether Blood Sea, one must first reach the Primordial World, and then from the Primordial World to the Nether Blood Sea."

"Wait for me to recover some strength, at least let myself be able to open the channel now."

Ming He stood with his hands hanging down naturally, and his face showed a little majesty, which made Jiu Sha hold back what he originally wanted to say.

"Master Minghe, do we want to hunt down those two guys just now?"

Crane Lao held on to the dragon's head and cane, and asked.

Ming He glanced at the mountainside in the distance, shook his head and said: "Forget it, even though the Ice God hit me with a palm, he will not die so easily, let alone there is an ice corpse guarding by his side, if you really want to Killing the two of them is still impossible in a short time, if they are pushed into a hurry, and the fish are killed, wouldn't this seat lose a few more powerful assistants?"

"Well, what Master Styx said is very correct, then please move Master Styx to the Devil Temple now, the three of us will mobilize our strength and wait for Master Styx's arrangement."

Jiu Sha said with a slight smile, Ming He thought about it, nodded, and agreed to the matter.


After several days of Jiang He's preparation, the supplies are almost ready. This day, Li Nianbai and I are strolling around Wangfu Street to see if we can detect the aura of this monster.

Yin Si was lying on my shoulder, lazily. He passed by Wangfu Street yesterday evening, and he noticed that there is a ghost here, so he came to see it today, but he just walked around for a long time, but he didn’t find it. If he knew it, he would have brought his cousin here. It's a pity that Wu Huang'er is pestering her cousin to look at things in another department store.

Now this season is the hottest time. In September, many schools start school and new students receive military training.

In this day and night, people have to be tanned until their skin peels off, but for me, it is irrelevant.

I was about to have a few words with Li Nianbai, when I suddenly found that he had disappeared, I was slightly startled, when did this kid disappear?You were clearly following me just now, could it be that there are monsters at work?Impossible, if there are monsters, I can feel this aura, but now I don't have it, besides, Li Nianbai's strength is not weak, who can attack him in broad daylight?

Just when I was about to cast a spell to search, I suddenly felt a pair of eyes in the crowd staring at me, and they were very familiar. I turned around expressionlessly.

"Nine evil spirits?! Jin Mo!"

When I saw the two men standing at the entrance of a certain alley, I was slightly startled. A mask appeared above their two bodies, and people on the street avoided them. It was probably because of this reason, otherwise, Their attire has long attracted onlookers.

Yin Si suddenly raised his head, whimpering, I stroked his fur lightly, and said softly: "Don't worry, I have consolidated my realm in the past half a month, even if the two of them join forces to deal with me , and can’t help me.”

His originally erect cat fur soon became extremely soft, and then he let out a breath, slowly closed his eyes, and remained motionless.

I walked over to the two of them, and when I got to them, I said in a cold voice, "You two are quite courageous, you actually dare to show up here, especially you, Jin Mo!"

Pointing at Jin Mo, I snorted coldly.

There are five envoys under the throne of the emperor, and Jin Mo is one of them. Now I have remembered many things. At the beginning, these five envoys were all killed in battle, and now I can’t find their whereabouts. At the beginning, I also thought that Chen Shaoyang was my other envoy. , but the appearance is different, probably the descendants of the messenger, the Lian brothers and sisters are also the same, but Jin Mo is different.

Jin Mo's figure and appearance are exactly the same as the Jin Envoy under me, and with the Jinde Body he displayed, I believe it without a doubt.

"I haven't seen you in such a short time, Zhong Yuan, your strength has become stronger, no wonder you said this just now, that's fine, we have something to talk to you, I wonder if it's convenient for you now?"

Jiu Sha smiled and stared at me without getting angry, but Jin Mo didn't dare to look up at me all the time, as if he was afraid that I would eat him.

"You need me? What's the matter with me, you two devils? If it weren't for the fact that there are so many people here, it's inconvenient to do it, I would have done it long ago."

I said angrily.

"Don't worry, we probably won't be your match now that the two of us join forces. What are you afraid of? What's more, the listening cub is here too. We absolutely dare not fight you, but there are really important things. It’s also very important to you, so how about we go to that coffee shop and talk?”

Jiu Sha pointed to the coffee shop not far away, and said with a smile on his face.

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