Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 432 [Stonehenge]

"What? It's so serious? No, I have to go to the underworld. You go to the mountain and sea world and go back early. Mandrill, you listen to them. Now that you have successfully transformed into a human form, you need to go to the mortal world to practice."

Su Ming stared at the mandrill with a solemn expression, and spoke with a tone of command.

"Drill obeys."

The mandrill nodded, looking very docile, which was very different from the mandrill's nature, but the words were a little unnatural.

"Nianbai, you have to be careful. Although I haven't been to the Mountain and Sea Realm, I heard that the strange beasts and witches there are very difficult to provoke."

Su Ming glanced at Li Nianbai, and asked Li Nianbai to nod repeatedly.

"Okay, you guys go, I'll take a step first."

Su Ming sighed, his body became blurred again, he lifted his foot forward and disappeared again.

"Mandrill, since your master said it, then you should stay in the Huangtian Pavilion in Nanhai City. Remember to find a man named Chen Shaoyang, and tell Zhong Yuan to arrange you here. For the sake of smoothness, I will give you something. When you get to something like this, it won’t embarrass you.”

I walked up to the mandrill, stretched out my palm, the earth element spirit pattern jumped in the palm, and soon condensed into a dark yellow jade pendant, and then handed it to the mandrill.

After the mandrill took the jade pendant, he smiled at me, saluted me again, and then went to the direction where Nanhai City was sitting.

But we once again pinched Fa Jue, recruited Baiyun, and went straight to the junction of mountains and seas. This place is not far from Nanhai City, but we are not on the same road as the mandrill.

Half an hour later, we landed on a beach. The beach is surrounded by the sea on one side and huge rocks on the other. These rocks have existed for an unknown number of years. The small ones are only as big as a fist, while the big ones are as large as a building The house is so big, with different shapes and rules, very elusive, and I don't know how to form it. Looking down from a high place, the strange rock is full of fog, and even my cousin can't see it clearly.

Zhu Rong came out of the Vulcan ring space, saw some memories on the face of this strange stone formation, then nodded and said to me:

"The entrance to the Mountain Sea Realm is in this lost stone circle. If ordinary people enter this stone circle, they may lose their way, or even be imprisoned in it forever, so when you go in later, you must follow me closely, this lost stone After the people with Taoism enter the formation, it becomes a natural magic circle, so be careful."

"Don't worry, no matter how powerful this magic circle is, Zhongli's yin and yang magic eyes can see through it, that's all, go in quickly."

Li Nianbai began to urge him.

"Okay, now you follow me."

Zhu Rong stretched out his left hand, and a crimson talisman appeared in his palm. This talisman shone with a faint red glow, and suddenly a slender red light shot out from the talisman into Stonehenge.

Soon, I stepped into Stonehenge with Zhu Rong. Not long after entering, I felt something was wrong around me. I immediately stopped and looked back, but I didn’t even see the exit. I don’t know when the surroundings escaped. The fog made the originally very narrow stone road more blurred and congested.

"Don't be distracted, there are many forks in this stone formation, if you are not careful, you will get lost!"

Zhu Rong stopped, and spoke with a slightly reprimanded voice.

When we got close, he floated forward again. Now that he is in the state of a soul body, he naturally doesn’t need to leave. It’s convenient. He comes and goes without a trace. If it wasn’t for taking care of the three of us, he would have been gone for a long time. Arrived at the entrance.

Yin Si has always been very obedient, and has been staying on his shoulders without moving. When we entered Stonehenge, we only moved our eyelids slightly.

After walking around for a quarter of an hour, Zhu Rong suddenly stopped, and the red talisman in his palm suddenly started to flicker, and two streaks of red blood shot out to both sides.

We have arrived at the intersection, but now there are two blood streaks, I noticed it before, Zhu Rong used the blood streaks to find the entrance to the mountain and sea world, but now there are two blood streaks, obviously Zhu Rong is in trouble.

"Old man, why don't you leave? Could it be that you can't find the entrance to the Mountain Sea Realm?"

Li Nianbai said with a smile, and at the same time, a pair of bright eyes kept rolling.

Zhu Rong nodded, pondered for a while, and said, "It's true that I can't find it. There are two roads here, and I can't tell the truth from the fake. But my traction talisman was placed at the entrance when I left the mountain and sea world. The two pieces, logically, correspond to each other, but now something goes wrong, and I have nothing to do."

I thought for a while, and said, "Then shall we go one by one? If we make a mistake, we will turn back."

Zhu Rong shook his head without even thinking about it, and said in a solemn tone: "No, Stonehenge is very complicated. If I hadn't relied on the Vulcan ring, I probably wouldn't have been able to get out of it. The capable people used the area at the entrance to set it up, if we forcefully break in, it will trigger an attack."

"Then how about this, you give me the traction talisman, I'll go, you go back to the Vulcan Ring, this way, even if you are attacked, you will be safe."

I stretched out my palm, and this is the only way now, how can I reach the mountain and sea world without breaking through?Two roads, maybe both of them arrive, but the degree of danger is different. The reason why they are divided into two intersections is because the Stonehenge has changed. After all, Houtu broke into the mountain and sea boundary through this road.

Zhu Rong sighed, stretched out his arm, flipped his palm down, and the red magic talisman immediately landed in the center of my palm, and with a slight sway of his body, he disappeared into the Vulcan ring.

The talisman still had two streaks of blood. I glanced at my cousin and said, "Cousin, can you see these two roads, which one is the real one?"

My cousin shook his head and said, "Before Zhu Rong stopped, I checked these two roads, and they seemed to be real, but one road was extremely dangerous and might touch the magic circle."

"Okay, then let's go casually, even if it touches the formation, just rush through."

After taking a deep breath, I sat down to the left, and the two of them followed closely behind me.

After walking a few feet, the front suddenly became clear, and even the surrounding white mist dissipated a lot. In front of it was an open space with a radius of ten feet. There were gravels of different sizes scattered on it. Like gravel, except that the stones are dark brown in color and look a bit unusual.

Even though I knew these stones were weird, I still stepped on them, but unexpectedly Li Nianbai stretched out his hand to grab my shoulders, moved back gently, and said with an evil smile:

"Let me do it, you are in charge of the tractor with all your heart."

"Be careful."

I nodded, Li Nianbai stretched out his hand and slapped his back, the ebony sword was in his hand, he made a sword formula with the other hand, and walked forward, my cousin and I followed behind him, Yin Si on his shoulders suddenly opened He opened his eyes, and his black hair stood on end.

Halfway through the walk, the surrounding black stones suddenly floated up, and the whole body was surrounded by black light. After a slight tremor, they shot towards us at an unusually fast speed, and we almost didn't react.

Li Nianbai walked in front and kept observing the surroundings. He had already noticed something abnormal when these black stones floated up. With a flick of his wrist, dense sword lights poured out, and the black stones around me were smashed by the golden sword light. .

I was relieved at first, but the powder of these stones started to condense again. They all turned into stone balls the size of a fist, and they spun around. After a few breaths, these stone balls shot towards us again. Come on, there are thousands of them.

Li Nianbai frowned, suddenly tipped his toes, turned into an afterimage and spun around us, these stone balls were defeated again, he suddenly put away the ebony sword, grabbed me and my cousin and rushed forward.

We are about to leave this area, and at some point in front of us, there are two stone sculptures about one person tall. These stone sculptures are wearing armor, their eyes are wide open, and they are holding broad iron swords in their hands. They slash towards us viciously. Li Nianbai had no choice but to let go of our hands, and once again summoned the ebony sword to confront the enemy.

The stone balls that he chopped off before the stone sculptures moved also changed. They quickly reorganized and turned into stone sculptures. These stone sculptures could not be said to be fierce in attack, but their defense was not weak. Li Nianbai The sword light contained in the ebony sword can't be scattered at once.

"Oops, these stone carvings can recover by themselves, and they are very difficult!"

I glanced at the exit in the distance, and said with a big frown.

The cousin took off the glasses on the bridge of his nose, took out an apple with a cold smile, bit it hard and said: "Since this is a magic circle, it can break the circle, let me do it!"

His eyes turned into Tai Chi yin and yang fishes, slowly turned, his eyes flickered, and he swept away around, while I took out the Demon Demon Sword, the previous power of the Demon Demon Sword has not dissipated, I just With a light wave, this stone carving was easily cut open by me, and the sword light directly hit other stone carvings, just one blow could destroy several stone carvings, Li Nianbai was dumbfounded.

Soon, my cousin said, "Zhong Yuan, at nine o'clock, have you found that different stone sculpture? That stone sculpture is the eye of the formation."

According to my cousin's instructions, I looked over there, and there was indeed a stone sculpture there, but the stone sculpture was inconspicuous, and he didn't even attack us. Compared with the other stone sculptures, this stone sculpture was much smaller. Occasionally flashes a red light.

At this moment, Li Nianbai chopped another stone sculpture, and saw that special stone sculpture raised his hand, and the chopped stone sculpture condensed again, swinging his sword to kill Li Nianbai.

If we hadn't discovered this weird stone sculpture, I'm afraid it would be consumed here. They wouldn't feel anything, but we are different. No matter how powerful your mana is, there will always be a day when it will be consumed. At that time, we will die. It's just different now.

As if aware that we were paying attention to him, the weird stone sculpture retreated towards me, and many large stone sculptures began to cover him.

"Want to hide? Let's see where you escape!"

I snorted, and threw the demon-subduing sword in my hand at the weird stone sculpture, and the demon-subduing sword turned into a dazzling golden light and pierced forward.

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