Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 431 [Mandrill Demon]

"Thunder Tribulation? Oops, I guess the cloud of Thunder Tribulation thought we wanted to help that evildoer below, so that's why they attacked us."

The cousin's face darkened and his voice became hoarse.

"The power of this thunder catastrophe is very weak, weaker than I imagined, just like the usual thunder cloud. It is estimated that the monsters below should focus on cultivation and accumulation of merit, otherwise this situation cannot be explained clearly. Now we will help He survived the thunder disaster and formed a good relationship, and here is not far from Nanhai City, the Huangtian Pavilion branch only has Chen Shaoyang, and needs an assistant."

After taking a deep breath, I looked at the thunder cloud again, to see how to destroy this thunder cloud.

Although Li Nianbai shot down a lot of arcs just now, there is still a lot of thunder force falling down.

The surrounding tribulation clouds have condensed into a ball, very solid, like ink, the first wave of thunder power has passed, and now the second wave of thunder calamity has begun to conceive, I pinched the law and immediately fell down, the second wave Bo Leijie has been conceived, blue lightning, with thick arms, swimming in the black Jieyun.

Below is a hilltop, but most of the hilltop was shattered by the electric arc bombardment, and there was a guy in the middle who looked like an ape but not an ape. This guy should be crossing the catastrophe.

"Unexpectedly, there are mandrills here!"

Li Nianbai was slightly taken aback, and immediately began to introduce this monster.

This mandrill has a ghostly face. It is very long, with a bright red bridge of nose. There are deep vertical lines on both sides of the long nose. It has a goatee under its jaw and its head is covered by long hair. Its hair is brown, fluffy and dense, but it is now scorched in many places.

His belly is fawn-colored, with long and dense hair; his buttocks are purple, and now that he has stood up, grinning at the void, his back is facing us, and the color of his buttocks will be more obvious.

As soon as it landed, the mandrill looked at the three of us vigilantly, beating its chest with both hands, staring at us spiritually, and at the same time kept staring at the void.


There was a loud noise in the air, blue electric arcs struck down from the air, and more than a dozen blue electric arcs transformed into electric dragons and rushed downwards.

We didn't do it in time. I think with the ability of this mandrill, it should still be able to take over the second wave of thunder disaster.

In the next scene, the mandrill stopped howling and became very calm. It was very different from ordinary mandrills. This kind of primate is usually more irritable. Now that it has been injured, it did not fly into a rage. Hands together.

A faint golden light appeared above the mandrill's body, and there was a very peaceful aura around it, which was very familiar.

"This... is this the power of Buddhism?"

Before I could speak, Li Nianbai spoke first, staring at me in surprise.

"Furthermore, this Buddhist power is extremely unusual. It seems to be very similar to the Buddhist power of Kuzhu Temple. Could it be that this mandrill is inextricably related to Kuzhu Temple? Or, this mandrill has been taught by the eminent monks of Kuzhu Temple. Transformation? Even so, only Abbot Tianneng has this strength."

I touched my chin, and suddenly felt a strange energy fluctuation coming from the void far away. This force was extremely fast, and it came from the direction of Nanhai City. I glanced at Li Nianbai, he was still Staring at the mandrill in front of him, he didn't seem to notice this unusually powerful energy fluctuation.

After a while, Li Nianbai raised his head in shock and said, "Zhong Yuan, do you feel a powerful force coming this way?"

"I found out a long time ago, but I don't know whether the other party is good or evil. Regardless of so many things, this mandrill should have cultivated the demon core. If the other party wants to take the demon core, I will do my best to stop it. You two just need to be responsible." Just watch over the mandrill and let it survive the next tribulation safely."

Next, I took out the demon-subduing sword from the Vulcan ring space. The energy contained in the demon-subduing sword last time has not dissipated, and now I can prove how powerful my demon-subduing sword is.

These blue electric dragons are less than ten feet away from the mandrill. The mandrill opened its eyes slightly, and its strong arms kept striking towards the void. Phantoms of golden palms emerged one after another, blasting towards the electric dragon. However, these golden palms do have some power. The dozen or so electric arcs were scattered quite a bit, leaving only a few electric arcs to strike the mandrill. The mandrill opened its mouth and sprayed out a golden light. The jiao was immediately smashed to pieces, and the electric jiao had already turned into dense slender electric arcs, covering the mandrill.

The mandrill didn't have any intention of dodging, and let the arcs envelope it.

"Look, he wants to use the power of thunder to transform into form."

I pointed to the mandrill and said.

The next moment, the mandrill howled in pain, but it also began to undergo different changes. The hair on his body began to shrink gradually, and even the fangs in his mouth began to shrink gradually, especially his face, no , it was her face, this mandrill turned out to be a female.

The unique face of a woman is displayed on this female mandrill, big eyes, plump lips, but the forehead is slightly protruding and is slowly shrinking in, the hair on the body is gradually shrinking, and even a woman's figure has appeared , the transformation has not been completed, but the robbery cloud in the sky has changed again, this time the robbery cloud is already densely covered with golden thunder, and this golden thunder is much more powerful than the blue thunder before this.

There was a trace of panic in the mandrill's eyes. Now is the time for her to transform into form with all her strength, and she must not be disturbed, otherwise the success may fall short.

At this moment, that powerful aura was hidden in the void near us, but it never appeared. Now that the mandrill spits out its own demon pill, it is probably waiting for this opportunity to make a move.

"Nian Bai, take action to resist the third thunder, I will take action to teach that person a lesson."

I looked up at the void somewhere, and said.

"Well, be careful!"

Li Nianbai nodded, pinched his hands, and the ebony sword behind his back shot out, turning into a golden streamer, and went straight to the sky.

Mandrill turned his head to look, with a grateful expression on his face, and immediately began to transform with all his heart.

And I went straight to the void on the right, and threw a punch into the void. Although this magic fist was more powerful to use the magic body, but the current strength is not weak, a golden fist The shadow bombarded the void fiercely, and then exploded violently. The huge energy stirred up the surrounding void, and a faint figure fell out of it.

This figure was indistinct, but possessed great strength. After this punch, he was unscathed, and his true form was not even forced out.

"Who are you? You are here... No, your breath is so familiar!"

Although I can't see his face clearly now, I can see his figure from the hazy golden light. He is a man, and the power of Buddhism is revealed in the golden light. Could it be that this person is a Buddhist monk from Kuzhu Temple? ?But how can a monk have hair?Although I can't see his face clearly, I can still see clearly whether he has hair or not.

"You little guy, you are so powerful that you not only found me, but also forced me out, not bad."

A familiar voice sounded, the golden light subsided, and a handsome man emerged.

"Senior Su Ming! Why is it you?!"

I was slightly startled, put away the Fumo Sword, and stared at this person in surprise, no wonder he was so familiar, it turned out to be Su Ming from Kuzhu Temple.

"Why can't it be me? I enlightened this mandrill many years ago, but I haven't seen it coming to the Kuzhu Temple to listen to my teachings recently. I calculated it and found out that it is going to survive the gliding disaster today. So I came here to give him a helping hand, I never expected to meet you, you guys are growing so fast now."

Su Ming smiled slightly and spoke.

The golden thunder had already landed, and Li Nianbai's ebony sword split into countless golden sword lights that shot out from below. These golden thunders were cut and exploded by the sword light, turned into countless small lightning, and fell in all directions, heading straight for the mandrill. go.

Seeing this, Li Nianbai frowned, stretched out his hand to touch the mandrill's head, and a cyan lotus flower emerged, and as the Jue in his hand was pinched, the cyan lotus turned rapidly, and with the pinch of the Jue, slowly It swelled, and finally turned into several feet in size. These scattered lightning strikes on Qinglian, and could no longer reach the mandrill.

With the help of Li Nianbai, the third wave of thunder gradually dissipated, and the mandrill had completely turned into a human form, wearing a taupe long dress on his body, and his hair was loosely draped over his shoulders.

The clouds in the sky dissipated, revealing the bright sunshine, and the mandrill bowed to Li Nianbai gracefully.

At this time, Su Ming and I had already landed. Mandrill saw Su Ming and bowed again: "Drill pays homage to Master."

"Get up."

With a wave of Su Ming's hand, a gentle force grabbed the mandrill.

"Uncle, why are you here? This monster is actually your apprentice, no wonder he has the power of Buddhism."

Li Nianbai pointed at the green lotus in the void, the green lotus light flashed slightly, then disappeared, at the same time he stretched out his hand to the void, and the ebony sword flew into the scabbard behind him.

"Originally, I was worried that she would not be able to survive this catastrophe, but now that she has succeeded, I am relieved and plan to go to the spirit world. What are you guys doing here?"

Su Ming stretched out his hand to touch Li Nianbai's short hair, and asked with a doting look in his eyes.

"We planned to go to the world of mountains and seas. We passed through this place. We saw a monster who crossed the catastrophe. We wanted to form a good relationship, but we didn't expect that this mandrill was your disciple. Are you going back to the spirit world? Originally, I thought you I will go to the underworld once."

Li Nianbai scratched his head and said.

"Hell? Did something happen to the underworld?"

Su Ming's expression changed, he withdrew his arms, and looked at Li Nianbai with a solemn expression.

"Styx may have broken through the seal, but he has no way to recover his full strength after breaking through the seal, unless he returns to the Nether Blood Sea. Now the Nether Blood Sea Jizo and Senior Wuchang are guarding it, but the blood sea is so big, Styx really wants to use it. It is not difficult to enter by means."

I took the words and opened my mouth to explain.

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