Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 428 [Strange Beast]

"Have you sent the demon envoys to the Maha Great World for the blood of the Nether Blood Sea?"

Originally, I was very happy to see the Nine Demons appearing. At the beginning, the blood patriarch said that he took away the blood, and I was afraid. Now that he appeared in front of me, it also meant that he did not go to the Great World of Maha. But he said that the blood had long ago sent a demon envoy to the Great World of Maha. This moment made me feel extremely dignified, and the coffee cup in my hand was almost crushed.

Seeing my lost expression, Jiu Sha sighed and said slowly:

"I have no choice. I did this to repay the karma between me and the main body. From then on, I have nothing to owe him. This time I came to you, which means that I want to be with you Huangtian Pavilion." It's just an alliance, I can be the elder guest of your Huangtian Pavilion."

"Elder Ke Qing? We don't have any good things to enshrine you, Elder Ke Qing."

I said angrily, although it would be of great benefit to the Huangtian Pavilion to have a real demon soul as a guest elder, but I can't afford what the demon Jiusha needs.

Jiu Sha smiled when he heard the words, took a sip of the coffee, frowned, then took a spoonful of white sugar and put it in his mouth, and then his brows relaxed. He tapped the table lightly and said, "I know , your Huangtian Pavilion doesn’t need to support me, you only need to take care of my food and clothing three times a day, even though we have reached our level, we no longer need to eat these whole grains, but I am still willing to try the delicacy of the world.”

Seeing that I didn't speak, he continued: "What's there to think about? You are also very clear about my intentions. I don't want to be swallowed by my body and become one. That's why I came to the Huangtian Pavilion. You and the Maha World will never die endlessly, although the enemy of the enemy is not necessarily a friend, they also have common interests, right?"

"You're right. You've got a lot of calculations. Although my current strength in the Huangtian Pavilion is not enough to resist those demons, but with the intervention of the Demon Catch Sect from the spirit world, it might be possible. Besides, you Isn't it just that you want to use our Huangtian Pavilion to deal with these demons? If so, how could I easily agree? Of course, I can consider what you can come up with that makes my heart flutter."

I grinned, if I don't blackmail you at this time, then when are you waiting.

Jiu Sha was obviously taken aback, then glanced at Jin Mo next to him, narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "I wonder if you are interested in the body of Jinde?"

I smiled, and slowly said: "You have the body of Jinde? That's not necessarily true. If Jin Mo gives you this opportunity, if he doesn't have anything good to give me, then I'm sorry, he can't stay in Huangtian Court."

"Zhong Yuan, you are not meaning enough, Jin Mo was also your golden emissary before."

When Jiu Sha heard this, he grinned.

"Oh? Really? Of course I know, but now he is the emissary of the devil and stabbed my cousin. I didn't pursue him anymore, so he should be grateful to Dade. With the speed of the mystery, it is not difficult to comprehend the body of Jinde."

Although comprehending the body of Jinde now can allow me to achieve the five-element holy body, strengthen my strength, and add some life-saving means in the mountain and sea world, how can I easily let go?

Jin Mo didn't open his mouth all the time. After listening to my words, his face became even uglier. This scene was naturally seen by Jiusha. He coughed a few times and continued to say to me: "It's not his fault, reincarnation Afterwards, he was born in the Great World of Maha, and he only solved the mystery of the womb not long ago. Moreover, if it was really bad for you, the sword before was directly inserted into Zhongli's chest, not from his shoulder. stab."

Thinking about it carefully, what he said was indeed correct. At that time, Jin Mo was sneaking up on his cousin, and he could have killed him with one blow, but he didn't.

"Okay, but if there is any difficulty in Huangtian Pavilion, you must go all out."

Nodding his head, anyway, sooner or later we will have to face these monsters in the Great World of Maha, and now that we have two more helpers, it can be regarded as adding a bit of strength to Huangtian Pavilion.

"Of course, Zhong Yuan, when do you plan to ask Jin Mo to teach you the body of golden virtue? I heard that cultivating the body of five virtues requires special occasions to practice."

Jiu Sha poured a lot of sugar into his coffee, stirred it with a spoon, and said.

Jin Mo raised his head, as if remembering something, and said with a happy face: "I found out that there is a gold mine in the Mijiang Mountain Range, but the mine vein is deep underground, and there are strange beasts guarding it, I am not The opponent of the strange beast, but it must not be a problem if Lord Huangtian personally takes action."

"Is there a strange beast guarding the gold vein? Where is it? Let me take a look."

After I drank the coffee in my hand, I stood up.

Next, after paying the money, we left the coffee shop, found an unoccupied corner, performed mystical powers and went straight to the sky. After a while, we arrived at the sky in the Mijiang Mountains.

Jin Mo, who was next to him, took a closer look at the situation below, and then said, "Drive the clouds to the north."

I nodded, and the speed of Baiyun under my feet was a little faster. Now it is only a matter of seconds to recruit Baiyun with my strength, and the clouds become faster with my strength. After half a stick of incense time , Jin Mo was pointing towards a certain place below, a golden light faintly shot out from a certain canyon, this golden light was extremely fast, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"It's here, I once marked it."

Jin Mo rubbed his hands together and said with joy.

"What kind of beast are you talking about? Why do you like to stay in this gold mine vein? Besides, you also said that this gold mine vein is deep in the ground, so there must be no air at all. You two The guy must not be lying to me."

I turned around and looked at the two demons coldly. I didn't dare to believe everything I said in the coffee shop before. The reason why I followed was because of my current ability. Whether it is a conspiracy or a conspiracy, it is useless.

"Since you don't believe it, then Jin Mo, you should lure this strange beast out and let him take a look with his own eyes."

Jiu Sha put his arms around his shoulders and said calmly.

"Alright, this beast is extremely powerful, and has the same attributes as mine, so I can't do anything about it."

Jin Mo nodded, jumped down from above the white clouds, turned into a golden light and sank into the canyon below.

After a while, there was a booming sound from below. It seemed that a fierce battle had taken place in the canyon, and pieces of rock were blown up and smashed to pieces.

Soon, Jin Mo took off from the canyon in some embarrassment, and flew towards the place where the white clouds were, but before flying ten feet away, the golden light below was hazy, and a piece of golden light shot upwards. I took a closer look These golden lights were startled immediately, all of these golden lights were golden blades, and there were hundreds of them, and each one was several feet long.

"The power of Gengjin?!"

Seeing the aura contained in this golden knife, I opened my mouth in shock.

Geng metal yang is gold, silver, copper and iron. The power of Geng gold can be used to refine magic weapons and other things. If mixed with Geng gold, these magic weapons will greatly increase their lethality. So many Geng metals are flying out now! Jin Dao Qi, I guess this is also the reason why Jin Mo is afraid, otherwise, how could he not surrender because he was originally a body of Jinde?

The only explanation is that Jin Mo's Jinde body has not been cultivated to the level of great success, but this strange beast has mastered the power of Gengjin.

The five virtues represent the five elements. Among them, if the body of Jinde is cultivated to the highest level, it can use the power of Gengjin to evolve a white tiger beast; if the body of wood virtue is cultivated to the highest level, it can use the power of Yimu to evolve into a green dragon. Divine beasts; when the body of water virtue is cultivated to the highest level, it can use the power of sunflower water to evolve into a basalt beast; when the body of earth virtue is cultivated to the highest level, it can use the power of Wutu to evolve into a snake of the earth.

But Huo Kejin, although my body of fire virtue has not cultivated to great success, but it should be enough to deal with these powers of Geng Jin. If this strange beast really masters the power of Geng Jin, it will not transform into this sword to attack Jin Mo , but directly evolved into a white tiger beast attack.

I pinched the Fa Jue, and the fire spirit patterns appeared on the body, and in an instant, the body was covered with dense fire spirit patterns. When these fire spirit patterns appeared, the Jiusha couldn't help it Take a few steps back, not daring to get too close to me.

When Jin Mo was only a few meters away from me, he felt the power of the fire element on my body, twisted his body, and shot to the side, and the Gengjin Sword from below fell towards me , I immediately clasped my hands together, and stretched out my hand towards the point below. The flames around my body appeared, and red flame knives emerged in front of me. For the power of Binghuo, the power at that time was not comparable to what it is now.

With a wave of his arm, the flaming knives around him rushed down. Fortunately, the number of these flaming knives was not far from that of Gengjin knives, and they were originally Huokejin. A layer of clouds spread out in all directions.

But before the energy dissipated, there was a sharp roar from below, and a golden shadow pierced through the energy, heading straight for me.

There is a powerful force in this beast shadow, I have already drawn out the demon-subduing sword, stretched out my hand a little above the demon-subduing sword, the original silver-white light on the sword body instantly turned into a crimson flame, right here on this beast When I jumped in front of me, I stretched out my hand and slashed forward, just right on the claw of this beast, and there was a sound of golden swords, and I stepped back a few steps before regaining my footing, while the other beast Shadow retreated back and stopped in mid-air.

"Gold Devourer!"

Seeing the original appearance of this beast, I was startled and opened my mouth loudly.

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