Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 430 [Preparation Eve]

This gold vein is completely destroyed. If it is spread, the world will be crazy about it.

I don't know how long it took before I could barely grasp this power. When I opened my eyes, a huge underground hole had formed around me. The original gold mine was gone at this moment, and it was time to leave here, five yuan Condensation of the Holy Body is something that can only be achieved by gathering the body of the five virtues. If you want to cultivate the five-element holy body to the highest level, it may not be possible to succeed in this short period of time.

After leaving the canyon, Jin Mo was already waiting by the side, but there was no sign of Jiu Sha.

"Where did he go?"

I asked.

Jin Mo shook his head and said, "I don't know either. When I came out, Master Jiu Sha had already left this place."

"It must be chasing the golden beast. The strength of this golden beast is equivalent to your demon messenger. If you subdue it, it will be a great help. Well, no matter how much it is, you will come back to Jiuhuang City with me."

After such a long time, I don't know what happened to Li Nianbai. When I left, I didn't inform him. Thinking of this, I said again:

"Jin Mo, how long have I been stuck here?"

"In three days, Li Nianbai has already been here once, and even fought against me, and even went down to find you. I explained your situation, and he went back, so you don't have to worry too much."

Jin Mo didn't hesitate at all. I glanced at him and found that his arm was still simply bandaged with clothes, and there were faint blood stains inside. It should have been injured by Li Nianbai's sword light. Now that Li Nianbai is going back, he should also know Jin Mo and Jiu Sha will be in the Huangtian Pavilion, which saves me a lot of explaining.

Looking around, I opened my mouth and let out a whistling sound, and the sound passed far around, startling many birds.

After a while, a small black shadow rushed from afar and quickly climbed onto my shoulder. This black shadow is naturally Yin Si. When I went down to the gold mine, I left Yin Si behind. Around, or rather, I am not worried about Jiusha and the others, so I left Yin Si, and if something happened, I would take care of them.

He summoned a cloud of white clouds and went directly to Jiuhuang City.

When I arrived at the Huangtian Pavilion, Jiu Sha hadn't come back yet. When my cousin saw Jin Mo, his face was extremely cold, but now his wounds had recovered. If he hadn't been using his Yin-Yang magic eye with all his strength, how could he have been killed by Jin Mo? Mo hurt?

"Zhongli, at that time I had no choice but to hurt you with my sword because I wanted to leave Wei Wuya. Now I am willing to accept your sword, let me do it."

Jin Mo smiled slightly, stood in front of his cousin very calmly, stretched out his hands, closed his eyes, as if he was at the mercy of his cousin.

The cousin stretched out his hand to hold the copper coin on his chest, gritted his teeth, but in the end he just snorted coldly and said, "Do you really think that I dare not hurt you? But this revenge of the sword will be left behind, and we will leave tomorrow Shanhaijie, if I find out what tricks you are playing, I will definitely not let you go when I come back."

After finishing speaking, my cousin grabbed an apple and took a bite.

Jin Mo opened his eyes, retracted his arms in some surprise, then backed away, and stopped talking.

As soon as Li Nianbai on the sofa saw me coming back, he jumped down immediately, his eyes sparkled, and he came straight to me, grabbed my arm, squeezed it tightly, and said happily: "That's right, this is five yuan." The Holy Physique is so powerful, it seems that I have to practice hard, and now your strength surpasses mine by more than half."

"Okay, get your things ready and get ready to go tomorrow."

I broke free, went back to my room, and recruited Zhu Rong from the Vulcan ring. This time, Zhu Rong did not hold the real blue fire cauldron in his hand. He smiled slightly and said, "Zhong Yuan, this time you recruited When I came out, I probably wanted to ask me how to enter the mountain and sea world."

I nodded and said, "That's right, you also know that the storage space in the Vulcan ring space is almost full. We plan to go to the mountain and sea world tomorrow. Now Houtu is not here, and only you know."

Zhu Rong smiled, with a look of reminiscence on his face, and slowly said: "The entrance of the mountain and sea world is where the mountains and the sea intersect, which is close to Nanhai City. When you get there, I will naturally guide you. However, the five-color mud left by Hou Tumeizi can only be used for two people, this is the news I got at the time."

"Two, just two. Now tell me about the situation in the mountain and sea world. Let us also make preparations."

The world of mountains and seas is still an unknown world, just like the great world of Maha, it must be extremely dangerous inside.

"Well, in fact, the world of mountains and seas is quite big, but if you can ride the clouds and fog, it's nothing. There are only endless mountains and seas, but the land is more than half of it, which is different from this world. In addition to the strange Besides beasts, tree demons are probably the most. You should be very clear that the mountain and sea world has existed for a long time and has given birth to monsters. These monsters are also big monsters that are more than a thousand years old. They are extremely powerful and extremely difficult to provoke.

However, as long as you don't provoke these monsters, they will not take the initiative to deal with you. The most important thing we should pay attention to is the Wushen Mountain. The people living in the Wushen Mountain are real Wu people. They are good at controlling beasts and are extremely powerful. On the mountain peak, but I have never heard of any monsters daring to invade Wushen Mountain.

There are many precious herbs and even spirit flowers and fruits in the Wushen Mountain. These things are not very useful to the people of the Wu clan, but it is different for monsters and those who practice, they can be crazy about them. "

Zhu Rong said slowly.

I asked curiously: "Why are there only so many things in Wushen Mountain?"

Zhu Rong smiled wryly, sighed, and said, "Because Wushen Mountain is the place where our ancestor witches are buried after death, it is of course no small matter."

"It turned out to be the reason, and it's no wonder that you are the most powerful ancestor witches of the witch clan. You are all powerful and powerful. Now you have turned into Wushen Mountain. I think many monsters covet this place."

I nodded and let him continue.

It took half a day for Zhu Rong to tell me about some weird things like strange beasts in the world of mountains and seas, which made me very interested. I didn't leave the room until dinner. Of course, this time I was alone. He gave Zhu Rong an extra ghost incense to condense the soul body.

The next day I bid farewell to everyone, Yin Si was still lying on my shoulders, next to Li Nianbai and my cousin.

Seeing that I summoned Baiyun, Li Nianbai rolled his eyes and refused to go up. I know he has a fear of heights, but if we don't solve this problem, we will face even greater difficulties in the future. The speed from Jiuhuang City to Nanhai City is about the same as that of the plane, basically within two hours.

Li Nianbai was dragged up by us, seeing that he had no other choice, he huddled in the center of the white cloud and closed his eyes tightly.

This time is the first time I have been flying in the air for so long. The mountains and rivers below look so small when viewed from a high altitude. clock, these factors can be ruled out.

Li Nianbai kept his eyes closed all the time, trembling all over, while his cousin was leisurely, holding the notes that his grandfather had recorded in one hand, and an apple in the other.

After flying for an hour, a black dot suddenly appeared in front of me, and the sound of rumbling explosions came from far to near, and in the blink of an eye, the black dot was a little bigger, and it turned out to be an airliner. I was shocked. Only then did he realize that he was flying above the flight path, so he immediately pinched Fajue and went to a higher place.

My cousin glanced at the whizzing plane below, and continued to nibble on apples leisurely. Another half an hour passed. In order to see the geographical environment below, I had to lower the clouds again. What made me a little depressed was that the road ahead A huge vortex emerged, with strong winds overflowing, lightning and thunder, this vortex seemed to be transformed by clouds, and the rest of the place was still sunny, but this place was pouring rain.

"Everyone sit tight, I'm going to pass through this area."

When Li Nianbai heard this, fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, his eyes looked straight ahead, and he frowned and said: "Zhong Yuan, are you joking? You actually want to pass through this thundercloud! If your white clouds disperse , we'll all fall."

"What's the matter if you fall? It's not that we don't know how to fly clouds, and you also know how to control swords. Now we have to pass through this area. You see, this area is so wide. If we go around it, it will definitely be a waste." For a long time, the blood has been sent to the Great World of Maha, and Styx broke the seal. I don’t know when, it may come to this world in the next second, so don’t we cherish this time now?”

The cousin glanced at Li Nianbai, then said calmly.

"Yes, what my cousin said is right. If the blood is not sent to the Maha World, I don't mind at all, and I can go to Nanhai City to find Chen Shaoyang to play, but it's different now. Okay, I'm going to start, you guys be prepared."

As soon as the Jue in his hand changed, his speed was a little faster again, and he plunged headlong into the thundercloud.

As soon as we came in, the surrounding arcs swam around us, the wind was incredible, and the thunder was loud.

Fortunately, there is a black gang real clock to protect the body now. After entering this area, the white clouds under the feet are a little faster, and they shoot away into the distance.

Just halfway through this area, the thundercloud became extremely black, with electric arcs shining inside, and many of them came straight towards us. Li Nianbai was startled, and stood up, fearing that the white clouds under his feet would be caught by the electric arc. Destroyed, he immediately took the initiative without hesitation.

The ebony sword behind him flew out of the light curtain, turned into a bright golden light, and went straight to the electric snake.

The golden light stirred a few times, and the arcs were scattered.

However, the black cloud seemed to be getting more and more serious, and the surroundings had completely turned into darkness, and something seemed wrong. I looked up and saw that there was a mountain below, and there was a faint green light shining above the mountain.

"Not good, I think we broke into the cloud of thunder calamity, and there should be monsters transforming below, or they are crossing the calamity."

I was slightly taken aback, and said.

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